
On Dialogue by David Bohm | Goodreads

On Dialogue by David Bohm | Goodreads

On Dialogue Paperback – 2 July 2013
by David Bohm (Author)
4.6 out of 5 stars 20 ratings
Part of: Routledge Great Minds (10 books)

Edition: 1st

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David Bohm is considered one of the best physicists of all time. He also had a deep interest in human communication and creativity. Influential in both management and communication theory in what is known 'Bohm Dialogue', On Dialogue is both inspiring and pioneering. Bohm considers the origin and very meaning of dialogue, reflecting on what gets in the way of "true dialogue". He argues that dialogue, as a radical form of exploration that allows different views to be presented, leads us beyond the impasse of conflict and argument to the forming of new views.

On Dialogue
David Bohm
974 ratings101 reviews
Never before has there been a greater need for deeper listening and more open communication to cope with the complex problems facing our organizations, businesses and societies. Renowned scientist David Bohm believed there was a better way for humanity to discover meaning and to achieve harmony. He identified creative dialogue, a sharing of assumptions and understanding, as a means by which the individual, and society as a whole, can learn more about themselves and others, and achieve a renewed sense of purpose.
144 pages, Paperback

First published October 31, 1996

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David Bohm
44 books351 followers

David Joseph Bohm (December 20, 1917 – October 27, 1992) was an American scientist who has been described as one of the most significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century and who contributed innovative and unorthodox ideas to quantum theory, neuropsychology and the philosophy of mind.

716 reviews

February 5, 2017
Mind, blown. This was game changing and paradigm shifting. I love books that make me look at something that I thought I had fully understood from a completely different angle. It’s like taking a knockout punch from an angle you just didn’t expect to get hit from to using a boxing analogy. It’s about having dialogues as supposed to discussing things. Interestingly Bohm talked about the link between the word percussion, concussion and discussion – all hitting type activities. A discussion then becoming something that you hit from different angles where as a dialogue being almost a scarf that you put your thoughts on and then wrap between yourself and the other person you are talking to; you don’t pull or tear or hit this scarf. You wear it and take time to digest the warmth of the others' words. You may not agree with them but you stay in the moment and put analysis and point making to one side and take time to really absorb the message the other person is trying to say. It reminded me of Fernando Flores’ quote about the art of listening being about nurturing and growing a figurative flower that grows between you and the other; at the end of each conversation have you listened to the extent that the flower has grown or shrunk? How has the other person who is supposedly listening to you helped this little rose between you grown or shrunk?
Bohm was a physicist that worked with Einstein and come up with lots of other theories related to crazy physics stuff that is way beyond my limited ken but this really hit the mark – yes this could go a long way ... from solving the Palestinian peace process challenge to solving the challenges you may have with your partner.
Here are some of the best bits from the book:
• Bohm talked about communication being like a couple out in the middle of nowhere, lost but each with the same map (language) but on different parts of the terrain (context). They are talking but from different points of view and trying to locate one another in the process.
• “Everything requires attention, really. If we ran machines without paying attention to them, they would break down. Our thought, too, is a process, and it requires attention, otherwise it's going to go wrong.”
• “During the past few decades, modern technology, with radio, TV, air travel, and satellites, has woven a network of communication which puts each part of the world in to almost instant contact with all the other parts. Yet, in spite of this world-wide system of linkages, there is, at this very moment, a general feeling that communication is breaking down everywhere, on an unparalleled scale”
• “The hunter-gatherers have typically lived in groups of twenty to forty. Agricultural group units are much larger. Now, from time to time that tribe met like this in a circle. They just talked and talked and talked, apparently to no purpose. They made no decisions. There was no leader. And everybody could participate. There may have been wise men or wise women who were listened to a bit more–the older ones–but everybody could talk. The meeting went on, until it finally seemed to stop for no reason at all and the group dispersed. Yet after that, everybody seemed to know what to do, because they understood each other so well. Then they could get together in smaller groups and do something or decide things.”
• “‘Is it absolutely necessary? So much is being destroyed just because we have this notion of it being absolutely necessary.’ Now if you can question it and say, ‘Is it absolutely necessary?’ then at some point it may loosen up. People may say, ‘Well, maybe it’s not absolutely necessary.’ Then the whole thing becomes easier, and it becomes possible to let that conflict go and to explore new notions of what is necessary, creatively. The dialogue can then enter a creative new area.””
• PROPRIOCEPTION - “We come back to the realization that the thing which has gone wrong with thought is basically, as I said before, that it does things and then says or implies that it didn’t do them—that they took place independently, and that they constitute “problems.” Whereas what you really have to do is stop thinking that way so that you can stop creating that problem. The problem is insoluble as long as you keep on producing it all the time by your thought. Thought has to be in some sense aware of its consequences, and presently thought is not sufficiently aware of its consequences. In neurophysiology it is called proprioception, about the body.”
• “The object of a dialogue is not to analyse things, or to win an argument, or to exchange opinions. Rather, it is to spend your onions and to look at the opinions. TO LISTEN TO EVERYBODY'S OPINIONS, TO SUSPEND THEM, AND TO SEE WHAT ALL THAT MEANS. If we can see what all of our opinions mean, then we are sharing a common content, even if we don't agree entirely. If we can see them all, we may then move more creatively in different direction …. If each of us in this room is suspending then we are all doing the same thing. We are looking at everything together. the content of our consciousness is essentially the same"
• "If you know a person very well, you may pass him on the street and say, "I saw him." If you are asked what the person was wearing, however, you may not know, because you didn't really look. You were not sensitive to all that, because you saw that person through the screen of thought. And that was not sensitivity.”
• “Thought pervades us. It’s similar to a virus—somehow this is a disease of thought, of knowledge, of information, spreading all over the world. The more computers, radio and television we have the faster it spreads.So the kind of thoughts that’s going on all around begins to take over in every one of us without our even noticing it its spreading like a virus and each one of us is nourishing that virus.”
• “You say I am going to look at myself inwardly but the assumptions are not looked at”
• “If somebody says something to you causing you to react 2 / 3 seconds later a needle jerks - it takes that time for the impulse to work to work its way down from the brain through the nervous system … now the person said something to you 2 /3 seconds ago but you don’t see the connection. You don’t connect it and you say “there is a deep gut feeling which is a sign that I’m justified in being angry” you use the feeling to justify the anger and you say “here is an independent gut feeling which shows that I’m perceiving something. it shows that my anger is right.” Which is a clear indicator of wrongunism.



John David
317 reviews

April 14, 2014
David Bohm, the author of “On Dialogue,” was apparently recognized as one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. Despite my background in physics, I’d never heard of his contributions to the field, and I’d certainly never heard of his contributions to other fields, including … well, whatever you could call this book. Is it philosophy? Communications? I know it’s not an attempt at literary theory, but some of it seems to resemble it. It fancies itself a visionary way of reimagining and reawakening the power of human communication, but much of it sounds like New Age occultism – spooky and obscurantist, weird and much of it frankly unfounded.

Bohm thinks that following his recommendations will result in a kind of enhanced, unbiased conversation (which he insists on calling “dialogue”) between people that will help foster a common sense of humanity, and that our dialogue with one another has been irrevocably tainted by personal ambition and unexamined prejudices. Because we have these presuppositions, we can only engage in “conversations” (which is somehow very different from dialogue, which is the idealized type of human interaction). How conversation is different from dialogue is never really discussed. The way we can reestablish this most meaningful type of human connection is by letting go of these ambitions and prejudices.

He says that dialogue should ideally begin with no set purpose, no leader, and no hidden assumptions or opinions which will only serve to make you defensive during the course of the dialogue. Now, gentle reader, there is a difference between suspending opinions which might be culturally or religiously biased, which is something I would completely understand doing to open a dialogue fully up, and what Bohm is asking us to do in this book. He seems to want us to sit and listen to absolutely anyone say anything they sincerely believe. But the problem with sincerity is this: it and four dollars will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Considering that Bohm is a scientist and is ostensibly on the hunt for something resembling truth about the physical world, this is somewhat disheartening to read. Do I need to suspend my judgments about the absurdity of Holocaust denial when I speak to someone who actually denies historical reality? Or fail to adduce the evidence that the Earth is roughly spherical to a flat Earther while engaged in a conversation with one? For someone who thinks that the scientific endeavor is something other than an utterly futile one, how can someone genuinely think these things? To request that we listen to varying opinions, measure their respective amounts of evidence, and adopt the one that has the most explanatory power all the while maintaining a cool head about those who have very different ideas from our own is a very good idea. Actually engaging people with ridiculous, patently false ideas is another. Not only is it silly, but it’s dangerous. There are some people who should be disabused of their false ideas. In fact, if that’s not the main point of dialogue, it should be one of its major reasons for existing. To say that dialogue shouldn’t be used for the purpose of convincing people of things we know to be true is detrimental to the idea of any kind of human interaction, especially if you believe that some things are true and some things aren’t.

This is mostly a collection of ad hoc work, with only a couple of pieces having been previously published elsewhere. Most of what I spoke about above is found in the first piece, “On Dialogue.” The subsequent pieces serve to expound upon the first in minor, tangential ways, and none of them seemed as egregious as what was set forward in the first piece. If this is the kind of uncritical work that Bohm is known for, I think I can safely bypass his other stuff and regard him for what he is: a physicist who should stick to doing what he knows best.



232 reviews

November 28, 2019
By some strike of fortune I happen to have skimmed part of another one of Bohm’s books and as such I am slightly introduced to his manner of thought - which lets me know I dont know what I am reading. While I have a temptation to speak, I will wait until I have read a bit more of his writings to throughly analyze his thinking. What I can say for now is that his writings appear to convey a deeper underlying philosophical framework on the nature of reality as a whole (yes, that grand) and as such I can say a very limited set of things on this exact book despite that I have an impression that I understand what he is saying.

From an initial impression, it seems that this book is on discovering the nature of truth via open discussion. He seems to believe that fundamentally if people were to talk and listen to one another that all disagreements would be resolved. He further things that innovation in science, politics, technology and whatever have you in social structures comes about from a smooth transition of information between parties. This is not cybernetics.
There is something deeper going on here.
He at times uses words like fragments and references his other books- which makes me believe Im not getting the full picture

Nevertheless there is a truth in his words and an idealistic naïveté which I must elaborate on.

The truth exists in that honest communication would resolve a great deal of issues that we presently have within the world - assuming of course that the parties have the proper information of course. If it were the case for example that congress or some other body of polity were to talk out their disagreements they may be able to find a practical resolution. Of course issues in communication leading to conflict exist not only on the political level but down to our day to day interpersonal relationships. Witha. Country abound in an expanding divorce rate one may for ask how many marriages would be saved for example if the could could simply talk it out?

Which of course leads to where he is, in my view, naive. Can open communication answer all questions and always bring about peace?
This is something im not so sure about. Bohm presents an example of where he thinks communication could have aided a relationship : between Einstein and Bohr.

It is well known by many physicists and historians thereof that Bohr advocated a Copenhagen interpretation of the universe (or one indeterminate) while Einstein stood by a mechanical view of the universe. Einstein, it is said, maintained the universe must be deterministic. He held by the tradition of the western determinist like Laplace- that if all the particles and their forces of the known universe were to be placed on a page - a sufficiently complex mathematician could espouse their history and future.

Bohr stood by that modern quantum mechanics have changed this, and shown it to be incorrect, while Einstein maintained in his classically spinozian way that “God does not play dice with the universe”.

Bohm (an acquaintance of the two- albeit one that was superficial )maps the decay of their relationship as they were unable to reconcile their differences. He suggests- if they were only able to talk it out they would find peace.

Which makes one wonder. Are there times where dialogue breaks down- in where two groups, or two people can no longer speak without fighting and disagreeing fundamentally. What then do we do? He seems to think peace will be find and a truth may come about, I do not think this is always the case. If so there may be hope for such institutions as the American bipartisan state which finds themselves in a whirlwind of conflict. I hope he is correct.

But then again, as I mentioned in the start I don’t truly understand bohm.

This serves to be a thought provoking book and I advocate anyone interested in the nature of communication give it a read

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Morgan Blackledge
549 reviews

October 11, 2020
This is an oft cited, highly revered classic.

I’ve been meaning to read it for a long time.

And as is the case with so many classics.

It was WAY ahead of its time.

And so.

I can forgive the prolix and groping nature of the text.

And yes.

The core insight of the book is simple and profound.

That being.

There is a form of dialog that lacks agenda beyond connection, communication and honest exploration.

It’s transformative and healing.

It’s the fundament of authentically good therapy.

And when done well, it’s a genuine spiritual practice.

That being said.

Throughout much of this text.

The honest reader may find that they simply have no fucking idea what the actual fuck Bohm is fucking yammering about.

If you’re an educated reader in the domains of behavioral neuroscience, and cognitive psychology, you’re apt to be very frustrated by many of the claims.

Yes it’s an older text.

But frankly speaking.

Bohm was a physicist.

And much of the text deals with psychological and philosophical matters.

While he does an admirable job.

He’s a curious, creative and strong critical thinker.

The insights lack the discipline and clarity of a skillful and trained philosopher or psychologist.

This review is sure to draw ire (if anyone actually reads it).

I’m super sorry if I offend.

And in the high likelihood I’m missing something.

Please straighten me out.


I’m giving it a 3⭐️⭐️⭐️ until otherwise convinced.

Sorry about it 😕




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66 reviews

March 11, 2018
ผมคิดว่าเนื้อหาที่เกี่ยวข้องกับชื่อของหนังสือจริง ๆ คือ บทที่ 1-2 ซึ่งกล่าวถึงแนวคิดและกระบวนการ Dialouge นอกนั้นเหมือนเป็นการพูดถึงมุมมองของโบห์มในเรื่องความคิดและเรื่องอื่น ๆ ทำให้อ่านแล้ว รู้สึกว่าเนื้อหาไม่ค่อยกลมกลืนเท่าไหร่ และค่อนข้างมีความซับซ้อน ในประเด็นที่เกี่ยวข้องกับธรรมชาติและผลกระทบของความคิดนี้ ผมคิดว่างานของกฤษณมูรติอธิบายได้ง่ายและชัดเจนกว่า อย่างไรก็ตาม มันอาจไม่ใช่จุดมุ่งหมายหลักของหนังสือเล่มนี้ แต่หากมองว่าจุดมุ่งหมายหลักคือการนำเสนอเกี่ยวกับ Dialouge ก็ยังทำได้ไม่ค่อยชัดเจนนักอยู่ดี
책 제목과 관련된 실제 내용은 개념과 Dialouge 과정을 논의하는 챕터 1-2인 것 같아요. 내용이 그다지 조화롭지 못한 느낌 그리고 꽤 복잡하다 이 아이디어의 본질 및 영향과 관련된 문제에 대해 크리슈나무르티의 작품이 더 쉽고 명확하게 설명되어 있다고 생각하지만 그것이 이 책의 주된 목적은 아닐 수도 있다. 그러나 주요 목표가 Dialouge에 대해 발표하는 것이라고 생각한다면 여전히 명확하지 않습니다.



Profile Image for Phakin.
439 reviews

July 16, 2020
Need more time and more basic knowledge, this book was very tough. Yet I think it was quite interesting despite the fact that I didn't even understand how can "a dialogue" work especially in such specific situation. By the way, Bohm's explanation on the relation between a 'tacit knowledge' and our actions was so touching.

If I say that this book "convinced" me to keep on examining my "self"... Did Bohm achieve his aims?




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Alex Lee
894 reviews

March 11, 2016
This is a difficult book to classify. Although its written by a physicist, its really about the nature of being a human individual attempting to understand how to fit into the world.

Bohm at times, reaches into a near mystical state, not really scientific but more philosophical and religious when he describes how our expectations characterize our experience. He could be more philosophically explicit, but this may detract from what is already a very succinct text.

By extension these ideas can be related to the way in which groups also reason out ideology.

Nonetheless Bohm suggests using a group calibration of thought in order to bring about awareness as to how our experiential underpinnings force us to view the world in a way that is not our own. We often live our lives according to ideas we got from somewhere else. Sometimes they are misunderstandings that we extrapolate as morals. Other times they are partial ideas adopted from some authority figure in our past. Either way the worlds we construct are often inappropriate or at least misleading as to the full context of where we are and what we are doing. As a result, we are often at the mercy of thought itself -- we live in a world not constructed for us (for our benefit) and yet we constantly construct this world even identifying completely with it for the purposes of finding our place... a place that may not be to our benefit.

Often individuals deal with situations by reacting to their thought and the switching the order of their thinking. Their reactions become justifications for the thought they originally had, even though their justifications are reactionary. This is both the subject of Kant's Critique of Judgement (teleological thinking) and what Nietzsche was attempting to outline in his books about culture. Deleuze in Nietzsche and Philosophy shows more directly how Nietzsche considered culture to be created nearly of completely reactive forces... impulses and ideas that would limit our ability to be active so that we can be in service to a greater null. We become domesticated through out ideas and then cannot create a new world.

Bohm isn't proposing an overman kind of resolution. Instead he believes we should speak with others in a rigid methodology utilizing dialogue in order to come to understand the underpinnings of our reactive assumptions. When we can successfully pull them out we will see how irrational our assumptions are, and we can begin to create a new community. For a community is not founded on imposing will but by the collective synthesis of a completely new common will. When we find where we can identify with one another we will come that much close to healing the world we live in. Especially with politics as it is today and with communication how it is, we do not talk with those outside our group because we seek to enforce the veracity of our ideas. In such a forced presentation no one listens. We lose the ability to be a nation or a whole group and with that loss of communication we lose not only community but our shared lifeworld -- which requires a collective goal for everyone.

Very interesting book. Bohm is equally hard on scientists as they also present teleological thinking when it suits their favorite theories. I heartily recommend this tiny book to everyone!

109 reviews

October 24, 2015
اين نوشته ها به جان نفوذ مي كند. دوست داشتم همه اين كتاب را بخوانند.به هر كس كه ميرسم، با اشتياق ميگويم كه بخواندش ولي جز اندكي عموما توجهي نمي كنند. و اين خود چقدر به مطالب كتاب نزديك است. وقتي خوانده باشيش و ديگران اشتياقت را درك نكنند كه چقدر دوست داري بخوانندش، درد بسيار دارد. اين كتاب كوچك يادت ميدهد چگونه درون خودت سفر كني خودت را خالصانه از منظر يك سوم شخص بنگري و خودت را و نگاهت را به هستي بپالايي. جايگاهت را در هستي مي يابي انگار و ياد ميگيري كه چگونه نگاه كني، بينديشي و خلاق باشي.

Peter Blok
41 reviews

September 18, 2018
The book is Interesting because Bohm analyses the way we think, or, to be more precise, the way we think that we think. He introduces the concept: proprioception. That means selfperception. Peoples lack proprioception about the way we think.
He proposes the idea of an open dialogue. This is different from the way most peoples discuss with each other. What we should try to do is to understand each others presuppositions. That is not easy but we could start by trying, over and over again.


Brandon Lott
19 reviews

January 23, 2013
Immensely important to the future of humanity. If we can't dialogue ... we will continue a downward spiral in our humanity towards each other and the planet.




Lothar Schafer 'The Infinite Potential of Quantum Physics' Interview by ...

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Lothar Schafer 'The Infinite Potential of Quantum Physics' Interview by Iain McNay

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45,349 views  Jun 3, 2013
Lothar Schafer 'The Infinite Potential of Quantum Physics' Interview by Iain McNay
Author of 'Infinite Potential' and 'In Search of Divine Reality' talks about 'What Quantum Physics reveals about how we should live our lives.' Retired Professor of chemistry he spent a large part of his life in a laboratory looking at quantum-chemical computations and electron diffraction studies of molecular structures. He says, "You need to first understand the order of the universe and your place in it - you can't find happiness in your personal life if you are not living in harmony with the universe. The constituents of real things are found not to be real - these findings show that the quantum phenomena make it possible to establish a new covenant between the human mind and the mind-like background of the universe - one that provides a home again to the homeless and meaning to seemingly pointless life. The universe must be assumed to have a moral as well as a physical order, and facts and values derive again from a single source."


Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live Hardcover – 2 April 2013
by Lothar Schafer (Author)
4.6 out of 5 stars 117 ratings

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A hopeful and controversial view of the universe and ourselves based on the principles of quantum physics, offering a way of making our lives and the world better, with a foreword by Deepak Chopra

In Infinite Potential, physical chemist Lothar Schäfer presents a stunning view of the universe as interconnected, nonmaterial, composed of a field of infinite potential, and conscious. With his own research as well as that of some of the most distinguished scientists of our time, Schäfer moves us from a reality of Darwinian competition to cooperation, a meaningless universe to a meaningful one, and a disconnected, isolated existence to an interconnected one. In so doing, he shows us that our potential is infinite and calls us to live in accordance with the order of the universe, creating a society based on the cosmic principle of connection, emphasizing cooperation and community.
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Publisher ‏ : ‎ Crown Publishing Group, Division of Random House Inc (2 April 2013)
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Chrys McGlynn

5.0 out of 5 stars Received quicklyReviewed in Australia 🇦🇺 on 13 December 2022
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Good book, well priced.

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4.0 out of 5 stars Great book and a life changing philosophyReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 3 February 2020
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This book certainly serves as your end to end explanation of how the world works, and how it all ties together, particularly if you're a curious inquisitive minded individual who's keen on not leaving any stone uncovered on the backend workings of the universe and how quantum physics affects our lives. To adapt this paradigm is really the first step into becoming a new type of human species.

However I was a bit disappointed that Lothar didn't provide more practical methods on how to make the concepts outlined in the book really work for us, from the title I was hoping this book to be more action focused rather than theory and leaving things in the maybe zone.
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5.0 out of 5 stars A great book!Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 16 January 2016
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Clearly written, with straightforward logic the book is a milestone in our endeavour to transcend the metaphysics of materialism. By explaining his work with 'quantum chemistry' Lothar Schäfer makes it clear beyond any doubt that there is consciuosness even in the smallest particles - atoms and molecules. A great book!

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Harold Webster
4.0 out of 5 stars A good explanation of wave theory but I felt it fell ...Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 25 September 2015
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A good explanation of wave theory but I felt it fell short of the mark as regards direction. I thought that It could have done more to involve the Higgs fields potential in regard to wave and particle relationship and the ability to jump from non mass to mass. From thought to materiality, in effect Creation. The book is well written and the author has managed to keep it at a level that is understandable to the average reader.

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5.0 out of 5 stars AmazingReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 1 March 2019
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Really good book so far !
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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Best book I've read in yearsReviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 4 August 2020
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Absolutely brilliant.
A must read.
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Infinite Potential: What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live

Lothar Schäfer

138 ratings17 reviews

A hopeful and controversial view of the universe and ourselves based on the principles of quantum physics, offering a way of making our lives and the world better, with a foreword by Deepak Chopra

In Infinite Potential, physical chemist Lothar Schäfer presents a stunning view of the universe as interconnected, nonmaterial, composed of a field of infinite potential, and conscious. With his own research as well as that of some of the most distinguished scientists of our time, Schäfer moves us from a reality of Darwinian competition to cooperation, a meaningless universe to a meaningful one, and a disconnected, isolated existence to an interconnected one. In so doing, he shows us that our potential is infinite and calls us to live in accordance with the order of the universe, creating a society based on the cosmic principle of connection, emphasizing cooperation and community.

GenresScienceNonfictionPhilosophyQuantum MechanicsSelf Help

336 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 2013
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Shwan Raoof
36 reviews

March 26, 2021
Not so informative; lacks coherence. The central idea is clear that quantum physics' "Schrodinger's" wave function is just a mathematical expression that is void of energy or space (transempirical). But Shafer doesn't in any way explain what other alternative ideas might there be to interpret this phenomenon. And he doesn't also explain why that realm of the "wave function" can resemble the thoughts in our minds, except for the fact that they exist as potentiality. Although I think that thoughts are not potential states since they at least have electrical activity associated with them in the brain even though they're not yet expressed in the outer world as deeds. Many questions pop into mind while reading this book and no answers can be found between the pages.
The book could have been more useful if more theories were introduced or more details were taken into consideration in explaining the realm of potentiality or quantum jumps.
2021 non-fiction physics
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Tim Laukka
18 reviews

January 26, 2015
I really enjoyed Lothar's discussion of our potential and how it relates to quantum physics. I also found interesting his thoughts on how the paradigm of Darwinism has impacted our modern society. I am not sure I fully agree with all that he says in that regard, but I do agree that it has had a significant influence on how society thinks about the issues it faces.
While this book is not a faith based book, I also found this book provides some interesting insights into quantum physics application to our spiritual lives and to God. As a member of the Mormon faith I found many of the ideas and concepts presented in this book align with my understanding of God and the universe. It is always gratifying to find elements of your beliefs in unexpected and surprising domains.
psychology science
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Elizabeth Rains
1 book · 3 followers

December 29, 2020
I read a lot of books about physics, even though I'm not a physicist or any kind of scientist. I believe such books open the mind, and this one shows that the mind, like quantum physics (actually part of quantum physics), can be open to anything possible. In a nutshell, that's what Schafer says: anything possible will happen, and the universe is programmed to make it happen right. So don't fear or fret, just explore the potentialities. They are bound to ultimately be good.
audio-books non-fiction
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Tom Cornille
29 reviews · 1 follower

December 27, 2018
A very good read :) A big, fat fascinating and scientifically based finger pointing at the same moon all the so-called spiritual ones have been pointing at for thousands of years. Or why science is playing catch-up... and having a hard time admitting it despite clear numbers and logic. There may not be a lot to 'know' but there's sure a lot to suspect, with giant implications for all of us.

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Yuezhong Zheng
79 reviews · 22 followers

March 17, 2015
Not so informative and useful as I expected. I believe there are some other books out there about the connection of quantum physics and human mind that are more fun and useful.

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10 reviews

April 3, 2021
The author expertly explains the quantum world for the lay person and illustrates how quantum science and spirituality are two parallel and consistent ways of understanding the nature of reality. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand these seemingly incomprehensible and intriguing topics. The author’s ideas are an important contribution to help us fulfill our potential and live in accordance with the order of this mysterious and meaningful universe.

Dena Weigel Bell
10 reviews

December 31, 2017
Great book! A bit difficult to read at times for non-scientists, but still got a lot out of the information.


Alan Fuller
6 books · 26 followers

February 29, 2016
"...the quantum phenomena have taught me that atheism is a mistake because it isn’t in agreement with the nature of the world."

"Because of their recent discovery the messages of the new physics have never really been accepted in the public domain."

"Darwin’s biology is, like Newton’s physics, a surface science. It describes the visible phenomena on the surface of reality quite well, but it isn’t able to get to the roots of things."

It is quotes like these that make Schafer's book worth reading. They are supported by the evidence.
When I read Schafer's first book "In Search of Divine Reality," I was looking for philosophical discussions based on quantum physics. He provides plenty of that so I rated the book highly. From those valid discussions he develops ideas of monism, cosmic consciousness, infinite mind and a holistic "One." All is One and One is all. Its a combination of ancient pagan and modern new age beliefs.

If a cosmic consciousness created the universe, then why isn't it also a personal being? Can it be less than, or merely equal to its creation? Does it need us to be able to think?

The book is thought provoking, but you could probably find it on one of Oprah's bookshelves.

Show morescience

3,133 reviews · 17 followers

October 22, 2013
now I'm an open minded lady, i'll read just about anything. And I picked this up on a whim. Chopra's intro was especially seductive. And Schafer manages to explain some concepts about the movements of electrons that really worked for me, i finally understood a part of high school chemistry that has always eluded me. But towards the end of the book he hammers on about what he refers to as 'Darwinism' and 'Darwinists' as being the worst of the lot in humanity, and all i could picture in my mind was sweet Charles Darwin with his white beard studying worms at the end of his life. I've read so many bios of Darwin, and i suspect that there never was a kinder gentler more interesting man. I could understand what Schafer meant, but I wish he had found a different term. He did make some caveats several times that what HE believes Darwin's 'survival of the fittest' theories have evolved into was not what Darwin intended, and I wish he had gone one step further and taken Darwin right out of the argument. So, interesting, but ended up leaving me dissatisfied by heavy handedness towards the end.

Maria E
79 reviews · 2 followers

July 30, 2013
I had a biology professor in college who said that someday science and religion would agree because both in their honest forms were in pursuit of truth.
Lothar Schafer shows how the Darwinian view of man leads human behaviour to atheism, greed and many of the ills people complain about. He talks of how quantum physics shows the world to be connected and promotes cooperation over competition. He states that the ingrained philosophy of man as a disconnected animal, fighting for survival is in direct contrast to the quantum world. If one believes in the interconnectivity of the quantum world then one looks for the power of the universe and tries to align with it. He does not claim any organized religion but it's amazing how many of the world religions talk about bringing one's actions and will into alignment with the divine.

How does your life change if you stop thinking of yourself as a single organism awash in a sea of detritus and think of yourself as a small part of a greater whole which has a purpose of improving?
audiobooks philosophy science

Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm: Peat, F David: 9780201328202: Amazon.com: Books

Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm: Peat, F David: 9780201328202: Amazon.com: Books


"Dismissed by establishment scientists as a maverick or mystical rebel, American physicist David Bohm (1917-1992) sought a holistic physics, a unified vision of matter and mind, brain and consciousness. His search for an alternative quantum theory led him to formulate a cosmology depicting a universe of infinite levels, each qualitatively different yet part of an interconnected whole. In this brilliant intellectual biography, science writer Peat, Bohm's longtime friend and colleague, portrays an intensely cerebral man gripped by periods of crippling depression, who had an acute need of a guru or father figure, whether mentor J. Robert Oppenheimer or Indian philosopher/ teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti, and who ultimately felt betrayed by each of them."--Publisher description

Includes bibliographical references and index

Childhood : from fragmentation to flow -- From Penn State to Caltech -- A vision of light -- From Niels Bohr to Karl Marx -- Princeton -- Un-American activities -- Hidden variables -- Brazil : into exile -- Causality and chance -- Israel : the world falls apart -- Bristol : encounters with famous men -- Birkbeck : thought and what may lie beyond -- Language and perception -- The implicate order -- Dialogue and disorder -- The edge of something unknown

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F. David Peat

Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm Paperback – November 13, 1997
by F David Peat (Author)
4.6 out of 5 stars 58 ratings
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Infinite Potential is the first biography of David Bohm—brilliant physicist, explorer of consciousness, student of Oppenheimer, friend to Einstein, and enemy of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Although he battled bouts of crippling depression, Bohm proved to be one of the twentieth century's most original thinkers, influencing the fields of physics, philosophy, psychology, language, and education. In this compelling narrative, David Peat explains Bohm's life and landmark scientific work, including his famous ”hidden variables” causal interpretation of quantum mechanics, which created a storm of controversy, yet may well be the only theory that describes the true nature of reality.
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Print length

357 pages

Editorial Reviews

About the Author
F. David Peat, renowned author of many general books on science—including, with David Bohm, Science, Order & Creativity—was a friend and colleague of David Bohm for more than twenty years.

Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Basic Books; First Thus edition (November 13, 1997)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 357 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0201328208
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0201328202
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.15 pounds
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 9.2 x 6.09 x 1.01 inchesBest Sellers Rank: #1,099,882 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)#1,061 in Quantum Theory (Books)
#2,122 in Scientist Biographies
#15,315 in Historical Biographies (Books)Customer Reviews:
4.6 out of 5 stars 58 ratings

F. David Peat

Welcome to my Amazon page. One of the most enjoyable tasks of my life has been writing books. Or rather lying in bed dreaming about what I want to write tomorrow then jumping out of bed in the morning and rushing to my computer to get it all down before I forget!

My latest book is "Synchronicity: The Marriage of Matter and Psyche". This is an original exploration and not a revision of my earlier "Synchronicity: The Bridge between Matter and Mind". In my new book I explore Carl Jung’s notion of the life-transforming nature of synchronicities. Synchronicities open the floodgates of the deeper levels of consciousness and matter, which, for a creative instant, sweep over the mind and heal the division between the internal and external. Since writing that first book a great deal more has come to light, in particular about the role the theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli had in encouraging Carl Jung’s investigation of the phenomenon of “meaningful coincidence.” Much of this collaboration between the physicist and the depth psychologist is revealed in the fascinating correspondence between Jung and Pauli that has recently been published. My new book explores these discoveries and ends with a speculative and provocative chapter on the possible source of true synchronicities.

I was born and grew up in Liverpool. My father was an electrician and when his apprentice announced that he wanted to quit to go to Germany with his band my father told him, "George Harrison, one day you'll come crawling on your hands and knees to get your job back." I was also a little annoyed when my closest friend, Dot, told me she was seeing a really fascinating student at art college—John Lennon! It was that era!

After university I moved to Canada to carry out research in theoretical physics at the National Research Council of Canada. Then, while on a sabbatical with Roger Penrose, I met the physicist David Bohm and began a friendship that lasted until his death. Indeed, we were working together on a second book when he died.

I had also been involved in documentaries for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and was responsible for a twenty one-hour series on the development of physics in the 20th century. After leaving the NRC I turned to writing both books and plays for radio and the stage. I also made contact with Native American groups which ended up as a circle of Native Elders and Western Scientists sponsored by the Fetzer Institute. Some these experiences found themselves in Blackfoot Physics.

From Ottawa we moved briefly, and totally by chance, to the medieval hilltop village of Pari in Tuscany, and from there moved to London so I could do research for and write Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm. In London I made contact with the artists Anish Kapoor and Antony Gormley and ended up organizing a weekend where artists and scientists could meet and talk informally.

From London I moved back to Pari and in 2000 opened the Pari Center for New Learning in order to run courses and conferences and have writers and artists come to visit for a month or so. Pari has also been an ideal place in which to reflect and write and to meet new people. It has been a time when I developed my idea of Gentle Action which can be found at www.gentleaction.org and well as in my book "Gentle Action: Bringing creative change to a turbulent world".

A recent book of mine is "A Flickering Reality: Cinema and the Nature of Reality". This shows how everything from Freud and Jung, quantum theory and chaos theory, the neurosciences and postmodernism have changed the way we look at ourselves and the world, and the most direct way to experience this is via films. I also have a blog on this topic at http://aflickeringreality.blogspot.com. And what a pleasure it was to see it in print. It was such a joy to write "A Flickering Reality" because it combined my interests in the changing nature of reality along with the chance to revisit so many films I had enjoyed in the past along with some very new ones.

And if you'd like to learn more then why not buy my biography, "Pathways of Chance" or look at my websites www.fdavidpeat.com or www.paricenter.com.

Top reviews from the United States

Frances Haas

5.0 out of 5 stars "A stellar autobiographyReviewed in the United States on October 13, 2019
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I've always been curious about physics and the people who practice it. David Bohm was a key player within the physics community. His mother was or became insane but was able to be around for her two sons, in an unproductive way. There were no anti-depressants and her condition worsened. Bohm was more deeply effected by his mother than he allowed himself to know. He knew many other physicists, such as Oppenheimer. Partly due to his relationship with him, but also the Communist scare after W.W.II, the U.S. Government would not allow Bohm to work in the U.S., so "Bohm went to South America. If you like to read about the theories behind psychics, this is a book for you. It also goes into Bohm's long, and eventually troubled, relationship with Krishamurti, an Indian sage. Their talks can be seen on UTube. I recommend reading this book about a brilliant, flawed, man. and viewing those talks;, which delve into the nature of mysticism.

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5.0 out of 5 stars get this book!Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2015
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I love this book! Starting on page 169 we read about hidden variables. Example, two particles are separated but they don't interact in the classical physics way. There are hidden variables. The same thing happens when I use my computer flight simulator! I see two planes moving on the taxiway. One of them is stopping by an intersection, while the other one keeps on going thru the intersection. The computer is controlling the aircrafts--hidden variables? There is much debate, and none of it is easy to understand. Quantum mechanics is filled with confusion because the old way physics is predictable, but quantum is like rolling the dice. The facts indicate that our universe may be computer controlled. Bohm, Bell, and the others had no knowledge of our current computers and the advanced video cards. There is no doubt that we will be capable of building computers that can simulate a universe in the distant future.

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5.0 out of 5 stars fine biography of a great man.Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2016
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Bohm was not just a great physicist, whose Bohmian Mechanics provides the best alternative to the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics. He had a remarkable life in many ways. As a graduate student of Oppenheimer at Berkeley, he worked on the Manhattan Project, but was denied security clearance because of his Marxist views, and was forbidden to read his own papers or to write his Ph. D. thesis. Later he was hounded out of the country by the HUAC. He went from a Marxist materialist to a spiritual outlook which led him to collaborate with Krishnamurti. Peat was a longtime friend and collaborator, and the biography is a great and informative read.

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sharon graham

5.0 out of 5 stars Great bookReviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021
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Great work, a true genius

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Walter E. Parker

5.0 out of 5 stars A must read for everyone interested in scientific metaphysicsReviewed in the United States on March 21, 2021
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An objective, thorough outline of the life and thought of one of our greatest thinkers. Very accessible for average but interested minds like mine.

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Michael Anthony Caputo

5.0 out of 5 stars The Genius of BohmReviewed in the United States on October 23, 2018
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Excellent biography -- well written & considers all vital aspects of the life of this great man. Although the author tries to emphasize Bohm's spiritual awareness he falls short in presenting this aspect of Bohm's visionary personality. Highly recommended.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Don't miss this important work about one of the greatest minds ever.Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2016
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A wonderful insight to a remarkable mind. I think Bohms' dialogues with Krishnamurti exposed mankind's dilemma while perhaps showing the only plausible way out. Ultimate truth for Bohm is Love has no divisions and knowledge although important can not attain the essence.

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4.0 out of 5 stars Hometown boy Makes goodReviewed in the United States on September 20, 2015
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I bought this as a gift for my brother and read a bit of it myself too since David Bohm grew up in our hometown and went to our high school

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Barry Winbolt
4.0 out of 5 stars A rounded picture of a complex manReviewed in the United Kingdom on February 21, 2014
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This is a thoroughly researched and detailed account of a life which by any account was as troubled as it was driven by a passion for learning and insight. Despite his brilliance, David Bohm was as flawed as any of us. Problems seemed to arise for him because the very drive and obstinacy which allowed him to develop such brilliant insights in his work, proved a hindrance when applied to the business of life and relationships.
I came to the book because of my interest in dialogue. I knew from his book on the topic that Bohm developed an approach to dialogue in later life, I now know much more about how his ideas developed and were applied. Written by someone who understood and admired Bohm's work, the technical aspects of physics though well explained were still a little obscure for me. I still couldn't put the book down and it brought the man and his work to life for me.

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Sky.
10 reviews

February 21, 2011
Fascinating story of a remarkable man who is by all standards of the same stature as your Newtons and Einsteins. However, due to his holistic approach, his radical new approaches to physics, his communist sympathies and his interests in spirituality, he never got any prestigious award and hence most people have never heard of him. Which is a shame, because, he is one of the only scientists to come up with an ontological explanation of quantum physics, and a very common-sense theory of theories.
This biography is a bit messy at times, but it seems to give a good overview of who Bohm really was and of the astounding theories he envisioned and/or helped to develop. It also manages to put Krishnamurti and his teachings into perspective.
A tragic life, but his important legacy remains.




Profile Image for Tonino Filipovic.
Tonino Filipovic
25 reviews

March 8, 2022
Beautifully written biography about one of the most extraordinary scientists, and above all, human beings of 20th century!
The man who dared being different and questioned establishment and authorities, both within scientific community and political establishment.
The man whose contribution to physics and to understanding of human consciousness will very likely be fully understood and recognized only in future.
Great work by D. Peat in portraying such a complex and maverick personality that Bohm had been throughout his life and career.



10 reviews

September 5, 2021
I really enjoyed this comprehensive biography of quantum physicist David Bohm. The author communicates Bohm’s compelling and imaginative theories into language a layperson can (at least begin) to comprehend. I liked this book because I am intrigued by quantum physics and hope one day to have a rudimentary understanding. This book helped me in that quest.



Profile Image for Nicholas.
287 reviews

October 8, 2018
Thorough and honest portrait of a fascinating figure.



Profile Image for Will Cannon.
Will Cannon
9 reviews

June 27, 2020
Read this during a cruise on year. Super... Dr. Bohm was a brilliant guy. 👍



112 reviews

July 7, 2016
This is a well-written book about a very interesting person. David Bohm was a unique and very creative person who had an exceptional mind. He was able to pursue abstract thought to a far greater degree than most other people. But it’s difficult to live in high abstraction without loosing one’s grounding. David Bohm’s wife, Saral, was his anchor in life. Saral gave David stability and, to the extent that it was possible, a normal life. Saral also tried to support David during his recurring periods of depression which, without her, could have cost him his life.



Mike Ratner
63 reviews

January 31, 2012
A very interesting subject but poor writing; couldn't finish it.



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