
Buddhist Forum - Anapanasati Sutta The Four Frames of References

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16 Jan 14, 22:51#1
Trilaksana Forums MemberJoin DateSep 2011LocationLong Branch, NJ USAPosts567

Anapanasati Sutta The Four Frames of References

I have a lot of questions. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

"And how is mindfulness of in-&-out breathing developed & pursued so as to bring the four frames of reference to their culmination?

"[1] On whatever occasion a monk breathing in long discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, discerns, 'I am breathing out long'; or breathing in short, discerns, 'I am breathing in short'; or breathing out short, discerns, 'I am breathing out short'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&... out sensitive to the entire body'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out calming bodily fabrication': On that occasion the monk remains focused on the body in & of itself — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world. I tell you, monks, that this — the in-&-out breath — is classed as a body among bodies, which is why the monk on that occasion remains focused on the body in & of itself — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world.

"[2] On whatever occasion a monk trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out sensitive to rapture'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out sensitive to pleasure'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out sensitive to mental fabrication'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out calming mental fabrication': On that occasion the monk remains focused on feelings in & of themselves — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world. I tell you, monks, that this — careful attention to in-&-out breaths — is classed as a feeling among feelings,[6] which is why the monk on that occasion remains focused on feelings in & of themselves — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world.

"[3] On whatever occasion a monk trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out sensitive to the mind'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out satisfying the mind'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out steadying the mind'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out releasing the mind': On that occasion the monk remains focused on the mind in & of itself — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world. I don't say that there is mindfulness of in-&-out breathing in one of lapsed mindfulness and no alertness, which is why the monk on that occasion remains focused on the mind in & of itself — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world.

"[4] On whatever occasion a monk trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out focusing on inconstancy'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out focusing on dispassion'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out focusing on cessation'; trains himself, 'I will breathe in...&...out focusing on relinquishment': On that occasion the monk remains focused on mental qualities in & of themselves — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world. He who sees with discernment the abandoning of greed & distress is one who watches carefully with equanimity, which is why the monk on that occasion remains focused on mental qualities in & of themselves — ardent, alert, & mindful — putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world.

"This is how mindfulness of in-&-out breathing is developed & pursued so as to bring the four frames of reference to their culmination.
How does one "bring the four frames of reference to their culmination?"

The first frame of reference you are meant to focus on the body in and of it self I think it's obvious what is meant by body. Second is feelings. What exactly is meant by feelings..... emotions? And for the third and fourth what did the Buddha mean by the mind (3) and mental qualities (4), how do they differ?

Are we meant to reach each Jhana in order? Must they be reached in order to attain arahantship? Is there a sutta or commentary in which the experience of reaching each Jhana is described?

Thank you very much for your time.
May all beings be released from suffering. 

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17 Jan 14, 00:04#2
Trilaksana Forums MemberJoin DateSep 2011LocationLong Branch, NJ USAPosts567

Ok so I just read the Nibbana Sutta as well which sort of clears things up but I'd still appreciate interpretations from forum members and maybe commentary recommendations.

Thanks again.

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17 Jan 14, 02:41#3
clw_uk Forums MemberLocationUnited KingdomPosts795

How does one "bring the four frames of reference to their culmination?"By being an expert in being aware of thoughts, feelings, perceptions etc as they arise and fall in the present moment

The first frame of reference you are meant to focus on the body in and of it self I think it's obvious what is meant by body.When the body breathes, when it moves etc

Second is feelings. What exactly is meant by feelings..... emotions?No feelings mean pleasant feeling, neutral feeling and painful feelings.

So for example If I have cramp, that is painful feeling, the moving is the pleasant feeling. If we can just be aware of pain, pleasure and neutral feelings, without grasping, averting, or being fooled by them, then we would be free from dukkha

And for the third and fourth what did the Buddha mean by the mind (3) and mental qualities (4), how do they differ?Mind = thoughts etc as they arise, mental qualities = how they are dhammas subject to rise and fall

Are we meant to reach each Jhana in order? Must they be reached in order to attain arahantship?One follows from the other, naturally

However I wouldnt get bogged down in stages, trying to get jhana will be the very thing that cuts you off from it (and nibbana for that matter)

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17 Jan 14, 04:27#4
Trilaksana Forums MemberJoin DateSep 2011LocationLong Branch, NJ USAPosts567

Thank you for your response clw_uk. 

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17 Jan 14, 10:06#5
Element Global ModeratorLocationAustraliaPosts4,371

 Originally Posted by Trilaksana 
Second is feelings. What exactly is meant by feelings..... emotions?hi Trilaksana

in the Anapanasati Sutta, feelings refer to rapture (piti) & happiness (sukkha), only, as in the factors of jhana, although, on the level of lower (neighbourhood) concentration, not necessarily jhana.

the translation 'mental fabrication' is incorrect. the correct translation is 'mental fabricators', since feelings fabricate the mind to generate love, lust, hate, anger, confusion, fear, etc.

 Originally Posted by Trilaksana 
for the third, what did the Buddha mean by the mind (3)mind here = 'citta' or 'mind heart', that aspect of mind that generates love, lust, hate, anger, confusion, fear, etc.

the practitioner will reach this stage when rapture & happiness subside and they experience the raw energies (defilements) of greed, hatred & delusion that underlie the rapture & happiness. thought/thinking does not operate here. there is only raw mental defilement

 Originally Posted by Trilaksana 
for the fourth , what did the Buddha mean by mental qualities'mental qualities' is a mistranslation of the word 'dhamma'. in some places in the suttas, the word 'dhamma' means 'skilful qualities'. but, in the 4th tetrad of the Anapanasati Sutta, it means 'truths', namely, the truths of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, not-self & the reality of the cessation of suffering (i.e., 4NTs)

 Originally Posted by Trilaksana 
Are we meant to reach each Jhana in order? Must they be reached in order to attain arahantship?Yes. Think of it as an 'unfolding', what Ajahn Brahm describes as 'peeling an onion'. the mind is gradually being stripped of/dissolving layers of dukkha formations

The breath & body calm, which gives rise to rapture & happiness. Rapture & happiness calm, which reveal the underlying mental defilements, which have been aroused by the rapture & happiness. The mental defilements calm, making the mind satisfied (stage 10); which calms, making the mind purely concentrated (stage 11); which calms or releases from one-pointedness, making the mind liberated (stage 12), i.e., open & clear. The open & clear mind then sees clearly impermanence, which makes the mind drop attachment, cease dukkha & relinquish attachment.

Kind regards 

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17 Jan 14, 15:28#6
Trilaksana Forums MemberJoin DateSep 2011LocationLong Branch, NJ USAPosts567

Thank you both for your in-depth responses. 

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17 Jan 14, 16:10#7
clw_uk Forums MemberLocationUnited KingdomPosts795

This has also helped me with my meditation and I used it as a guide when I started out

: I'm trying very hard in my practice, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere.

A: Don't try to get anywhere in practice. The very desire to be free or to be enlightened will be the desire that prevents your freedom. You can try as hard as you wish, practice ardently night and day, but if you still have the desire to achieve, you will never find peace. The energy from this desire will cause doubt and restlessness. No matter how long or how hard you practice, wisdom will not arise from desire. Simply let go. Watch the mind and body mindfully, but don't try to achieve anything. Otherwise, when you are beginning to practice meditation and your heart starts to quiet down, you will immediately think, "Oh, am I near the first stage yet? How much further do I have to go?" In that instant, you will lose everything. It is best just to observe how practice naturally develops.

You have to pay attention without any concept of levels, simply and directly to what's happening in your heart or mind. The more you watch, the more clearly you'll see. If you learn to pay attention totally, then you don't have to worry about what stage you have attained; just continue in the right direction, and things will unfold for you naturally.

How can I speak of the essence of practice? To walk forward is not correct, to back up is not correct, and to stand still is not correct. There is no way to measure or categorize liberation.

Q: But aren't we seeking deeper concentration in practice?

A: In sitting practice, if your heart becomes quiet and concentrated, that's an important tool to use. But you have to be careful not to be stuck in tranquility. If you're sitting just to get concentrated so you can feel happy and pleasant, you're wasting your time. The practice is to sit and let your heart become still and concentrated and then to use that concentration to examine the nature of the mind and body. Otherwise, if you simply make the heart mind quiet, it will be peaceful and free of defilement only as long as you sit. This is like using a stone to cover a garbage pit; when you take away the stone, the pit is still infested and full of garbage. The question is not how long or short you sit. You must use your concentration not to temporarily get lost in bliss but to deeply examine the nature of the mind and body. This is what actually frees you.

Examining the mind and body most directly does not involve the use of thought. There are two levels of examination. One is thoughtful and discursive, keeping you trapped in a superficial perception of experience. The other is a silent, concentrated, inner listening. Only when the heart is concentrated and still can real wisdom naturally arise. In the beginning, wisdom is a very soft voice, a tender young plant just beginning to spring up out of the ground. If you don't understand this, you may think too much about it and trample it underfoot. But if you feel it silently, then in that space, you can begin to sense the basic nature of your body and mental process. It is this seeing that leads you to learn about change, about emptiness, and about selflessness of body and mind.

Q: But if we are not seeking anything, then what is the Dharma?

A: Everywhere you look is the Dharma; constructing a building, walking down the road, sitting in the bathroom, or here in the meditation hall, all of this is Dharma. When you understand correctly, there is nothing in the world that is not Dharma.

But you must understand. Happiness and unhappiness, pleasure and pain are always with us. When you understand their nature, the Buddha and the Dharma are right there. When you can see clearly, each moment of experience is the Dharma. But most people react blindly to anything pleasant, "Oh, I like this, I want more," and to anything unpleasant, "Go away, I don't like this, I don't want any more." If, instead, you can allow yourself to open fully to the nature of each experience in the simplest way, you will become one with the Buddha.

It's so simple and direct once you understand. When pleasant things arise, understand that they're empty. When unpleasant things arise, understand that they're not you, not yours; they pass away. If you don't relate to phenomena as being you or see yourself as their owner, the mind comes into balance. This balance is the correct path, the correct teaching of the Buddha which leads to liberation. Often people get so excited-"Can I attain this or that level of samadhi?" or 'What powers can I develop?" They completely skip over the Buddha's teaching to some other realm that's not really useful. The Buddha is to be found in the simplest things in front of you, if you're willing to look. And the essence of this balance is the no grasping mind.

When you begin to practice, it's important to have a proper sense of direction. Instead of just trying to which way to go and wandering around in circles, you must consult a map or someone who's been there before in order to establish a sense of the path. The way to liberation first taught by the Buddha was The Middle Path lying between the extremes
of indulgence in desire and self-mortification. The mind must be open to all experience without losing its balance and falling into these extremes. This allows you to see things without reacting and grabbing or pushing away.

http://www.dhammatalks.net/Books2/Aj....htm#Questions for the Teacher

I tended to reflect on:

Q: I'm trying very hard in my practice, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere.

A: Don't try to get anywhere in practice. The very desire to be free or to be enlightened will be the desire that prevents your freedom. You can try as hard as you wish, practice ardently night and day, but if you still have the desire to achieve, you will never find peace. The energy from this desire will cause doubt and restlessness. No matter how long or how hard you practice, wisdom will not arise from desire. Simply let go. Watch the mind and body mindfully, but don't try to achieve anything. Otherwise, when you are beginning to practice meditation and your heart starts to quiet down, you will immediately think, "Oh, am I near the first stage yet? How much further do I have to go?" In that instant, you will lose everything. It is best just to observe how practice naturally develops.

You have to pay attention without any concept of levels, simply and directly to what's happening in your heart or mind. The more you watch, the more clearly you'll see. If you learn to pay attention totally, then you don't have to worry about what stage you have attained; just continue in the right direction, and things will unfold for you naturally.

When I followed this advice my practice really began :)

Hope it helps

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17 Jan 14, 16:14#8
clw_uk Forums MemberLocationUnited KingdomPosts795

So in essence, dont try to get something when on the cushion or to become something

Thats just the shadow of greed, of wanting to become and so its the arising of the ego.

"Craving to be (bhava-tanha): this is craving to be something, to unite with an experience."

As Ajahn Sumedho said, the personality doesnt get/become enlightened

Freedom is found in just observing

Just watch, then you will see and be free

The Suttas describe meditation in stages, A then B then C etc however this is mere convention, because language is linear

In real time it unfolds all at once

Last edited by clw_uk; 17 Jan 14 at 16:19.

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23 Jan 14, 08:25#9
srivijaya Forums MemberLocationbreathing in... breathing out...Posts1,106

 Originally Posted by clw_uk 
trying to get jhana will be the very thing that cuts you off from itNice replies and some good advice. I know people talk of jhana in terms of attainment but the truth is, it's more a "relinquishment" than an attainment. You don't 'attain' jhana, you relinquish defilement.

It's not a semantic difference, it's a difference in practice and approach. If you are out to "attain" jhana then there is an expectation of an outcome. It's front-loaded and will distort the process.

관(觀) - 한국민족문화대백과사전

관(觀) - 한국민족문화대백과사전



불교의 진리를 직관하는 수행법을 총칭하는 불교용어. 관법.

불교의 진리를 직관하는 수행법을 총칭하는 불교용어.관법.

범어는 비파샤나(Vipaśyanā)이며 능견(能見)·정견(正見)·관찰·관으로 번역된다. 
그 방법으로는 가상(假象)으로서의 달이나 해의 모양을 마음으로 관상(觀想)하는 방법과 일체의 현상이 무상하다는 이치를 일념으로 관찰하는 무상관(無常觀), 일체법의 근본이 공이라고 관하는 공관(空觀), 인생은 나고 늙고 병들고 죽는 존재로서 깨끗하고 아름다운 것이 아니라 추한 것이라고 관하는 부정관(不淨觀), 법신은 본래 나고 죽음이 없다고 관하는 법신관(法身觀) 등 여러 가지가 있다.

우리 나라에서는 불교가 전래된 뒤부터 관법이 널리 행하여졌다. 신라의 원광(圓光)은 소승의 관법과 팔정(八定)을 실수하였고, 자장(慈藏)은 처음 출가하여 경주 남산의 숲속에서 육체가 하나의 백골이라고 관하는 백골관(白骨觀)을 닦아서 도를 얻었다고 하였다.

원효(元曉)는 『금강삼매경론 金剛三昧經論』에서 대승지관법(大乘止觀法)을 자세히 서술하였다. 그는 이 경이 일미관행(一味觀行)을 요지로 하고 있음을 밝히고, 모든 부처와 보살이 이 관문을 좇아 여래장(如來藏)에 들어간다고 하였으며, 이를 십문(十門)으로 나누어서 해설하였다.
또, 원효는 『기신론소 起信論疏』 하권에서 관행법에 대하여 상세하게 밝혔다. 원효는 대비(大悲)의 이타행(利他行)을 위해서 반드시 관을 닦아야만 한다고 주장하였다. 그 관법은 이 세상의 만물을 어떻게 관할 것인가를 밝힌 것으로서, 무상(無常)·고(苦)·무아(無我)·부정(不淨)의 관법에 관하여 서술하였다.

무상관은 이 세상의 모든 일들, 인과의 법칙에 따라서 변하는 모든 것들이 하나도 영구불변한 것이 없으며, 쉬지 않고 생성되고 파괴되는 과정을 겪고 있다는 사실을 관찰하는 것이다. 고관은 중생의 생각과 말과 행위는 모두 망상의 발동으로 인하여 생겼다가 사라지는 것이기 때문에 고통스럽지 않은 것이 없다고 관찰하는 것이다.
또, 무아관은 과거와 현재와 미래에 걸쳐 중생이 생각해 내는 모든 의식이 그 자체로서 절대적인 자주성을 지닌 것이 아니며, 과거의 것은 꿈과 같고, 현재의 것은 번개와 같고, 미래의 것은 구름과 같이 별안간 나타나는 것이라는 사실을 관찰하는 것이다. 부정관은 인간의 육신뿐만 아니라 세상의 모든 육신은 부정한 것이며, 갖가지로 더럽혀져 있어 하나도 진실로 즐길 만한 것이 못 된다는 사실을 관찰하는 것이다.

그리고 원효는 이들 네 가지 관을 법상관(法相觀)이라 하였고, 이 관에 기초하여 중생의 고통을 불쌍히 여기는 대비관을 닦고, 중생을 모두 제도하겠다는 서원관(誓願觀)을 나타내며, 어느 때 어느 곳에서나 힘껏 남을 위하여 봉사하고 스스로의 공부에 게을리하지 않겠다는 정진관(精進觀)을 닦아야 한다고 주장하였다.

그리고 의상(義湘)은 『대화엄십문간법관 大華嚴十門看法觀』을 지어서 화엄종의 관법인 십문간법관을 닦게 하였으나, 현재 이 책은 전하지 않는다. 또, 의상의 『화엄일승법계도 華嚴一乘法界圖』는 화엄종의 4법계관(四法界觀)을 요약하여 설명한 것이다. 통일신라 중기에 밀교(密敎)가 들어온 뒤로는 밀교의 수행법인 신(身)·구(口)·의(意) 삼밀(三密) 중 관법을 중심으로 하는 의밀(意密)이 많이 실행되었고, 정토신앙을 중요시한 인물들은 16관법을 많이 닦았다.
고려시대에는 의천(義天)이 천태종을 열고 난 뒤부터 천태지관법이 널리 성행하였다. 의천은 송나라로 가서 천태교관(天台敎觀)을 전수받았는데, 특히 원융삼관(圓融三觀), 일념 가운데 삼천의 법계(法界)가 모두 들어 있다고 관하는 일념삼천관(一念三千觀), 십승관법(十乘觀法), 원돈지관(圓頓止觀) 등의 관법이 크게 유행하였다.

의천은 원래 화엄종에 속하였으나 천태교관을 받아들여 천태종을 세운 것은 이론적 교학과 아울러 실천관행을 닦아야 한다는 소신에 의한 것이었다. 천태종은 고려 말에 소자종(疏字宗)과 법사종(法事宗)으로 갈라졌는데, 법사종은 관행을 중요시한 종파로서, 전라남도 강진 만덕산 백련사(白蓮社)를 중심으로 보현참법(普賢懺法)을 닦았다.

이 보현참법은 천태종의 근본경전인 『법화경』의 결경(結經)인 『관보현행법경』에 의한 관법이다. 이 관법은 부처님이 열반한 뒤에 보살이 대승경전을 보면서 진여의 경계인 일실경계(一實境界)를 관찰하는 방법을 취하고 있는데, 보현보살의 색신(色身)과 다보여래(多寶如來)의 탑과 석가모니불의 분신을 보기 위하여, 그리고 모든 장애를 제거하고 무량공덕을 성취하려면 이 관법을 닦으라고 하였다.

『대승경』을 외우며 지성으로 7일 또는 49일을 참회하면서 보현보살 뵈기를 발원하면 보현보살이 육아(六牙)를 가진 흰 코끼리를 타고 나타난다고 하였다. 그러나 조선시대부터는 선종의 융성과 함께 관법의 실천보다는 선(禪)의 실수(實修)로 기울어지게 되어 관법의 실천에 관한 사료는 거의 보이지 않는다. 다만 염불왕생신앙의 발달과 함께 염불관은 크게 성행하였다.

[출처: 한국민족문화대백과사전(관(觀))]

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알라딘: [전자책] 70일간의 마음공부 : 천년 동안 마음에서 마음으로 전해진 이야기

송석구,장경 (지은이) 2017

70일간의 마음공부 : 천년 동안 마음에서 마음으로 전해진 이야기

종이책 페이지수 280쪽

알라딘: 인생의 공식 64 - [주역>이란 책의 64괘를 새로 풀어 씀, 장경 (지은이)

알라딘: [전자책] 인생의 공식 64:

 인생의 공식 64 - 흐름에 맞게 나를 지켜내는  epub 
장경 (지은이)추수밭(청림출판)2019-04-06 

종이책 페이지수 436쪽,

eBook > 인문학 > 동양철학 > 동양철학 일반
eBook > 자기계발 > 성공 > 성공학

참과 거짓을 구분하기 어려운 정보들과 복잡한 관계망으로 얽힌 현대사회에서 우리는 자주 혼란을 느끼고 불안해진다. ‘알고 맞으면 덜 아프다’는 속담처럼 인간은 알 수 없는 상황에서 상상하기 마련이고, 상상은 곧 불안을 불러오기 때문이다.

근래 유행하고 있는 레트로 감성 또한 이러한 불안이라는 정서를 바탕으로 삼는다. ‘그때 그 시절’이 희망찰 수 있었던 까닭은 서로 문 열어놓고 살았던 따뜻한 시기였기 때문이 아니라, 오늘보다 내일이 더 나을 것이라는 확신이 있었기 때문이다. 우리는 앞을 내다보지 못하기 때문에 불안하고, 그러한 불안으로부터 스스로를 지키기 위해 정면을 바라보는 대신 고개를 안으로 돌리게 되었다.

이 책은 이처럼 불안하기에 다가오는 내일이 더 아프게 느껴지는 우리에게 전하는 조언이다. 64괘를 중심으로 《주역》을 새로 풀어 씀으로써 삶이라는 안개 속을 헤매는 우리에게 지침으로 참고할 수 있는 선명한 ‘인생 예보’를 알려준다. 나아가 삶의 전 과정을 《주역》의 64괘에 맞춘 64가지 상황으로 정리해 도식화함으로써, 삶의 다양한 고비마다 그 지혜를 즉각적으로 활용할 수 있도록 구성했다.
들어가는 글 알면 두렵지 않다

1부 내 안의 스승, 주역을 만나다
《주역》 을 배운 자는 주역점을 치지 않는다
1장 갈림길에서 만난 안내자 | 2장 64개의 지형, 삶의 지도를 걸어놓다 | 3장 선택과 직관, 당장 떠오른 생각이 정답이다 | 4장 직관의 세 가지 조건, 비우고 정리하고 모을 것 | 5장 직관과 주역, 기도하듯이 간절하고 솔직해질 것 | 6장 역의 세 가지 이치, 변하고 합하고 쉬운 것 | 7장 64괘로 가는 길, 1, 2, 4, 8, 64 | 8장 64괘 기초 원리 강화, 정, 비, 응 | 9장 소인의 역점, 군자의 역점

2부 첫 번째 호흡 전쟁과 평화
아이가 어른으로 성장해 전쟁을 치르고 태평성대를 이루다
1장 정상에 올랐으니 미끄러지지 않도록 삼가라 | 2장 땅으로 몸을 숙여 타인의 말에 귀를 기울여라 | 3장 얼음을 만났다면 깨뜨리려 하지 말고 서서히 녹여라 | 4장 어두울 때 무작정 나서는 것은 용기가 아니다 | 5장 참고 기다릴 줄 알아야 어른이 된다 | 6장 다퉈야 하는 상황에서 한 번 더 생각하는 것이 용기다 | 7장 전쟁의 승패는 이미 전쟁 전에 결정되어 있다 | 8장 사냥개를 삶아 먹어야 사냥이 진짜 끝나는 것이다 | 9장 지름길만 찾게 되면 오래 제자리걸음을 하게 된다 | 10장 마음을 헤아릴 수 있다면 호랑이와도 친구가 될 수 있다 | 11장 평화란 넘치면 덜고 모자라면 보태는 것이다 | 12장 침몰하는 배에서는 당장 짐부터 버려야 한다 | 13장 뜻을 함께하는 사이에서는 비밀이 없어야 한다 | 14장 밝은 달빛이 천 개의 강에 두루 비치다 | 15장 마무리를 지을 때의 자세는 낮고 또 낮아야 한다

3부 두 번째 호흡 축적과 양육
세속에서 다양한 경험을 쌓은 다음 성인의 도를 세상에 실현하다
16장 미리 가늠할 수 있다면 굳이 두려워할 필요가 없다 | 17장 이익을 좇는 데에도 최소한의 예의가 필요하다 | 18장 썩은 것을 방치하면 곧 나 자신까지 썩게 된다 | 19장 모든 조직에는 어른다운 어른이 있어야 한다 | 20장 풍경을 눈에 담고 싶다면 천천히 걸어야 한다 | 21장 어른이 단단한 까닭은 무수한 고난을 갈무리했기 때문이다 | 22장 자신을 속이는 삶을 살면 인생 전체가 거짓말이 된다 | 23장 내일을 당겨 오늘을 버틴다면 결국 내일을 맞지 못하게 된다 | 24장 길을 잘못 들었으면 헤매지 말고 처음으로 돌아가라 | 25장 빈손으로 왔는데 빈손으로 돌아가더라도 무엇이 아쉽겠는가? | 26장 가지가 높고 무성하면 그만큼 뿌리도 깊고 단단하다 | 27장 음식을 씹으려면 윗니와 아랫니가 함께 있어야 한다 | 28장 과일이 너무 익으면 썩게 된다 | 29장 늪에 빠졌을 때 발버둥을 치면 더욱 깊은 곳으로 빠진다 | 30장 두 개의 태양이 떠 있으니 사방이 그림자 없이 환하다

4부 세 번째 호흡 사랑과 축제
부부가 가문을 일으켜 왕국을 벌이고 축제를 벌이다
31장 상대방도 나처럼 공감할 수 있기에 진심은 언젠가 반드시 통한다 | 32장 살아가며 겪는 세월 가운데 똑같은 날은 단 하루도 없다 | 33장 때로는 스스로를 땅에 묻은 채 세월을 견뎌야 할 때가 있다 | 34장 자신 있게 휘두른 칼은 때로 자신까지 놀라게 한다 | 35장 황무지에 깃발을 꽂으니 곧 나의 땅이 된다 | 36장 노을이 아름다운 까닭은 내일 다시 해가 떠오르기 때문이다 | 37장 혼자 있을 때에도 삼가야 밖에서도 실수가 없다 | 38장 물들이려 할 때에는 먼저 물들여져야 한다 | 39장 절름발이가 되었으니 부축해줄 어른을 찾아라 | 40장 배는 항구에 묶이기 위해 만들어진 것이 아니다 | 41장 때로는 적극적으로 손해를 봐야 할 때가 있다 | 42장 노련한 장사꾼은 당장의 이익에 연연하지 않는다 | 43장 가장 나쁜 선택은 선택 자체를 미루는 것이다 | 44장 무심코 던진 돌 하나에 호수 전체가 일렁인다 | 45장 내일을 품고자 하는 자는 오늘의 실수를 끌어안는다

5부 네 번째 호흡 여행과 다시 여행
길을 떠난 왕자, 세상의 끝까지 여행하다
46장 높이 날아오를수록 추락하는 충격이 크다 | 47장 내가 넘어진다면 기꺼이 내 시체를 밟고 넘어가라 | 48장 우물이 깊을수록 물은 달콤해진다 | 49장 밭을 엎고 불태워야 보리가 자랄 흙이 만들어진다 | 50장 완벽한 사람은 없기 때문에 인간은 서로에게 기대야 한다 | 51장 엉덩이가 무거운 만큼 일어서면 절대 뒷걸음질하지 않는다 | 52장 겨울잠을 자야 봄을 기다릴 수 있다 | 53장 꾸준하게 떨어지는 물방울은 바위도 뚫는다 | 54장 현명한 소는 언덕을 가려가며 몸을 비빈다 | 55장 넘치는 곡식을 거두며 다가올 겨울을 걱정하라 | 56장 먼 길을 나서니 신발끈을 단단히 고쳐 매라 | 57장 쉼 없이 부는 바람이 되려다 바람에 쉼 없이 휘날리지는 말라 | 58장 크게 웃으려면 어깨가 흔들리지 않도록 다리에 힘을 줘라 |59장 오늘 곤궁한 곳을 떠났기에 내일 갈 곳을 걱정할 수 있는 것이다 | 60장 끊긴 다리를 새로 놓고 건널지, 그대로 머무를지를 선택하라 | 61장 사랑은 쪼개진 거울도 다시 하나로 만들 수 있다 | 62장 날은 저물고 갈 길이 멀어도 거꾸로 걸어서는 안 된다 | 63장 결함을 인정해야 완벽을 추구할 수 있는 것이다 | 64장 최고의 안정은 떠나고 떠나는 그 자체에 있다

나가는 글 먼 길을 떠나는 이를 위해

《역경》을 처음 접하고선 한동안 아침마다 역점을 치면서 등교했다.
“자로야, 물속에 들어가 이무기를 만나도 두려워하지 않는 것이 어부의 용기다. 운명이 궁하면 통한다는 것을 알기에 큰 고난을 맞아도 두려워 할 필요가 없다. 그것이 바로 성인의 용기다.” 공자의 말처럼 우리가 마주하는 모든 상황에 대처할 수 있는 자신만의 해답을 미리 갖고 있다면, 혹은 어떤 상황이든 자신의 선택을 믿을 수 있는 직관을 갖고 있다면 앞으로 다가올 일이나 지금 처한 상황을 두려워할 필요가 없을 것이다. 알고 맞는 매가 덜 아프다는 말이 있다. 알면 두렵지 않다. _〈이치를 알고 있다면 변화가 두렵지 않다〉 중에서  접기
난세에는 말이나 사냥개 같은 전투에 뛰어난 짐승의 덕목이 필요하다. 하지만 전쟁이 끝난 다음 공동체에서는 빠르고 맹렬하게 공을 세우는 능력보다 여럿이 어울려 함께 갈 수 있는 덕목이 더 중하게 요구된다. 사업가가 정치를 하거나 사회생활 혹은 가정에서 종종 난관에 봉착하는 이유가 여기에 있다. 사업가는 효율을 중시하는 경향이 있어서 소수를 버리는 판단을 하는 경우가 많다. 하지만 공동체가 효율만 중시할 수는 없다. 그래서 큰 사업은 정치와 비슷하다. _〈제8괘 수지비, 사냥개를 삶아 먹어야 사냥이 진짜 끝나는 것이다〉 중에서  접기
한 집안이든 기업이든 조직에는 제대로 된 어른이 있어야 한다. 요즘 시절을 비판적으로 볼 때 자주 쓰는 표현 중의 하나가 ‘어른이 없는 시대’라는 것이다. … 그 후유증은 이제 우리 문화 전반에 걸쳐 남아 있다. 옛 지혜는 끊겼고 당연한 말을 하면 꼰대로 불린다. 늙은이는 젊은이를 이기적이고 패기가 부족하다고 비난하고, 젊은이는 늙은이를 생각이 굳고 막무가내라는 식으로 매도한다. 서로를 괴물로 바라보는 것이다. 다시 어른이 필요한 시대다. 지금 여기를 살아가는 우리는 어쩌면 우리 사회의 어른을 스스로 구축해야 하는, 독특한 책임을 가진 세대일지도 모르겠다. _〈제19괘 지택림, 모든 조직에는 어른다운 어른이 있어야 한다〉 중에서  접기
중산간이 단순히 옴짝달싹 못하는 것을 의미한다면 중수감은 피하지도 못하는 상황에서 견디기 힘든 고통을 겪는 것이다. 그래서 중수감은 4대 난괘 가운데 가장 큰 고통을 의미한다. 고통과 시련의 시기를 맞아 일관성을 유지하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이다. 다만 그럼에도 자신이 가진 삶의 미학과 원칙을 간직하고자 노력한다면 당장 위기를 벗어나는 데에는 도움이 되지 않을지라도 긴 호흡으로 보면 훗날 더 큰 성취를 이룰 수 있는 바탕이 될 수 있을 것이다. 한 인간의 진로는 대개 어려움 앞에서 어떤 선택을 하는지에 따라 결정되기 마련이다.
_〈제29괘 중수간, 늪에 빠졌을 때 발버둥을 치면 더욱 깊은 곳으로 빠진다〉 중에서  접기
그는 이러한 경험을 통해 궁합이 딱 들어맞는 좋은 인연이 따로 있기보다는 사람을 대할 때 내가 먼저 상대방을 좋은 인연으로 대하는 것이 우선이라는 마음을 가지게 되었다고 한다. 인간은 삼류 드라마의 주인공들처럼 정형화되어 있지 않다. 좋은 사람도 내가 인상을 쓰고 험악하게 대하면 나에게만큼은 험악한 사람이 되고, 거칠고 까다로운 사람도 내가 인간적으로 다가가면 나에게만큼은 인간적으로 다가온다.
_〈제44괘 천풍구, 무심코 던진 돌 하나에 호수 전체가 일렁인다〉 중에서  접기

Simple Mindfulness (2005} ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh

이 동영상에서 중요한 부분 
10 개

How To Release the Tension in a Body
Mindfulness Breathing
Recognize the Body
Stopping the Thinking
The Bell of Mindfulness
Walking Meditation
Slow Walking
You Are Your Own Teacher
Mindful Breathing
Noble Silence

사념처 - 위키백과, Satipatthana 4 mindfulness meditation명상

사념처 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

사념처 위키백과  Satipatthana  4 mindfulness meditation명상

둘러보기로 가기검색하러 가기

사념처는 불교의 37도품 수행법 중 하나이다. 네가지 사띠 수행을 의미한다.



사념처는 팔정도정념(right mindfulness)에 해당하는 수행법이다. 간접적으로는 정정(right concentration)을 닦는 수행이다.

석가모니가 열반에 드실 무렵 아난존자가 "부처님께서 열반에 드신 뒤에는 무엇에 의지해야 합니까?" 하고 물었을 때 석가모니는 "사념처에 의지하라"고 대답했다.

사념처 명상은 관하는 위파사나(혜)고요한 사마타(정)의 두 가지가 모두 포함되는 수행법이다. 사념처는 테라와다(남방 상좌부)불교의 대표적 수행법이며, 대승불교의 조동종에서도 수행한다.[1]



사념처의 념(念)은 남방불교, 팔리어에서는 사티 (불교), 영어에선 마음챙김(mindfulness)라고 한다. 한국에서는 관(觀)한다고 할 때 관이 바로 념(念)이다. 한국에서는 마음챙김 또는 알아차림으로 가장 많이 번역되지만, 깨어있음, 주의깊음, 마음집중, 마음지킴, 수동적 주의집중 등으로도 번역된다.



사념처는 신념처(身念處), 수념처(受念處), 심념처(心念處), 법념처(法念處)의 네 가지를 말한다.

1] 신념처

몸의 성질과 모습이 허공과 같다고 관하는 것이니, 이것이 이름 하여 신념처(身念處, mindfulness of the body)라고 한다. 몸에 대한 마음챙김 명상이다. 참선 중에 호흡의 수를 세는 수식관이 신념처에 해당한다. 수식관은 석가모니가 평생 수행하고, 제자들에게 가르쳤던 참선법이다.

2] 수념처

몸에 어떤 느낌이 있을 때 이 느낌이 몸이나 몸 바깥에 있지도 않고, 중간에 머물지도 않음을 관하는 것이니, 이것을 이름 하여 수념처(受念處, mindfulness of feelings or sensations)라고 한다. 느낌에 대한 마음챙김 명상이다.

3] 심념처

마음에 일어나는 생각은 단지 고정된 개념으로 명자라는 사실을 관하는 것이니, 이 명자의 성품에서 벗어나는 것을 이름 하여 심념처(心念處, mindfulness of mind or consciousness)라고 한다. 마음에 대한 마음챙김 명상이다.

4] 법념처

중생의 마음에 일어나는 일체 법은 좋은 법도 좋지 않는 법도 얻을 수 없다는 사실을 관하는 것이니, 이것을 이름 하여 법념처(法念處, mindfulness of dhammās)라고 한다. 법 (불교)에 대한 마음챙김 명상,이다. 석가모니가 설법에 사용했던 언어인 팔리어로는 담마(dhammā)에 대한 사띠(sati) 수행을 말한다.

법념처에서 법은 오개오온육처칠각지사성제를 의미한다. 법은 알아차릴 대상이면서 그 자체가 진리이다.

오개(五蓋)란 다섯가지 장애로서, 탐욕, 성냄, 나태와 졸음, 동요와 걱정 및 의혹을 말한다. 

오온(五蘊)이란 다섯가지 쌓임이라는 뜻으로, 색수상행식을 말한다. 

육처(六處)란 여섯가지 안팎의 기관 (六處) 현상을 말한다. 각 기관인 안이비설신의와 그 기관의 대상인 색성향미촉법, 각 기관과 기관의 대상에 의해 생겨나는 번뇌를 말한다. 

칠각지(七覺支)란 일곱가지 깨달음의 요소라는 뜻으로, 염각지(念覺支), 택법각지(擇法覺支), 정진각지(精進覺支), 희각지(喜覺支), 경안각지(輕安覺支), 정각지(定覺支), 평등각지(平等覺支)를 말한다. 

사성제(四聖諦)는 네가지 성스러운 진리라는 뜻으로 고집멸도를 말한다. 사성제는 특히 불교에서 가르치는 주요한 진리 (현상의 이치)로서 궁극적으로 사념처 명상에서 체험적으로 깨달아야 할 대상이다.

관(觀)하다 - 불교에서 ‘관(觀)’은 산스크리트어 위빠사나(vipasyna, 毘鉢舍那)의 의 역으로 본다.

아미산 2015. 8. 19. 

불교에 있어서 ‘관(觀)’의 의미는 특별하다. 단순히 ‘본다’는 차원을 넘어서
고, 듣고, 공감하고, 심지어 겉으로 드러난 것을 초월해 본질과 핵심을 꿰뚫어본다
는 의미를 갖고 있다. 그리고 들고나는 생각을 마음 한자리에 놓고, 무(無)의 상태
로 집중해, 산란을 멈추고 평온하게 된 상태에서 대상을 있는 그대로 응시하는 것
을 말한다. 이는 어떤 현상이나 진리를 마음속으로 떠올려 그것을 자세히 주시하
되, 관(觀)은 자기 생각을 떨쳐버리고 염(染)이 없는 지혜로써 대상을 있는 그대로
주시함을 말한다.

본래 ‘관(觀)’은 중국 고전에서는 황새를 의미하는 관(鸛)과 보는 것을 의미하
는 견(見)이 합쳐진 형성문자라 한다. 그리하여 단순히 눈에 보이는 것을 본다는
견(見)의 의미가 아니라 신비의 새라고 할 수 있는 관(鸛)이 들려주는 신령스런 소
리까지 듣고 보는 형이상학적 행위를 말한다. 

이러한 관(觀)의 의미를 제대로 보여주는 말로는 관세음보살(觀世音菩薩)에서의 ‘관(觀)’을 들 수 있다. 관세음보살은
대자대비(大慈大悲)해서 세상 모든 존재가 토해내는 희로애락(喜怒哀樂)의 소리를
단지 듣는 것만이 아니라 직접 보고 듣고, 심지어 그 고통을 함께 하며, 해탈에 이
르도록 보살펴 준다.

<주역(周易)>에서는 관(觀)할 때는 몸을 씻고도 감히 두려워 제사를 올리지
못하듯, 그렇게 경건하고 엄숙하게 하라고 말하고 있다. 관(觀)이란 것이 도대체
무엇이기에 이처럼 경건하고 엄숙하게 하라는 것인가. 그것은 생각이 행동을 만들
고 행동이 습관을 만들며, 그렇게 만들어진 습관이 인생을 결정하기 때문이다. 이
와 같이 관(觀)에는 본다는 뜻뿐만 아니라 반복된 생각과 행동으로 만들어진 정신
의 습관까지 포함하며, 일관성 있는 생각이라는 뜻이 들어 있다. 역사관(歷史觀)이
라든가 인생관(人生觀), 세계관(世界觀)이라 하는 경우의 ‘관(觀)’이 그것이다. 그
리고 어떤 인생관, 어떤 세계관, 어떤 가치관을 갖고 있느냐에 따라 그 사람의 행
위가 결정되고, 결국엔 그 사람의 인격과 인생이 결정된다.

그런데 불교에서 ‘관(觀)’은 산스크리트어 위빠사나(vipasyna, 毘鉢舍那)의 의
역으로 본다. 지관(止觀) 수행에서 지(止) 수행을 통해 마음이 지의 상태에 이르면
자신의 마음속에 왔다 갔다 하는 마음의 움직임을 스스로 볼 수 있게 된다. 그래서

관을 통찰명상(洞察瞑想)이라 하며, 통찰명상을 하면 자신이 그동안 무엇에 마음
이 흔들리고 욕심을 부리고 조급해 했는지 알게 된다. 즉, 관(觀)은 대상의 변화를
지켜봄으로써 그 사물의 본질을 통찰하는 수행을 의미한다. 그리하여 이에 의해
얻은 앎은 자신을 지혜의 세계로 이끌고 간다. 즉, 관(觀)은 있는 그대로의 진리인
실상(實相)을 관찰하는 것을 의미한다.

위빠사나란 법(法)을 사유(思惟)하는 것을 말한다. 위빠사나를 하기 위해서는
일단 찰나삼매, 즉 순간적인 고요한 마음의 집중을 얻어야 한다.
삼매(三昧)는 산스크리트어 사마디(Samādhi)의 음사로서 자신의 마음을 보는
지혜가 깊어져서 외부의 어떠한 소리나 변화에도 흔들리지 않고 집중하고자 한 대
상에 마음이 일심불난(一心不亂)하게 몰입한 상태를 말한다. 그래서 참선하는 사
람은 참선삼매, 염불하는 사람은 염불삼매에 들었다고 말하고, 또는 무아지경에
빠졌다고 한다. 이와 같이 마음을 한곳에 모아 움직이지 않는 것을 정(定)이라 한

그리하여 불교에서 지(止)는 정(定)에, 관(觀)은 혜(慧)에 해당한다고 한다.
즉, 지는 주체의 확립, 관은 이 주체의 확립에서 모든 현상을 전체적 ‧ 객관적으로
관찰해 정확히 판단하고 자유로이 대처하는 것을 의미한다. 그러니 지관(止觀)은
선정(禪定)과 지혜(智慧)를 균등하게 담는 수행법으로서, 지(止)는 멈추어 모든 번
뇌를 그치는 것이고, 관(觀)은 자신의 본래마음을 관찰하고, 사물의 본성을 꿰뚫어
보는 것이다.

※관(觀)과 견(見)

좀 더 ‘관(觀)’의 뜻을 명확하게 하기 위해선 견(見)과 견주어 살펴보는 것이
더 효과적이겠다. 관이나 견, 모두 보는 것을 가리킨다. 그런데 가까이 있는 것을
자세히 들여다보는 것을 ‘견(見)’이라 하고, 멀리 있는 것을 큰 눈으로 살피는 것을
‘관(觀)’이라 한다. 이와 같이 겉으로 나타난 뜻은 같으나 사용에 따라서 다름이 있
견(見)은 형체인 모양을 보고, 관(觀)은 그 속의 마음을 본다. 그래서 관(觀)자
는 모양 속에 들어있는 근본을 본다고 생각하면 쉽게 이해할 수 있다. 즉, 견(見)
이 바깥에 중심을 둔다면 관은 내면에 보다 집중하는 것이다.
관의 눈이란 마음의 눈으로 보는 것이고, 견의 눈은 육안으로 보는 것이다. 육
안으로 상대를 보면 보이는 것에만 마음이 이끌리고 변화에만 현혹돼 뜻하지 않은
함정에 빠지기 쉽다. 항상 마음의 눈으로 전체를 꿰뚫어보고 상대의 마음속에 숨
어 있는 마음 움직임을 알아차려야 한다.
일상의 경험에서도 사물을 보는 시각과 안목이 모든 것을 결정하는 것을 본다.
눈이 트이지 않고 식견(識見)이 막혀 있으면, 그는 흡사 죽통(竹筒) 속으로 하늘을
보는 것과 같다. 다른 발상을 이해하지도 못하고 자기보다 더 풍부한 지식과 경험
을 이용하는 법을 모른다. 이게 어디 세속의 일만이겠는가. 초세간(超世間)을 지향
하는 불교도 마찬가지이다. 다른 삶을 살고 싶다면 이제까지 사물을 보던 방식을
확 바꾸어야 한다.
문제가 되는 것은 ‘사물’이 아니라 ‘안목’이다. 사물과 안목은 둘이 아니다. 사
물은 우리 안목에 종속된다. 삼계유심(三界唯識), 일체유심조(一切唯心造)라 하지
않던가. 이는 사물은 없고 안목만이 있다는 말이다. 우리가 쉽게 ‘사물’이라고 부
르는 것들은, 기실 물건 자체가 아니라 우리가 눈앞에 드러난 것들을 판단하고, 그
것들을 연관시키는 방식의 결과물일 뿐이다. 그러니 <금강경>에서 “범소유상(凡所
有相) 개시허망(皆是虛妄)”이라 했다.
사물을 판단하고 연관시키는 방법이 서로 다르기 때문에 사물은 각자에게 서
로 달리 나타난다. <법화경>의 비유에, 같은 물이라도 사람에게는 마실 물로 보이
고, 물고기에게는 집으로 보이며, 아귀에게는 피고름으로 보인다고 했다.
망상을 다스리기 위해서는 ‘멈추어 서서(止), 달리 생각하는 법(觀)’을 닦아야
한다. 멈추어 서지 않으면 망상은 해오던 대로 계속 빠른 속도로 삐꺽대며 굴러간
다. 수레바퀴의 동력을 멈추기 위해서는 ‘고요한 곳(靜處)을 찾아 틀어 앉아야 한
다(坐禪).’ 흐르는 물에서는 얼굴을 비출 수 없고, 더러운 거울은 사용할 수가 없는
그래서 불교에서는 다르게 보라고, 제발 다르게 보라고 주문한다. <반야심경>
에서는 “관자재보살이 깊은 반야바라밀을 행하실제, 오온(五蘊)이 모두 공(空)함
을 조건(照見)함으로써 일체의 고액(苦厄)을 뛰어넘으셨다”고 했다. 이는 조견, 즉
보는 행위가 해탈의 관건이며, 실천의 최상승이라는 것을 역력히 일러주고 있다.
성불하십시오. 작성자 아미산(이덕호)
※이 글을 작성함에 많은 분들의 글을 참조하고 인용했음을 밝혀둡니다. 감사합니

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Satipatthana - Wikipedia


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Translations of
Sanskritस्मृत्युपस्थान (smṛtyupasthāna)
Japanese念処 (nenjo)
Glossary of Buddhism

Satipaṭṭhāna (PaliSktsmṛtyupasthāna) is an important Buddhist term which means "the establishment of mindfulness" or "presence of mindfulness," or alternatively "foundations of mindfulness," aiding the development of a wholesome state of mind. In the Buddhist tradition, especially Theravada Buddhism, 

applying mindful attention to four domains, the body, feelings, the mind, and key principles or categories of the Buddha's teaching (dhammās),[1] is thought to aid the elimination of the five hindrances and the development of the seven aspects of wakefulness.

The Satipatthana Sutta is probably the most influential meditation text in modern Theravada Buddhism,[2] on which the teachings of the Vipassana movement are based. While these teachings are found in all Buddhist traditions, modern Theravada Buddhism and the Vipassana Movement are known especially for promoting the practice of satipaṭṭhāna as developing mindfullness to gain insight into impermanence, thereby reaching a first state of liberation. In the popular understanding, mindfulness has developed into a practice of bare awareness to calm the mind.

Etymology[edit source]

Satipaṭṭhāna is a compound term that has been parsed (and thus translated) in two ways, namely Sati-paṭṭhāna and Sati-upaṭṭhāna. The separate terms can be translated as follows:

  • Sati - Pali; Sanskrit smṛtiSmṛti originally meant "to remember," "to recollect," "to bear in mind," as in the Vedic tradition of remembering the sacred text; the term sati also means "to remember." According to Sharf, in the Satipațțhāna-sutta the term sati means to remember the wholesome dhammās, whereby the true nature of phenomena can be seen,[3] such as the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening-factors, the Noble Eightfold Path, and the attainment of insight.[4] Usually, sati is interpreted as observing and watching various phenomena or domains of experience, being aware and attentive of them in the present moment.[5][6]
  • Upaṭṭhāna (Sanskrit: upasthāna) - "attendance, waiting on, looking after, service, care, ministering"[web 1]
  • Paṭṭhāna - "setting forth, putting forward;" in later Buddhist literature also "origin," "starting point," "cause."[web 2]

The compound terms have been translated as follows:

  • Sati-upaṭṭhāna - "presence of mindfulness" or "establishment of mindfulness" or "arousing of mindfulness," underscoring the mental qualities co-existent with or antecedent to mindfulness.
  • Sati-paṭṭhāna - "foundation of mindfulness," underscoring the object used to gain mindfulness.

While the latter parsing and translation is more traditional, the former has been given etymological and contextual authority by contemporary Buddhist scholars such as Bhikkhu Analayo and Bhikkhu Bodhi.[note 1]

Anālayo argues from an etymological standpoint that, while "foundation [paṭṭhāna] of mindfulness" is supported by the Pāli commentary, the term paṭṭhāna (foundation) was otherwise unused in the Pāli nikayas and is only first used in the Abhidhamma. In contrast, the term upaṭṭhāna (presence or establishment) can in fact be found throughout the nikayas and is readily visible in the Sanskrit equivalents of the compound Pāli phrase satipaṭṭhāna (Skt., smṛtyupasthāna or smṛti-upasthāna). Thus Anālayo states that "presence of mindfulness" (as opposed to "foundation of mindfulness") is more likely to be etymologically correct.[7]

Like Anālayo, Bodhi assesses that "establishment [upaṭṭhāna] of mindfulness" is the preferred translation. However, Bodhi's analysis is more contextual than Anālayo's. According to Bodhi, while "establishment of mindfulness" is normally supported by the textual context, there are exceptions to this rule, such as with SN 47.42[note 2] where a translation of "foundation of mindfulness" is best supported.[8] Soma uses both "foundations of mindfulness" and "arousing of mindfulness."[9]

Canonical texts and subsequent interpretations[edit source]

Early Buddhist texts[edit source]

Texts[edit source]

In the Pāli Tipitaka, the four satipaṭṭhānas can be found in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (MN 10), as well as in DN 22 which is mostly the same with the addition of the four noble truths.[10] It is found throughout the Satipaṭṭhāna-samyutta (SN, Chapter 47) which contains 104 of the Buddha's discourses on the satipaṭṭhānas.[11][10] Other saṁyuttas in SN also deal with satipaṭṭhāna extensively, such as the Anuruddha-saṁyutta.[12]

Furthermore, the satipaṭṭhānas can be found in the Vibhaṅga (a book of the Theravada Abhidhamma Pitaka) in a form which differs from that in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. According to Johannes Bronkhorst and Bhikkhu Sujato, the satipaṭṭhāna formulation in the Vibhaṅga is actually an earlier version of the formula (it includes less elements than the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta).[13]

The Chinese Tripitaka also contains two parallels to the Satipaṭṭhāna suttaMadhyama Āgama (MĀ) No. 98 (belonging to the Sarvāstivāda) and the Ekottara Āgama 12.1, Ekāyana Sūtra (possibly from the Mahāsaṅghika school).[14] Their presentation of the satipaṭṭhāna formula has some significant differences with the Theravada version. For example, MĀ 98 lists the four jhanas and the 'perception of light' under mindfulness of the body as well as listing six elements instead of four. However they generally share the same structure and several basic practices.[15]

According to Sujato, the Sarvāstivāda Smṛtyupasthāna Sūtra seems to emphasize samatha or calm abiding, while the Theravadin version emphasizes vipassana or insight.[16] The Sarvāstivāda Saṃyukta Āgama (SĀ, Taisho Tripitaka #99) also contains an entire section devoted to smṛtyupasthāna, which parallels the Pali Satipaṭṭhāna-samyutta.[17]

The Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma text called the Dharmaskandha also contains a passage with the smṛtyupasthāna schema. According to Sujato, this is very similar to the passage from the Vibhaṅga.[18] The Śāriputrābhidharma, an Abhidharma text of the Dharmaguptaka school, also contains a passage with the smṛtyupasthānas.

Another parallel passage of the satipaṭṭhāna schema can be found in the Pañcavimsatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā sutra.[19][20] Another passage is found in the Śrāvakabhūmi.[21]

Connection with other Buddhist teachings[edit source]

Gradual training[edit source]

The satipaṭṭhānas are one of the seven sets of "states conducive to awakening" (Pāli bodhipakkhiyādhammā) identified in many schools of Buddhism as means for progressing toward bodhi (awakening). The early sources also contain passages in which the Buddha is said to refer to satipaṭṭhāna as a path which is "ekā-yano" for purification and the realisation of nirvana. The term ekāyano has been interpreted and translated in different ways including "the only path" (Soma), "direct path," (Analayo, B. Bodhi), "path to convergence" i.e. to samādhi (Sujato) and the "comprehensive" or "all-inclusive" path where all practices converge (Kuan).[22][23][note 3][note 4] According to Sujato, in the context of the graduated path to awakening found in numerous early texts, the practice of the satipaṭṭhānas is closely connected with various elements, including sense restraint, moderate eating, wakefulness, clear comprehension, seclusion, establishing mindfulness and abandoning the hindrances.[25]

The place of satipaṭṭhāna in the gradual training is thus outlined by Sujato as follows:

One’s understanding of the Dhamma impels one to renounce in search of peace; one undertakes the rules of conduct and livelihood; applies oneself to restraint and mindfulness in all activities and postures; resorts to a secluded dwelling; establishes mindfulness in satipaṭṭhāna meditation; and develops the four jhānas leading to liberating insight.[26]

Johannes Bronkhorst has argued that in the early texts there are two kinds of mindfulness, the preliminary stage of "mindfulness in daily life" (often called clear comprehension) and the practice of mindfulness meditation proper (the actual practice of satipaṭṭhāna as a formal meditation). According to Sujato, these two forms of mindfulness are so closely connected that they gradually came to be subsumed under the heading of satipaṭṭhāna.[27]

Jhana[edit source]

In the schema of the Noble Eightfold Path, they are included in sammā-sati (right mindfulness), which culminates in the final factor of the path, sammā-samādhi (a state of luminous awareness, but also interpreted as deep meditative absorption). This is confirmed by texts like MN 44.12 which state "the four satipaṭṭhānas are the basis for samādhi."[28] The close connection between satipaṭṭhāna and samādhi can also be seen in texts which discuss the three trainings (such as MN 44.11/MA 210) which list satipaṭṭhāna under samādhi.[29] Thus, according to Bhikkhu Sujato, "all of the basic statements on the function of satipaṭṭhāna in the path confirm that its prime role is to support samādhi, that is, jhāna."[30] Rupert Gethin also affirms the close connection between satipaṭṭhāna and the jhanas, citing various discourses from the Pali Nikayas (such as SN 47.10 and SN 47.8).[31]

In the oldest texts of Buddhismdhyāna (Sanskrit) or jhāna (Pāḷi) is the training of the mind, commonly translated as meditation, to withdraw the mind from the automatic responses to sense-impressions, and leading to a "state of perfect equanimity and awareness (upekkhā-sati-parisuddhi)."[32] Dhyāna may have been the core practice of pre-sectarian Buddhism, in combination with several related practices which together lead to perfected mindfulness and detachment, and are fully realized with the practice of dhyana.[33][34][35] In the later commentarial tradition, which has survived in present-day Theravādadhyāna is equated with "concentration," a state of one-pointed absorption in which there is a diminished awareness of the surroundings. Since the 1980s, scholars and practitioners have started to question this equation, arguing for a more comprehensive and integrated understanding and approach, based on the oldest descriptions of dhyāna in the suttas.[36][37][38][39]

According to Anālayo, writing from a more traditional perspective, "several discourses testify to the important role of satipaṭṭhāna as a basis for the development of absorption" (jhana). This includes suttas like the Dantabhūmi Sutta and the Cūḷavedalla Sutta (which speaks of satipaṭṭhāna as the “cause” of samādhisamādhinimitta).[40] Anālayo also writes that satipaṭṭhāna is not purely a concentration (samādhi) exercise, noting that sati "represents an enhancement of the recollective function," in which the breadth of attention is expanded. During absorption, "sati becomes mainly presence of the mind," but in a more focused way.[41][note 5]

Anālayo cites SN 47.10 in which the Buddha states that if one is distracted and sluggish while practicing satipaṭṭhāna, one should switch one's meditation towards a calm (samatha) meditation, in order to cultivate joy and serenity. Once the mind has been calmed, one can then return to satipaṭṭhāna. Anālayo argues that the distinction that is made in this sutta between “directed” and “undirected” forms of meditation suggest that satipaṭṭhāna is not the same as samatha meditation. However, the sutta also shows that they are closely interrelated and mutually supporting.[42]

Thanissaro Bhikkhu, citing various early sources (SN 47:40, MN 118, AN 4:94, AN 4:170, Dhp 372 etc.), similarly states that "developing the frames of reference [satipaṭṭhāna] is a precondition for jhana" and that "the proper development of the frames of reference necessarily incorporates, in and of itself, the practice of jhana."[43]

Recollection and present awareness[edit source]

The term sati (Sanskrit: smṛti), which is often translated as mindfulness, also means memory and recollection, and it is often used in that sense in the early discourses, which sometimes define sati as "the ability of calling to mind what has been done or said long ago."[44] According to Sharf, in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the term sati means to remember the dharmas, which allows one to see the true nature of phenomena.[3]

According to Anālayo, sati does not literally mean memory, but "that which facilitates and enables memory." This is particularly applicable in the context of satipaṭṭhāna, in which sati does not refer to remembering past events, but an "awareness of the present moment," and to remember to stay in that awareness (especially if one's attention wanders away).[6] Anālayo states that it is this clear and awake state of presence is that allows one to easily remember whatever is experienced.[45] He also states that sati is a detached, uninvolved and non-reactive observation which does not interfere with what it is observing (such an active function is instead associated with right effort, not mindfulness). This allows one to clearly attend to things in a more sober, objective and impartial manner.[46] Regarding upaṭṭhāna, Anālayo writes that it means "being present" and "attending" in this context. He further states: "Understood in this way, “satipaṭṭhāna” means that sati “stands by”, in the sense of being present; sati is “ready at hand”, in the sense of attending to the current situation. Satipaṭṭhāna can then be translated as “presence of mindfulness” or as “attending with mindfulness."[47]

Paul Williams (referring to Frauwallner) states that satipaṭṭhāna practice refers to "constantly watching sensory experience in order to prevent the arising of cravings which would power future experience into rebirths."[48][note 6]

Rupert Gethin, who argues that satipaṭṭhāna is derived from sati+upaṭṭhāna, sees satipaṭṭhāna as "the activity of observing or watching the body, feelings, mind and dhammas," as well as "a quality of mind that 'stands near'" (the literal meaning of upaṭṭhāna) or "serves' the mind," and even "presence of mind".[5] Gethin further notes that sati ('mindfulness') refers to "remembering" or "having in mind" something. It is keeping something in mind without wavering or losing it.[49]

Bhikkhu Bodhi writes that sati is "a presence of mind, attentiveness or awareness" as well as "bare attention, a detached observation of what is happening within us and around us in the present moment [...] the mind is trained to remain in the present, open, quiet, alert, contemplating the present event."[50] He also states that sati is "what brings the field of experience into focus and makes it accessible to insight."[50] According to Bodhi, to be mindful, "all judgements and interpretations have to be suspended, or if they occur, just registered and dropped."[50]

Bhante Gunaratana explains satipaṭṭhāna practice as bringing full awareness to our present moment bodily and mental activities.[51]

According to Sujato, mindfulness is "the quality of mind which recollects and focuses awareness within an appropriate frame of reference, bearing in mind the what, why, and how of the task at hand."[52]

Process view[edit source]

Thanissaro Bhikkhu argues that an element of mindfulness practice includes learning how to maximize skillful qualities and how to minimize unskillful qualities, which might require one to "manipulate and experiment" with different mental qualities and meditation methods. Therefore, Thanissaro argues that mindfulness meditation can also be an active process of learning various skillful ways of directing the mind by cultivating certain perceptions and ideas (such as asubha).[53] Thanissaro compares this process to how "one learns about eggs by trying to cook with them, gathering experience from one’s successes and failures in attempting increasingly difficult dishes."[54] Eventually, as one gains mastery of the mind, one is able to transcend even the need for skillful manipulation of mental qualities.[55]

According to Grzegorz Polak, the four upassanā have been misunderstood by the developing Buddhist tradition, including Theravada, to refer to four different foundations. According to Polak, the four upassanā do not refer to four different foundations of which one should be aware, but are an alternate description of the jhanas, describing how the samskharas are tranquilized:[56]

  • the six sense-bases which one needs to be aware of (kāyānupassanā);
  • contemplation on vedanās, which arise with the contact between the senses and their objects (vedanānupassanā);
  • the altered states of mind to which this practice leads (cittānupassanā);
  • the development from the five hindrances to the seven factors of enlightenment (dhammānupassanā).

Scholastic and Abhidhamma texts and interpretations[edit source]

The four satipaṭṭhāna are analyzed and sytematized in the scholastic and Abhidharma works of the various Buddhist schools. In these later texts, various doctrinal developments can be seen. In his history of satipaṭṭhāna, Bhikkhu Sujato writes that:

In the early teachings satipaṭṭhāna was primarily associated not with vipassanā but with samatha. Since for the Suttas, samatha and vipassanā cannot be divided, a few passages show how this samatha practice evolves into vipassanā. In later literature the vipassanā element grew to predominate, almost entirely usurping the place of samatha in satipaṭṭhāna.[57]

Tse-fu Kuan agrees, noting that "the tendency to dissociate satipaṭṭhāna from samatha is apparently a rather late development."[58]

According to Sujato, various canonical texts which show sectarian Theravada elements consistently depict satipaṭṭhāna as more closely aligned with vipassanā practice. However, in the canonical Abhidhamma, satipaṭṭhāna is still said to be associated with jhana as well.[59] For example, according to Kuan, the Vibhanga "says that when a monk attains the first jhāna and contemplates the body (feelings, etc.) as a body (feelings, etc.), at that time sati, anussati, etc. are called 'satipaṭṭhāna.'"[58]

Meanwhile, the canonical Abhidharma texts of the Sarvāstivāda tradition consistently interpreted the smṛtyupasthānas as being a practice that was associated with samadhi and dhyana.[60] This can be seen in the Mahāvibhāṣa Śāstra, which contains a section on how to practice the smṛtyupasthānas in the context of the four dhyanas and the formless attainments.[58]

In the later texts of the Theravada tradition, like the Visuddhimagga, the focus on vipassanā is taken even further. Some of these works claim that one may reach awakening by practicing dry insight meditation (vipassanā without jhana) based on satipaṭṭhāna. Through this practice, one is said to be able to reach a "transcendental jhana" which lasts for one mind moment prior to realization. According to Sujato this is a "grave distortion of the suttas".[61]

The same kind of trend can be seen in some later, post-canonical Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma works, such as the Abhidharmasāra of Dharmaśrī. This text, unlike the canonical Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, treats the four smṛtyupasthānas as mainly vipassanā practices. This presentation influenced later works like the Abhidharmakośa (4th century CE), which "defines satipaṭṭhāna not as ‘mindfulness’, but as ‘understanding’ (paññā)." However, this practice is only undertaken after having practiced samādhi based on ānāpānasati or contemplation of the body and so is not equivalent to the dry insight approach of the later Theravada.[62]

Mahayana Buddhist texts also contain teachings on the four smṛtyupasthānas. These include the Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra, Asanga's Abhidharmasamuccaya, the Yogācārabhūmi, Vasubandhu's Madhyāntavibhāgabhāṣya, the Avataṁsaka Sūtra, and Santideva’s Śikṣāsamuccaya.[63] Furthermore, Nagarjuna's Letter to a Friend contains a passage which affirms the early Buddhist understanding of the four smṛtyupasthānas as closely connected with samādhi:

"The persevering practice (of smṛtyupasthāna) is called ‘samādhi’."[64]

Modern Theravāda[edit source]

The four satipaṭṭhānas are regarded as fundamental in modern Theravāda Buddhism and the Vipassana or Insight Meditation Movement. In the Pali Canon, mindfulness meditation and satipaṭṭhāna are seen as ways to develop the mental factors of samatha ("calm", "serenity") and vipassana ("insight").[65]

According to Bhikkhu Sujato, there is a particularly popular interpretation of mindfulness meditation in modern Theravāda which he calls the vipassanāvāda (the vipassanā-doctrine). According to Sujato, this widespread modernist view can be summarized as follows:

The Buddha taught two systems of meditation, samatha and vipassanā. Samatha was taught before the Buddha (so is not really Buddhist), it is dangerous (because one can easily get attached to the bliss), and it is unnecessary (because vipassanā alone can develop the access samādhi necessary to suppress the hindrances). Vipassanā is the true key to liberation taught by the Buddha. This method was pre-eminently taught inthe Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the most important discourse taught by the Buddha on meditation and on practice in everyday life. The essence of this practice is the moment-to-moment awareness of the rise and fall of all mind-body phenomena. Thus satipaṭṭhāna and vipassanā are virtually synonyms.[66]

Tse-fu Kuan also writes that it is a "widely held opinion in Theravada Buddhism that serenity meditation is not essential for the realization of Nirvana".[67] Kuan cites Theravada authors such as Ven. Rahula, Ven. Silananda and Nyanaponika as figures who support some version of this view.[68] In contrast to this, Kuan argues that "there is probably no explicit indication in the Canon that one can achieve liberation by the practice of sati alone without the attainment of the jhānas."[69]

According to Kuan, this "bare insight" view arose due to "the tendency in the tradition to redefine “liberation by wisdom” (paññāvimutti) as being liberated by insight alone without high meditative attainments, although “liberation by wisdom” originally did not mean so." That liberation by wisdom did not originally mean liberation without jhana has also been argued by Cousins and Gombrich.[70]

Anālayo writes that certain modern Theravada meditation teachers "emphasize the “dry insight” approach, dispensing with the formal development of mental calm."[71] He writes that some teachers of this dry insight approach describe the practice of mindfulness as “attacking” its object or "plunging into it". He cites U Pandita who writes that satipaṭṭhāna practice means to “attack the object without hesitation ... with violence, speed or great force ... with excessive haste or hurry.”[72] Analayo thinks this mistaken understanding of mindfulness "arose because of a misreading or misinterpretation of a particular term". This is related to the interpretation of the Abhidhamma term apilāpeti (plunging) in the Theravada commentaries. Analayo agrees with Gethin, who argues instead for a reading of apilapati (or abhilapati) which means "reminding".[72]

Furthermore, even though the early discourses support the idea that one can attain stream entry without having developed the jhanas (mainly by listening to a discourse by the Buddha), Anālayo argues that "for satipaṭṭhāna to unfold its full potential of leading to non-returning or full awakening [arahantship], the development of absorption is required."[73]

Sujato notes that not all modern Theravāda meditation traditions accept this dichotomy of samatha and vipassanā. According to Sujato, the teachers of the Thai forest tradition instead emphasize how samatha and vipassanā are complementary factors which must be practiced together. This is closer to how these two aspects of meditation are understood in the early Buddhist texts.[74]

Similarly, Thanissaro Bhikkhu notes that:

Although satipaṭṭhāna practice is often said to be separate from the practice of jhāna, a number of suttas—such as MN 125 and AN 8:63—equate the successful completion of this first stage [of satipaṭṭhāna practice] with the attainment of the first level of jhāna. This point is confirmed by the many suttas—MN 118 among them—describing how the practice of satipaṭṭhāna brings to completion the factors for awakening, which coincide with the factors of jhāna.[75]

According to Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, the aim of mindfulness is to stop the arising of disturbing thoughts and emotions, which arise from sense-contact.[76]

Satipaṭṭhāna as four domains of mindfullness[edit source]

In the early Buddhist texts, mindfulness is explained as being established in four main ways:

  1. mindfulness of the body (Pāli: kāyagatā-sati; Skt. kāya-smṛti),
  2. mindfulness of feelings (Pāli vedanā-sati; Skt. vedanā-smṛti),
  3. mindfulness of the mind (Pāli citta-sati; Skt. citta-smṛti)
  4. mindfulness of principles or phenomena (Pāli dhammā-sati; Skt. dharma-smṛti).[1]

Rupert Gethin translates (from the Pali) the basic exposition of these four practices (which he calls the "basic formula") that is shared by numerous early Buddhist sources as follows:

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu [i] with regard to the body dwells watching body; he is ardent, he comprehends clearly, is possessed of mindfulness and overcomes both desire for and discontent with the world. [ii] With regard to feelings he dwells watching feeling [vedana] ... [iii] With regard to the mind he dwells watching mind [citta] ... [iv] With regard to dhammas he dwells watching dhamma; he is ardent, he comprehends clearly, is possessed of mindfulness and overcomes both desire for and discontent with the world.[77]

Elements in the early texts[edit source]

The various early sources for satipaṭṭhāna provide an array of practices for each domain of mindfulness. Some of these sources are more elaborate and contain more practices than others. The table below contains the main elements found in the various early Buddhist sources on the satipaṭṭhānas.[78]

Various scholars have attempted to use the numerous early sources to trace an "ur-text" i.e. the original satipaṭṭhāna formula or the earliest sutta. Bronkhorst argues that the earliest form of the satipaṭṭhāna sutta only contained the observation of the impure body parts under mindfulness of the body, and that mindfulness of dhammas was originally just the observation of the seven awakening factors.[79] Sujato's reconstruction similarly only retains the contemplation of the impure under mindfulness of the body, while including only the five hindrances and the seven awakening factors under mindfulness of dhammas.[80]

ReconstructionTheravāda VibhangaSarvāstivāda Dharma-skandhaŚāriputr-ābhidharmaTheravāda Mahā-satipatṭhāna SuttaSarvāstivāda Smṛtyupasthāna SūtraEkāyana SūtraLong Prajñā-pāramitā Sūtra
Body (kaya)Impure body partsParts of the bodyParts of the body, 6 elements4 postures, Clear ComprehendingĀnāpānasati, Parts of the body |4 elements, Food, Space (5th element), Oozing orifices, Death contemplationĀnāpānasati, 4 postures, Clear Comprehending, Parts of the body, 4 elementsDeath contemplation4 postures, Clear Comprehending, Cutting off thought, Suppressing thought, Ānāpānasati, 4 jhāna similes, Perception of light, Basis of reviewing, Parts of the body, 6 elements, Death contemplationParts of the body, 4 elements, Oozing orifices, Death contemplation4 Postures, Comprehension, Ānāpānasati, 4 elements, Body parts, Death contemplation
Feelings (vedana)Happy/pain/neutral, Carnal/spiritualHappy/pain/neutral, Bodily/Mental, Carnal/spiritual, Sensual/Non–sensualHappy/pain/neutral, Carnal/spiritualHappy/pain/neutral, Carnal/spiritualHappy/pain/neutral, Bodily/Mental, Carnal/spiritual, Sensual/Non–sensualHappy/pain/neutral, Carnal/spiritual, No mixed feelingsN/A (the source only mentions that one practices mindfulness of feelings without elaborating)
Mind (Cittā)Greedy (or not), Angry, Deluded, Contracted, Exalted, Surpassed, Samādhi, ReleasedGreedy, Angry, Deluded, Contracted, Slothful, Small, Distracted, Quiet, Samādhi, Developed, ReleasedGreedy, Angry, Deluded, Contracted, Exalted, Surpassed, Samādhi, ReleasedGreedy, Angry, Deluded, Contracted, Exalted, Surpassed, Samādhi, ReleasedGreedy, Angry, Deluded, Defiled, Contracted, Small, Lower, Developed, Samādhi, ReleasedGreedy, Angry, Deluded, Affection, Attained, Confused, Contracted, Universal, Exalted, Surpassed, Samādhi, ReleasedN/A
DhammāHindrancesFactors of EnlightenmentHindrancesFactors of EnlightenmentHindrances, 6 Sense-BasesFactors of EnlightenmentHindrances, 6 Sense-BasesFactors of EnlightenmentFour Noble TruthsHindrancesAggregates, 6 Sense-BasesFactors of EnlightenmentFour Noble TruthsHindrances, 6 Sense-BasesFactors of EnlightenmentHindrancesFactors of Enlightenment, 4 jhānasN/A

Mindfulness of the body[edit source]

The various early sources show considerable variation in the practices included under mindfulness of the body. The most widely shared set of meditations are the contemplation of the body’s anatomical parts, the contemplation of the elements, and the contemplation of a corpse in decay.[81] Anālayo notes that the parallel versions of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta "agree not only in listing these three exercises, but also in the sequence in which they are presented."[82] According to Sujato's comparative study of satipaṭṭhāna, the original mindfulness of the body practice focused on contemplating various parts of the body, while the other practices later came to be added under mindfulness of the body.[83]

Body parts[edit source]

The practice of mindfulness of anatomical parts is described in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta as follows: "one examines this same body up from the soles of the feet and down from the top of the hair, enclosed by skin and full of many kinds of impurity." Following this instruction is a list of various body parts, including hair, skin, teeth, numerous organs as well as different kinds of bodily liquids.[84] According to Anālayo, this meditation, which is often called the meditation on "asubha" (the unattractive), is supposed to deconstruct notions of bodily beauty and to allow us to see that bodies are “not worth being attached to” (as the Ekottarika-āgama version states).[85] Ultimately, according to Anālayo, "the principal aim of contemplating the anatomical constitution of the body is the removal of sensual desire."[86] Sujato similarly states that the basic purpose of these three meditations "is to rise above sensuality," and to deprive "the addiction to sensual gratification" of its fuel.[87]

According to U Sīlānanda, first one should memorize the 32 parts of the body by reciting them, then one learns the color, shape and location of each part. After achieving mastery in this, one is ready to contemplate the unattractiveness of each part in meditation.[88] Bhikkhu Bodhi notes that this practice is done "using visualization as an aid."[89] This practice is described with a common simile in the early discourses: one is mindful of each body part in the same way one is mindful when looking through various kinds of beans (or grains) in a bag (i.e. in a detached way). This indicates that the goal is not to become disgusted with the body but to see it in a detached manner.[85] Bhante Gunaratana similarly notes that this practice "opens the mind to accepting our body as it is right now, without our usual emotional reactions. It helps us overcome pride and self-hatred and regard our body with the balanced mind of equanimity."[90] Similarly, Thanissaro Bhikkhu argues that this practice, far from creating a negative self-image, allows us to develop a healthy understanding of the reality that all bodies are equal (and thus none is superior or inferior in terms of beauty, since such a concept is ultimate relative to one's frame of reference).[91]

Elements[edit source]

The practice of mindfulness of the elements or properties mainly focuses on four physical attributes (mahābhūta): earth (solids), water (liquids), air (gases moving in and outside the body, as well as breathing) and fire (warmth/temperature). The early texts compare this to how a butcher views and cuts up a slaughtered cow into various parts. According to Anālayo this second exercise focuses on diminishing the sense of identification with the body and thus, on seeing anatta (not-self) and undoing the sense of ownership to the body.[92] Buddhaghosa states that through this practice a monk "immerses himself in voidness and eliminates the perception of living beings."[93] The practice of contemplating these four properties is also described in more detail in the Mahāhaṭṭthipadopama Sutta, the Rāhulovāda Sutta, and the Dhātuvibhaṅga Sutta.[93]

Dead corpse[edit source]

Asubha Contemplation Illustration
Illustration of mindfulness of death using corpses in a charnel ground, a part of the first satipatthana. From an early-20th-century manuscript found in Chaiya DistrictSurat Thani ProvinceThailand.[94]

The practice of mindfulness of death is explained as contemplating a corpse various progressive stages of decay (from a fresh corpse to bone dust).[95] According to Anālayo, the sources indicate that the practice could have been done in a charnel ground with real corpses but also indicate that one may visualize this as well.[96] Bodhi writes that this practice can be done in the imagination, through using pictures or by viewing an actual live corpse.[97]

The various early sources all indicate that one should contemplate how one's own body is of the same nature as the corpse. The Ekottarika-āgama version states that one is to contemplate how “my body will not escape from this calamity”, “I will not escape from this condition. My body will also be destroyed,” and “this body is impermanent, of a nature to fall apart.”[96] This practice allows one to gain insight into our own impermanence, and therefore also leads to letting go. In numerous early sources, contemplating the inevitability of death is also said to lead to increased motivation to practice the path.[98]

Overall direction[edit source]

Anālayo sums up the overall direction of mindfulness of the body as "detachment from the body through understanding its true nature."[99] The early discourses compare mindfulness of the body to a strong pillar which can be used to tie up numerous wild animals (which are compared to the six senses). This simile shows that mindfulness of the body was seen as a powerful centering practice and as a strong anchor for maintaining our mindfulness.[100] The Kāyagatāsati-sutta and its Madhyama-āgama parallel also list various others benefits from practicing mindfulness of the body, including how it helps to give rise to mental balance and detachment and allows one to endure many physical discomforts.[101]

Mindfulness of feelings[edit source]

This satipaṭṭhāna focuses on the contemplation of "feelings" (vedanāaffectvalence or hedonic tones), which mainly refers to how one perceives feelings as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral.[102] According to Anālayo, mindfulness of feelings "requires recognizing the affective tone of present-moment experience, before the arisen feeling leads to mental reactions and elaborations." It also requires that "one does not get carried away by the individual content of felt experience and instead directs awareness to the general character of experience."[103] The early discourses contain similes which compare feelings to various types of "fierce winds that can suddenly arise in the sky" as well as to "various types of people who stay in a guest house." These similes illustrate the need to remain calm and non-reactive in respect to feelings.[104]

In most early sources, feelings are also distinguished between those which are sensual or worldly (lit. "carnal") and those that are not sensual or spiritual in nature.[105] This introduces an ethical distinction between feelings that can lead to the arising of defilements and those that lead in the opposite direction."[106] Thus, while pleasant feelings associated with sense pleasures lead to unwholesome tendencies, pleasant feelings associated with mental concentration lead towards wholesome states. Meanwhile, a worldly painful feeling might lead to the arising of unwholesome mental states, but it need not do so if one is mindfully aware of it without reacting. Furthermore, certain painful feelings, like those caused by the sadness of knowing one has not yet reached liberation, are considered spiritual unpleasant feelings and can motivate one to practice more. As such, they are commendable.[107]

The Madhyama-āgama version of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta also adds the additional categories of bodily and mental feelings, which refers to feelings that arise either from physical contact or from the mind (a distinction which does appear in other early discourses like the Salla-sutta SN 36.6 and its parallels).[108] Furthermore, according to Sujato, the Ānāpānasati Sutta section on vedanā also adds "rapture" and "mental activities" (cittasankhāra, feeling and perception), which "seems to broaden the scope of feelings here as far as ‘emotions’, ‘moods’."[109] Gunaratana similarly states that vedanā "includes both physical sensations and mental emotions."[110]

Furthermore, Anālayo argues that "the central role that feelings have in this respect is particularly evident in the context of the dependent arising (paṭiccasamuppāda) of dukkha, where feeling forms the crucial link that can trigger the arising of craving."[106] The fact that dependent origination can be contemplated through mindfulness of feelings is supported by SĀ 290.[111] The early discourses also state that practicing mindfulness of feeling can be a way of dealing with physical pain and disease.[112]

Bhikkhu Bodhi notes that feelings arise due to sense contact (phassa) and thus another way of analyzing feeling is into six types depending on the six sense bases: eye, nose, tongue, ear, body, and mind.[113]

Mindfulness of the mind[edit source]

In all early sources, the contemplation of the mind or cognition (citta) begins with noticing the presence or absence of the three unwholesome roots (lust, anger, and delusion).[114] This practice is similar to that found in other early discourses in which the Buddha looks into his mind by applying a basic distinction between wholesome and unwholesome thoughts (and reflecting how unwholesome thoughts are harmful, which allows him to abandon them). This can be seen in the Dvedhāvitakka-sutta and its parallels such as MĀ 102.[115] Other suttas like the Vitakkasaṇṭhāna-sutta and its parallels, provide several ways of dealing with unwholesome thoughts, such as replacing an unwholesome thought with a wholesome one or contemplating the drawbacks of unwholesome thoughts.[116]

Reflecting on the absence of unwholesome states is also important, as it allows one to rejoice in this positive state and become inspired by it. It also encourages one to protect this mental state, as can be seen in the simile of the bronze dish found in the Anaṅgaṇa-sutta (MN 5) and its parallels such as EĀ 25.6.[117] In this simile, a person who buys a bronze dish but takes no care to clean it from time to time is compared to someone who is unaware of having a mind free of unwholesome states. In this case, the dish (mind) will eventually get dirty. In the other hand, someone who has reached some degree of purity and is mindful of this is more likely to protect and maintain this mental state.[117]

Anālayo writes that this way of contemplating the mind is a middle path that avoids two extremes:

one extreme is seeing only what is bad within oneself and consequently getting frustrated, succumbing to feelings of inadequacy. As a result of this, inspiration can get lost and one no longer engages fully in the practice. The other extreme is pretending to oneself (and in front of others) that one is better than one really is, at the cost of ignoring one’s own dark sides, those areas of the mind that are in need of purification. Such ignoring allows those dark sides to gather strength until they are able to overwhelm the mind completely. Steering a balanced middle path between these two extremes becomes possible through the simple but effective element of honest recognition, introduced through mindfulness of the present condition of one’s mind, which sees both one’s shortcomings and one’s virtues equally well.[118]

This mindfulness is also extended into being aware of the level of mindfulness (or distraction) and concentration present in the mind (from contraction or a lesser mind to higher states such as samadhi and liberation). Anālayo states that the basic task here is "recognizing the degree to which one’s practice has developed and realizing if more can be done."[105][114]

Therefore, the terms such as a "small", "lower", "contracted" or "distracted" mind indicate a mind which lacks development in the qualities of mindfulness and samadhi. Other terms such as the "developed," "exalted" and "liberated" mind are referring to a mind that has achieved some level of samadhi and mindfulness (and in some cases, has been at least temporarily liberated from the hindrances through meditation).[119] Sujato states that the terms associated with higher states of mind refer to the jhanas (he cites MN 54.22-24, MN 53.20-22 as support).[120] Anālayo further notes that this element of contemplation of the mind shows that in early Buddhism "enquiring if one has reached some degree of attainment is considered an integral part of knowing the nature of one’s own mental condition."[121]

In the early discourses (SĀ 1246 and AN 3.100), the gradual process of removing unwholesome thoughts and cultivating wholesome mental states is compared to the gradual refining of gold ore which is initially covered over with rock, sand and fine dust (which represent the various gross and subtle aspects of mental defilement).[122]

Mindfulness of dhammas[edit source]

Five hindrances and seven aspects of wakefulness[edit source]

This last set of exercises show considerable variation in the various early Buddhist sources. Only two sets of dhammas ("principles" or "mental categories") are shared by all early sources: the five hindrances and the seven factors of awakening, and Anālayo considers these two as integral elements of the fourth satipaṭṭhāna.[123] Sujato's comparative study concludes that these two groups of dhammas constituted the original subjects of meditation in this satipaṭṭhāna, while the other elements are later additions.[124] Thanissaro Bhikkhu states that it is not possible to decide the question of what the original version may have been, but he concludes that there is a good case for stating that "the early tradition regarded the abandoning of the hindrances and the development of the factors for Awakening as encompassing all the factors that might be included under this heading."[125]

Dhamma[edit source]

"Dhammā" is often translated as "mental objects" but Anālayo argues that this translation is problematic for multiple reasons.[126] The three prior satipatthāna (body, sensations, mind) can become mental objects in themselves, and those objects, such as the hindrances, aggregates and sense bases, identified under the term dhamma are far from an exhaustive list of all possible mental objects. Anālayo translates dhammā as "mental factors and categories," "classificatory schemes," and "frameworks or points of reference to be applied during contemplation".[127] Thanissaro Bhikkhu argues that the fourth satipaṭṭhāna "denotes the qualities of mind that are developed and abandoned as one masters the meditation."[128]

Sujato argues that dhammā here refers to a "distinctive and more profound aspect of meditation: the understanding of the causal principles underlying the development of samādhi."[129] According to Anālayo, this satipaṭṭhāna focuses on phenomena which lead to awakening when cultivated and therefore, it is soteriologically oriented.[130][131] Anālayo states that the "main thrust" of the fourth satipaṭṭhāna is the path to awakening and therefore, "contemplation of dharmas is somewhat like a shorthand description of the path." He further adds that "the task of mindfulness in the context of contemplation of dharmas would thus be to supervise the mind on the path to awakening, ensuring that the hindrances are overcome and the awakening factors are well established."[132]

Five hindrances[edit source]

According to U Sīlānanda, a proponent of the New Burmese method, the five hindrances are those mental states that hinder or block the mind's progress to deeper concentration and liberation.[133][134] In the early discourses (see MN 43.20, MN 68.6), the attainment of jhana is associated with the abandonment of the five hindrances, which are said to "choke the mind, robbing understanding of its strength".[135] Through the simile of refining gold, the early discourses state that as long as the hindrances have not been removed "the mind is not soft, nor workable, nor radiant, but is brittle" (AN 5.13).[136]

The Satipaṭṭhāna sutta indicates that one is to be mindful of the presence or absence of each of the five hindrances (sense desire, ill will, sloth-and-torpor, restlessness-and-worry and doubt). The sutta and the MA parallel also state that one should know how a hindrance arises, how it can be removed and how it can be prevented from arising.[137] The fact that mindfulness of the hindrances is also connected to remembering the instructions on how to remove and prevent the hindrances (not just watch it mindfully) is supported by other early discourses like the Gopakamoggallāna-sutta and its parallels (like MĀ 145).[138] Anālayo thus sees this practice as twofold: the receptive mode of just being aware of the hindrances and the more active mode of understanding how the hindrance arises and how it can be abandoned through a skillful deployment of right effort.[139]

According to U Sīlānanda, various hindrances can arise from inappropriate attention/reflection (ayoniso manasikāra) and that proper or wise attention (yoniso manasikāra) can prevent their arising. Another way to prevent their arising is simply to be mindful of the hindrances.[140] Various early discourses like SĀ 715 provide specific instructions on how to weaken and counter the hindrances. Desire is said to be countered with the contemplation of unattractiveness, ill will is countered with loving-kindness, sloth-torpor is countered with energetic thoughts or perceiving light (or being in a well lit place), restlessness-worry is countered with thoughts that bring calmness and doubt can be countered by contemplating dependent origination or contemplating what is wholesome and what is unwholesome.[141] Suttas like the Saṅgārava-sutta mention that one benefit of removing the hindrances is an increased ability to learn and to remember what one has learned. The suttas also state that being mindful of the absence of the hindrances leads to joy, an important element of meditation.[142]

Seven factors of awakening[edit source]

The other main contemplation shared by all versions of the satipaṭṭhāna formula is mindfulness of the seven factors of awakening (satta bojjhaṅgā). The contemplation is similar to that of the hindrances. First, one is aware of the presence or absence of each of these factors. Then one also contemplates how these factors arise, how they can be maintained and how they can be further developed, that is to say, one develops an "awareness to the conditions that are related to their presence or absence."[143]

Early sources such as SĀ 729 and SN 46.27 state that one cultivates these awakening factors "supported by seclusion, supported by dispassion, and supported by cessation, culminating in letting go." This indicates that a successful cultivation of these factors leads to awakening if they each one is cultivated while being supported by three elements: seclusion from unwholesome actions, dispassion as the fading away of craving, and the gradual cessation of dukkha.[144]

The awakening factors are positive qualities associated with wisdom that stand in opposition to the hindrances (associated with darkness and lack of wisdom, see SN 46.40 and SĀ 706).[145] The Aggi-sutta and its parallel at SĀ 714 indicate that particular awakening factors (investigation of dhammas, energy, joy) can be used as antidotes to sluggishness while other factors (tranquillity, concentration, equanimity) are antidotes for agitation. This does not work the other way around, that is to say, awakening factors that are useful against agitation are not useful to cultivate when one is sluggish and vice versa.[146] The awakening factor of mindfulness meanwhile is useful in all circumstances.[147] Indeed, according to Kaṭukurunde Ñāṇananda, "mindfulness stands in the middle and orders the other faculties, here too it comes to the forefront and marshals those factors that are behind it."[148]

Furthermore, the hindrance of doubt is also countered by the factor of investigation.[147] When all hindrances are absent, one is then able to cultivate all seven factors at once.[149] SĀ 718 and SN 46.4 indicate that mastering the awakening factors requires learning how to make use of each one of them in different circumstances. These suttas illustrate this with the simile of a king that dresses in various clothes throughout the day according to his needs.[150]

Various discourses including SĀ 715 and SN 46.51 discuss how the seven awakening factors are to be nourished and developed.[151] For example, mindfulness is nourished by the four satipaṭṭhānas, investigation is nourished by distinguish wholesome things from unwholesome things, and energy is nourished through the four right efforts.[151]

Furthermore, according to the Anāpānasati-sutta and its Saṃyukta-āgama parallel, the sequence in which the factors are listed seems to correspond to how they unfold through practice. According to Analayo, "this sequence reflects an underlying progression in which the factor mentioned earlier supports the arising of the factor that comes next."[152] However, this progression is not a strict one. Kaṭukurunde Ñāṇananda states that "it does not mean that one has to develop the first category first and then after a time the next category and so on. But still there is a certain order in the development –an ascending order, one may say."[153]

Practice[edit source]

Satipaṭṭhāna provides the specific meditation themes for the practice of mindfulness meditation. According to Sujato, it is "a prescription of how to practice," which "introduces certain specific objects of meditation."[154] Likewise, according to Thanissaro Bhikkhu, the "four frames of reference" (satipaṭṭhāna) are "a set of teachings that show where a meditator should focus attention and how."[43]

Anālayo and Sujato both note that these four meditation subjects provide a progressive refinement of contemplation from coarse elements (the body) to increasingly subtler and more refined subjects.[155][156] Likewise, Gethin writes that there is "a movement from clear awareness of the more immediately accessible realms of experience to an awareness of what the Nikayas see as subtler and deeper realms."[157]

However, Anālayo also argues that this pattern "does not prescribe the only possible way of practising satipaṭṭhāna," since this would "severely limit the range of one’s practice." This is because, "a central characteristic of satipaṭṭhāna is awareness of phenomena as they are, and as they occur. Although such awareness will naturally proceed from the gross to the subtle, in actual practice it will quite probably vary from the sequence depicted in the discourse." Anālayo sees the four satipaṭṭhānas as flexible and mutually supportive practices. Therefore, according to Anālayo "the sequence in which they are practised may be altered in order to meet the needs of each individual meditator."[158] All four may even be combined into a single practice, as documented by the Ānāpānasati Sutta.[159]

Practice instructions[edit source]

The Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta states that one first goes to a secluded place, like a forest or an empty hut. U Sīlānanda states that a place away from human habitation and the noises of towns and cities is the most suitable place for satipaṭṭhāna meditation.[160]

The definition of how one practices satipaṭṭhāna in the early texts uses the term anupassanā which refers to "sustained observation" of each subject of meditation.[161] Anālayo defines this term which is derived from the verb “to see” (passati) as meaning “to repeatedly look at”, that is, “to contemplate” or “to closely observe.”[162] Furthermore, he interprets this as referring to "a particular way of meditation, an examination of the observed object from a particular viewpoint" which "emphasize how the object is to be perceived" (such as seeing the body as unattractive or impermanent for example).[162] Thanissaro translates anupassanā as "remaining focused" and “keeping track,” which "denotes the element of concentration in the practice, as one tries to stay with one particular theme in the midst of the welter of experience."[163]

All versions of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta also indicate that each satipaṭṭhāna is to be contemplated first "internally" (ajjhatta), then "externally" (bahiddhā), and finally both internally and externally.[164][165] This is generally understood as observing oneself and observing other persons, an interpretation which is supported by Abhidharma works (including the Vibhaṅga and the Dharmaskandha) as well as by several suttas (MN 104, DĀ 4, DĀ 18 and DN 18).[166][167] Others interpret this passage as referring to mental (internal) phenomena and to phenomena associated with the senses (external), which according to Anālayo, does have some support from the suttas.[168]

According to Gethin, the passage refers to observing ourselves and other persons: "the bhikkhu, then, first watches his own body, feelings, mind and dhammas, next those of others, and finally his own and those of others together."[169] One example which indicates how this is to be understood is the practice of death meditation, which can be done in a charnel ground by looking at dead bodies (external contemplation) and also by contemplating the death of one's own body (internal).[170] According to Gethin, this practice leads to "the blurring of distinctions between self and other" which arises as one begins to understand the world as being made up of impermanent and insubstantial processes.[171] Anālayo concurs, stating that this contemplation can lead to the abandoning of the boundary between "I" and "other", "leading to a comprehensive vision of phenomena as such, independent of any sense of ownership."[172]

Regarding the question of how one is supposed to observe the feelings and mental states of other people, Anālayo argues that one can cultivate this by "carefully observing their outer manifestations" since feelings and mental states do influence the facial expression, tone of voice, and physical posture. He cites suttas such as DN 28 as evidence that the early discourses hold that one may infer the mental state of others by watching their external manifestations.[173] Anālayo also notes that balancing internal and external contemplation is important because it can prevent a one sided awareness focused on one domain (self-centredness or lack of introspection respectively). Balancing both fields of mindfulness can thus "achieve a skilful balance between introversion and extroversion."[174]

Thanissaro Bhikkhu outlines how all the different elements of mindfulness meditation come together as follows:

“Mindful” (satima) literally means being able to remember or recollect. Here it means keeping one’s task in mind. The task here is a dual one—remaining focused on one’s frame of reference [satipaṭṭhāna], and putting aside the distractions of greed and distress that would come from shifting one’s frame of reference back to the world. In other words, one tries to stay with the phenomenology of immediate experience, without slipping back into the narratives and world views that make up one’s sense of the world. In essence, this is a concentration practice, with the three qualities of ardency, alertness, and mindfulness devoted to attaining concentration. Mindfulness keeps the theme of the meditation in mind, alertness observes the theme as it is present to awareness, and also is aware of when the mind has slipped from its theme. Mindfulness then remembers where the mind should be focused, and ardency tries to return the mind to its proper theme—and to keep it there—as quickly and skillfully as possible. In this way, these three qualities help to seclude the mind from sensual preoccupations and unskillful mental qualities, thus bringing it to the first jhana.[175]

Auxiliary qualities[edit source]

In the early texts, the satipaṭṭhānas are said to be practiced with specific mental qualities. This is listed in the Pali version in what Sujato calls the "auxiliary formula" which states that one contemplates (anupassī) each satipaṭṭhāna with the following four qualities: ardency or diligence (ātāpī), clear comprehension (sampajāna), mindfulness (sati), and "free from desires and discontent (vineyya abhijjhādomanassa)" (with some variation across the different sources).[176][177] In many of the alternative forms of the auxiliary formula, samādhi is mentioned as the result of the practice (e.g. in DN 18.26/DA 4 and in SN 47.8/SA 616).[178]

The term ātāpī is associated with the concept of tapas (ascetic power) and it is said to be related to heroic strength, effort or energy (viriya) in the Nettipakarana.[177] It is thus associated with skillful effort and wholesome desire or resolve. It is best understood as a "balanced but sustained application of energy" according to Anālayo.[179] Thanissaro Bhikkhu defines it as "the factor of effort or exertion...which contains an element of discernment in its ability to distinguish skillful from unskillful mental qualities."[163] U Sīlānanda glosses ātāpī as "you must be energetic, put forth effort to be mindful."[180]

The second quality, sampajāna, means to know something clearly or thoroughly so that one has "the ability to fully grasp or comprehend what is taking place".[181] This can refer to basic forms of knowing (such being aware of one's posture) as well as more discriminative forms of understanding (such as comprehending the five hindrances).[182] According to Thanissaro, this "means being clearly aware of what is happening in the present."[163]

According to Gethin, "having removed covetousness and aversion for the world" is associated with the abandoning of the five hindrances as well as with the attainment of the jhanas as can be seen in suttas like MN 125 which directly associate these elements of the path.[183] According to U Sīlānanda, this passage refers to a temporary removal of the five hindrances as a preliminary for meditation."[180] The Ekottarika-āgama version states that one practices satipaṭṭhāna while "removing evil thoughts and being free from worry and sorrow, one experiences joy in oneself."[184] Anālayo also associates this element with the development of samādhi. This is supported by the Nettippakarana (Nett 82) as well as by various suttas which contain a variation of the auxiliary formula which explicitly mentions samadhi such as SN 47.4).[185]

Anālayo also notes that the abandonment of covetousness and aversion is associated with the practice of restraint of the senses in the early discourses (such as in MN 39). This is a stage of practice prior to formal meditation, in which "the meditator guards the sense doors in order to prevent sense impressions from leading to desires and discontent."[186] The goal in the initial stages of practice is to develop a sense of "inner equipoise within which desires and discontent are held at bay." Anālayo further notes that "although sense-restraint precedes proper meditation practice in the gradual path scheme, this does not imply that sense-restraint is completed at an exact point in time, only after which one moves on to formal practice. In actual practice the two overlap to a considerable degree."[187] Likewise, Sujato associates this element with "the preliminary subduing" of the five hindrances through sense restraint to prepare the mind for mindfulness meditation.[188]

Contemplation of impermanence[edit source]

The Theravada Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, as well as the Ekottarika-āgama version preserved in Chinese contain instructions to contemplate the arising and disappearance of the meditation subject (i.e. impermanence, anicca). The Madhyama-āgama version does not contain this instruction, but does mention that on practicing mindfulness "one is endowed with knowledge, vision, understanding, and penetration."[167] Sujato thinks that this instruction to practice contemplation of impermanence reflects a later sectarian development that began to associate satipaṭṭhāna more closely with vipassanā.[189] Analayo on the other hand thinks that contemplation of impermanence (aniccasaññā) "should be considered an integral aspect of satipaṭṭhāna practice." He cites the Śāriputrābhidharma and the Ānāpānasati-sutta (and its parallels) as other sources which indicate that contemplation of impermanence is a part of satipaṭṭhāna practice.[167]

Furthermore, Anālayo states that awareness of impermanence (which is an aspect of right view) also leads to insight into anatta and dukkha.[190] Gethin notes that the practice of observing the arising and falling of phenomena is "particularly associated with the gaining of the insight that leads directly to the destruction of the asavas, directly to awakening." He also notes how various other suttas state that the practice of the four satipaṭṭhānas are directly linked with the destruction of the asavas.[191]

In Indo-Tibetan Buddhism[edit source]

The four establishments of mindfulness also known as "the four close placements of mindfulness" (dran-pa nyer-bzhag) are also taught in Indo Tibetan Buddhism as they are part of the 37 factors leading to a purified state (byang-chub yan-lag so-bdun).[192] They are discussed in Tibetan commentaries on Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra, such as Pawo Tsugla Trengwa Rinpoche’s 16th century commentary and Kunzang Pelden’s (1862-1943) commentary The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech.[193]

The Tibetan canon also contains a True Dharma Application of Mindfulness Sutra (Tohoku Catalogue # 287, dam chos dran pa nyer bzhagsaddharmasmṛtyupasthānasutra).[194] This sutra is cited by various Tibetan Buddhist figures, such as Atisha (in his Open Basket of Jewels) and the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche (1759–1792).[195][196] It is also cited as a sutra of the first turning by Khedrup Je (1385–1438 CE).[197]

This sutra is a large text that dates from the second and fourth centuries CE and survives in Tibetan, Chinese and Sanskrit manuscripts.[198] It a complex and heterogeneous Mulasarvastivada text with various topics, such as long descriptions of the various realms in Buddhist cosmology, discussions of karma theory, meditation and ethics.[199] The earliest layer of the text, which can be found in chapter two, contains the core meditation teachings of the text, which include an extensive exposition of six elements (dhatus) meditation, meditations on feeling (vedana), meditations on the skandhas and ayatanas, meditation on the mind and impermanence, and other meditation topics organized into a structure of ten levels (bhumi).[200]

According to Jigme Lingpa's (1730–1798) Treasury of Precious Qualities, the four applications of mindfulness are emphasized during the path of accumulation and in Mahayana are practiced with a focus on emptiness:

"If one practices according to the Hinayana, one meditates on the impurity of the body, on the feelings of sufferings, on the impermanence of consciousness and on the fact that mental objects are "ownerless" (there is no self to which they belong). If one practices according to the Mahayana, during the meditation session one meditates on the same things as being spacelike, beyond all conceptual constructs. In the post-meditation period one considers them as illusory and dreamlike."[201]

The general presentation of this practice in the Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition focuses on cultivating śamatha first, and then practicing vipaśyanā.[192] Examples of contemporary figures in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism that have taught this practice include Chogyam Trungpa who often taught these practices in the USA and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, a contemporary Tibetan lama.[202][203] They have also been taught by the 14th Dalai Lama and students of his like Alexander Berzin and Thubten Chodron.[192]

The four applications of mindfulness are also discussed by Nyingma scholars like as Rong-zom-pa (eleventh century), Longchenpa (1308–1364), and Ju Mipham (1846–1912).[204] These authors describe specifically Vajrayana modes of the four smṛtyupasthānas, which have been adapted to the Vajrayana philosophy.

These four "mantric" smṛtyupasthānas described by Mipham are summarized by Dorji Wangchuk as follows:[167]

(1) Contemplating (blo bzhag pa) the physical bodies of oneself and others as being characterized by primordial or intrinsic purity (dag pa), on the one hand, and by emptiness (stong pa nyid), freedom from manifoldness (spros bral), great homogeneity (mnyam pa chen po), and integrality (zung du ’jug pa), on the other, is called kāyasmṛtyupasthāna.

(2) Transforming “conceptual constructions whose occurrence one feels/senses (or is aware of)” (byung tshor gyi rtog pa) into gnosis characterized by great bliss (bde ba chen po’i ye shes) is called vedanāsmṛtyupasthāna.

(3) Channelling or containing/constraining (sdom pa) all kinds of manifoldness associated with mind and mental factors into/in/to the innate sphere of the luminous nature of the mind is called cittasmṛtyupasthāna.

(4) Conducting oneself in a way (or with an attitude) that all saṃsāric and nirvāṇic, universal and particular phenomena are pure and equal and hence beyond adoption or rejection, is dharmasmṛtyupasthāna.

See also[edit source]

Notes[edit source]

  1. ^ For the traditional use of the translation, "foundations [paṭṭhānā] of mindfulness," see, e.g., Gunaratana (2012) and U Silananda (2002). For appraisals supporting the parsing of the suffix as upaṭṭhāna, see, e.g., Anālayo (2006), pp. 29-30; and, Bodhi (2000), p. 1504.
  2. ^ pp. 1660, 1928 n. 180
  3. ^ See the Satipatthana sutta (MN 10; DN 22); as well as SN47.1, 47.18 and 47.43. These five discourses are the only canonical sources for the phrase, "ekāyano ... maggo" (with this specific declension).

    The Pāli phrase "ekāyano ... maggo'" has been translated as:
    • "direct path" (Bodhi & Gunaratana, 2012, p. 12; Nanamoli & Bodhi, 1995; Thanissaro, 2008)
    • "one-way path"(Bodhi, 2000, pp. 1627-8, 1647-8, 1661)
    • "the only way" (Nyanasatta, 2004; Soma, 1941/2003)
    • "the one and only way" (Vipassana Research Institute, 1996, pp. 2, 3)
  4. ^ "Bhikkhus, this is the one-way path for the purification of beings,
    for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation,
    for the passing away of pain and displeasure,
    for the achievement of the method,[subnote 1]
    for the realization of Nibbāna,
    that is, the four establishments of mindfulness.[subnote 2]The wholesome establishments of mindfulness are contrasted with the unwholesome qualities of the five strands of sensuality, namely pleasant sensations from the eye, the ear, the tongue and the body.[24]
  5. ^ Anālayo (2006, p. 63): "...to consider satipaṭṭhāna purely as a concentration exercise goes too far and misses the important difference between what can become a basis for the development of concentration and what belongs to the realm of calmness meditation proper. While concentration corresponds to an enhancement of the selective function of the mind, by way of restricting the breadth of attention, sati on its own represents an enhancement of the recollective function, by way of expanding the breadth of attention. These two modes of mental functioning correspond to two different cortical control mechanisms in the brain. This difference, however, does not imply that the two are incompatible, since during absorption attainment both are present. But during absorption sati becomes mainly presence of the mind, when it to some extent loses its natural breadth owing to the strong focusing power of concentration."[41]
  6. ^ Frauwallner, E. (1973), History of Indian Philosophy, trans. V.M. Bedekar, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Two volumes., pp.150 ff
  1. ^ Bodhi (2000, SN 47 n. 123, Kindle Loc. 35147) notes: "Spk [the commentary to the Samyutta Nikaya] explains the 'method' (ñāya) as the Noble Eightfold Path...."
  2. ^ SN 47.1 (Bodhi, 2000, p. 1627). Also see DN 22, MN 10, SN 47.18 and SN 47.43.

References[edit source]

  1. Jump up to:a b Kuan 2008, p. i, 9, 81.
  2. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 1-2.
  3. Jump up to:a b Sharf 2014, p. 942.
  4. ^ Sharf 2014, p. 942-943.
  5. Jump up to:a b Gethin (2001), pp. 30-32.
  6. Jump up to:a b Anālayo 2006, p. 47.
  7. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 29-30
  8. ^ Bodhi (2000), p. 1504
  9. ^ Soma (1941/2003)
  10. Jump up to:a b Kuan (2008), p. 104.
  11. ^ Samyutta Nikaya, Ch. 47. See Bodhi (2000), pp. 1627ff.
  12. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 244.
  13. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 148.
  14. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 278, 288-289.
  15. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 280.
  16. ^ Sujato, A History of Mindfulness, 2005.
  17. ^ Choong Mun-keat (2010) “Problems and Prospects of the Chinese Saṃyukta Āgama”
  18. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 260
  19. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 273-274.
  20. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 16.
  21. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 16.
  22. ^ Kuan (2008), p. 143.
  23. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 209-210
  24. ^ SN 47.6 (Thanissaro, 1997) and SN 47.7 (Olendzki, 2005).
  25. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 186-188
  26. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 188-189.
  27. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 188
  28. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 181-182
  29. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 182
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  33. ^ Vetter 1988.
  34. ^ Bronkhorst 1993.
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  36. ^ Rose 2016, p. 60.
  37. ^ Shankman 2008.
  38. ^ Polak 2011.
  39. ^ Arbel 2017.
  40. ^ Anālayo 2006, p. 61-62.
  41. Jump up to:a b Anālayo 2006, p. 63.
  42. ^ Anālayo 2006, p. 64.
  43. Jump up to:a b Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), pp. 73-74.
  44. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 46-47.
  45. ^ Anālayo 2006, p. 48.
  46. ^ Anālayo 2006, p. 57-59.
  47. ^ Anālayo 2006, p. 29.
  48. ^ Williams 2000, p. 46.
  49. ^ Gethin (2001), pp. 36 - 40.
  50. Jump up to:a b c Bodhi, Bhikkhu (2010). The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering. pp. 79-80. Buddhist Publication Society.
  51. ^ Gunaratana, Bhante Henepola (2012) The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English, pp. 1-2.
  52. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 35. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  53. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), pp. 77-79.
  54. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), p. 77.
  55. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), p. 79.
  56. ^ Polak 2011, p. 153-156, 196-197.
  57. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 133.
  58. Jump up to:a b c Kuan 2008, p. 142.
  59. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 320-321
  60. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 320-326
  61. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 332
  62. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 341-345.
  63. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 357-366
  64. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 355
  65. ^ Kuan (2008), pp. 38-40, 57-60
  66. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 1-2.
  67. ^ Kuan (2008), p. 9.
  68. ^ Kuan (2008), pp. 142-143.
  69. ^ Kuan (2008), pp. 142-143.
  70. ^ Kuan (2008), pp. 140-141.
  71. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 64.
  72. Jump up to:a b Anālayo 2006, p. 65.
  73. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 79-83
  74. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 2, 137.
  75. ^ "Maha-satipatthana Sutta: The Great Frames of Reference" (DN 22)", translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Access to Insight (Legacy Edition), 30 November 2013,
  76. ^ Buddhadasa Bhikkhu 2014, p. 79, 101, 117 note 42.
  77. ^ Gethin 2001, p. 29.
  78. ^ Sujato 2012, p. 305-308.
  79. ^ Kuan 2008, p. 107.
  80. ^ Kuan 2008, p. 108.
  81. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 40.
  82. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 45.
  83. ^ Sujato 2012, pp. 305-310.
  84. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 63.
  85. Jump up to:a b Anālayo 2006, pp. 46-47, 63-68.
  86. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 73.
  87. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 41. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  88. ^ U Sīlānanda (2012), pp. 56-62.
  89. ^ Bodhi, Bhikkhu (2010). The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering. p. 88. Buddhist Publication Society.
  90. ^ Gunaratana, Bhante Henepola (2012) The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English, pp. 57-58.
  91. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), p. 80.
  92. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 81-87, 92.
  93. Jump up to:a b U Sīlānanda (2012), pp. 65-70
  94. ^ from Teaching Dhamma by pictures: Explanation of a Siamese Traditional Buddhist Manuscript
  95. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 97.
  96. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2013), pp. 97-101.
  97. ^ Bodhi, Bhikkhu (2010). The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering. p. 89. Buddhist Publication Society.
  98. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 109-110.
  99. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 46-47.
  100. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 55.
  101. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 59-62.
  102. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 43. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  103. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 117-118.
  104. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 132-133
  105. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2006), p. 20.
  106. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2013), p. 122.
  107. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 127-129.
  108. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 119-120.
  109. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 43. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  110. ^ Gunaratana, Bhante Henepola (2012) The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English, pp. 81-82.
  111. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 123-127.
  112. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 133.
  113. ^ Bodhi, Bhikkhu (2010). The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering. p. 90. Buddhist Publication Society.
  114. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2013), pp. 142-145
  115. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 145-146.
  116. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 149-150.
  117. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2013), pp. 159-162.
  118. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 161-162.
  119. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 162.
  120. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 44. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  121. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 145.
  122. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 155-156.
  123. ^ Anālayo 2013, p. 164, 174.
  124. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 312-314
  125. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), p. 75.
  126. ^ Anālayo 2006, pp. 182-86
  127. ^ Anālayo 2006 p. 183
  128. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), p. 74.
  129. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 192.
  130. ^ Gyori 1996, p. 24
  131. ^ Anālayo 2006 p. 183, nn. 2, 3
  132. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 176.
  133. ^ Sīlānanda 2012, p. 90.
  134. ^ Anālayo 2013, p. 177.
  135. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 37. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  136. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, pp. 38-40. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  137. ^ Anālayo (2013), p.177.
  138. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 181-182.
  139. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 182-183.
  140. ^ U Sīlānanda (2012), pp. 90-103.
  141. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 183-184
  142. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 189-194.
  143. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 195-196.
  144. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 195-215, 219-220.
  145. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 200.
  146. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 200-205
  147. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2013), pp. 205-206
  148. ^ Ñāṇananda, Bhikkhu K (2016). Seeing Through - A Guide to Insight Meditation, p. 4. Kaṭukurunde Ñānananda Sadaham Senasun Bhāraya, Sri Lanka.
  149. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 200-205
  150. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 205.
  151. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2013), pp. 205-209
  152. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 215
  153. ^ Ñāṇananda, Bhikkhu K (2016). Seeing Through - A Guide to Insight Meditation, p. 2. Kaṭukurunde Ñānananda Sadaham Senasun Bhāraya, Sri Lanka.
  154. ^ Sujato 2012, p. 190.
  155. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 191.
  156. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 19.
  157. ^ Gethin (2001), p. 47.
  158. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 20-21.
  159. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 21.
  160. ^ U Sīlānanda (2012), p. 17.
  161. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 200-203
  162. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2006), p. 32
  163. Jump up to:a b c Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), pp. 75-76.
  164. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 94, 97-98.
  165. ^ Anālayo (2013), pp. 12-15.
  166. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 94, 98.
  167. Jump up to:a b c d Anālayo (2013), pp. 15-19.
  168. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 100-101.
  169. ^ Gethin (2001), p. 53.
  170. ^ Sujato (2012), pp. 204-206.
  171. ^ Gethin (2001), p. 54.
  172. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 102.
  173. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 96.
  174. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 98.
  175. ^ Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff). The Wings to Awakening, An Anthology from the Pali Canon, Seventh Edition (2013), pp. 75-76.
  176. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 193.
  177. Jump up to:a b Anālayo (2006), pp. 34-35.
  178. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 197.
  179. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 37-38.
  180. Jump up to:a b U Sīlānanda (2012), pp. 3-17.
  181. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 39-40.
  182. ^ Anālayo (2006), pp. 40-41.
  183. ^ Gethin (2001), pp. 48-51.
  184. ^ Anālayo (2013), p. 23.
  185. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 67.
  186. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 71.
  187. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 72.
  188. ^ Sujato (2012), A Swift Pair of Messengers, p. 36. INWARD PATH, Penang – Malaysia.
  189. ^ Sujato (2012), p. 296-298.
  190. ^ Anālayo (2006), p. 103.
  191. ^ Gethin (2001), p. 56.
  192. Jump up to:a b c Berzin, Alexander. "The Four Close Placements of Mindfulness in Mahayana"Study Buddhism. Retrieved August 26, 2020.
  193. ^ Weiser, Thomas A. C. (2011) Three Approaches to the Four Foundations:An Investigation of Vipassanā Meditation, Analytical Meditation and Śamatha/Vipaśyanā Meditation on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, pp. 33-36. Naropa University.
  194. ^ "General Sūtra Section"84000.co. Retrieved August 26,2020.
  195. ^ Apple, James B (2019). Jewels of the Middle Way: The Madhyamaka Legacy of Atisa and His Early Tibetan Followers, pp. 80-81. Simon and Schuster.
  196. ^ Dzogchen Rinpoche (2008) Great Perfection: Outer and Inner Preliminaries. Shambhala Publications
  197. ^ Wayman, Alex (1993). Introduction to Buddhist Tantric Systems: Translated from Mkhas Grub Rje's Rgyud Sde Spyihi Rnam Par Gzag Pargyas Par Brjod with Original Text and Annotation. p. 45.
  198. ^ Stuart, Daniel Malinowski (2012) A Less Traveled Path: Meditation and Textual Practice in the Saddharmasmrtyupasthana(sutra) pp. 25-27.
  199. ^ Stuart, Daniel Malinowski (2012) A Less Traveled Path: Meditation and Textual Practice in the Saddharmasmrtyupasthana(sutra) pp. 29-31.
  200. ^ Stuart, Daniel Malinowski (2012) A Less Traveled Path: Meditation and Textual Practice in the Saddharmasmrtyupasthana(sutra) pp. 46, 70-75.
  201. ^ Longchen Yeshe Dorje, Jigme Lingpa (2010). Treasury of Precious Qualities: Book One, p. 391. Shambhala Publications.
  202. ^ See for example, Chögyam Trungpa (1991) The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path. Shambhala Publications
  203. ^ Dzogchen Ponlop. The Four Foundations Of Mindfulness, Excerpted from a teaching in Vermont, 1996. Originally published in Bodhi Magazine, Issue 3.
  204. ^ Dorji Wangchuk, “The Diachronic and Synchronic Relationship between Philosophical Theory and Spiritual Praxis in Buddhism: With Special Reference to the Case of the Four Applications of Mindfulness (smṛtyupasthāna: dran pa nye bar gzhag pa) in Vajrayāna.” In Buddhist Meditative Praxis: Traditional Teachings and Modern Applications, edited by K.L. Dhammajoti. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 177–201.

Sources[edit source]

Printed sources[edit source]

Web-sources[edit source]

Further reading[edit source]

  • Polak, Grzegorz (2011), Reexamining Jhana: Towards a Critical Reconstruction of Early Buddhist Soteriology, UMCS

External links[edit source]