
5] Right Action | The Noble Eightfold Path : 13 Meditation Talks

5] Right Action | The Noble Eightfold Path : 13 Meditation Talks

Right Action
NAVIGATIONBooks/Noble Eightfold Path/Right Action
November 28, 2007

Today I was talking to someone who said in passing that sitting and meditating when your mind is a mess all over the place is a waste of time. And of course that’s not true. At the very least, meditating when the mind is messy gives you an opportunity to look at what a messy mind is like. Maybe with enough time, you’ll get tired of it, and want to do something about it.

I’ve often found that one way of jumpstarting your practice is to make up your mind that you’re going to sit for a certain amount of time every day and really stick with it. You may find in the beginning that your meditation is miserable, and you don’t like it. But if you stick with that set amount of time every day, there comes a point where you have to say, “Look, as long as I’m sitting here, I might as well do this right.” Sometimes you have to corner the mind that way before it will begin to shape up.

Another consideration, of course, is that while you’re sitting here with your eyes closed, you’re not causing anyone any harm. You’re not engaging in wrong speech, you’re not engaging in wrong action or wrong livelihood, and that’s not a small thing. So at the very least, even when you’re mind is a mess in the meditation, you’re keeping yourself from causing harm.

The teachings on right action are very rarely mentioned in the talks here, because as we’re sitting here nobody’s killing anybody, nobody’s stealing, nobody’s engaging in illicit sex, unless you’re doing that in your mind. But it’s important every now and then to think about why right action is part of the path.

To begin with, it grows out of right view and right resolve. You realize that your actions are important, in thought, word, and deed. You don’t want to do anything that’s going to be harmful either to yourself or to other people. The three types of wrong action are three of the things that the Buddha singled out as always harmful. And unlike right speech, all three forms of wrong action find a place in the five precepts. In other words, they’re a basic practice for everybody. You don’t kill anybody, any animal that’s big enough for you to see. You don’t steal anything. You don’t engage in illicit sex. Period.

These are vows that you take for yourself. They’re “right” in the sense that they’re skillful. If you don’t cause harm to yourself, if you don’t cause harm to other people, then they benefit, you benefit, and that makes it a lot easier to meditate. It cuts off a lot of unskillful thinking when you realize, “I just can’t do that. I can’t engage in that kind of action, so why even think about it?”

That helps put up a wall. Now often we think of a wall as a restriction, but here the wall is a protection. It protects you from rationalizing. Otherwise, there are lots of easy ways where the mind could justify actions of this sort.

One of the reasons the precepts are so short and clear-cut is that they’re especially important to remember when you start finding reasons for breaking them—when your life is endangered, when the life of your loved ones is in danger—and you have to remind yourself, “No killing.” Because it’s short, it’s easy to remember. Now you do what you can to stop the danger, short of killing. But no killing. And so on down the line.

These forms of wrong action are also related to the hindrances. As the Buddha pointed out, when a hindrance is particularly strong—as when there’s the desire to get engaged in sensual passion, or you’re feeling thoughts of ill will, restlessness, and anxiety—you don’t recognize the fact that those thoughts are unskillful. That’s one of the main problems with the hindrances: They blind you; they get you to see things in their way. But having the precepts reminds you that these mind states really are unskillful no matter what, no matter where. So that fact stops you short. It’s a red flag: No, this kind of behavior is out of the question.

At the same time you can, as with right speech, think of right action as a set of guidelines for your meditation. On one level, as I said, it refers to the hindrances. You think, “Okay, no killing.” That relates directly to the hindrance of ill will. No stealing. No illicit sex. Those, depending on your motivation for stealing, could relate to ill will or to sensual desire. You may steal simply because you really want it, but there are times when you might steal because you’re angry at somebody, you want to deprive them of something: That’s stealing through ill will. The same with illicit sex: That can be motivated either by sensual desire or by ill will.

This focuses you on the two big hindrances, to remind you that you don’t want to go there, because if you’re going to get the mind in a good solid state of concentration, then, as the texts say, you have to be secluded from sensual passion, be secluded from unskillful mental qualities. Sensual desire and ill will are the two big unskillful qualities. They’re forms of wrong resolve.

And even further, Ajaan Lee takes the teachings on right speech and right action and makes them more symbolic of other things that go on in the mind when you’re meditating as well. Killing for instance: You don’t want to kill your goodness. Where does your goodness come from? It comes from being heedful. As the Buddha said, when you’re heedless, it’s as if you’re dead. You’re killing yourself; you’re killing the goodness of the mind. If you say, “Well, there’s nothing much I have to do; everything is perfectly fine as it is; I don’t have to work at putting any effort into the path”: That kills you right there, kills the practice. So you want to make sure you don’t kill your practice. You don’t kill your goodness. You’ve got to be heedful at all times. This means having a strong sense that what you’re doing right now is important, and you don’t know how much time you’re going to have to do skillful things, so you’ve got to develop as many skillful habits as you can—which means you have to do them right now.

The Buddha once talked about having the monks develop mindfulness of death as a useful form of meditation. The different monks talked about how they developed it. One said, “I think every day, ‘May I live at least one more day so I can practice in the Buddha’s teachings; I’ll be able to get a lot out of it.’” Another monk said, “I think every half day, ‘May I live another half-day,’” and so on down the line, until it came to two monks. One said, “I think, ‘May I live to breathe in and out once more.’” Another monk said, “’While I’m eating, may I live the amount of time it takes to eat a mouthful of food, so in that amount of time, I’ll try to do as much skillful practice as I can, and I’ll get good results that way.” And the Buddha said, “Only these last two monks really count as being heedful.” So here you are, meditating. You’ve got the chance at least with this breath, as it comes and goes out, to develop something skillful. And then you do the same with the next breath, and the next. That’s how you avoid killing your meditation, killing your goodness.

As for stealing, as Ajaan Lee says that, on the level of concentration practice, it means stealing the affairs of other people, thinking about how this or that person is no good. He says, “You never really asked their permission to think about their bad habits, so it’s like stealing their stuff.” And what kind of stuff you are stealing? You’re stealing their garbage. If you’re going to steal things from other people, at least steal their valuables. Think about their good points in a way that gives you some energy to emulate those good points yourself. Remember the analogy the Buddha gives, of a person traveling across the desert, tired, trembling with heat, thirsting for water, and finding a little bit of water in a cow’s footprint. He realizes: “Here I am, tired, thirsty, and trembling. I need that water. But if I try to scoop it up with my hand, I’ll get the water all muddy.” So he gets down on all fours and very carefully slurps up the water straight from the cow print.

Your need for the goodness of other people is that extreme. If all you can see is other people’s bad points, you’re going to lose your enthusiasm for treating them skillfully. You’ll say, “Well, everybody else is cheating, I might as well cheat as well.” That’s a very common attitude that you see throughout society. Again that kills your goodness.

So you don’t want to steal other people’s bad traits. Think of their good traits. Think about the great ajaans, and think about Upasika Kee: people who gave their lives to the practice and have done so much for the world as a result. You can do that, too. There’s nothing about them that’s super-human. While you’re thinking about their good habits, maybe you can think about how they might have solved the problems you’re facing right now. That gives you energy. So as Ajaan Lee says, as long as you’re going to steal something, steal their valuables. Don’t steal their garbage.

But ultimately you want to get to the point where you’re more of a self-starter. You can stop stealing because you can maximize your own inner resources. And what are your inner resources? You’ve got the four properties of the body here. You’ve got the breath. You can develop that. You’ve got good mental states. Develop those. Develop your own resources. You’ll find that you’ve got all the inner wealth you need, so you don’t need to steal anything from anybody else, good or bad.

As for the precept against illicit sensuality, this relates to sensual desires. You don’t want to get anywhere near them while you’re sitting here meditating. Remind yourself that every sensual passion, every sensual desire, comes with a price. The Buddha has a long list of analogies for the drawbacks of sensuality. He says, it’s like a dog gnawing at a bone that has no meat: all that effort for no nourishment at all. It’s like a person carrying a torch against the wind: The flame of the torch is going to burn you if you don’t throw down the torch. It’s like using and flaunting borrowed goods: The sensual pleasures you get from other people, they can take away at any time. Another analogy is that sensuality is like a man up in a tree, gathering fruits, and someone else comes along and says, “I want the fruits but I can’t climb the tree, but I’ve got my ax, so I can cut down the tree.” If the first man doesn’t quickly get out of the tree, he’s going to get hurt pretty badly. In other words, someone else may come along and very easily take the sources of your sensual pleasures in a way that can damage you. So you’re putting yourself in a dangerous position when you indulge in sensuality.

Sometimes you hear of the dangers of jhana, that you’re going to get stuck in jhana, and it’s going to be so wonderful and enthralling that you’ll never gain awakening. You can find a few passages in the Canon that make that point, but they’re very, very few. The danger of getting stuck in concentration is very small compared to the dangers that come from being stuck on sensuality. As the Buddha said, this is why we have wars, this is why we have quarrels, this is why people work themselves to death. This is why they steal and cheat, in their desire for sensuality. I don’t know anybody who’s broken the five precepts from being attached to the pleasure of jhana.

So jhana is a safe place; sensuality is a dangerous place to be. Always keep that in mind. In this way, you take the principles of right action and bring them inside so that you have your own inner wealth to build on. There’s no need to steal anything from anyone else, no need to expose yourself to the dangers of trying to find your happiness outside. And by being heedful this way, you keep your goodness alive. That’s the most important possession you can have.
According to Henepola Gunaratana, the term "jhana" is closely connected with "samadhi", which is generally rendered as "concentration". The word "samadhi" is almost interchangeable with the word "samatha", serenity.

Dhyāna in Buddhism - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dhyāna_in_Buddhism
The Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditationhttps://www.accesstoinsight.org › lib

One, the etymologically correct derivation, is the verb jhayati, meaning to think or meditate; the other is a more playful derivation, intended to illuminate its function ...
Jhana: jhana - Access to Insighthttps://www.accesstoinsight.org › ptf

Jhana is a meditative state of profound stillness and concentration in which the mind becomes fully immersed and absorbed in the chosen object of attention.
Entering the Jhanas - Lion's Roarhttps://www.lionsroar.com › enterin...

2017. 5. 23. — The jhanas are eight altered states of consciousness, brought on via concentration, each yielding more concentration than the previous. As you ...
The Jhanas: Perfect States of Concentration - Tricyclehttps://tricycle.org › Magazine

But few strategies are as central to the Buddhist path, and as little known to Westerners, as those called the jhanas. Jhana is the Pali word for mental or meditative ...

1. 오계 (五戒)
a. 살생하지 말라.
b. 남이 자발적으로 기꺼이 주지 않는 것은 취하지 말라. (도둑질과 사기는 물론이거니와, 종교인이 신도들에게 "요즘 절/교회 운영이 어렵다"고 엄살 부리면서 헌금을 은근히 종용하는 행위도 포함됨.)
c. 성적인 비행을 하지 말라.
d. 거짓말하지 말라. (Wrong speech 4가지 중 거짓말만 오계에 포함시킨 것은, 다른 3가지의 wrong speech에는 예외도 있을 수 있기 때문.)
e. 술이나 마약 등 정신을 흐리게 하는 물질을 섭취하지 말라.
2. 오계 준수의 의의
a. 타인에게도 자신에게도 피해주지 않기.
b. 과오로 마음이 불편하면 명상이 잘 안 됨.
c. 잘못을 저질렀을 때 인간은 남탓을 하거나 ‘긍정적으로’ 생각하며 합리화하는 경향이 있음. 어리석음의 악화.
d. 타인을 통한 행복을 추구하는 것은 실은 나 자신을 위태롭게 하는 일.
< 불교와 채식 >
사실 부처님은 제자들에게 채식을 하라고 말씀하신 적이 없다 함. 그 이유는..
1. 원래 스님들은 절대 돈을 받으면 안 되고 옷이건 생필품이건 직접 물건으로 보시를 받아야 하며 음식도 탁발을 하는 것이 원칙. 하루 딱 한 번 발우 (나무로 만든 대접 모양의 그릇)를 들고 마을에 가서 몇 집으로부터 밥 한 숟가락씩 발우에 받아 와서 먹는 것. '난 이건 싫다', '저건 안 먹는다', 그러면 안 됨. 이 집 저 집에서 주는 대로 음식을 조금씩 받다 보면 그야말로 개밥처럼 온통 뒤섞여 맛이 이상해지지만, 맛을 즐기기 위해 먹는 게 아니라 수행을 할 수 있도록 목숨을 부지하기 위해 먹는다는 목적이기 때문에 맛있네 맛없네 따지면 안 됨. 그러니 고기이건 뭐건 거부하거나 요청함으로써 보시자에게 '민폐'를 끼치면 안 됨.
2. 바로 아랫 글 '불교 윤리의 제1 덕목'에서도 언급했듯이, 어차피 채식을 해도 생명 (곤충)은 죽이게 되어 있음. 그러므로 육식 비롯 모든 종류의 소비를 최소로 줄이는 노력이 필요. 그리고 사람에 따라 체질에 따라 육식이 꼭 필요할 수.도. 있음을 무시하지 않음. 다만 '수행에 지장 없을 정도의 건강만을 유지한다'라는 필요 이상 먹거나 맛을 위해 먹지는 말아야 함.
3. 역시 아랫 글에서 언급했듯이, 불교 윤리의 제1 덕목은 남에게 '잘 해 주는' 게 아니라 남에게 '피해를 안 주는' 것이기 때문에, 설사 내가 채식주의자라 해도, 어느 집에 초대를 받아 갔는데 그 집 주인이 정성껏 준비해서 내온다는 음식이 고기뿐이더라, 그러면 그냥 고기를 조금만 먹는 것이 예의라고 함. 고기 먹는 타인이 채식주의자인 나를 위해 별도의 노력을 기울여 채식요리를 준비한다면 그 자체가 바로 내가 그 사람에게 '민폐를 끼치는' 일이기 때문. 그래서 고기든 카레든 국이든 주는 대로 조금씩 전부 한 그릇에 받아 그냥 먹는 것.
4. 불교가 중국으로 와서 채식이 당연하게 된 것은 도교의 영향. 그리고 하루 한 번만 먹어야 한다는, 부처님이 만드신 규율도 사라짐. 내가 어렸을 때 한국에선 스님들이 동네를 다니면서 생쌀을 시주 받으셨었는데, 이젠 그 전통도 없어지고 주로 돈으로 보시를 받음. 오히려 한국 절에선 신도들로부터 받은 돈으로 밥을 해서 신도들에게 대접하는 관습이 생겼음.
'삼국시대의 민속신앙과 불교의 혼합현상이 현대사회에 미친 영향(上)'


  • 아는 분이 드물어요. (선후 관계를 그리 중하다 생각지 않은 것도 아닌듯 싶은데 말이죠)
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    • 23 w
  • 저 어렸을 때만해도, 탁발하는 스님들을 종종 보고는 했는데, 탁발을 빙자해서 가짜 승려들이 문제를 일으켜서 대형 종단 차원에서 탁발을 없앴다고 알고 있습니다.
    그리고, 적게 먹는 것에 대해서는 도가 또는 선가쪽에서는 '벽곡'이라는 개념이 있습니다. 이걸 실제로 하는 분을 만나뵌 적이 있는데, 같이 식사까지 했던 분의 말씀에 따르면 자연식+채식만 하셔서 만나면 죽 말고는 같이 드실 수 있는게 없었다고 했죠. 그마저도 아주 조금밖에 안드셨다고 해요.
  • ----
< 불교 윤리의 제1 덕목: 다른 '좋은' 일 하려 들기 보다 나의 탐진치로 인해 '남' (모든 종류의 생명체 포함)에게 폐 끼치는 일부터 없애기/줄이기 >
동물과 인간의 차이는 단 하나, 책을 읽을 수 있느냐 없느냐 뿐. 자신에게 잘 해 주는 사람을 알아보고 좋아하는 등의 감정적 측면은 동물이나 인간이나 똑같다. 엄마가 아이들을 야단칠 때 원망스런 얼굴로 엄마를 바라보며 궁시렁거리면서 아이들 편을 든다든가, 아이들끼리 좀 과격하게 놀면 싸운다고 생각해서 말리려고 한다든가, 누가 좀 우울한 것 같으면 와서 위로해 준다든가, 이런 정서적인 이해와 교감은 동물도 인간에 손톱만큼도 뒤떨어지지 않는다. 그래서 나는 인간과 동물이 서로 왔다갔다 하면서 윤회한다는 불교의 교리가 한 치의 의심도 없이 믿어진다. (아무리 '착하게' '평정심을 갖고' 살아도 분별력이 떨어지면 그 癡-지혜없음-으로 인해 축생으로 윤회한다고 초기불교는 말한다.)
암튼, 그렇다면 육식에 대한 윤리적 문제가 제기되는데, 타니사로 스님에 의하면.. 모든 인간이 vegan으로 산다 해도 농작물 재배과정에서 이미 무수한 곤충들을 죽이게 되고 또 많은 동물들이 인간의 의식주 때문에 삶의 터전을 혹은 생명을 잃는다고. 누군가의 즐거움/편리는 반드시 다른 누군가의 희생/고통에 기반하게 되는 것이 애초부터 인간계의 불행한 조건(*)이라고. 그러므로 육식뿐 아니라 모든 종류의 소비를 줄여야 한다고. 세 식구가 사막을 건너는 과정에서 모두 굶어 죽을 것 같아, 부부가 자기 아이를 죽여 식량으로 취하면서 사막을 건너는 상황이라면, 그 부부는 그야말로 생명유지에만 필요한 최소로 섭취하면서 그러면서도 '식사' 때마다 죄책감과 슬픔에 압도되지 않겠냐고, 어떤 종류의 자원이든 인간이 자연으로부터 자원을 취할 때는 그런 마음을 가져야만 인간계가 고통의 조건(*)을 벗어날 수 있다고.. (세 식구의 이 얘기는 사실 초기경전 SN 12.63에 나오는 것으로, 모든 소비를 생존에 필요한 최소한으로 하고 감각적 즐거움도 이런 수준으로 절제해야 한다는 메세지.)
하지만 우리는, 모래 속에 머리를 파묻고서 눈앞에 다가오는 토네이도의 존재를 부인하는 모습으로 살면서, 지구 전체가 오로지 인간의 편리를 위해 존재하는 양 거만을 떨며, 온갖 파티니 선물이니 장식이니 등의 목적으로 오늘도 열심히 각종 불필요한 소비를 통한 환경파괴에 전력질주를 하고 있음. 나와 내 주위 사람들의 단 한 순간의 즐거움/재미를 위해 인간뿐 아니라 모든 생명체들의 삶의 터전인 지구를 조금이라도 더 빠른 속도로 파괴하지 못 해 아주 안달인 것이 바로 인간들의 모습. (한 달 전의 미 서부 산불도 파티에서 터뜨린 폭죽이 원인이었다나.)

지구의 가장 근본적인 '문제'는 인간이라는 종의 존재 자체이며, 인간의 이성이 아무리 불완전한들 인간을 동물로부터 차별화하는 것도 사유능력뿐. 그러므로 '해결책'은 인간이 자신의 이성을 포기하고 동물이 되는 것이 아니라, 도통 만족이라는 것을 모르는 자신의 욕망에 이성의 빛을 비추어 반성하고 절제하는 수행을 통한 '자기 개조'뿐이라는 것이 불교의 입장. 한 번 재배하면 땅 힘이 소진되어 땅을 10년이나 쉬게 해야 한다는 인삼까지 매일 먹어 가며 젊음/건강에 누구보다도 집착하는 사람들이 또 입만 열면 '道' 운운하는 아이러니라니..
You, 崔明淑, Sungsoo Hong and 2 others


  • 경제에는 안 좋겠지만 동경하는 것은 미니멀리스트..조리기구든 뭐든 한가지 용도만 있는 것은 질색이에요. 하나로 다용도로 사용할 수 있는 것들을 산업계에서도 개발에 박차를 가해 주었으면 합니다. 주변의 물건을 최소화하고 싶어요. 이상은 트렁크 하나에 내 짐이 다 들어가게 준비하고 싶음..죽을 때까지는....꿈~! 가능했으면 좋겠네요.ㅎㅎ
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    • 崔明淑
       살다 보면 정말 일년에 몇 번 쓰지도 않으면서 없으면 또 때로 아쉬운 그런 자잘한 물건들이 너무나도 많죠. 여러 가구가 공동으로 거주하는 그러면서도 독립성이 보장되는 어떤 형태가 가능하다면 자잘한 물건들을 공유할 수 있으니 좋을 텐데 말이예요. 핵가족화는 물건을 하나라도 더 팔기 위한 자본주의의 음모라는 얘기를 어디선가 듣고 나름 그럴 듯 하다 생각되었어요. (사실 두 사람 거주하는 집이나 여섯 사람 거주하는 집이나 필요한 물건들의 종류와 양에는 별 차이가 없죠.)
      아~ 저도 정말 차츰 줄여 나가고 싶어요. 미국에서 중산층으로 산다는 것은 그 자체로 어마어마한 '원죄'입니다.. ㅠㅠ
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  • 저 스님할까요...? ㅋㅋ 저 글에 나오는 스님 결론이랑 제 결론이 같아서요
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  • 쓸데없는 소비를 하지 말고 욕심부리지 말자고 제 나름대로 결론내놓고 질문한거였는데 스님이 뭐라고 답하셨는지는 기억이 안나요...ㅎㅎ
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장정태 박사의 한국종교학
삼국시대의 민속신앙과 불교의 혼합현상이 현대사회에 미친 영향(上)
불교 전래와 민간신앙, 그리고 삼국시대 종교 혼합현상
기사입력: 2020/10/28 [08:04]  최종편집: ⓒ 매일종교신문
장정태 논설위원
제5회 삼성현학술대회가 23일 오후 1시부터 삼성현문화박물관(관장 양훈근, 경상북도 경산시 소재)에서 “삼국유사와 고대의 예술-설화와 현장”이라는 주제로 개최되었다. 삼성현 역사공원은 이 지역 출신으로 원효, 설총, 일연을 기리기 위해 조성한 문화공원이다.

▲신종원 한국학중앙연구원 명예교수의 “삼국유사를 읽고 이해하는 방법”이란 주제로 기조강연을 시작으로 ▲한정호 교수(동국대 고고미술사학과) “삼국유사와 황룡사의 불교 미술” ▲제2주제 최성은(덕성여대 미술사학과)교수 “삼국유사 의해편 보양이목 조와 운문사의 석조미술”이란 주제로 발표 ▲제3주제 이용현(국립 경주박물관) 학예사의 “삼국유사가 기록한 왕경사찰의 경관”이란 주제 발표 ▲제4주제 장정태 원장(삼국유사연구원)“삼국유사의 민속신앙과 불교의 혼합현상이 현대사회에 미친 영향”이란 주제로 발표했다.

이중 장정태 원장의 “삼국유사의 민속신앙과 불교의 혼합현상이 현대사회에 미친 영향”을 2회에 걸쳐 연재한다.<편집자 주>


불교 전래와 민간신앙, 그리고 삼국시대 종교 혼합현상   

잡다한 신앙이나 종교를 붓다에게 귀의시키는 종교성향


우리 사회는 불교 전래 이후 단일한 종교사회를 경험해 보지 못했다. 다양한 형태의 종교가 공존하는 다종교 사회였다. 그러면서 잡다한 신앙이나 종교를 붓다에게 귀의시키는 종교성향을 가지고 있다. 이것은 화엄의 一卽多 多卽一 (하나가 곧 전체이고 전체가 곧 하나), 하나 속에 전체가 있고, 여럿, 속에 하나가 있어 하나가 곧 일체요, 여럿이 곧 하나라는 말이다.

▲ 한국 불교에는 우리의 민속신앙이 많이 혼합 되어있다. 잡다한 신앙이나 종교를 붓다에게 귀의시키는 종교성향을 가지고 있다. 화엄의 ‘一卽多 多卽一’과도 맥이 통한다. 사진은 화엄사상 의상대사가 세운 화엄종 본찰 부석사.

현대 한국 불교만 살펴보면 한국 불교는 불교라고 말하기 어려운 부분이 있다. 그것은 불교 내 우리의 민속신앙이 많이 혼합 되어있기 때문이다. 혼합은 보편적 종교와 기층신앙과 결합의 한 형태이다. 우리가 상식적으로 외래의 불교 행사와 불교 용어라고 생각하고 있는 것이 실은 그것과는 아무 상관이 없는 우리 민족의 고유신앙이다. 한반도에 전래된 불교는 민속신앙과 혼합되면서 많은 변화를 주었다. 우리의 일상생활을 둘러보아도 불교적인 요소가 짙은 것을 누구나 알게된다. 이와같은 현상속에서 불교와 민속신앙은 서민불교라는 새로운 형태의 불교로 발전되면서 민속신앙의 혼합현상이 뚜렷해 졌다.


이들 한국화된 불교는 불교 토착화의 한 모습으로 해석하며 토착화에 성공한 사례로 설명하기도 한다. 그러나 외형적 모습뿐 아니라 교리해석 내면에서도 상당 부분 붓다의 가르침과 다른 모습을 발견할 수 있다. 서민들이 바라보는 불교는 자신의 눈으로 본 불교를 통해 불교를 이해한다. 외래의 불교가 한국 사회에 전래하면서 고유신앙과 접촉하여 문화적, 변용이 일어났다. 이와 같은 현상은 불교뿐 아니라 한국 사회에 전래한 대부분 종교가 가지고 있는 모습이다.


지금까지 불교의 연구는 교단 내 유력인사, 승려 특히 비구 중심의 연구사였다. 본 연구는 한국 불교가 가지고 있는 고질적 병폐인 개인 우상화, 신이한 설화, 전설 중심의 연구사에서 현장에서 불교를 받아들이는 신앙인(신도)의 관점에서 연구사다.


불교와 민속신앙간 습합현상은 불교가 한반도에 전개될 때부터 시작


인도로부터 중국을 거쳐 전래된 불교는 이 땅의 고유신앙과 갈등하고 혼합하면서 토착화하고 대중화 하여왔다. 한국에 불교가 처음 들어온 것은 삼국시대로 그중에도 중국과 가장 가까운 고구려가 처음 불교를 도입하였다. 삼국이 다 같이 국가불교로 수용되고, 그것이 민간에도 자리 잡았다는 주장이 지배적이다. 그러나 그런 주장으로 한국 불교의 본질을 제대로 이해할 수 없다. 불교는 민간을 기반으로 일찍부터 수용되고 이후 불교가 결국 국가권력으로로 부터 공인된 것이다. 민간 수행자 사이에 행해진 잠재적 서민불교가 결국 표면화되고 국가적 불교가 되었다.


고구려와 백제의 불교 공인과정이 순조로웠던 데 비해 신라는 귀족층이 강력하게 반발하여 불교를 받아들이는 데 많은 어려움이 있었다. 고구려나 백제는 이미 중국문화에 대해 익숙하였기 때문에 중국을 통해 들어온 불교에 대해 거부감이 적었다고 할 수 있다. 반면에 신라는 중국 등 외래문화에 대한 경험이 적어 불교를 수용하는 데 많은 사상적 갈등을 겪게 된 것이다. 결국, 이차돈의 순교라는 극단적 방법을 통해 어렵게 공인될 수 있었다. 이후 불교가 한국 사회에 정착이 가능했던 것은 불교의 일반적 특징인 자신들이 포교하고자 하는 지역에 있는 기존의 모든 종교, 사상을 배척하지 않고 포용하는 습합적 성향을 보이는 것이다. 아울러 자신들의 공간에서 민속종교인들의 신앙 행위를 인정하고 있다. 불교와 민속신앙간 습합현상은 불교가 한반도에 전개될 때부터 시작된 일이다.


우리 사회에서 「민속」 이 처음 등장한 것은 고려 시대 김부식의 『삼국사기』,「유리이사금」조다 늙은 홀아비, 홀어미, 고아, 늙어서 아들이 없는 이, 늙고 병들어 스스로 생활할 수 없는 이를 위문하고, 그들에게 식량을 주어 부양하게 하니, 이에 이웃 나라 백성들이 듣고서 찾아오는 이가 많았다. 이해에 <민속>이 즐겁고 편안하여 이것이 가악의 시작이다.


민속신앙은 사원·교회 등과 같은 종교조직이 직접 관장하지 않으며, 또한 승려·신부·목사 등과 같이 직업적인 종교가에게 상시로 지도받지 않는, 그저 민중들 사이에 퍼져있는 신앙형태를 총칭하는 것이다. 이와 같은 일정한 사회를 조직하고 있는 사람들의 사고방식, 행동방식이 가장 넓은 의미의 민속이지만, 좀 더 좁은 의미 또는 좀 더 적절한 의미의 민속이란 왕이나 귀족들의 사고방식, 행동방식이 아니라 우리 주변 가까이 즉 민간에 퍼져있는 사고방식, 행동방식이며, 그다지 학문적이지 않은 서민들의 사고방식이나 행동방식이라 할 수 있다.


‘특정한 교조·교리체계·교단조직을 가지지 않고 일반 민중의 생활 속에 전승되고 있는 전 종교적 또는 주술적 신앙형태’ 또는 ‘민족의 종교 체험사 중에서, 특히 전 종교적, 미분화된 분야로서 혼융·복합적인 주술종교영역(Magic-Religions)에 드는 것’으로 정의되고 있다.


민속신앙은 민속종교와 동의어로 성립종교와 대칭되는 용어로 사용되어왔다. 민속신앙은 민간층에 전승되는 자연적 신앙인데, 조직되지 않은 채 사람들 사이에 전승되고 있는 사회적 종교 현상을 말하며 고대로부터 오늘에 이르기까지 민간계층의 살아있는 ‘현재의 종교’로서 정신적 지반이 되어 왔다. ‘현재의 종교’라는 말은 민속신앙이 과거에 한때 성행했던 과거의 종교나 먼 이상이나 미래를 전망하는 관념적인 미래 지향의 종교가 아니고, 민간계층의 생활 현장에서 현재 생동하는 그 현장성을 의미한다.


민속신앙이라는 말은 종교학이 성립하기 전에는 미신이라는 말로 주로 쓰였다. 그러나 미신이란 말에는 자신이 믿는 종교신앙 외 다른 종교신앙을 멸시하거나 그것은 종교신앙이 아니라는 독단에서 오는 오해에 불과하다. 이런 이유에서 미신이란 말 대신에 누구나 다 가지고 있는 본능적인 신앙 현상이라고 할 것이다. 그러기에 민간신앙은 종교가 일반적으로 추구하는 먼 이상이나 미래보다도 현실 쪽에 서서 민간계층의 생활 현장에 뿌리를 내린 현재 살아있는 종교 현상이다.


민속신앙 범위에는 가신신앙이 포함되어 있다. 가신신앙은 가내 평안을 비는 신앙으로 그 주제자는 각 가정의 여성 가운데 최연장자가 담당한다. 결국 가신신앙까지 포함한 민속신앙을 폭

4] Right Speech | The Noble Eightfold Path : 13 Meditation Talks

4] Right Speech | The Noble Eightfold Path : 13 Meditation Talks

Right Speech

November 26, 2007

You’ve probably noticed that, as you sit here meditating—thinking about the breath, evaluating the breath—you’re talking to yourself. You’re reminding yourself, “Now stay here,” commenting on how the breath is, and trying to think up ways that the breath could be better, where to focus, what you find interesting, what you find useful. This inner conversation is actually an important part of the meditation. It’s called verbal fabrication: the way the mind chatters to itself.

 What you’re trying to do as you meditate is to learn how to make this chattering, which is often a problem, actually part of the path, an element of your concentration that helps the mind to settle down with a sense of interest, a sense of comfort, a sense of wellbeing.

Then as the wellbeing gets more and more firmly established and the mind gets more centered, you can drop a lot of the chatter, because it’s served its purpose. It’s served a real purpose. That’s when the mind can really grow still.

One of the ways you learn how to be skillful in your internal chatter is to be skillful in your external chatter. This is why right speech is a factor of the path. 

The way we talk to ourselves has a lot to do with 

  • the way we’ve heard other people talk, and 
  • the way we’ve been talking to others.

So if most of the recordings in the mind are of unskillful speech, you’re going to find yourself engaging in unskillful speech in your meditation as well. 

People are exposed to a lot of negativity. You may find yourself dealing in that negativity as you meditate, so you’ve got to learn new habits. 

And you don’t learn new habits simply by stopping and not talking at all. 

You learn new habits by actually engaging with other people with right speech.

So it’s good to think about how the Buddha defines right speech

There are four types of speech that you want to avoid

  • lying, 
  • harsh speech, 
  • divisive speech, [비판?] and 
  • idle chatter. 

Each of these is defined by the intention behind it. 

  1. Lying is speaking with the intention to misrepresent the truth. 
  2. Harsh speech is what you say with the intention of hurting someone’s feelings.
  3.  Divisive speech is done with the intention of breaking up or preventing friendships. And 
  4. idle chatter is basically speech without any real clear intention at all, just chattering away for the sake of having something to say. 

You want to learn how to avoid these forms of speech, and also learn some of the nuances of right speech, because in some cases, it’s not very clear-cut.


1] Now what counts as lying is clear-cut. 

You don’t want to misrepresent any truth to anybody, ever. That’s why the rule against lying is one of the precepts, i.e., a rule you lay down for yourself and then try to hold to in all situations. 

There of course will be tests of your ingenuity and your discernment in doing this, because there will be times when people ask questions and you know that answering those questions is going to give rise to problems. 

The Buddha himself said that he would not tell the truth in areas where it would give rise to greed, anger, and delusion. That doesn’t mean he would lie, simply that he would avoid those topics.

So you’ve got to figure out skillful ways of avoiding issues without letting the other person know you’re avoiding them. 

Suppose someone comes up and says, “Have you seen my husband with another woman?” 

And you have, but you don’t want to get involved. 

You’ve got to figure out a way to change the topic. 

Turn the question on the woman and say, “Why? Do you suspect anything of your husband?” And get her to talk. 

That way you can avoid answering the question. That’s a special case, but still even with special cases, you can’t misrepresent the truth, which is why that principle is a precept.

One of the reasons the other forms of wrong speech are not expressed as precepts is because they’re not as absolute as the case of lying.


2] There are times, for instance, when harsh speech is necessary. The Buddha gives an analogy: It’s like having a child, a young baby who still doesn’t know what to eat and what not to eat, and she’s put a sharp piece of glass in her mouth. You’ve got to do everything you can to get the glass out, even if it means drawing blood, because if the baby swallows the glass, the damage will be even worse. In the Buddha’s case, he said harsh things about Devadatta, to his face: one, in hopes that Devadatta might come to his senses, and two, to warn all the other monks around that Devadatta had really gone off course.

Someone once called him on this, asking him, “Would the Buddha ever say anything harsh to anyone?” This was meant as a trick question, the idea being that if the Buddha said No, then they’d say, “What about what you said to Devadatta? That was harsh. It hurt Devadatta’s feelings.” And if the Buddha said Yes, he would say harsh things to other people, then the response would be, “Well, what’s the difference between you and other ordinary people?” So the Buddha’s enemies put the question to the Buddha, but he replied that the question didn’t deserve a categorical answer; it deserved an analytical answer instead. There are times when, in deciding what to say, he would ask, first, is it true? If it wasn’t true, he wouldn’t say it. Second, is it beneficial? And if it’s one of those rare cases when saying something harsh would be beneficial, then the next question is, is this the right time and place for that? Only if he could say Yes to all three questions would he say those things.


3] This principle applies to harsh speech, and it also applies to divisive speech, because there are times when you see one of your friends suddenly developing a friendship with someone you know is abusive, you know is corrupt, you know is going to harm your friend, and you’ve got to find the right way to protect your friend. So again you may end up saying something that may sound divisive, but it’s with compassionate intent.


4] As for idle chatter, there are times when simple social-grease conversation is necessary, to get a particular situation lubricated—as at work, when you want everyone to work smoothly together. But you’ve got to be very clear that this is your motivation, which means that it’s no longer purely idle chatter. You’ve got to be clear about the point at which it starts to become totally pointless, purposeless, where the grease is mucking up the works. You have to develop a sense of how much you should say to make people feel at ease, and then when to stop. This requires real discernment, which is why there’s no precept with this particular type of wrong speech. You have to be sensitive to the needs of the situation.


Once you understand the nuances of right speech, you can start applying the same principles in your mind. 


1] One, you never lie to yourself

Now, you may find yourself, as you’re meditating, lying to yourself in subtle ways. You’ve got to catch that, throw the light of your awareness on it, highlight it to yourself. 

Say to yourself, “Look, this is simply not true.” The mind tends to put up all sorts of walls of denial. This is one of the reasons why people find it hard to see their intentions: because they’re used to lying to themselves about their intentions. 

Very few people would like to admit that they’re operating on corrupt intentions. Or even if they know that what they’re doing is not quite right, they try to justify it in one way or another. 

And as a meditator you can’t engage in that sort of justification at all, because that’s precisely the ignorance that’s going to keep you suffering.


2] As for harsh speech, you don’t want to yell at yourself in a way that gets you discouraged on the path, but there are other times you have to come down hard on yourself. You see yourself giving in to unskillful habits again and again and again, and there comes a time when you’ve got to say, “Hey, look, this is foolish; this is stupid.” Use whatever language you find is effective to get the message across.


3] The same with divisive speech: If you’re becoming friends with your defilements, you’ve got to point out their bad qualities. Remind yourself of what greed has done for you in the past; what lust has done for you in the past; anger, delusion: all the unskillful mental qualities. You want to divide yourself from them.


4] And as for idle chatter, you try to turn it into purposeful chatter. In other words, you have to encourage yourself, say nice things about yourself, remind yourself of all the good things you’ve done in the past. This turns from idle chatter to what is actually a purposeful kind of meditation. 

Silanussati, remembering all the times when you’ve avoided doing harmful things; 

caganussati, remembering all the times when you were generous, not only with things but also with your goodwill, your compassion, your forgiveness. 

In other words, there are times when you’ve got to learn how to put yourself in a good mood. Otherwise the meditation gets dry. It freezes up, like an engine that has run out of oil.


What this means is that you apply the same three questions to your thoughts that you do to your speech. 

One, is it true? If it’s not true, don’t think it. 

Two, is it beneficial? If not, don’t think it. And if it is beneficial, then three, is this right time for this kind of thinking? 

Is this the time to come down hard on the mind, or is this the time to encourage and console the mind? 

Is this the time to pry it away from its friendship with greed, anger, and delusion? 

What’s the most effective way of doing that? 

Because sometimes, if you do it in an ineffective way, the mind gets more defensive. 

There is a rule Ajaan Fuang once gave, which is that if somebody has gotten really deluded in their meditation, and you’re not that person’s teacher, you don’t talk to them about it. Don’t try to criticize them or point out the fallacies in their meditation, because that would just make them even more defensive. A lot of conceit can build up around this.

So there are those areas you just leave alone. 

But with yourself, you should be a lot more frank about where your friendship with your various ideas and attachments really is leading you. 

But learn how to do it in a way that shows that you’re operating with the mind’s best interest at heart.


So there’s a skill to right speech, both inside and out. 

There are nuances. When you learn the nuances, then the verbal fabrication of your directed thought and evaluation really does become part of the concentration. As they say in the sutta on mindfulness of breathing, there are times when you need to gladden the mind


There are times when you need to release the mind from its attachments.

Learn how to breathe in such a way that helps you do that. 

And learn how to talk to the mind in such a way that helps you do that, too—to the point where you’ve said what needs to be said, and then you can fall silent.

In this way internal right speech and external right speech all become part of the path.



希修 공동체의 화합!을 원한다면 비판!을 잘 하고




3] Right Resolve | The Noble Eightfold Path : 13 Meditation Talks

3] Right Resolve | The Noble Eightfold Path : 13 Meditation Talks

Right Resolve 정사유(正思惟)
NAVIGATIONBooks/Noble Eightfold Path/Right Resolve
November 22, 2007
정견正見이란, ‘이것이 정견이다’라고 하며 ‘사견邪見에 대응하는 정견’을 세우는 것이 아니라, 현상을 있는 그대로 보는 것을 말한다.

정사유正思惟는, 현상을 있는 그대로 본 후에 탐진치가 없이 판단(생각)하는 것으로서, 마음으로 짓는 불선업인 의업意業(탐심, 진심, 치심)을 짓지 않는 것을 말한다

The more skillful you are in your search for happiness, 
the lighter you tread on this Earth

—because you realize that happiness, to be true and lasting, has to be harmless, something that doesn’t take anything away from anyone else. 
Which means that it has to come from within.
tread lightly(Verb)
To proceed carefully; especially, to seek to avoid causing offense.

Happiness, to be true and lasting, has to come from within.
  • It has to be harmless to, not taking anything away from, anyone else. 

That’s why we meditate
  • We’re looking for a harmless happiness. 
  • This is a very important way of being kind to others. 
  • Sometimes meditation is denounced as a selfish activity because you seem to be just looking after yourself. 
  • But people who know how to look after themselves are less of a burden on other people. 
  • That’s why these skills are an expression of kindness.
  • Find a sense of pleasure from within. 


참되고 영속적이기 위해서는 행복은  내면에서 나와야 합니다.
  • 그것은 다른 누구에게도 무해해야하며 어떤 것도 빼앗아 가지 않아야합니다. 

그것이 바로 우리가 명상을 하는 이유입니다 . 
  • 우리는 무해한 행복을 찾고 있습니다. 
  • 이것은 다른 사람들에게 친절하게 대하는 매우 중요한 방법입니다. 
  • 때때로 명상은 자신을 돌보는 것처럼 보이기 때문에 이기적인 활동으로 비난 받습니다. 
  • 그러나 자신을 돌보는 방법을 아는 사람들은 다른 사람들에게 부담이 덜합니다. 
  • 그렇기 때문에 이러한 기술은 친절의 표현입니다.
  • 내면에서 즐거움을 찾으십시오  . 

There’s a passage where the Buddha says that right resolve, which is one of the factors of the path, finds its highest expression in doing right concentration
In other words, you have to reflect on the fact that your quest for happiness is going to have to depend on your own actions, and you don’t want to harm anybody else in the course of the quest. 
Because your actions come from your resolves, you have to reflect on which resolves might be harmful. 
  • Some of them involve wanting to commit outright violence to other people, or having ill will for other people. 
  • Some of the them involve being attached to sensual desires—because, as the Buddha once said, even if it rained gold coins, we wouldn’t have enough for our sensual desires. 
  • If that’s where we’re looking for happiness, there’s no end to it. And how many showers of gold coins have you seen? And how many showers would we need to satisfy every person, every animal on earth? 
  • With no sense of satisfaction, we’re bound to get into conflict with one another over what few gold coins there are. 
  • There’s no way that a true happiness can be found that way.

So you try to learn how to wean yourself away from sensual desires. And the best way to do that is to find a sense of pleasure within. 

This is why the Buddha taught right concentration. It’s not just that you focus on your mind, but you focus in a way that gives rise to a sense of ease, a sense of rapture. In this way you satisfy your immediate need for pleasure at the same time that you’re developing clarity in the mind. 
When our pleasure depends on harming other beings, we tend to have big blind spots around the harm we’re doing. We can think of all sorts of ways to justify the harm we cause to other beings or to other people in the course of our quest for pleasure. In doing so, we built up huge areas of denial and ignorance in our mind. But when your pleasure depends on things that are causing no harm at all, you can be clearer about where there is harm in the world, where there is conflict, because your happiness doesn’t depend on that harm or conflict.

So what you’ve got here is a happiness that’s blameless and also very clear: the ideal happiness to form part of the path. 
  • So focus on the breath in a way that feels comfortable. 
  • Focusing on the breath is called 1] directed thought
  • Learning how to make it comfortable is called 2] evaluation. 
  • These are the two factors that help build concentration. 
  • The third factor is 3] singleness: that you really focus on the breath and try to stay with the breath and nothing else.

These are the three things you focus on developing.

Notice how the breath feels in the different parts of the body. Here we’re not talking just about the air coming in and out of the lungs, but also about the whole energy flow, the subtle movement of the body, as the breath comes in, the breath goes out. 

Try to notice: 
  • Do you tense up as you breathe in? 
  • Do you hold on to tension as you breathe out? 
  • Can you breathe in in a way that doesn’t build up tension? 
  • Can you breathe out in a way that’s not holding on to tension?

First you want to start out at one spot in the body where it’s easy to get a sense of the breath coming in, the breath going out, or the movement of the body as you breathe in, as you breathe out. 
Learn how to relate to that spot so that you stay with it but are not clinching up around it, so that there’s a sense of openness and fullness right there in that spot—fullness in the sense that the blood is allowed to flow naturally without being squeezed and diverted. 
This is a skill. For most of us, when we concentrate on some part of the body, we tense it up in order to maintain a sensation we can stick with. But here you want to maintain a sense of openness and stick with that.

Learn how to stick with that sense, so that you can keep that sense of openness and fullness all the way through the in-breath, all the way through the out. 
When you can maintain that, move to other parts of the body. 
You can do this systematically. 
  • You might start, say, at the navel, or the base of the throat, or the back of the neck. 
  • If you start at the navel, go up the front of the body, then down the back, out the legs. 
  • Then from the back of the neck, down the shoulders, and out the arms. 
  • Or if you start at the back of the neck, you can go down the back first, out the legs, down the shoulders and out the arms, 
  • and then down the front of the torso, taking the body section by section, 
  • to see if there’s any section where you tend to hold onto tension with the out-breath or the in-breath, 
  • and training yourself to breathe in such a way that there’s no holding on, so that things are allowed to flow smoothly. 
The breath flows smoothly, the blood flows smoothly, and there’s a sense of ease all the way through the breathing process.

Some people at this point begin to get a sense of floating, but try not to drift out.
  •  You can float and be buoyant, but stay in place. 
  • There’s a sense of lightness and buoyancy, so keep that sense of lightness, but stay where you are. 
  • You’ve learned to breathe in such a way that the whole body feels at ease throughout the in-breath and out-breath. 
  • Try to maintain that sense of awareness of the whole body, and let the pleasure radiate out through the body. 
  • Just learn how to maintain that, to stick with it. 
  • If you find yourself losing focus when you open up your range of awareness to the whole body, go back to surveying the body spot by spot, section by section, 
  • and then try settling down with the whole body again. 
  • You may find yourself going back and forth like this for a while until you feel comfortable and stable staying with the whole body. 
  • Even though there’s a sense of ease and lightness, there’s also a solidity to your focus. 
  • In other words, it’s steady. It doesn’t get moved around easily.

At this point, you want to maintain a sense of being focused primarily on one spot in the body, but aware of the whole body. 
It’s like looking at a painting. Your eyes may focus on one spot in the painting, but you can see the whole painting, even though you’re focused on one spot.

And here you have it: right resolve, the intention to stick with the meditation. 
  • You’re not harming anyone; you feel no ill will for anyone. 
  • You don’t need to think about sensual pleasures. 
  • This is the embodiment of right resolve. 
  • And this sense of ease and happiness forms the path. 
  • It’s your nourishment on the path. 
  • In the texts, they talk about the different aspects of the path being like different aspects of a fortress. 

Mindfulness is like the gatekeeper; 
wisdom is like the smooth walls that nobody can climb up to cause danger. 

And right concentration is like the food you have stored away to keep yourself nourished. 
This way, as you develop skill in your pursuit of happiness, you find that you need fewer things outside. 
There’s less need to compete with others over things outside. Your hungers and addictions lose a lot of their force and their sharpness, because you’ve got a good alternative source of pleasure right here.

This is how we tread lightly on the Earth. We’re finding our happiness inside and a sense of buoyancy and ease inside, so we have less and less need for pleasures outside. So take the time and energy needed to develop this skill, because it will serve you well throughout life.


1. Right Resolve: Right View를 매순간 삶에 적용하려는 의. 탐진치를 최소화하는 행동 (생각과 말 포함)을 찾으려는 노력.
2. 불교 윤리의 기본: 그 어떤 존재에게도 피해주지 않기. (타인을 도울 때조차 돕는 이, 도움 받는 이, 제3자, 그 누구에게도 해로움을 끼쳐서는 안 됨. AN 5.148.)
3. 불교 윤리의 최고: 해탈, 수행. (타인을 ‘돕는’ 행위의 효과는 대개 단기적으로 그치며 상대의 업을 근본적으로 바꾸지 못 하므로, 내 자신의 탐진치로 인해 누군가가 불편할 가능성 자체를 제거하는 수행이 최고의 윤리.)
4. 그러나 감각적 욕망에 좌우되는 한, 타인에게 불편, 부담이나 피해를 줄 수밖에 없으며, 그러면서도 그 사실을 부정, 합리화하게 되고, 결과적으로 치가 증가.
5. 그러므로 감각적 욕망 이외의 행복을 찾아야 => 명상을 해야 하는 많은 이유들중 하나.
[참고] ‘불교에 대한 오해 #6. 어머니가 외아들을 사랑하듯 세상 모든 존재를 사랑하는 것이 불교의 자비’