
Sung Deuk Oak Favourites [로마서 13:1] 모든 권세는 하나님으로부터 오는가?

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[로마서 13:1] 모든 권세는 하나님으로부터 오는가?

1. 한국교회는 1901년 이후 1980년대까지 이 구절을 정부로부터 들었다.
1901년 고종의 대한제국 후기와 일제 강점기(1910~1945년)부터 이승만-박정희-전두환 대통령 시절까지 집권자와 소위 보수적인 선교사와 목사들은 한결같이 로마서 13장 1-7절을 내세워 불의한 정권도 하나님께로부터 나온 것이니 복종하라고 가르쳤다. 그 구절과 함께 오용한 구절은 딤전 2:1-2, 벧후 2;13-17, 마태 17:24-27, 요한 18:36 등이었다. 곧 권력자를 위해서 기도하고, 그들에게 순종하고, 세금도 잘 내라는 말만 뽑아서, 시민으로서의 권리보다는 ‘신민’이나 ‘국민’으로서 정부에 복종할 의무만 강조했다. 특히 요한 18장 36절 “내 나라는 이 세상에 속한 것이 아니다.”라는 말씀을 하나님의 나라는 세상 나라와 상관이 없다는 뜻으로 해석하고 그리스도인의 현실 참여를 차단했다.
교회가 성경대로 살지 않으면 권세자들로부터 성경 해석까지 지도받게 된다.
2. 4.19 의거 참여 성서적 근거: 사도행전 4장 19절
그러나 마침내 1960년 4.19 때 한국교회는 사도행전 4장 19절 “베드로와 요한이 대답하여 이르되 하나님 앞에서 너희[당국자/종교 지도자]의 말을 듣는 것이 하나님의 말씀을 듣는 것보다 옳은가 판단하라”라는 말씀을 가지고 불의한 정권과 지도자에 항거했다. 교회가 예언자적 목소리를 내기 시작했고, 시민불복종 운동이 시작되었고, 어린 청년들의 값진 희생의 피가 뿌려져 결국 한국 민주주의가 꽃피었다.
3. 80년대 전두환 정권 경험으로
깨어 있는 시민과 그리스도인들은 로마서 13장을 계시록 13장과 함께 읽었다. 세상 정권이 선할 때 기독교인은 로마서 13장의 말씀대로 시민의 의무를 다해야 하지만, 불의할 때는 계시록 13장에 나오는 용(사탄)이 짐승에게 준 권력에 항거하고 대항하고 순교까지 한다. 즉 모든 권력이 하나님께로부터 오는 것은 아니다. 루터란이던 본회퍼도 두 왕국설을 적극 해석하여 바르멘 선언으로 히틀러 정권에 대항했다.
이처럼 때를 분별하는 것이 역사의식이다. 루터나 칼뱅까지 갈 필요가 없다. 현대사에서 한국 교회가 어떤 신앙고백으로 현실에 참여하고 체험으로 배웠는지 공부하면 된다. 로마서 13장은 ‘복종’이라고 쓰였지만, 평소 현대 민주주의 사회에서는 ‘책임적 참여함’으로 읽어야 한다. “가이사의 것은 가이사에게, 하나님의 것은 하나님에게”는 하나님의 형상인 사람이 하는 모든 일, 곧 정치까지 하나님의 것이라고 고백해야 한다.
(덧) 지난 10년 간 정치가 오락가락하면서 기독교인끼리 서로를 향해 짐승이라고 하는 기독교인들이 늘었다. 자제할 필요가 있다. 내가 보기에는 상당 부분 이단들의 계략에 말려든 면이 있다. 카톡 메시지 최초 생산자가 누구인지 파악할 필요가 있다. SNS 가상공간에서 가짜뉴스를 분별하는 훈련을 받지 않은 60대 이상 취약층에서 카톡교가 형성된 배후에 누가 있는지 밝히는 연구가 있으면 좋겠다.
(덧) 동시에 디지털 리터러시 교육이 한국교회에 절실하다. 6년 전 '언더우드 기도'가 가짜라고 상세히 논증했으나, 그 이후 그것을 취소하는 자들을 별로 보지 못했다. 교회가 미신적이라기보다는 문맹적이다. 교회 교인들의 평균 연령이 60세 정도이다. 아파트 소유자도 많지만 가짜뉴스에 취약하고, 그것을 이용하는 교회 목회자와 이단들이 있다.


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On death - ascension of an angel

 On death - ascension of an angel

Appearance of the angel and ascension  

Yujin Pak’s Sunday Service at the occasion of my mother’s passing away in  2013  

(English translation in 2022 by Okkyung)

(Korean version: https://sejinlifeforce.blogspot.com/2022/03/2013317.html)


Thank you Jae-Hyung. 

I also felt for the last few days, especially yesterday, an appearance of a small light  through a body, not only that of my mother. who passed away. We experienced  together the light that emerges when one existence, one angel that has lived a  wholesome life. Through the process of the departure of Ilsun (my mother), I would  like to share several topics relating to this event. They are death of a body, liberation  of an angel, with the emergence of the angel and ascension. They are things we have  experienced for the last several days. 

First, I would like to share the experience that emerges when the soul , the angel in  one’s body leaves. As mentioned by Jae-Hyung, there are certain phenomenon,  following the death of a body, and the departure of the angel in the body and  liberation. If our consciousness and heart are not opened to that direction, we cannot  recognize it. I have had two experiences and I want to talk about them.  Jaehyung mentioned this morning about sparkling light, sparkling pieces of paper he  saw. Jaehyung, You were talking about the light we feel around us, when our heart is  opened. And when you were looking at the cloud, you felt Ilsun was in those clouds. 

Me too, on the day Ilsun passed away, I went to the small forest next to the funeral  place. Not the space receiving the guests, but the space where I could communicate  alone with just Ilsun, I wanted to be just with Ilsun alone. So I went into that forest and  as soon as I entered there, I realized unexpectedly the forest was full of Ilsun, That  presence is not just Ilsun, but also Ilsun’s euphoria, liberated freedom, overflowing joy  and vibrating thankfulness filled. My tears flew first and then more and more. I cried.  That tear is Ilsun’s thankfulness and love entered into my heart like a shooter of light  snd washed off pain and heaviness. That tear washing off kept flowing. And then I  realized that I kept the pain in the process of caring Ilsun for the 2 and half years next  to her. I was not conscious of the pain, but I felt then. I felt that the shooter of love  moved what was in me and washed off . My crying arose. And I felt Ilsun’s three  messages: « I love you », « Thank you », « I am sorry » . « I am sorry » was the part I  did not expect. It meant that « I know now that I did not understand you while I was  prisoned in my physical body, but now I know. I could have loved you more, I could  have understood you more. I am sorry I didn’t do it. But now, I know your heart, I know  you. » 

The reason I am saying these things is not just because of Ilsun. When our heart is  opened to the existence, when somebody is leaving us, this experience is opened.   I have had almost the same experiencer, when Marsha’s father left this world. That day  when he left this world, I felt very strongly his soul, asking me to convey to Marsha :

« I love you » « I am thankful » « I am sorry ». While I was prisoned inside my body, I did not understand Marsha, and I did not love her more »  

The message was to convey to Marsha, « I am so sorry, I love you so much » 

These two experiences- when I saw the departure of Ilsun and Marsha’s father, when I  saw those angels and souls leaving the body, they were expressing the things they did  not know, the love they did not give, while they were imprisoned in their bodies.  That is why, the moment when they leave their body is a very important, a very crucial  time. At that moment when our consciousness is open and awake, the love that was  not shared, not released can be shared and a more complete departure can take  place. If that happens, what is possible later or immediately is not just the memory of  the relationship with that person, that earth suite, and the pain that dwelt in that  relationship is washed away, but also it is possible to create a new clear relationship  with the angel, existence, the soul beyond that earth suite. When I recall Ilsun now,  there remains Ilsun full with light, joy, ecstasy and love. This was possible because  there was a healing in our relationship through a certain process, and because I gave  my full love and received a full love. 

Long time ago, my relationship with my father was also like this. 

When my father was alive, my relationship with him was not very close. But later, and  some part much later, while mourning the wound left in the energy of his earth-suite,  (referring to his body) and embracing with full love, I washed off with my tears the  wound that was not yet washed off in his soul of the earth- suite. In doing so, after all  is washed off, I could experience his original look of an angel, the appearance of his  existence, the appearance of father who is in heaven that I did not know of before  appeared. Since then, he remains in me in that appearance. After the pain is gone, in  deep love we can do the work of feeling the wound of the person we loved while  mourning, crying, let flowing out the pain. And we can let remain only the angel behind  it, the being of light. By doing that, I fully understood the prayer of Jesus, My father in  heaven, my personal father, after all his pain is washed off, I could experience my  father in heaven.  

Sometimes, there is a mourning of « holding onto ». But I am saying that there is also  mourning of « washing off « with love, « letting it all go ». The mourning, the crying with  love that washes off the pain washes the lower part of the energy body , the aurora  body of that person where the pain is condensed and let it loosens.  

I would like to say one more important thing about the departure of a person who  was close to us. That is, the last moment when a person leaves us and a short  moment after the departure is very delicate and sensitive. There is a custom to call  ambuluance when a person is going to die or dies. This custom is not helpful. When  comes the moment a person is going to leave us, any attempt to save the life of this  person is just for us, but does not help that person. 

When the time comes for that person to leave, let the person leave naturally, it does not  help trying to prolong the person’s life for our need.

When Ilsun was at the hospital, such an incident happened at the next bed of Ilsun.  When the old lady in the next bed had difficulty of breathing suddenly and it appeared  her breathing was going to stop, a doctor was called and an artificial breathing was  tried. As the result, her chest rib was broken and she vomited blood. She died with a  great pain. She did not experience a natural calm death. 

That’s why I want to emphasize the importance of embracing with love the time during  which the soul slowly leaves the body and accompanying the process for some time  with love and blessing. This way, we surround the the process with  attunement and prayer. It would be good to have a sufficient time for this process. I  was told that the family members should call the ambulance immediately when a  person passes away to obtain death certificate. In the case of Ilsun, we were able to  allow 40 minutes after Ilsun stoped breathing to offer her love and a quiet attunement.  That time was very precious and important. When a soul leaves the body, there is a  great deal of sadness, but also we were able to share joy of liberation and the fact that  this angel can go back to the light, completely being liberated from the boundaries of  the body. We can make this kind of « culture of death and ascension » of the soul.  

We were able to feel the love of Ilsun curling around us, and recognize explosion of  small lights during the process of ascension of the soul, when a well-lived angel in this  world leaves us. So that light, that angel, that soul ascends, leaving behind the aurora  body, a small light explodes. That is the explosion of blessing. We were able to  experience that exploding light enters into the hearts of every single people who loved  her. I am sure you all feel that light in relationship with Ilsun That way, that light enters  into the heart of people and the seeds of that light grows in us. At the moment, when  the soul of Ilsun ascends, I feel thousands of seeds of light are being planted. I am saying tat even if it is not such a big angel, being liberated from the body, the  love prisoned in the body can be planted in the hearts of people who loved her.  

 I want to say that even if the body dies and is dismantled, the angel , existence in  it appears and ascends blessing people who were around her. Let us fully receive  that love and blessing and expand that blessing.

Paths of the Soul - Wikipedia

Paths of the Soul - Wikipedia

Paths of the Soul

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Paths of the Soul
Paths of the Soul poster.jpeg
Directed byZhang Yang
Written byZhang Yang
Produced byZhang Yang
StarringYang Pei
Nyima Zadui
Tsewang Dolkar
Tsring Chodron
Seba Jiangcuo
CinematographyGuo Daming
Edited byWei Le
Release dates
  • 15 September 2015 (Toronto)
  • 20 June 2017 (China)
Running time
115 minutes
Box officeCN¥100.1 million (China)[1]

Paths of the Soul (Chinese冈仁波齐Standard Tibetanགངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེgangs rin po che) is a 2015 Chinese film directed, written, and produced by Zhang Yang. It tells of a journey taken by Tibetan villagers on a 1,200 kilometer pilgrimage to Lhasa.[2][3][4][5]

The film premiered at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival.[6] It was subsequently presented at the 2015 Busan International Film Festival, 2016 Vilnius International Film Festival, 2016 Hong Kong International Film Festival, 2016 Goteborg International Film Festival, 2016 Rotterdam International Film Festival, and the 2016 Seattle International Film Festival,[7] among others.

The film was given a limited release in North America on 13 May 2016. It was also shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City from May 13 to May 19, 2016.[8]

The film was released in China on 20 June 2017.[1]


Carried by positive reviews and audience reaction, the film has grossed CN¥100.1 million in China, and became a surprise art house box office hit.[1] It has a 90/100 average on Metacritic.[9]

Awards and nominations[edit]

23rd Huading AwardsBest FilmN/APending[10]


  1. Jump up to:a b c "冈仁波齐(2017)"cbooo.cn (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 1 May 2019. Retrieved 3 July 2017.
  2. ^ "Kang rinpoche (2015) - IMDb"IMDb.
  3. ^ Hunter, Allan (28 December 2015). "'Paths of the Soul': Review | Reviews | Screen"Screendaily.com. Retrieved 30 June 2016.
  4. ^ "Review: 'Paths of the Soul,' a Road Trip Unlike Any Other"The New York Times. Retrieved 30 June 2016.
  5. ^ "'Paths of the Soul': TIFF Review"The Hollywood Reporter. 20 September 2015. Retrieved 30 June 2016.
  6. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 9 March 2016. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  7. ^ http://www.siff.net/festival-2016/paths-of-the-soul[dead link]
  8. ^ MoMA Presents: Zhang Yang’s Paths of the Soul
  9. ^ Paths of the Soul, retrieved 12 November 2019
  10. ^ "第23届华鼎奖提名:《战狼2》、《芳华》双雄逐鹿"Sina (in Chinese). 20 March 2018.

External links[edit]

[에미서리][죽음에 관하여] 죽는다는 것은 온 곳으로 돌아가는 것


Sejin Pak shared a memory.

[에미서리][죽음에 관하여] 죽는다는 것은 온 곳으로 돌아가는 것
- 오늘은 어머니 일선님 기일인데, 3년 전에 내가 쓴 글이 올라오면서 동생 유진님이 일선님 돌아가셨을 때 쓴 글을 받았다.

- 동생 유진님은 <에미서리>라는 영성공동체를 이끌어 가며 살고 있다. 우리 식구들은 모두 그곳을 통해 지나갔다.
- 에미서리 사상에서는 우리는 모두 어디선가 지구에 와서 얼마간 사는 <천사> 들이다. 그러므로 죽는다는 것은 온 곳으로 돌아가는 것이니 그리 슬퍼할 일은 아니라고 한다.

Sejin Pak
14S M7o0nsctarc4h l0o2lr801h9 ·
Shared with Public

[호주생활][마음공부] 오늘은 어머니 기일 - 제사의 의미

- 언제나 처럼 아내가 꽃을 사와서, 촛불과 향을 피우고 손을 모우고 끝이다. 이번에는 사진을 찾아 앞에 놓았는데 사진이 너무 크게 느껴진다. 어머니가 돌아가시기 전에 아내가 아버지와 어머니의 앨범의 사진을 확대하여 만들은 것인데 A4사이즈 보다 조금 더 큰데, 몇년 째 특별한 날에 꺼내 보와 왔는데 갑자기 너무 크게 느껴지는 것은 왜일까?
- 우리가 기일에 부모 조부모를 이런 식으로 추모하는 것은 나 쪽 집안의 원불교 전통을 계속하는 것이다. 아내는 개신교이고, 나는 원불교(라고도 말하기도 힘드나) 나의 부모나 조부모가 원한다고 생각하여 하는 것이다.
- 그런데 오늘은 드려다 보고 있던 책에서 우리가 해 오는 이런 제사같은 행위에 대한 새로운 (한국적이고 퀘이커 적인) 의미를 발견했다. 개벽을 말하는 근대한국의 스승중의 하나인 해월이 한 말인데 “제사의 대상은 조상이 아닌 우리 자신”이라는 것이다. (사진 3-4) 해월은 제사 지날 때 신위를 벽쪽으로 모실 필요가 없고 나를 향해 모셔야 겠다고 한다. 그 이유는 조상의 혼백이 후세의 혼백과 서로 융합되어 있다고 생각할 수 있기 때문이란다. 한울님이란 우리 마음에 있다고 볼 수 있기 때문이란다.
- “여기에서 가장 중요한 것은 현재 제사를 지내는 나, <내 속에 살아있은 신>, 혹은 <우주적 생명>이다. 이것의 전체적 실현을 통해 행복이나 낙원을 ‘지금 이곳에서’ 이룩하고저 하는 것이다.”
- 이런 퀘이커 식의 한국의 해석을 지금 만나게 된 것은 우연일까?

- 내가 아는 톱시라는 퀘이커 여성의 집안에서는 부모 조부모의 추모를 기일이 아니라 생일로 한다는 것을 몇년 전에 알게 되었다. 다른 퀘이커 집안에서는 어떻게 하는지 모르겠지만 생일이라면 추모가 아니라 축하- 찬양이겠다. 사실 <우주적 생명>에 대해서는 추모가 아니라 찬양일 것 같다. 인간의 생명이 왔다가 가도, 우주적으로 보면 흐르는 파동이겠다. 찬양이 맞을 것 같다.

3Vana Kim, Sung Deuk Oak and 1 other

