
Articles | Nontheist Friends Network

Articles | Nontheist Friends Network


The UK Nontheist Friends Network produces a regular newsletter, recent copies of which can be accessed below (at bottom of page).

(On reading any of the articles below which all open in this window/tab, you can use the browser back button to return here).NFN Statement to the QF&P Revision Committee January 2023 (pdf)
New web version of David Boulton’s The Faith of a Quaker Humanist (QUG 1997) – slightly edited with hypertext navigation and references – added October 2021
NFN Collection of Quotations referred to in 2017 AGM minutes – Hypertext version added 20/3/2021 – for Word version see below
Trevor Bending in response to Curt Gardener – What’s a nontheist doing here?
HTML page version of the above where the links work (I hope!)
2019 Conference report
2018 Conference reports:
Although this represents some duplication, we give here links to some of the material arising from the 2018 Conference

Summary report of Linda Murgatroyd’s NFN presentation (This is now a pdf edited by Linda replacing earlier Word version).
Summary report of David Boulton’s presentation (Word.doc)
(Well, not so much a précis as a butchering of David’s fine writing and talk so, especially if you weren’t there, do read the original attached here in Word format.)
Summary report of Harvey Gillman’s presentation (Word.doc)
April 2018 newsletter (pdf) which has further comments on the conference.
Michael Wright’s notes for using ‘God, words and Us’ in local meetings. (Word.docx)

NFN Collection of Quotations referred to in 2017 AGM minutes (19 page Word doc. document)

A report on the 2016 NFN Conference

“Where do nontheist Friends stand in relation to the Quaker Christian tradition?” At the 2014 nontheist Friends annual conference, two Friends challenged the assembly to state where they stood in relation to the Christian tradition. NFN Steering Group member Hugh Rock develops his response to this. (July 2016).

Michael Wright reports on a recent gathering at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham In an article first published in The Friend, Michael Wright reports on a theist/non-theist ‘think tank’ gathering at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre convened as part of the preparation for a future revision of Quaker Faith & Practice. (February 2016)

Knowledge, Belief and Faith. An article by Bob Booth, first published in Quaker Universalist. Bob suggests that our increase in knowledge leads to a more universal faith and that this should affect revision of Quaker Faith & Practice. Reproduced with permission of author and editor.

Six Quakers and Nontheism. An Essex & Suffolk regional gathering at which six members of NFN discussed nontheism. (June 2015)

I believe. The contribution that nontheist Jean Wardrop made at the London Quakers event “What do we think about God”. (February 2015)

Being Quaker now. Michael Wright gives a personal response to the views put forward in the 2014 Swarthmore Lecture by Ben Pink Dandelion.

Nontheism among Quakers and beyond. Michael Wright gives a short report on the NFN 2014 Conference.

Quaker and Naturalist too. David Boulton reviews a new book by US nontheist Os Cresson, ‘Quaker and Naturalist Too’

Observations on Sunday Assembly – Newcastle. Michael Wright gives his impressions of participating in a Sunday Assembly

Quaker Diversity. Transcript of talk by Paul Bates given at the Frederick St Meeting in Belfast on Sunday 24 Nov 2013.

Prayer beyond belief. Transcript of talk by Michael Wright, and workshop material from NFN Regional Conference, 19 Oct 2013 in Chelmsford, Essex.

Disagreeing about God. Michael Wright welcomes the fact that Friends describe their experiences differently. Published in the Friend, 18 Oct 2013.

Continuing Revelation. Jean Wardrop considers nontheism in the context of a Quaker heritage of theological diversity and change.

Gretta Vosper. Michael Wright on her approach to prayer

Quaker Discernment: a non-theist view. Sarah Richards contributed this article following questions raised about ‘discernment’ at the NFN open meeting at Yearly Meeting on 25 May 2013.

Nontheism among Friends: Conference of the Nontheist Friends Network at Woodbrooke, 09-11 March 2012; Minute & Epistle 2012


London Quakers event “What do we think about God” held on 7 February 2015. Recordings of the four speakers, and the plenary discussions.

Nontheist Friends Network web site (a US web site maintained by James Riemermann – opens in new window or tab)

The UK Nontheist Friends Network produces a regular newsletter, recent copies of which can be accessed below.
Click on the date below to call up that newsletter (pdf 100-500K):2022 Newsletters here
2021 Newsletters here
2020 Newsletters here
2019 Newsletters here
2018 Newsletters here
2017 Newsletters here
December 2016
November 2016
Supplement to September 2016
September 2016
Dec 2015
Aug 2015
July 2015
April 2015 (with Conference report)
Jan 2015
Bound newsletters for 2014 (1.9Mb)
Bound newsletters for 2013 (800Kb)