
Christian Bobin — Wikipédia 크리스찬 보빈

Christian Bobin
Description of this image, also commented below
Christian Bobin (2020)
Birth (71 years old)
Le Creusot
Primary activityWriter , novelist , poet , essayist , philosopher , moralist , diarist
Writing languageFrench
GenresPoetry, essay, fragment

Primary works

  • The Eighth Day of the Week (1986)
  • A Little Party Dress (1991)
  • The Very Low (1992)
  • The More Than Alive (1996)
  • Self-Portrait at the Radiator (1997)
  • Resurrect (2001)
  • The Ruins of Heaven (2009)
  • Noireclaire (2015)
  • Pierre, (2019)

Christian Bobin , born onin Creusot in Saône-et-Loire where he lives, is a French writer and poet .

He became known to the general public in 1992 with Le Très-Bas , a book dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi , and has since grown steadily in popularity. A very prolific author, he now has around sixty books to his credit.

Biography edit modify the code ]

Youth edit modify the code ]

Son of a draughtsman father and a tracing mother both employed at the Schneider factory in Le Creusot, he is the last born in a family of three children. He spent his childhood alone, preferring the company of books 1 .

About his childhood, he said, “I wouldn't be able to do childhood stories. I wonder how these books are made. I feel crippled by this. And to make matters worse, I feel like I have a nearly wiped-out memory of it all . »

He also says about school: “What seems most unbearable to me — and this is also what our society does — is that school separated me from myself. It was not from a person, but from myself, in the vagrancy of hours, of moods. That was what I was separated from . »

Attracted to writing around the age of 15, he began studying philosophy and became passionate about the works of Plato , Spinoza and Kierkegaard .

At the age of 25, he began to write Lettre pourpre , a first work which was published in 1977 thanks to his meeting with Laurent Debut, the young founder of Éditions Brandes .

Not really looking for success, Christian Bobin continues to write, while doing odd jobs. He is thus in turn librarian (municipal library of Autun ), guide at the ecomuseum of Le Creusot 4 , editor at the journal Milieux , student nurse in psychiatry and professor of philosophy.

Literary career modify modify the code ]

His first texts, brief and somewhere between essay and poetry, were published by Éditions Brandes, Paroles d'Aube, Le Temps qu'il fait , by Théodore Balmoral , and especially by Fata Morgana (where he notably published Lettres d'Aube). 'gold ). From the end of the 1980s, his books appeared alternately with Fata Morgana and with Gallimard , then, alternately with Gallimard , with Éditions Lettres Vives and Le Temps qu'il fait.

In 1991, he had his first literary success with Une petite robe de fête , a book that sold 270,000 copies. The following year, the still discreet author caused a sensation in bookstores with Le Très-Bas , a book dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi , which sold more than 400,000 copies and was hailed by critics 5 ( Prix des Deux Magots and Catholic Grand Prize for Literature in 1993 ).

In 1995, marked by the premature death of his friend and childhood sweetheart Ghislaine, Christian Bobin paid a vibrant tribute to life in La plus que vive (1996), a work that only further increased his audience.

Despite these successes, he remains an author "in love with silence and roses", fleeing the worldliness of the literary scene. “My life, he wrote in Louise Amour , had been spent in books, far from the world, and I had, without knowing it, done with my reading what birds by instinct do with the bare branches of trees: they cut into them and triturate them until they detach a twig soon tied to others to compose their nest. »

He also writes a column entitled Regard poétique in the monthly magazine Le Monde des religions 6 .

In 2016, he received the Academy Prize from the French Academy for all of his work 7 .

Analysis of the work 

Christian Bobin finds an echo and great inspiration in poets and novelists capable, like him, of marveling at the simple things in life, such as Jean Grosjean , André Dhôtel or the German writer Ernst Jünger .

His favorite form is the fragment , a concentrated writing made up of small paintings representative of a moment. His works are at the same time or separately from the novel , from the diary and from poetry in prose 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 .

A contemplative author, he gives his texts an almost religious character through the use of poetic and airy prose that invites contemplation and meditation. The Christian faith thus holds an important place in his work, of which Le Très-Bas (1992) and Ressusciter (2001) are the most striking examples. However, religion is far from being his only favorite subject.

Addressing universal themes, such as childhood, melancholy and absence, his works are like fragments of life all belonging to the same puzzle. Sailing between essay and poetry, Christian Bobin shows his preference for brevity. His books thus sometimes take the form of a diary , as in Self-portrait with a radiator (1997), or a series of letters, as in A swinging noise (2017).

Privacy edit modify the code ]

Having always lived away from the world, he settled in 2005 in an isolated house on the edge of the Petit Prodhun wood, about ten kilometers from his native Creusot. He still currently lives there in peace with his companion, the poetess Lydie Dattas .

Works edit modify the code ]

Novels and Essays edit modify the code ]

  1. Purple Letter , Brandes Editions , 1977
  2. The Fire of the Rooms , Brandes, 1978
  3. The Black Marble Kiss , Brandes, 1984
  4. Sovereignty of the Void , Fata Morgana, 1985
  5. Disaster Man , Fata Morgana, 1986
  6. The Peddler", Brandes, 1986
  7. What the Man Who Didn't Like Birds Said , Brandes, 1986
  8. Dame, roi, valet, Brandes, 1987
  9. Lettres d’or, Fata Morgana, 1987
  10. The Missing Part , Gallimard , 1989
  11. In praise of nothing , Fata Morgana, 1990
  12. The Woman to Come , Gallimard , 1990
  13. The Other Face , Lettres Vives, 1991
  14. The Marvel and the Dark , Words from Dawn, 1991 – Interviews with Christian Bobin, ISBN  2-909096-00-9 )
  15. A Little Party Dress , Gallimard , 1991
  16. Le Très-Bas , Gallimard , 1992 – Prix des Deux Magots 1993, Catholic Grand Prize for Literature 1993
  17. Isabelle Bruges , The Weather, 1992
  18. Heart of Snow , Théodore Balmoral , 1993
  19. Distance from the world , Lettres Vives, 1993
  20. The Unexpected , Gallimard , 1994
  21. Exhaustion , The Weather, 1994 , 118 pages ISBN  2-86853-205-5 )
  22. A few days with them , The weather, 1994
  23. The Walking Man , The Weather, 1995
  24. La Folle Allure , Gallimard , 1995
  25. Good for nothing, like his mother , Lettres Vives, 1995
  26. More than alive , Gallimard , 1996
  27. Clémence Grenouille , illustrations by Saraï Delfendahl, The Weather, 1996
  28. A lecture by Hélène Cassicadou , illustrations by Saraï Delfendahl, Le temps qu'il fait, 1996
  29. Gaël Premier, king of Abimmmmmme 17 and Mornelonge , illustrations by Saraï Delfendahl, Le temps qu'il fait, 1996
  30. The Day Franklin Ate the Sun , illustrations by Saraï Delfendahl, Le temps qu'il fait, 1996
  31. Give me something that doesn't die , Gallimard , 1996 – Black and white photographs by Édouard Boubat , texts by Christian Bobin (republished by Gallimard , 2010 )
  32. Self-portrait with a radiator , Gallimard , 1997
  33. Mozart and the rain followed by A mess of red petals , Lettres Vives, 1997
  34. Jay , Gallimard , 1998
  35. The Equilibrist , The Weather, 1998
  36. The Grace of Solitude , Dervy, 1998 – Dialogue with Christian Bobin, Jean-Michel Besnier, Jean-Yves Leloup , Théodore Monod , ISBN  2-85076-959-2 )
  37. Everybody's Busy , Mercure de France , 1999
  38. Resuscitate , Gallimard , 2001
  39. The Light of the World , Gallimard , 2001
  40. Words for a Farewell , Albin Michel, 2001
  41. Christ with Poppies , Lettres Vives, 2002
  42. Louise Amour , Gallimard , 2004
  43. Prisoner in the Cradle , Mercure de France , 2005 , ISBN  2-7152-2592-X )
  44. A Library of Clouds , Lettres Vives, 2006
  45. The White Lady , Gallimard , 2007
  46. The Ruins of Heaven , Gallimard , 2009 – Prize for the Spirituality Book 2010 Panorama-La Procure 18
  47. Notebook of the sun , Living Letters, 2011
  48. A Snow-White Assassin , Gallimard , 2011
  49. The Joy-Man , The Iconoclast , 2012
  50. The Great Life , Gallimard , 2014
  51. Noireclaire , Gallimard , 2015
  52. The Silent Prayer , Gallimard , 2015 – Photographs by Frédéric Dupont, text by Christian Bobin
  53. A sound of seesaw , The Iconoclast, 2017
  54. La Nuit du cœur , Gallimard , 2018 , about its relationship with the Abbatiale Sainte-Foy de Conques
  55. The Chinese Wall , Lettres Vives, 2019
  56. The love of ghosts , L'Herne , 2019 ("notebook" collection; 80 p.)
  57. Pierre, , Gallimard , 2019 (intimate portrait of the painter Pierre Soulages )

Poetry edit modify the code ]

  1. The Eighth Day of the Week , Living Letters, 1986
  2. Simple Enchantment , Live Letters, 1989
  3. The Peddler , Fata Morgana, 1990
  4. Passing Life , Fata Morgana, 1990
  5. A useless book , Fata Morgana, 1992
  6. The Pure Presence , The Weather , 1999
  7. Simple Enchantment and other texts , Poetry/ Gallimard , 2001
  8. La Présence pure and other texts , Poetry/ Gallimard , 2008.
  9. Solitaire Shard , Fata Morgana, 2011
  10. The Whistling Plasterer , Poesis, 2018

Prefaces and Afterwords edit modify the code ]

  • Air de solitude by Gustave Roud , Éditions Fata Morgana, 1988 (preface)
  • The shadow of the snow by Maximine , Éditions Arfuyen, 1991 (letter-afterword)
  • Sorianoda by Patrick Renou , Éditions de l'Envol, 1992 (letter in afterword)
  • You hear me ? by Patrick Renou , Éditions Deyrolle, 1994 (republished by Verdier) (preface)
  • Devance tous les dieus by Ivy Edelstein , Editions Points, 2015 (preface)
  • Nudity of the Word: The Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross by Emmanuel Borsotti, Qiqajon Editions, 2018 (letter in preface)

Journals edit modify the code ]

  • "The Shield", magazine La Flesh et le Souffle , vol.8, no 2  , 2013 , p.  48-56

Collaborations edit modify the code ]

  • When the mist tears apart (subtitle: In the night of Alzheimer's ) (excerpts from La Présence pure (1999) by Christian Bobin, illustrated with photographs by Eleonore Demey) , Éditions du Palais, 2020

Honors edit modify the code ]

Literary awards edit modify the code ]

Tributes edit modify the code ]

  • Christian Bobin is quoted at the Belvédère du Grau-d'Agde .

Bibliography edit modify the code ]

크리스찬 보빈

크리스찬 보빈
이 이미지에 대한 설명(아래에 주석도 추가됨)
크리스찬 보빈 (2020)
출생 (71세)
르 크루조
주요 활동작가 , 소설가 , 시인 , 수필가 , 철학자 , 도덕가 , 일기
쓰기 언어프랑스 국민
장르시, 수필, 단편

기본 작품

  • 여덟 번째 요일 (1986)
  • 작은 파티 드레스 (1991)
  • 매우 낮음 (1992)
  • 살아있는 것보다 (1996)
  • 라디에이터에서의 자화상 (1997)
  • 부활 (2001)
  • 천국의 유적 (2009)
  • 누아르클레어 (2015)
  • 피에르, (2019)

에서 태어난 크리스찬 보빈그가 사는 Saône-et-Loire 의 Creusot 에서 그는 프랑스 작가 이자 시인 입니다.

그는 1992년 아시시의 성 프란치스코 에게 헌정한 책 Le Très-Bas 로 일반 대중에게 알려지게 되었고 이후 꾸준히 인기를 얻었습니다. 매우 다작의 작가인 그는 현재 약 60권의 책을 보유하고 있습니다.

전기 편집 코드 수정 ]

청소년 편집 코드 수정 ]

Le Creusot에 있는 Schneider 공장에 고용 된 제도공 아버지와 트레이서 어머니 사이 에서 태어난 그는 세 자녀의 가족 중 마지막으로 태어났습니다. 그는 어린 시절을 혼자 보냈고 책과 함께 1 .

그는 어린 시절에 대해 “나는 어린 시절 이야기를 할 수 없었을 것이다. 이 책들은 어떻게 만들어지는지 궁금합니다. 나는 이것에 무력감을 느낀다. 설상가상으로, 나는 그 모든 것에 대한 거의 지워진 기억을 가지고 있는 것 같은 느낌이 듭니다 . »

그는 또한 학교에 대해 이렇게 말합니다 그것은 사람에게서가 아니라 나 자신에게서, 시간의 방황 속에서, 기분에서였습니다. 그것이 내가 분리  것이었습니다 . »

15세 경에 글쓰기에 매료된 그는 철학 을 공부하기 시작했고 플라톤 , 스피노자 , 키에르케고르 의 작품에 열광 했습니다.

25세에 그는 1977년 Éditions Brandes 의 젊은 설립자인 Laurent Debut와의 만남 덕분에 첫 번째 작품인 Lettre pourpre 를 쓰기 시작했습니다 .

실제로 성공을 바라지 않고 Christian Bobin은 이상한 일을 하면서 계속 글을 씁니다. 따라서 그는 사서( Autun 시립 도서관 ), Creusot 4 의 생태 박물관 안내자, Milieux 저널의 편집자 , 정신의학과 학생 간호사 및 철학 교수입니다.

문학 경력 수정 코드 수정 ]

짧고 에세이와 시 사이에 있는 그의 첫 번째 텍스트는 Éditions Brandes, Paroles d'Aube, Le Temps qu'il fait , Théodore Balmoral , 특히 Fata Morgana (그가 특히 Lettres d'Aube를 출판한 곳)에 의해 출판되었습니다. '금 ). 1980년대 말부터 그의 책은 Fata Morgana와 Gallimard 를 번갈아 가며, 그 다음에는 Gallimard 와 Éditions Lettres Vives 및 Le Temps qu'il fait와 함께 번갈아 등장했습니다.

1991년 그는 27만부가 팔린 책 Une petite robe de fête 로 첫 문학적 성공을 거두었습니다 . 이듬해 여전히 신중한 작가 는 아시시의 성 프란체스코 에게 헌정한 책 Le Très-Bas 로 서점에서 센세이션 을 일으켰습니다. 이 책 은 400,000부 이상 판매되어 비평가들로부터 찬사를 받았습니다 1993년 문학 ) .

1995년, 친구이자 어린 시절 연인인 Ghislaine의 조기 사망으로 특징지어지는 Christian Bobin 은 그의 청중을 더욱 증가시킨 작품인 La plus que vive (1996)에서의 삶에 생동감 넘치는 찬사를 보냈 습니다.

이러한 성공에도 불구하고 그는 문학계의 세속성을 피해 "침묵과 장미를 사랑한" 작가로 남아 있습니다. "그는 Louise Amour 에서 내 인생 을 책 속에서 보냈고 세상에서 멀리 떨어진 책 속에서 보냈다. 둥지를 구성하기 위해 곧 다른 사람에게 묶인 나뭇가지를 분리할 때까지 저어줍니다. »

그는 또한 월간 잡지 Le Monde des 종교 6 에 Regard poétique 라는 제목 의 칼럼 을 씁니다 .

2016년에는 모든 작품으로 프랑스 아카데미로부터 아카데미상 을 수상했습니다 .

작품 분석 편집 코드 수정 ]

Christian Bobin은 Jean Grosjean , André Dhôtel 또는 독일 작가 Ernst Jünger 와 같이 삶의 단순한 것들에 경탄할 수 있는 시인과 소설가에게서 메아리와 큰 영감을 찾습니다 .

그가 가장 좋아하는 형태는 단편이나 한 순간을 대표하는 작은 그림들로 구성된 집중된 글이다. 그의 작품 은 소설 , 일기 , 그리고 산문 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 의 시 와 동시 에 또는 별도로 있다 .

관조적인 작가인 그는 묵상과 명상을 불러일으키는 시적이고 경쾌한 산문을 사용하여 그의 텍스트에 거의 종교적인 성격을 부여합니다. 따라서 기독교 신앙은 그의 작업에서 중요한 위치를 차지하며, 그 중 Le Très-Bas (1992)와 Ressusciter (2001)가 가장 두드러진 예입니다. 그러나 종교는 그가 유일하게 좋아하는 과목이 아닙니다.

어린 시절, 우울, 부재와 같은 보편적인 주제를 다루는 그의 작품은 같은 퍼즐에 속한 삶의 파편과 같습니다. 에세이와 시 사이를 오가는 Christian Bobin은 간결함을 선호합니다. 따라서 그의 책은 때때로 라디에이터가 있는 자화상 (1997)에서와 같이 일기 의 형태를 취 하거나, 흔들리는 소음 (2017) 에서와 같이 일련의 편지 형식을 취합니다.

개인 정보 보호 편집 코드 수정 ]

항상 세상과 떨어져 살았던 그는 2005년 고향인 Creusot에서 약 10km 떨어진 Petit Prodhun 숲 가장자리에 있는 외딴 집에 정착했습니다. 그는 현재도 그의 파트너인 시인 Lydie Dattas 와 함께 평화롭게 그곳에서 살고 있습니다 .

작품 편집 코드 수정 ]

소설과 에세이 편집 코드 수정 ]

  1. 보라색 편지 , Brandes 에디션 , 1977
  2. 방의 불 , Brandes, 1978
  3. Black Marble Kiss , Brandes, 1984
  4. 공허의 주권 , 파타 모르가나, 1985
  5. 재난맨 , 파타 모르가나, 1986
  6. 행상인", Brandes, 1986
  7. 새를 좋아하지 않은 남자가 한 말 , Brandes, 1986
  8. Dame, 투자수익, 대리 운전, Brandes, 1987
  9. Lettres d'or , 파타 모르가나, 1987
  10. 누락 된 부품 , Gallimard , 1989
  11. 무를 찬양하여 , 파타 모르가나, 1990
  12. 다가오는 여인 , 갈리마르 , 1990
  13. 다른 얼굴 , Lettres Vives, 1991
  14. 놀라운 일과 어둠 , 새벽의 말씀, 1991 – Christian Bobin과의 인터뷰, ISBN  2-909096-00-9 )
  15. 작은 파티 드레스 , Gallimard , 1991
  16. Le Tres-Bas , Gallimard , 1992 – Prix des Deux Magots 1993, 가톨릭 문학 대상 1993
  17. 이사벨 브뤼헤 , 날씨, 1992
  18. 눈의 심장 , 테오도르 발모랄 , 1993
  19. 세상과의 거리 , Lettres Vives, 1993
  20. 뜻밖의 일, 갈리마르 , 1994
  21. Exhaustion , The Weather, 1994 , 118쪽 ISBN  2-86853-205-5 )
  22. 그들과의 며칠 , 날씨, 1994
  23. 걷는 남자 , 날씨, 1995
  24. La Folle Allure , Gallimard , 1995
  25. 아무짝에도 쓸모없는 그의 어머니처럼 , Lettres Vives, 1995
  26. 살아있는 것보다 더 , Gallimard , 1996
  27. Clémence Grenouille , 일러스트레이션, Saraï Delfendahl, The Weather, 1996
  28. 헬렌 카시카두의 강의 , 사라이 델펜달의 삽화, Le temps qu'il fait, 1996
  29. Gaël Premier, Abimmmmmme 17 및 Mornelonge 의 왕, Saraai Delfendahl의 삽화, Le temps qu'il fait, 1996
  30. 프랭클린이 태양 을 먹은 날, 사라이 델펜달의 삽화, Le temps qu'il fait, 1996
  31. 나에게 죽지 않는 것을 주십시오 , Gallimard , 1996 – Édouard Boubat 의 흑백 사진, Christian Bobin의 텍스트( Gallimard 에서 재발행 2010 )
  32. 라디에이터가 있는 자화상 , Gallimard , 1997
  33. 모차르트와 비 에 이어 붉은 꽃잎의 엉망 , Lettres Vives, 1997
  34. 제이 , 갈리마르 , 1998
  35. 평형주의자 , 날씨, 1998
  36. 고독의 은혜 , Dervy, 1998 – Christian Bobin, Jean-Michel Besnier, Jean-Yves Leloup , Theodore Monod 와의 대화 , ISBN  2-85076-959-2 )
  37. 모두가 바쁘다 , 머큐어 드 프랑스 , ​​1999
  38. 소생술 , 갈리마르 , 2001
  39. 세상의 빛 , 갈리마르 , 2001
  40. 작별 인사 , 알빈 미셸, 2001
  41. 양귀비를 든 그리스도 , Lettres Vives, 2002
  42. 루이스 아무르 , 갈리마르 , 2004
  43. 요람 에 갇힌 죄수, 머큐어 드 프랑스 , ​​2005 , ISBN  2-7152-2592-X )
  44. 구름의 도서관 , Lettres Vives, 2006
  45. 화이트 레이디 , 갈리마르 , 2007
  46. 천국의 유적 , 갈리마르 , 2009 – 영성 도서상 2010 Panorama-La Procure 18
  47. 태양의 수첩 , 살아있는 편지, 2011
  48. 백설 공주 암살자 , Gallimard , 2011
  49. Joy-Man , 아이콘 파괴자 , 2012
  50. 위대한 삶 , 갈리마르 , 2014
  51. 느와르클레어 , 갈리마르 , 2015
  52. 침묵의 기도 , Gallimard , 2015 – Frédéric Dupont의 사진, Christian Bobin의 텍스트
  53. 시소 소리 , The Iconoclast, 2017
  54. La Nuit du cœur , Gallimard , 2018 , Abbatiale Sainte-Foy de Conques 와의 관계에 대해
  55. 차이니즈 월 , 레터스 비베스, 2019
  56. 유령의 사랑 , L'Herne , 2019 ("노트북" 컬렉션, 80p.)
  57. 피에르, 갈리마르 , 2019 화가 피에르 술라지 의 친밀한 초상화 )

시 편집 코드 수정 ]

  1. 8일째 , 리빙 레터스, 1986
  2. Simple Enchanment , 라이브 레터, 1989
  3. 행상인 , 파타 모르가나, 1990
  4.  을 지나가다, 파타 모르가나, 1990
  5. 쓸모없는 책 , 파타 모르가나, 1992
  6. 순수한 존재 , 날씨 , 1999
  7. Simple Enchantment 및 기타 텍스트 , Poetry/ Gallimard , 2001
  8. La Presence 순수 및 기타 텍스트 , Poetry/ Gallimard , 2008.
  9. 솔리테어 샤드 , 파타 모르가나, 2011
  10. 휘파람 석고 , 포에시스, 2018

머리말과 말 편집 코드 수정 ]

  • 구스타브 루드 ( Gustave Roud )의 고독(Air de Solitude), 에디션 파타 모르가나( Fata Morgana), 1988 (서문)
  • 눈 의 그림자, Maximine , Éditions Arfuyen, 1991(후편)
  • Patrick Renou 의 Sorianoda , Éditions de l'Envol, 1992(나중에 편지)
  • 내 말 들려요 ? Patrick Renou , Éditions Deyrolle, 1994(Verdier에서 재발행)(서문)
  • Ivy Edelstein 의 Devance tous les dieus , 에디션 포인트, 2015(서문)
  • Nudity of the Word: Emmanuel Borsotti, Qiqajon Editions, 2018 (서문에 있는 편지)

저널 수정 코드 수정 ]

  • "방패", 잡지 La Flesh et le Souffle , vol.8, no 2  , 2013 , p.  48-56

협업 편집 코드 수정 ]

  • 안개가 흩날릴 때 (자막: 알츠하이머의 밤 ) (Christian Bobin의 La Presence pure (1999) 에서 발췌 , Eleonore Demey의 사진과 함께 삽화) , Éditions du Palais, 2020

수상 편집 코드 수정 ]

문학상 편집 코드 수정 ]

공물 편집 코드 수정 ]

  • Christian Bobin은 Belvédère du Grau-d'Agde 에서 인용되었습니다 .

참고 문헌 편집 코드 수정 ]

Christian Bobin - Wikipedia

Christian Bobin - Wikipedia

Christian Bobin

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Christian Bobin
Christian Bobin-Nancy 2011 (1).jpg
Born24 April 1951 (age 71)
Le CreusotSaône-et-Loire
OccupationEssayist, poet
GenreEssay, poetry, vignette, Christian works
Notable worksEssay: The Very Lowly (1992, tr. 1997)

Christian Bobin (born 24 April 1951 in Le CreusotSaône-et-Loire) is a French author and poet.

Bobin received the 1993 Prix des Deux Magots for the book Le Très-Bas (translated into English in 1997 by Michael H. Kohn and published under two titles: The Secret of Francis of Assisi: A Meditation and The Very Lowly).[1]


  • Letter Purple (Ed Brandes, 1977)
  • Fire Room (Ed Brandes, 1978)
  • The kiss of black marble (Ed Brandes, 1984)
  • Sovereignty Vacuum (Ed.Fata Morgana, 1985)
  • Man of the disaster (Ed Fata Morgana, 1986)
  • Lady, king, jack (Ed Brandes, 1987)
  • Golden letters (Ed Fata Morgana, 1987)
  • The eighth day of the week (Ed Letters Vives, 1988)
  • Preface Air loneliness of Gustave Roud Fata Morgana 1988
  • The simple magic (Ed Letters Vives, 1989)
  • The missing part (Ed. Gallimard, 1989)
  • Praise of nothing (Ed Fata Morgana, 1990)
  • The peddler (Ed Fata Morgana, 1990)
  • The busy life (Ed Fata Morgana, 1990)
  • The woman next (Ed. Gallimard, 1990)
  • The other face (Ed Letters Vives, 1991)
  • The wonder and the dark (Ed. Paroles d'Aube, 1991) - Interviews with Christian Bobin
  • A small party dress (Ed. Gallimard, 1991)
  • The Very Lowly (Ed. Gallimard, 1992) -- Prix des Deux Magots 1993 Grand Prix of Catholic Literature 1993
  • A useless book (Ed Fata Morgana, 1992)
  • Isabelle Bruges (Ed. Weather, 1992)
  • Heart of Snow (Ed. Theodore Balmoral, 1993)
  • The Expulsion of the world (Ed Letters Vives, 1993)
  • The Unexpected (Ed. Gallimard, 1994)
  • The Exhaustion (Ed. Weather, 1994)
  • A few days with them (Ed. Weather, 1994)
  • The Walking Man (Ed. Weather, 1995)
  • La Folle Allure (Ed. Gallimard, 1995)
  • Good for nothing, as his mother (Ed Letters Vives, 1995)
  • The More than alive (Ed. Gallimard, 1996)
  • Clemence Frog (Ed. Weather, 1996)
  • A conference of Helen Cassicadou (Ed. Weather, 1996)
  • Gael First, King of the abyss and Mornelongue (Ed. Weather, 1996)
  • The day Franklin ate the sun (Ed. Weather, 1996)
  • Give me something that would not die (Ed. Gallimard, 1996) - Black and White 'sEdward Boubat accompanied by texts by Christian Bobin
  • Self-Portrait with radiator (Ed. Gallimard, 1997)
  • Jay (Ed. Gallimard, 1998)
  • The Equilibrist (Ed. Weather, 1998)
  • The mere presence (Ed. Weather, 1999)
  • Self-Portrait with radiator (Ed. Gallimard, 2000)
  • Everyone is busy (Ed. Mercure de France, 1999)
  • Resurrecting (Ed. Gallimard, 2001)
  • The Light of the World (Ed. Gallimard, 2001)
  • The Enchantment and other simple texts (Ed. Gallimard, 2001)
  • Words for a farewell (Ed. Albin Michel, 2001)
  • Christ the poppies (Ed Letters Vives, 2002)
  • Mozart and the rain monitoring A disorder of red petals (Ed Letters Vives, 2002)
  • Louise Love (Ed. Gallimard, 2004)
  • Prisoner in the cradle (Ed. Mercure de France, 2005)
  • A library of clouds (Ed Letters Vives, 2006)
  • The White Lady (Ed. Gallimard, 2007)
  • The ruins of the sky (Ed. Gallimard, 2009)


  1. ^ "Le Prix des Deux Magots" (in French). Les Deux Magots. Archived from the original on 12 January 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2011.


Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol: An Anthology of Early European Portrayals of the Buddha by Donald S. Lopez Jr. | Goodreads

Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol: An Anthology of Early European Portrayals of the Buddha by Donald S. Lopez Jr. | Goodreads

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Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol: An Anthology of Early European Portrayals of the Buddha  (Buddhism and Modernity)
by Donald S. Lopez Jr. (Editor)

We tend to think that the Buddha has always been seen as the compassionate sage admired around the world today, but until the nineteenth century, Europeans often regarded him as a nefarious figure, an idol worshipped by the pagans of the Orient. Donald S. Lopez Jr. offers here a rich sourcebook of European fantasies about the Buddha drawn from the works of dozens of authors over fifteen hundred years, including Clement of Alexandria, Marco Polo, St. Francis Xavier, Voltaire, and Sir William Jones.

Featuring writings by soldiers, adventurers, merchants, missionaries, theologians, and colonial officers, this volume contains a wide range of portraits of the Buddha. The descriptions are rarely flattering, as all manner of reports—some accurate, some inaccurate, and some garbled—came to circulate among European savants and eccentrics, many of whom were famous in their day but are long forgotten in ours. Taken together, these accounts present a fascinating picture, not only of the Buddha as he was understood and misunderstood for centuries, but also of his portrayers.

Editorial Reviews

“This is an amazing repository of research on Western writings on Buddhism from the earliest times to the mid-nineteenth century. Beautifully written, Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol will be a sourcebook for further research among scholars of Buddhism and of East-West interaction, as well as for those interested in Western intellectual history more generally.” -- Judith Snodgrass, Western Sydney University

“Only a true master of the field could have prepared this collection, which is at once so useful and so fascinating. Anyone with even the slightest interest in the history of religion, the rise of world religions, cultural relativism in Europe, or globalization, not to mention Buddhism, is going to want to open this chest of treasures. When they do, they will be deeply grateful for the guidance provided to the reader, which makes these sometimes curious stories accessible to the widest possible audience.” -- Lynn Hunt, University of California, Los Angeles

“Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol presents English translations of a wide variety of early writings produced by travelers, Christian missionaries, soldiers, civil servants, and armchair and professional scholars. These sources are very important indeed, and the work that Lopez has done to assemble them is truly impressive. I can think of nothing that rivals this book.”  -- Jacob Kinnard, Iliff School of Theology

"Rather than posit a true Asian vs. false Western dichotomy, Lopez asks, 'whether the Buddha, then and now, here and there, is the product of a more complex and interesting process of influence.' The author allows many texts to nestle and jostle against each other, refusing to rate them. This approach fits into Lopez’ career, spent producing learned works demystifying Buddhist tropes. While the collection of polyglot voices may daunt, he offers cogent introductions for each diverse inclusion." ― Spectrum Culture

John L. Murphy
5.0 out of 5 stars What's in this anthology? Read here
Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2017

Look around an Eastern-themed gift shop or Asian-inspired garden and you may see a benevolent, rotund and inevitably smiling Buddha. Imported into Western culture, the familiar icon enters popular culture as a good luck symbol and a self-satisfied sage. What today's viewers of such images forget is that, less than two centuries ago, whatever was known or rumored about this wisdom teacher emanated more often from demonic or pagan connotations, rather than cheerful or chubby depictions.

This shift in representation has taken nearly two thousand years to spread, far from the homeland near the Himalayan foothills and Indian plains of the historical Buddha. An expert scholar on Buddhist culture at the University of Michigan provides readers with a compendium excerpting over eighty accounts of what the Buddha meant to the forebears of Christians (and, now and then, Muslims and Jews) who attempted to fit this acclaimed personage into their worldviews. Donald S. Lopez, Jr.'s {Strange Tales of an Oriental Idol: An Anthology of Early European Portrayals of the Buddha} takes up the conversion of the Buddha "from stone to flesh." That is, the statues and the portraits of this venerable personage filtered into the imagination of travelers and scholars. They might be mystified or terrified of what they heard or guessed about this fabled or feared entity, and they regarded him or it with "profound suspicion." Simply put, until 1801, the Buddha was not recognized as the founder of what the West invented as Buddhism. For previous tale-tellers, he was known only as an idol.

Lopez records over three hundred names for the Buddha between 200 and 1850. The litany stretches back to Clement of Alexandria around that first date. This Church Father distinguishes the Hindu Brahmin priests from non-Hindu followers of the "Boutta, whom, on account of his extraordinary sanctity, they have raised to divine honours." Not bad for the first attempt at defining the change from Gautama to Sakyamuni, from a pampered prince to a wise deity bestowing favors on his worshipers.

The professor's introduction sums up the intricate patterns of information about the Buddha as they were transmitted from the Indian subcontinent into the Middle East and across the many Christian and Islamic empires. Tellingly, for nearly a millennium, few reports of the Buddha found their way west. Marco Polo's celebrated chronicle ranks sixth among eighty-odd entries, for instance. After this report, however, versions multiplied along the trade routes set up by Christian missionaries and traders with China. Emissaries at the Great Khan's court linked with Armenian, Persian and papal contacts visiting Mongol rulers. These East-West ties tightened in the 1600s after the Reformation.

Among these, the Jesuit Matteo Ricci epitomizes the ambition of the Catholic Church to win over the Chinese. Fr. Ricci also speaks for the dismissal of the Buddhist teachings brought to China from India as a "disaster." Neither a "genuine record of the history of this religion" nor "any real principle upon which one can rely" exists within this faith. For it "lacks the arts of civilization and has no standards of moral conduct to bequeath to posterity." Ricci credits the lack of knowledge of Buddhism abroad with a rationale for denigrating its doctrines. The Jesuits may have adapted Chinese customs as their own to win over the rulers, but they persisted, as with Ippolito Desideri in Tibet, to oppose Buddhism

Other Westerners added their own reactions. These tended to be negative. They offered many adaptations of the Buddha, often without recognizing the true roots of the idol in a historical figure. Yet, Lopez cautions, no single Buddha biography is accepted across Asia. No canonical text exists.

Rather than posit a true Asian vs. false Western dichotomy, Lopez asks "whether the Buddha, then and now, here and there, is the product of a more complex and interesting process of influence." Therefore, Lopez allows many texts to nestle and jostle against each other, refusing to rate them. This approach fits into Lopez' career, spent producing learned works demystifying Buddhist tropes. While the collection of polyglot voices may daunt, he offers cogent introductions for each diverse inclusion.

For then as now, knowledge of languages varied. Motivations multiplied. Conversion of the "pagans" led to negative attitudes, such as Ricci articulates. Catholics encountering monasteries eerily like their own recoiled as if they walked into the haunts of devils. Gradually, spurred by archaeological, linguistic and military exponents, interest in what became defined as Buddhism supplanted a terror of its teachings. Ethnographic enthusiasm grew in the 1700s and 1800s. This anthology concludes, fittingly, with the 1844 monograph of Eugène Burnouf. This scholar of Old Persian and Sanskrit pioneered the presentation of a human Buddha, rather than a stone idol. And from that juncture, Western sympathy began for the founding figure of a world religion and/or an appealing philosophy.

"The myriad idols coalesced into a single figure, who then became a historical figure, a founder of a religion, and a superstition became a philosophy." So Lopez sums up the transformation. Textually-based Buddhism remains dominant in the West, parallel to the quest in the 19th century for an historical Jesus. Whether such pursuits have resulted in reform or regression is left up to the adept.
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Donald S. Lopez, Jr.
5 booksauthored by Donald S. Lopez, Jr.

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Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West


Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the WestbyDonald S. Lopez Jr.

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Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed


Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the PerplexedbyDonald S. Lopez Jr.

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The Madman's Middle Way: Reflections on Reality of the Tibetan Monk Gendun Chopel


The Madman's Middle Way: Reflections on Reality of the Tibetan Monk Gendun ChopelbyDonald S. Lopez Jr.

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Hyecho's Journey: The World of Buddhism


Hyecho's Journey: The World of BuddhismbyDonald S. Lopez Jr.

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Buddhism and Modernity


Buddhism and ModernitybyDonald S. Lopez, Jr.

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Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialismazon - : Lopez Jr., Donald S.

Amazon - Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism: Lopez Jr., Donald S.: 9780226493091: Books

Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism 1st Edition
by Donald S. Lopez Jr. (Editor)
4.6 out of 5 stars    10 ratings
Curators of the Buddha is the first critical history of the study of Buddhism in the West and the first work to bring the insights of colonial and postcolonial cultural studies to bear on this field.

After an overview of the origins of Buddhist studies in the early nineteenth century, the essays focus on important "curators of the Buddha," such as Aurel Stein, D. T. Suzuki, and Carl Jung, who, as they created and maintained the discipline, played a significant role in disseminating knowledge about Buddhism in the West. The essays bring to life many of the important but unexamined social, political, and cultural conditions that have shaped the course of Buddhist studies for more than a century—and have frequently distorted the understanding of a complex set of traditions. Contributors Charles Hallisey, Gustavo Benavides, Stanley Abe, Luis Gómez, Robert Sharf, and Donald Lopez challenge some of the most enduring ideas in Buddhist studies: that Zen Buddhism is, above all, an experience; that Tibetan Buddhism is polluted, or pristine; that the Buddha image is of Greek or Roman origin; that the classical text supersedes the vernacular, as the manuscript supersedes the informant; and many others.
Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Donald S. Lopez Jr. is the Arthur E. Link Distinguished University Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan.
Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ University of Chicago Press; 1st edition (August 15, 1995)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 298 pages
Donald S. Lopez
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Customer reviews
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5
10 global ratings
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Top reviews from the United States
Freedom Cole
5.0 out of 5 stars A post-colonial analysis
Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2017
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I read the section called "Oriental Wisdom and the Cure of Souls: Jung and the Indian East." It is a good post-colonial look at Jung and the East.
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Left Coast Rebel
5.0 out of 5 stars required reading for Buddhists
Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2015
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Necessary for any student of Buddhism in order to understand the way that our understanding of Buddhism has been molded by colonialism.
One person found this helpful
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Alberto Satisfaction
5.0 out of 5 stars Very deep and insightful essays.
Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2014
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I haven't read all the essays yet, but there's an essay about Suzuki and how zen as we know it is not really the "real" one practiced in Japan. There are some very good things to consider after this texts. Obviously, this is more for people interested in the history of buddhism and buddhist studies. Completely recommended if you're into this in an academic way.
4 people found this helpful

Feb 06, 2008Natalie rated it really liked it
Shelves: buddhist-studies
Buddhist studies is finally coming to terms with its colonial roots--perhaps a little later than other disciplines like anthropology, but it's coming along. Not all the essays here are perfect, but all are thought-provoking. This is an important work and well worth the read for anyone interested in Buddhist studies, Western Buddhism, or religious studies. (less)
Dec 11, 2007Ian rated it it was amazing
I've used this book for two different classes and will likely go back to it again and again. There's something for everyone here, whether you're interested in Buddhist art or Carl Jung, but the diverse group of writers is unified in their aim to present post-Orientalist critiques that are as revolutionary as they are mentally stimulating. (less)

Korean Buddhist Journeys to Lands Worldly and Otherworldly Robert E. Buswell, Jr.

Korean Buddhist Journeys to Lands Worldly and Otherworldly on JSTOR
Korean Buddhist Journeys to Lands Worldly and Otherworldly
Robert E. Buswell, Jr.
The Journal of Asian Studies
Vol. 68, No. 4 (Nov., 2009), pp. 1055-1075 (21 pages)
Published By: Association for Asian Studies