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The Perennial Philosophy - Wikipedia

First United Kingdom edition, 1946
Author Aldous Huxley
Country United States, United Kingdom
Subject Mysticism, theology
Published Harper & Brothers, 1945

Publisher's jacket blurb for the first United Kingdom edition

The Perennial Philosophy is a comparative study of mysticism by the British writer and novelist Aldous Huxley. Its title derives from the theological tradition of perennial philosophy.

1Social and political context
2Scope of the book
3Style of the book
4Structure of the book
5Critical reception
5.1In the United States
5.2In the United Kingdom
6Huxley's view of perennial philosophy
7See also
10Publication data
11External links

Social and political context[edit source]

The Perennial Philosophy was first published in 1945 immediately after the Second World War by Harper & Brothers in the United States (1946 by Chatto & Windus in the United Kingdom). The jacket text of the British first edition explains:[1]

The Perennial Philosophy is an attempt to present this Highest Common Factor of all theologies by assembling passages from the writings of those saints and prophets who have approached a direct spiritual knowledge of the Divine...[1]

The book offers readers, who are assumed to be familiar with the Christian religion and the Bible, a fresh approach employing Eastern and Western mysticism:

Mr. Huxley quotes from the Chinese Taoist philosophers, from followers of Buddha and Mohammed, from the Brahmin scriptures and from Christian mystics ranging from St John of the Cross to William Law, giving preference to those whose writings, often illuminated by genius, are unfamiliar to the modern reader.[1]

The final paragraph of the jacket text states:

In this profoundly important work, Mr. Huxley has made no attempt to 'found a new religion'; but in analyzing the Natural Theology of the Saints, as he has described it, he provides us with an absolute standard of faith by which we can judge both our moral depravity as individuals and the insane and often criminal behaviour of the national societies we have created.[1]

Scope of the book[edit source]

In the words of poet and anthologist John Robert Colombo:

The Perennial Philosophy is essentially an anthology of short passages taken from traditional Eastern texts and the writings of Western mystics, organised by subject and topic, with short connecting commentaries. No specific sources are given. Paging through the index gives the reader (or non-reader) an idea of who and what Huxley has taken seriously. 

Here are the entries in the index that warrant two lines of page references or more:[2]

Aquinas, Augustine, St. Bernard, Bhagavad-Gita, Buddha, Jean Pierre Camus, St. Catherine, Christ, Chuang Tzu, "Cloud of Unknowing", Contemplation, Deliverance, Desire, Eckhart (five lines, the most quoted person), Eternity, Fénelon, François de Sales, Godhead, Humility, Idolatry, St. John of the Cross, Knowledge, Lankavatara Sutra, William Law (another four lines), Logos, Love, Mahayana, Mind, Mortification, Nirvana, Perennial Philosophy (six lines, a total of 40 entries in all), Prayer, Rumi, Ruysbroeck, Self, Shankara, Soul, Spirit, "Theologia Germanica," Truth, Upanishads (six different ones are quoted), Will, Words.[2]

Style of the book[edit source]

Huxley deliberately chose less well-known quotations because "familiarity with traditionally hallowed writings tends to breed, not indeed contempt, but ... a kind of reverential insensibility, ... an inward deafness to the meaning of the sacred words."[3] 
So, for example, Chapter 5 on 
  • "Charity" takes just one quotation from the Bible, combining it with less familiar sources:
  • "He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love."1 John iv
  • "By love may He be gotten and holden, but by thought never." The Cloud of Unknowing
  • "The astrolabe of the mysteries of God is love."Jalal-uddin Rumi"[4]

Huxley then explains: "We can only love what we know, and we can never know completely what we do not love. Love is a mode of knowledge ..."[4]

Huxley is quite vague with his references: "No specific sources are given."[2]

Structure of the book[edit source]

The book's structure consists of:
A brief Introduction by Huxley, of just over 5 pages.
Twenty-seven chapters (each of about 10 pages) of quotations from sages and saints on specific topics, with "short connecting commentaries."[2] The chapters are not grouped in any way though there is a kind of order from the nature of the Ground at the beginning, down to practical exercises at the end. The Acknowledgements list 27 books from which quotations have been taken. The chapter titles are:

  1. That Art Thou[a]
  2. The Nature of the Ground
  3. Personality, Sanctity, Divine Incarnation
  4. God in the World
  5. Charity
  6. Mortification, Non-Attachment, Right Livelihood
  7. Truth
  8. Religion and Temperament
  9. Self-Knowledge
  10. Grace and Free Will
  11. Good and Evil
  12. Time and Eternity
  13. Salvation, Deliverance, Enlightenment
  14. Immortality and Survival
  15. Silence
  16. Prayer
  17. Suffering
  18. Faith
  19. God is not mocked
  20. Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum ("The practice of religion leads people to practice evil.")[5]
  21. Idolatry
  22. Emotionalism
  23. The Miraculous
  24. Ritual, Symbol, Sacrament
  25. Spiritual Exercises
  26. Perseverance and Regularity
  27. Contemplation, Action, and Social Utility
A detailed Bibliography of just over 6 pages.
A detailed Index (two columns of small print, 5+1⁄2 pages).

Critical reception[edit source]
In the United States[edit source]

The Perennial Philosophy was widely reviewed when first published in 1945, with articles appearing in Book Week, Booklist, The Christian Century, Bull VA Kirkus' Bookshop Serv., The Nation, The New Republic, The New Yorker, Saturday Review of Literature, Springfield Republican, New York Herald Tribune, and the Wilson Bulletin.[6]

The New York Times wrote that, "Perhaps Mr. Huxley, in The Perennial Philosophy has, at this time, written the most needed book in the world."[7] 

The Times described the book as an:

... anthology [that] is above all a masterpiece of discrimination.... Leibniz gave the name of the Perennial Philosophy to this theme. Mr. Huxley has systematised, and dealt with, its many-branching problems, perils and beatitudes.[7]

The Times also stated that, "It is important to say that even an agnostic, even a behaviorist-materialist ... can read this book with joy. It is the masterpiece of all anthologies."[7]

Similarly, forty years later Huston Smith, a religious scholar, wrote that, in The Perennial Philosophy:

Huxley provides us with the most systematic statement of his mature outlook. Its running commentary deals with many of the social implications of Huxley's metaphysics.[8]

Not all the reception was so positive. Chad Walsh, writing in the Journal of Bible and Religion[9] in 1948, spoke of Huxley's distinguished family background, only to continue:

The only startling fact, and the one that could not have been predicted by the most discerning sociologist or psychologist, is that in his mid-forties he was destined to turn also to mysticism, and that since his conversion he was to be one of a small group in California busily writing books to win as many people as possible over to the "perennial philosophy" as a way of life.[9]

In the United Kingdom[edit source]

In the United Kingdom, reviewers admired the comprehensiveness of Huxley's survey but questioned his other-worldliness and were hostile to his belief in the paranormal.

C. E. M. Joad wrote in New Statesman and Society that, although the book was a mine of learning and Huxley's commentary was profound, readers would be surprised to find that he had adopted a series of peculiar beliefs such as the curative power of relics and spiritual presences incarnated in sacramental objects. Joad pointed out that, if the argument of the book is correct, only those who have undergone the religious experiences upon which it is based are properly able to assess its worth. Further, he found that the book was dogmatic and intolerant, "in which pretty well everything we want to do is wrong."

Finally, Joad asserted that Huxley's mistake was in his "intellectual whole-hoggery" and that he was led by ideas untempered by ordinary human experience.[10]

In the journal Philosophy, the Anglican priest Rev. W. R. Inge remarked on the book's well chosen quotations and called it "probably the most important treatise we have had on mysticism for many years." He saw it as evidence that Huxley was now a mystical philosopher, which he regarded as an encouraging sign. 

Inge pointed out conflicts between religions and within religion and agreed that a rapprochement must be through mystical religion. However, he wondered if the book, with its transcendence of the personality and detachment from worldly concerns, might not be more Buddhist than Christian. He concluded his review by calling into question Huxley's belief in psychical phenomena.[11]

Elsewhere[edit source]

Canadian author John Robert Colombo wrote that as a young man he, like many others in the 1950s, was swept away with enthusiasm for "the coveted volume" :

Everyone interested in consciousness studies has heard of his study called The Perennial Philosophy. It bears such a prescient and memorable title. His use of the title has preempted its use by any other author, neuropsychologist, Traditionalist, or enthusiast for the New Age

The book so nobly named did much to romanticise the notion of "perennialism" and to cast into the shade such long-established timid Christian notions of “ecumenicism” (Protestants dialoguing with Catholics, etc.) or "inter-faith" meetings (Christians encountering non-Christians, etc.). 
Who would care about the beliefs of Baptists when one could care about the practices of Tibetans?[2]

Colombo also stated that:

Painfully absent from these pages are Huxley's mordant wit and insights into human nature. It is as if his quicksilverish intelligence has been put on hold or has found itself in a deep freeze of his own making. When it comes to selecting short and sometimes long quotations, he is no compiler like John Bartlett of quotation fame, but he does find time to make a few deft personal observations.[2]

Huxley's view of perennial philosophy[edit source]
Further information: Perennial philosophy

Huxley's Introduction to The Perennial Philosophy begins:

The metaphysic that recognises a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being — the thing is immemorial and universal. Rudiments of the Perennial Philosophy may be found among the traditionary lore of primitive peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions. A version of this Highest Common Factor in all preceding and subsequent theologies was first committed to writing more than twenty-five centuries ago, and since that time the inexhaustible theme has been treated again and again, from the standpoint of every religious tradition and in all the principal languages of Asia and Europe.[12]

In the next paragraph, Huxley summarises the problem more succinctly, saying: "Knowledge is a function of being."[12] In other words, if you are not suited to knowing something, you do not know it. This makes knowing the Ground of All Being difficult, in Huxley's view. Therefore, he concludes his Introduction with:

If one is not oneself a sage or saint, the best thing one can do, in the field of metaphysics, is to study the works of those who were, and who, because they had modified their merely human mode of being, were capable of a more than merely human kind and amount of knowledge.[13]

See also[edit source]

Perennial philosophy (philosophia perennis)
The Teachings of the Mystics – A book by Walter T. Stace with a similar thesis

Notes[edit source]

^ A translation of the Sanskrit Tat tvam asi.

References[edit source]

  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Huxley, Aldous (1946). The Perennial Philosophy(1st. ed.). London: Chatto and Windus. p. Dust Jacket.
  2. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f Colombo, John Robert (16 June 2010). "books, news, reviews". 'THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY' revisited. Gurdjieff Books Wordpress. Retrieved 25 October 2011.
  3. ^ The Perennial Philosophy, page 4.
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b The Perennial Philosophy, page 95.
  5. ^ Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, Book 1, 101.
  6. ^ Contemporary reviews include:
Book Week (21 October 1945).
Booklist v. 42 (15 November 1945).
The Christian Century v. 62 (12 December 1945).
Bull VA Kirkus' Bookshop Serv v. 13 (1 August 1945).
The Nation v. 161 (27 October 1945).
The New Republic v. 113 (5 November 1945).
The New Yorker v. 21 (29 September 1945).
Saturday Review of Literature v. 28 (3 November 1945).
Springfield Republican (14 October 1945).
New York Herald Tribune (7 October 1945).
Wilson Bulletin (White Plains, N.Y.) v. 41 (Dec. 1945).
  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c Toksvig, Signe (30 September 1945). "Aldous Huxley's prescriptions for spiritual myopia". New York Times. p. 117.
  2. ^ Huxley, Aldous (1993) Huxley on God, Introduction – Walter Houston Smith p. 9, HarperSanFrancisco ISBN 0-06-250536-X
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b Walsh, Chad (January 1948). "Journal of Bible and Religion". Pilgrimage to the Perennial Philosophy: The Case of Aldous Huxley. Journal of Bible and Religion. Vol 16, No 1. pp 3–12: 3–12. JSTOR 3693645.
  4. ^ Joad, C.E.M. (5 October 1946) Huxley Gone Sour, The New Statesman and Society, 32, pp. 249–50 in Watt, Donald ed. (1997) Aldous Huxley The Critical Heritage, pp. 363–365, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-15915-6
  5. ^ Inge, W.R. (April 1947) Perennial Philosophy – Review, Philosophy, XXII, pp. 66–70 in Watt, Donald ed. (1997) Aldous Huxley The Critical Heritage, pp. 366–368, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-15915-6
  6. ^ Jump up to:a b (The Perennial Philosophy, Introduction, page 1)
  7. ^ (The Perennial Philosophy, Introduction, pages 5–6.)
Publication data[edit source]

The Perennial Philosophy, 1945, Harper & Brothers
Harper Perennial 1990 edition: ISBN 0-06-090191-8
Harper Modern Classics 2004 edition: ISBN 0-06-057058-X
Audio Scholar 1995 audio cassette edition: ISBN 1-879557-29-0

External links[edit source]
The Perennial Philosophy at Internet Archive.

Aldous Huxley


Crome Yellow (1921)
Antic Hay (1923)
Those Barren Leaves (1925)
Point Counter Point (1928)
Brave New World (1932)
Eyeless in Gaza (1936)
After Many a Summer (1939)
Time Must Have a Stop (1944)
Ape and Essence (1948)
The Genius and the Goddess (1955)
Island (1962)
Short story collections

Limbo (1920)
Mortal Coils (1922)
Little Mexican (1924)
Two or Three Graces (1926)
Brief Candles (1930)
Collected Short Stories (1957)

The Perennial Philosophy (1945)
Grey Eminence (1941)
The Devils of Loudun (1952)
The Doors of Perception (1954)

The Burning Wheel (1916)
Jonah (1917)
The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems (1918)
Leda (1920)
Arabia Infelix and Other Poems (1929)
The Cicadas and Other Poems (1931)
Collected Poetry (1971)
Travel writing

Along the Road (1925)
Jesting Pilate (1926)
Beyond the Mexique Bay (1934)
Essay collections

On the Margin (1923)
Essays New and Old (1926)
Proper Studies (1927)
Do What You Will (1929)
Vulgarity in Literature (1930)
Music at Night (1931)
Texts and Pretexts (1932)
The Olive Tree (1936)
Ends and Means (1937)
Words and their Meanings (1940)
Science, Liberty and Peace (1946)
Themes and Variations (1950)
Adonis and the Alphabet (1956) (US title:) Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Heaven and Hell (1956)
Collected Essays (1958)
Brave New World Revisited (1958)
Literature and Science (1963)
The Human Situation (1977)
Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience (1999)

Pride and Prejudice (1940)
Madame Curie (uncredited, 1943)
Jane Eyre (1943)
A Woman's Vengeance (1947)
Alice in Wonderland (uncredited, 1951)
Radio script

"Jacob's Hands: A Fable" (1956, published 1997)

The Discovery (1924)
The World of Light (1931)
The Gioconda Smile (1948)
The Genius and the Goddess (1957)
The Ambassador of Captripedia (1965)
Now More Than Ever (1997)
Other books

The Art of Seeing (1942)
The Crows of Pearblossom (1944 children's book, published 1967)
Selected Letters (2007)


1945 non-fiction books
Books by Aldous Huxley
Philosophy of religion literature
Mysticism texts
Chatto & Windus books
Harper & Brothers books
Religious pluralism

Product description

"The Perennial Philosophy is the core synthesis of religious thought that Huxley drew from mystical thinkers among the world's great religions."--Washington Post Book World

"[A] sweeping history of religious belief."--The Guardian (UK)

"The masterpiece of all anthologies . . . Even an agnostic can read this book with joy.--New York Times
From the Back Cover

An inspired gathering of religious writings that reveals the divine reality common to all faiths, collected by Aldous Huxley

The Perennial Philosophy, Aldous Huxley writes, may be found among the traditional lore of peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions.

With great wit and stunning intellect--drawing on a diverse array of faiths, including Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christian mysticism, and Islam--Huxley examines the spiritual beliefs of various religious traditions and explains how they are united by a common human yearning to experience the divine. The Perennial Philosophy includes selections from Meister Eckhart, Rumi, and Lao Tzu, as well as the Bhagavad Gita, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Diamond Sutra, and Upanishads, among many others.

About the Author

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) is the author of the classic novels Brave New World, Island, Eyeless in Gaza, and The Genius and the Goddess, as well as such critically acclaimed nonfiction works as The Perennial Philosophy and The Doors of Perception. Born in Surrey, England, and educated at Oxford, he died in Los Angeles, California.

Top reviews from the United States
Michael Bowen
5.0 out of 5 stars Thou Art That
Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2018

This is a book that I think I will be referencing back to for the rest of my life. 
If you basically want to understand the entire perspective of a Western thinker on the commonalities of Eastern religion and mysticism as well as Christian mystic thought, this is the book. 

Think of it as the complete tutorial on what people *think* they're saying when they utter the cliche "I'm not religious but I'm spiritual." Now if a person were truly that, and very intelligent as well, then this book explains how they might think about God, self, universe, time, idolatry, salvation, truth, good, evil, immortality, mortification, charity, prayer... yeah, you name it everything you've stuffed in a closet in the back of your mind and called it 'religion' is presented here from the mystic point of view and collected wisdom of multiple 'religions'.

This might properly be called, at least I will, the set of ultimate goals for the self, or perhaps the self-less perfection of the realization of the divine in the individual and the purpose of all human consciousness. I'm not used to speaking this way, it will take me some time to get through all of the material in this course of study, but I can feel it working on me.

Several years ago I wrote that all I care about is wisdom. This is true. But one tends to think of wisdom as an attribute of the self. 
The Perennial Philosophy extends that challenge beyond the self (and yet within the self) towards the human infinite. So instead of the pursuit and capture of wisdom like a trophy to put on your mantle and show off, the Perennial Philosophy explains that this is an attainment of psychic, spiritual as well as intellectual dimensions.

There's some speculation in this which is especially clunky in the dated volume which contemporaries more well versed in psychology will easily spot. 
Also Huxley had been taken in by claims of faith healing and ESP that should not be taken seriously, but he seems to understand this. 
Also the book gets a bit murky in dealing with the concepts of time vis a vis Time and Eternity. And yet the book becomes quite persuasive in describing how nations and religions and philosophies that deal with reality in progressive time rather than in eternal timelessness, inevitably make bloody violent sacrifices to time (God the destroyer of all things, in time).

Huxley presents a convincing case for the unification of purposeful thought in this volume by taking contextualized quotes from a variety of wise ancients and mystics. It puts, for me, God back where God should belong in all thought, and the discipline of finding God central in human moral purpose.

I am convinced that this is the kind of material that is central to the human experience. It clears up a lot of things.
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72 people found this helpful
Mark Freeman
4.0 out of 5 stars Great book, poor transcription to kindle
Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2020

First, I'll say the book is amazing. Huxley's ability to look beyond the differences in the four main religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism) to see the common thread is beauiful. Given this book was written so long ago, I'm surprised that more hasn't been written on this subject. If you have any interest in seeing into the heart of religion, this is a must-read. My only complaint was that, at times, he could overly drive the point home by giving so many referenced scriptures or commentaries that I found myself skimming them after the first few examples of each point. While I loved the book, by 70% of the way through I found myself ready to be done reading it.

The primary reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 was due to the kindle transcription. It's honestly quite terrible. The book was full of misspellings, typos, and in one case even a sentence that just ended halfway through. It's unfortunate that the book's publisher didn't take the time to have the kindle version proofread before being distributed.
6 people found this helpful
Ed Recife
5.0 out of 5 stars A materpiece that anyone interested in a sincere Divine search should read it!
Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2015

This book is nothing short of a masterpiece. Not only because it's content is brilliant, but because Huxley put it together with such brightness, that only a genius mind could do it. 
The Perennial Philosophy is a manual for anyone interested in Eastern Philosophical and Religious Thought. It goes deep inside the heart and teachings of the most influential Mystics that ever lived. The book is practical, clear and detailed, covering important subjects that would take many students years to collect from several different sources.

Huxley proves brilliantly the Unity, Truth and Wisdom behind most religions. They all share a common source and ground that passes from faith, repentance and death to self into a divine nature of pure love and joy. 
He covers topics such as "Personality, Sanctity, Divine Incarnation, God in the World, Charity, Truth, Grace and Free Will, Good and Evil, Rituals", etc. 
So many important topics for one interested in pursuing a divine path with a sincere heart toward God. Here are just a few quotes to inspire you to read this book:

  • "Liberation cannot be achieved except by the perception of the identity of the individual spirit with the universal spirit"

  • "The best that can be said for ritualistic legalism is that it improves conduct. It does little, however, to alter character and nothing of itself to modify consciousnesses"
  • "What could begin to deny self, if there were not something in man different from self?"
  • "Love seeks no cause beyond itself and no fruit; it is its own fruit, its own enjoyment."
  • "To the extent that there is attachment to "I", "Me" and "Mine", there is not attachment to, and therefore no unitive knowledge of, the divine ground"
  • "Everything is ours, provided that we regard nothing as our property"
  • "To find or know God in reality, by any outward proofs, or by anything but by God himself made manifest and self-evident in you, will never be your case either here or hereafter. For neither God, nor heaven, nor hell, nor the devil, nor the world, and the flesh, can be any otherwise knowable in you, or by you, but by their own existence and manifestation in you. And all pretended knowledge of any of these things, beyond or without this self-evident sensibility of their birth within you, is only such knowledge of them, as the blind man hath of that light, that never entered into him."
  • "You are as holy as you wish to be"
  • "if most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion."
  • "Turning to God without turning from Self"- the formula is absurdly simple; and yet, simple as it is, it explains all the follies and iniquities committed in the name of religion"

Enjoy the book!
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38 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars It's a life changing beautifully written book
Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2016
Verified Purchase
Aldous Huxley, take on spirituality and the base of all religions as seen through the eyes of saints and spiritual leaders. It's a life changing beautifully written book. Aldous Huxley is one of the greatest minds of our time. (As an advice, this was my first spiritual book outside the Bible, so it was kind of a Perennial Philosophy crash course for me. Some words are difficult to understand, so it's better to have a background on other religions to fully understand.)
23 people found this helpful
Top reviews from other countries
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 30, 2015
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ESSENTIAL HUXLEY WORK on the religious, aesthetic, and mystical aspect of reality. Perennial Philosophy is a term coined by Leibniz meaning eternal DIVINE REALITY. Huxley brings together selections from world theologies and spiritually enlightened men and saints, mystics, and poets to illustrate aspects of this reality. Huxley structures his commentary on the basis of his selections of hundreds of examples from the world's Perennial Philosophies. This edition also includes an excellent essay by Huxley on the evolution of his religious thinking, where he discusses among other things why within the modern day paradigm, modern science ignores this reality - the religious and aesthetic part of reality - because it cannot use its partial mathematical concept of reality to anaylse this aspect of reality which cannot be quantified. Today's philosophical thinking of reality is overwhelmed by the partial competencies of science, which moreover presumes to offer a complete view of reality, yet which is severely partial and lopsided.This is an essential work, which gives a profound and well reasoned view into an invisible and omnipotent world which is actually the goal of every human life.

When first published the New York Times said, "this is the most needed book in the world."
14 people found this helpful
Dr. H. A. Jones
5.0 out of 5 stars A world-view that transcends space and time
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 28, 2011
Verified Purchase
The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley, Harper & Brothers, 1945; HarperCollins 2009, 324 ff.
The perennial philosophy refers to the spiritual truths that underlie human existence in all cultures through all time, transmitted through Jungian archetypes, the `morphic field' and the wisdom philosophies. The term `perennial philosophy' seems to have been used first as long ago as 1540 by the Italian humanist Agostino Steuco, and then by German mathematician and philosopher G.W. Leibniz in the 18th century.

Aldous Huxley is perhaps best known for his novels, Brave New World and The Devils of Loudun, but this work is a non-fictional survey of aspects of spirituality. I cannot do better than to reproduce the author's own definition of his subject matter: 
`the metaphysic that recognizes a divine Reality that is substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; 
the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; 
the ethic that places man's final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being - the thing is immemorial and universal'.

This book is a collection of writings on this enduring mystical theme, joined together by a commentary from Huxley. He compares the extracts he has chosen with the Shruti and Smriti of the Hindu religion: the Shruti depend upon direct perception of these universal truths accessed transcendentally by the sages or rishis while the Shriti are myths and tales that illustrate the moral teachings of the Shruti. The whole book is much more oriented towards the spiritual Hinduism and Buddhism of the East than the doctrinal religion of the West.

In Chapter IV, God in the World, Huxley specifically berates humankind for its lack of respect for, and its exploitation of, the natural world and endorses communing with God through Nature. Respect for the trees, rocks and streams around us that has long since disappeared from western capitalism, at least until quite recently, has remained very much alive in Chinese and Japanese society: where western religious art depicts characters from scripture, Eastern art is full of reverent nature-painting. Huxley was always a keen supporter of environmental preservation and deplored the Brave New World we were creating.

Chapter VI is about Non-Attachment and Right-Livelihood - about not letting the quest for material acquisitions and comforts and the turbulence of our daily lives disturb our equilibrium: certainly a message for our times. Huxley maintains however that the worship of Culture, for its own sake, is overblown. Novelty in the arts has become almost a god in its own right. Having said that, many writers of plays and novels indicated that they understood human psychology long before Freud.

Chapter VII deals with the issue of truth. Whatever we say of the material world can only be an approximation of truth because its essence we can never truly know. And the same is true of statements about God: Huxley records the sayings of many sages endorsing the via negative - that nothing we say of God can begin to describe the qualities of the divine.

Chapter IX on self-knowledge opens with a quote from Boethius: `In other living creatures ignorance of self is nature; in man it is vice'. This echoes Socrates' maxim: `the unexamined life is not worth living'. Many sages have told us that the greatest challenge of human life is to understand oneself.

Chapter XII is on Time and Eternity and opens with the statement: `The universe is an everlasting succession of events; but its ground . . .is the timeless now of the divine Spirit'. The extracts and commentary then elaborate on this theme.

Space prevents my summarising the themes of all 27 chapters, but this will give readers a good feel for the content and spirit of the book. One critic says the book is not about philosophy - but it is precisely that - religious philosophy. It is also criticised for not being a 'self-help' book. If after reading this you do not think about the meaning of life in general, and your own in particular, you must have read it with eyes open and mind closed.

The Phenomenon of Man by Teilhard de Chardin

Dr Howard A. Jones is the author of The Thoughtful Guide to God (2006) and The Tao of Holism (2008), both published by O Books of Winchester, U.K.; and The World as Spirit published by Fairhill Publishing, Whitland, West Wales, 2011.
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30 people found this helpful
The Banished Immortal
5.0 out of 5 stars One love, one heart, let’s get together...
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 1, 2019
Verified Purchase
This book should be required reading in schools and colleges everywhere. Huxley has managed to collate and distil the common spiritual wisdom of the world into one magnificent volume. If only people would listen...
4 people found this helpful

3.0 out of 5 stars A good introduction to mysticism
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 30, 2021
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He gets to the true self which is no self. Perception or consciousness is true self, on closer analysis perception is impersonal. Talking about neither 1 nor 0 there is no personal feeling. However there is not an abscence of personal experience at the same time. I feel a deep love for Jesus and my Church which after a five year period have at last become a member. Am reading Leslie Newbiggen at the moment. I retain a high regard for Buddhist practice but know that my home is with Jesus. You can follow my journey on my reviews at Amazon.com. With love, Tom x
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S. S
2.0 out of 5 stars Not the usual Aldous Huxley book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 23, 2021
Verified Purchase
I enjoy reading Aldous Huxley's brilliant books. This book is a compilation of quotes by religious figures and saints and sages. It is not the usual philosophy which can be reasoned and discussed in a Socratic manner. I gave up reading it as it did not seem rational.
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Apr 13, 2009Connor rated it it was amazing

This book redefined the way I look at religion. It speaks of the philosophy which connects all religions, and should be used as a way of relating to one another.

I found this particular passage quite engaging:

"The invention of the steam engine produced a revolution, not merely in industrial techniques, but also much more significantly in philosophy. Because machines could be made progressively more and more efficient, Western man came to believe that men and societies would automatically register a corresponding moral and spiritual improvement. Attention and allegiance came to be paid, not to Eternity, but to the Utopian future. External circumstances came to be regarded as more important that states of mind about external circumstances, and the end of human life was held to be action, with contemplation as a means to that end. These false and historically, aberrant and heretical doctrines are now systematically taught in our schools and repeated, day in, day out, by those anonymous writers of advertising copy who, more than any other teachers, provide European and American adults with their current philosophy of life. And so effective has been the propaganda that even professing Christians accept the heresy unquestioningly and are quite unconscious of its complete incompatibility with their own or anybody else's religion."
 -- Well said Hux. (less)
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Bryon Medina
Dec 28, 2007Bryon Medina rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: ...anyone who cares.
Dear Aldous Huxley,
I know that you were pronounced dead a long time ago, but because of this book, you are a living presence in my life today.
Thank you,
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Jul 03, 2015Adam rated it liked it
Shelves: myth-religion, 1900-1969, eastern-philosophy

To begin, I must note that I am not "spiritual," if spirituality is taken to indicate belief in spirit, to point to crystals and new-agey-ness and tarot and so on. I also do not consider myself "enlightened," but I think I get on a gut level a basic idea of what that state might be like.

The greatest fault Huxley's book has is its attempt to force varying traditions of mysticism into one "perennial philosophy." The Perennialists, Huxley included, seem not to acknowledge the diversity of views within the mystical tradition. That is a shame. And yet there is a category known as the mystical, to which various traditions speak. It is a real category of experience and, as far as I'm concerned, is totally fascinating. The book is mostly Huxley's commentary, but a very large portion of it is quotations from various texts, either mystical or interpreted as such by Huxley. 
It is well-written and, as single-volume accounts go, a pretty good one. And buried within Huxley's sometimes frustrating notion that he is capable of uncovering the esoteric truth of esoterica are some pretty excellent observations and some very good writing.

 For instance:"Samsara and Nirvana, time and eternity"; "Nirvana and Samsara are one"; for instance: "the path of spirituality is a knife-edge between abysses"; for instance: "to be diabolic on the grand scale, one must, like Milton's Satan, exhibit in a high degree all the moral virtues, except only charity and wisdom."

Huxley also does a pretty good job of explaining why mysticism is not equivalent to sticking one's head in the sand, and why its denial of self-separateness is not the same as the dangerous forms of collectivism and indifference to difference. For instance, he identifies "political monism" as something very different to monism in its more genuine sense. There is a cult of unity that is not the religion of unity, but is "only an idolatrous ersatz." He gets at everyday ignored truths in a blunt and (to me) refreshing way: he notes that "bondage to self-will" is "the root and principle of all evil."

It's often really hard to explain my interest in the mystical, given that it coincides in me with much its opposite. Some of it is just having been obsessed with The X-Files and the esoteric in general, but never having donned a tinfoil hat or purchased crystals. That's not so odd in itself. But mysticism? Unity with the One that is all, whether you call it Brahman or the Tao or the Nature of Things or Allah or God? How can someone be interested in that but be almost anti-religious, and think that everything has a material explanation at some level?

I think Huxley's book has helped me understand my interest in mysticism. A lot of it has to do with how mysticism is not boring, but very interesting as a way of perceiving the world. And there is also great ethical potential in all this, which is to an extent simply about a species of passivity combined with profoundly active awareness, in which one is neither an unaware imbecile nor an overactive shit-stirrer. I almost wrote "not boring as a mode of thought." Except, of course, meditative states, "centredness," certain experiences possible through psychedelics, and so on do not necessarily revolve around thought or knowledge. They do not revolve around the self, around your past or your future or your dreams and desires and attitudes.

They revolve around the realized real, something almost indescribable (and I cannot describe it or pretend to) that happens when one engages in contemplative practice. And this practice and what happens within it are so fucking fascinating precisely because it's just something you have to do to get there and because it will dramatically affect your everyday experience of the world. "the saving truth has never been preached by the Buddha, seeing that one has to realize it within oneself"- Sutralamkra. 

There is the possibility of pure(-seeming) awareness. Awareness without the ego's involvement. Experience of reality, in other words, without the mediation of time-oriented, result-oriented thought. This awareness is a way out of the self, a way out of what David Foster Wallace has famously called our default setting, in which I am and you are and everyone is at the centre of their own little universes, in which one's self is what processes all incoming information. 

Huxley says: "there has to be a conversion, sudden or otherwise, not merely of the heart, but also of the senses and of the perceiving mind... metanoia, as the Greeks called it, this total and radical 'change of mind'." This change of mind is about, in large part, "the elimination of self-will, self-interest, self-centred thinking, wishing and imagining." Underpinning all this is an understanding of the difficulty of the transition and of its potential value. At the risk of sounding like the shittiest Beatle not named Ringo, imagine a world in which self-interest is not merely questionable, but is blasphemy, in which "individual self-sufficiency" is a thoroughly blasphemous idea.

I am talking in terms of psychology. That's important to emphasize. Yes, it's still my brain processing input. But what is different in the throes of the mystical experience is that the software running from the hardware (let's pretend that's a valid way of looking at it) changes entirely. Everything begins to look different. That is still a chair, but it is no longer my chair, my pain, my love, my anger, my ambition. And that sort of dissociation (a dangerous psychological disorder according to the DSM, that great manual of the Cult of Self) is but a fraction of the larger picture. Freud is more Fraud than ever before. Jung starts to make sense in a way previously inaccessible to me. The categories of Western psychology start to reveal themselves as deeply mistaken and even stupid, and the Buddhist philosophers are revealed as the greatest psychologists and phenomenologists to date. The issue is not with the Western psychologists' accuracy of description. It is that they have an extremely narrow account of reality and of the possibilities of the human mind, and make their system make sense by excluding anything out of the ordinary, making it disorder and insanity. To quote Huxley: "one of the most extraordinary, because most gratuitous, pieces of twentieth-century vanity is the assumption that nobody knew anything about psychology before the days of Freud." Unfortunately, we are still dragging that nonsensical baggage behind us, even as we enter into a larger and more comprehensive understanding of mind and brain.

I suspect that my meditative practice has led me to what the mystics call the "divine" anyway. I just don't think it's divine. So a large portion of what Huxley talks about here and what is central to the mystical tradition makes sense to me, because I have had what counts as "mystical" experiences. That is not to say that mystical experiences are a matter of divine contact, only that there is such a thing as a "mystical experience." I mean that there is a sort of experience that many human beings have and have had that matches a list of criteria that makes it count as this certain sort of experience. An experience that often leads to a taste of beatitude, blessedness, which as Huxley notes is "something quite different from pleasure... [it] depends on non-attachment and selflessness, therefore can be enjoyed without satiety and without revulsion."

And it is no wonder that the mystics, whether Sufi, Catholic, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, etc. consider this experience a matter of unity with the divine. For the experience is a profound alteration of consciousness, a gaining of distance from the myopic, obscenely self-centred, violently egotistical standard mode of operation of the human being. And this standard mode has coloured most religious practice as well as led to our obscenely disgusting obsession with consuming and retaining material goods. The mystical is a way out of what Huxley calls "a certain blandly bumptious provincialism which, if it did not constitute such a grave offence against charity and truth, would be just uproariously funny."

Of course, not all those in the mystical tradition are all that concerned with God. Huxley neatly steps past Orthodox Buddhist thought to focus on the more spiritualist Mahayana practices, for instance. He ignores the possibility, recognized by some, that several prominent Sufi mystics come very close to denying to the "divine" any of the characteristics that make it properly divine. The amazing thing about the mystical tradition is that it repeatedly de-emphasizes and even annihilates everything bad about religious practice and belief.

The mystical tradition's view of God also bears so strong a resemblance to Spinoza's discussion of God that one might ask of it the same things one asks of Spinoza: is he a pantheist, a panentheist, an atheist? After centuries of debate, nobody's figured out with any certainty what Spinoza is. And that's that!

The contemplative tradition is one that needs to be taken account of. It is, instead, largely ignored (or, even more bizarrely, equated to the dangerous and dark forms of religious practice more common among humans). Why? Because it leads one to mysterious places and we want to pretend we know everything with certainty.

To end, I'll note that the book contains some unexpected surprises, including Huxley's various interesting, if not (in my mind) accurate, readings of various poems and the like. Also some psychological and philosophical perspectives on mind that I had never encountered before.

Three of the many quotations I underlined:

"Do not build up your views upon your senses and thoughts, do not base your understanding upon your senses and thoughts; but at the same time do not seek the Mind away from your senses and thoughts, do not try to grasp Reality by rejecting your senses and thoughts. When you are neither attached to, nor detached from, them, then you enjoy your perfect unobstructed freedom, then you have your seat of enlightenment"- Huang-Po

"With the lamp of word and discrimination one must go beyond word and discrimination and enter upon the path of realization"- Lakavatara Sutra

"Nothing burns in hell but the self"- Theologia Germanica (less)
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Jul 23, 2012Ashlie rated it it was amazing
Everyone should read this book. It is one of the best inspirational, inquisitive philosophy texts I have ever read.
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Paul Gleason
Nov 15, 2013Paul Gleason rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I first read this book when I was on a Huxley kick when I was a teenager. Brave New World inspired me to read everything I could get my hands on by him. Needless to say, The Doors of Perception was more my speed then than The Perennial Philosophy.

I recently read Mike Scott's autobiography, Adventures of a Waterboy, and discovered that this book meant a lot to him and his spiritual life. I picked up a copy at the library and felt a spark of recognition: I'd read this book before but was too young (and probably too Catholic!) to understand a word of it.

But, I realized, that the book somehow lit an unconscious spark in me. It's precepts are essentially a reiteration of the beliefs that I've developed on my own through reading the writers whom Huxley surveys. Heck, I've even become a member of the Unitarian Church - which is largely influenced and informed by this book.

I realize that this isn't so much a review as it is a self-indulgent memoir - the kind of thing that goes against the precepts of the book. It's an ego-based piece of writing. But the book was a VERY necessary read for me at this point in my life. So I thank Mike for - yet again - pointing me in the right direction, the direction of healing. (less)
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Apr 07, 2017dely rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Recommended to dely by: Dhanaraj Rajan
Shelves: spirituality-religion, 0-uk
This is an interesting book but the style and the language are pretty difficult (at least for me). I think that who is into philosophy will have less problems than me to understand the language.
It doesn't talk about the dogma of the main religions (Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism), but about the philosophy and the spiritual side that are very similar if not the same. This is what I like the most: to see the points in common of religions, and not the differences.
There are a lot of quotes from different holy scriptures and from the writings of saints and mystics. I found them all very inspiring.
I recommend this book to who is interested in religions and their philosophical side, but be aware that it isn't a fast or easy read. (less)
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Dec 12, 2011Danns rated it it was amazing
I picked this book up almost two decades ago coming off a run Robert Anton Wilson and a deep interest in Eastern Philosophies, particularly Taoism. I had never finished the book at the time as the real life of a young adult took sway. Coming back almost 20 years later this book still holds it's allure.

This is not an easy book to digest and Huxley did an amazing job presenting such a succinct overview of the Perennial Philosophy drawing from so many resources, it's just plain awe-inspiring. The excerpts from the myriad of texts were wisely chosen and fit the chapter topics and provided a jumping of point for further exploration.

From Zen to Christianity, Buddhism to Islam, Christ to Rummi, and all religions and philosophies in between, Huxley provides an great introduction to the underlying stream of commonality linking us all together in the greater whole of the universe. A thread that has stitched the saints and prophets throughout the ages and presents us with such a simple path that is oh so difficult to follow. The annihilation of self, the achievement of charity and the ultimate path of existence; it is in here.

This book is not a light read by any means and it forces one to take a long hard look at life. My hat is off to Huxley, that it is. Read it! (less)
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Susan Steed
Mar 20, 2016Susan Steed rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I was talking to a friend about how much I hated the baggage I felt I had inherited from my loosely Christian upbringing. Some kind of female guilt about sex. Why I couldn't bear going to any more political events because I kept seeing this oppressive good v's evil narrative. So, for example if I went to events organised by the Left I kept feeling I had been co-opted by some church of people who believed they were the chosen ones, the 'good people' who would change the world, and we are in a war with the 'bad' tory people.

My friend said that he didn't think this is the ultimate truth of most religions, and told me to read this book. In this book, Huxley presents his version of the Perennial Philosophy. It brings together writing from Christian Mystics, Sufi Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism and more. Sure, to some people this may be height of hippy bullshit. But, for me, the ideas presented here, that heaven and hell are not external but are within all of us, resonate very deeply with me. Or, put slightly nicer by Rumi 'If thou has not seen the devil, look at thine own self'. Or, in the words of William Law;

"The will is that which as all power; it makes heaven and it makes hell; for there is no hell but where the will of the creature is turned from God, nor any heaven but where the will of the creature worketh within God".

The book presents loads of really interesting ideas. I was interested in the ideas I mention above about the nature of good and evil, heaven and hell. But also the nature of capitalism, the violence of Christianity and Imperialism (and other religions). For me his presentation of the environment is also something I have been thinking about recently. The idea that God is in nature. It reminds me of an example that Wangari Maathai gives of Christian missionaries who went to Kenya and told the indigenous population that they were wrong for thinking that God living in the mountains. Then the mountains ceased to be sacred. They began to be exploited.

This will be a book I'll be drawing on and rereading for many years to come. As well as having loads of incredible quotes from thinkers and movements I'll be sure to look up and read more of, it also has some banging analysis that Huxley makes of the time in which he was living, much of which is still very relevant today. I like this quote:

"Our present economic, social and international arrangement are based, in large measure, upon organised lovelessness. We begin by lacking charity towards Nature, so that instead of trying to cooperate with Tao or the Lagos on the inanimate and subhuman levels, we try to dominate and exploit, we waste the earth's mineral resources, ruin it's soil, ravage its forests, pour filth in its rivers and poisonous fumes into its air…. Upon this fairly uniform ground work of loveless relationships are imposed others. Here are some examples, contempt and exploitation of coloured minorities living amount white majorities, or of coloured majorities governed by minorities of white imperialists… And the crowing superstructure of uncharity is the organised lovelessness of the relations between state and sovereign state - a lovelessness that expresses itself in the axiomatic assumption that it is right and natural for national organisations to behave like thieves and murderers, armed to the teeth and ready, at the first favourable opportunity, to steal and kill."
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Apr 03, 2010Nikki rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Huxley is referring to the perennial philosophy as those universal truths that span culture and religion. He shows in this book how all of the ancient traditions implemented these truths...or didn't. He is clearly very erudite and the book is full of quotes from early "saints", from both the East and the West.

While much of the material is quite interesting I wondered if he didn't write the book simply to show how Christianity has 'gone wrong'. His anti-Christian bias is pretty obvious.

This book is NOT a light read and you should only pursue it if you are really interested in this topic. On the positive side, this book did cause me some introspection on certain subjects and I feel like it has helped me in some of my own spiritual pursuits.
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Tomaj Javidtash
Feb 23, 2015Tomaj Javidtash rated it it was amazing
This book is a gem, a must read, for people with even the slightest interest in the esoteric dimension of religions, any religion. It is a lucid presentation of exalting and inspiring quotes from mystics and saints throughout history. I believe it is the most comprehensive book on the subject of Sophia Perennis from the point of view of its practitioners.
Rumi, Meister Eckhart, Augustine, Shankara, etc. are among the many others whose memorable words about the Ground of Being are presented in this book.
It is one of the rare books that I can read many many time. Highly recommended.

Tomaj Javidtash (less)
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Theresa Leone Davidson
Jul 03, 2011Theresa Leone Davidson rated it it was amazing
Huxley examines a whole host of religions, from Buddhism to Catholicism and everything in between, explaining what the enduring philosophy of each is and what similarities they have to one another. In the end he makes the brilliant point that no matter how different each religion may be, they are, at their core, seeking the exact same thing. Anyone remotely interested in religion should read this. Highly recommend!
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Nati S
Jan 14, 2021Nati S rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: those who are spiritually inclined
Shelves: philosophy, want-to-reread, would-recommend, favourites, metaphysics, everything, i-know-nothing, general-knowledge, 2021
The Perennial: that which is everlasting and continually recurring.

This book is the result of Huxley's deep study on the writing of the mystics from the great traditions of the east to the enlightened Christians of the west.

An anthology of mystical writing.

... in all expositions of the Perennial Philosophy, the frequency of paradox, of verbal extravagance, sometimes even of seeming blasphemy. Nobody has yet invented a Spiritual Calculus, in terms of which we may talk coherently about the divine Ground and of the world conceived as its manifestation. For the present, therefore, we must be patient with the linguistic eccentricities of those who are compelled to describe one order of experience in terms of a symbol-system, whose relevance is to the facts of another and quite different order.

I have a special shelf in my library where I place the sacred books such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible or the Sutras; I shall place this book very near to it.

The knower and the known are one. Simple people imagine that they should see God, as if He stood there and they here. This is not so. God and I, we are one in knowledge. — Eckhart
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Mar 19, 2012Liam rated it liked it
"Puffing Billy has now turned into a four-motored bomber loaded with white phosphorus and high explosives, and the free press is everywhere a servant of its advertisers, of a pressure group, or of the government. And yet, for some inexplicable reason, the travellers (now far from gay) still hold fast to the religion of Inevitable Progress -- which is, in the last analysis, the hope and faith (in the teeth of all human experience) that one can get something for nothing. How much saner is the Gree ...more
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Dec 09, 2013Whitney rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: philosophy, non-fiction, spirituality, favorites
Huxley gets to the root of The Thing by examining religious texts from around the world. He finds out what they have in common to get to the parts that are not human projection, idolatry, and bullshit. It's all around us and we are part of It. ...more
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Justina Hayden
Aug 15, 2009Justina Hayden rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: spiritual seekers who have not yet settled
Shelves: books-i-reread-frequently
This book explain the ways in which ALL the world's religions, taken at their core, express the "Perennial Philosophy". He quotes at length from Catholic saints, Martin Luther, the Vedantas, the Tao te Ching, George Fox, the Upanishads, the writings of many Buddhists, and so on. I know I've left some out; I'm not looking at the book as i write, and it has been probably 10 years since I read it last.

Nonetheless, a major formative book for my life, which I discovered when I was 13 or 14 and have been rereading ever since. (less)
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CV Rick
Sep 25, 2011CV Rick rated it really liked it
Shelves: literature, philosophy
Lest anyone doubt that one of the greatest philosophers of the modern age is Aldous Huxley I give you The Perennial Philosophy. Huxley boils all religious tradition into its basic universal truths. It is through this discovery that he finds what he is good in the best teachings and what is manipulative in its tenets.

I am constantly amazed by the breadth of thought that Aldous Huxley explored during his lifetime and how relevant that five years today. I will probably be thinking about this volume for many years to come. (less)
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SJ Loria
Jan 02, 2017SJ Loria rated it it was amazing

The Perennial Philosophy
Forget self to discover the Self

The book A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, is essentially a history of science book. This book is a history of philosophy and summary of major religion, organized into different points. In both, I ran out of room to review. Link to complete review at the end. The main idea is this – all religions are essentially saying the same 27 things and here’s what they are. I found it very neat to jump from a Sufi mystic to a Catholic saint to a Hindu or Buddhist scholar and say, wow, yes, they are all saying the same thing. There is an additional layer suggesting you can join the elite crew that gets it and practices the perennial philosophy, but I think that detracts a bit from the overall summary. There’s a tendency to evangelize to join this group, and a bit of the Western bias of passion = bad. Never the less, it’s detailed and comprehensive, not a good introduction to the topic of eternal questions but good if you’re along the path of the pursuit of the truth and dedicated to the mysteries of life.
A bit different structure than usual. I’m going to do one more overall paragraph then I’ll go through the majority of topics where I’ll describe the central idea and sample quotes.
So. If all religions are saying the same thing, what is it? We are all one. That God dwells in each moment and in each being (including ourselves). Life purpose is “unitive knowledge” that God and self and others and existence are one. Awareness can be achieved through detachment to central desires and denial of ego, eye on the divine but unconcerned with the outcomes of effort (a very odd balance called “holy indifference”). That path is not easy, but when you undertake the right actions eventually you can “catch a glimpse of the Self that underlies separate individuality.” Modesty, humility, and simplicity will get you there. The kingdom of heaven is within you and eternity can be attained in your lifetime. Never forget we are one, that God allows us to participate in this sacred moment called life. We are kidding ourselves if we think our perspective is in some way different than any others.
I should add, ps, most growned up people don’t care about these topics. They become caught up in the false idols of technology, human progress, business, politics, anything temporal. They will look at you like a weirdo if you bring these things up. All are called, but not all are chosen or choose to continue the conversation with the divine. Pursuit this path and you will be different.

Note: If there isn’t a name attached to a quote it’s from Huxley
Point 1 – That are Thou – “you” are not just your ego perspective, you are contained in everyone you see and interact with. We are all one, so do unto others what you would do to yourself because self and other is an illusion.
It is ignorance that causes us to identify ourselves with the body, the ego, the senses, or anything that is not the Atman. He is a wise man who overcomes this ignorance by devotion to the Atman. –Shankara (8th century Hindu scholar) 7

Point 2 – The Nature of the Ground – You are part of God, existence happens because you open your eye which is divine. You’re essentially sitting in the palm of God, more so you’re one atom in his / her hand.
* The last end of man, the ultimate reason for human existence, is unitive knowledge of the divine Ground – the knowledge that can come only to those who are prepared to “die to self” and so make room, as it were, for God. –21
* The purpose of all words is to illustrate the meaning of an object...For example cow and horse belong to the category of substance. He cooks or he prays belongs to the category of activity. White and black belong to the category of quality…Now there is no class of substance to which the Brahmin belongs, no common genus. It cannot therefore be denoted by words which, like “being” in the ordinary sense, signify a category of things…Therefore it cannot be defined by word or idea; as the Scripture says, it is the One “before whom words recoil.” –Shankara 24

Point 3 – Personality, Sanctity, Divine Incarnation – personality is a distraction, selfhood is a better concept (less egotistical), you are sacred because you are the same as God (only saints recognize this).
Insofar as they are saints, insofar as they possess the unitive knowledge that makes them “perfect as their Father which in heaven is perfect,” they are all astonishingly alike. Their actions are uniformly selfless and they are constantly recollected, so that at every moment they know who they are and what is their true relation to the universe and its spiritual Ground. 44

Point 4 – God in the World – because we exist in the world, we shouldn’t shrug off the activities of life, neither should we embrace them fully, but instead use them to further contemplate the divine. Actions and contemplation can lead to a holy end (when properly guided). You are aware when you recognize, in fact, the world is apparition of Mind and therefore beautiful and majestic. Don’t become attached to the world or desires, instead recognize the oneness.
* The world is a mirror of Infinite Beauty, yet no man sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, yet no man regards it. It is a region of Light and Peace, did not men disquiet it. It is the Paradise of God. –Thomas Traherne 67

Point 5 – Charity – give selflessly and without any expectation of reward
* Here on earth the love of God is better than the knowledge of God, while it is better to know inferior things than to love them. By knowing them we raise them, in a way, to our intelligence, whereas by loving them, we stoop toward them and may become subservient to them, as the miser to his gold. –St. Thomas Aquinas 82
Love seeks no cause beyond itself and no fruit; it is its own fruit, its own enjoyment. I love because I love…of all the motions and affections of the soul, love is the only one by means of which the creature, though not on equal terms, is able to treat with the Creator and to give back something resembling what has been given to it. 83
* Some people want to see God with their eyes as they see a cow, and to love Him as they love their cow – for the milk and cheese and profit it brings them. This is how it is with people who love God for the sake of outward wealth or inward comfort. They do not rightly love God, when they love Him for their own advantage. Indeed, I tell you the truth, any object you have in your mind, however good, will be a barrier between you and the inmost Truth. –Eckhart 84
Learn to look with an equal eye upon all beings, seeing the one Self in all. –Srimad Bhagavtam 85

Point 6 – Mortification, Non-Attachment, Right Livelihood – death of the self allows the birth of Self. The news of the day doesn’t matter. Have a job that is not in contradiction to the divine path (for example, drug dealing, taking advantage of the poor, producing weapons). Avoid the distractions of power or politics.
“Our kingdom go” is the necessary and unavoidable corollary of “Thy kingdom come.” For the more there is of self, the less there is of God. 96
* God, if I worship thee in fear of hell, burn me in hell. And if I worship thee in hope of paradise, exclude me from Paradise; but if I worship thee for thine own sake, withhold not thine everlasting beauty. –Rabi’a (Sufi woman-saint) 102
* Listening four or five times a day to newscasters and commentators, reading the morning papers and all the weeklies and monthlies – nowadays, this is described as “taking an intelligent interest in politics.” St. John of the Cross would have called it indulgence in idle curiosity and the cultivation of disquietude for disquietude’s sake. 104
* A man undertakes the right action (which includes, of course, right recollectedness and right meditation), and this enables him to catch a glimpse of the Self that underlies his separate individuality. 112

Point 7 – Truth – seek the truth but don’t think there is a specific formula for extracting it. Don’t be hubristic and think you can reach it without surrender.
* Even the most ordinary experience of a thing or event in time can never be fully or adequately described in words…God, however, is not a thing or event in time, and the time-bound words which cannot do justice even to temporal matters are even more inadequate do the intrinsic nature of our own unitive experience of that which belongs to an incommensurably different order. To suppose that people can be saved by studying and giving assent to formula is like supposing that one can get to Timbuctoo by poring over a map of Africa. Maps are symbols, and even the best of them are inaccurate and imperfect symbols. But to anyone who really wants to reach a destination, a map is an indispensably useful as indicating the direction in which the traveler should set out and the roads which he must take. 134
* The experience of beauty is pure, self-manifested, compounded equally of joy and consciousness, free from admixture of any other perception, the very twin brother of mystical experience, and the very life of it is super sensuous wonder…it is enjoyed by those who are competent thereto, in identity, just as the form of God is itself the joy with which it is recognized. –Visvanatha 138

Point 8 – Religion and Temperament – think of knowledge as a vertical axis of human capability, there is also a vertical axis that has divine union at its apex and separate selfhood at the base. All religions indicate the same ideas. Be temperate in consummation of knowledge of products.
In the West, the traditional Catholic classification of human beings is based upon the Gospel anecdote of Martha and Mary. The way of Martha is the way of salvation through action, the way of Mary is the way through contemplation...in Hindu thought the outlines of this completer and more adequate classification are clearly indicated. The ways leading to the delivering union with God are not two, but three – the way of works, the way of knowledge and the way of devotion. In the Bhadagava Gita Sir Krishna instructs Arujna in all three paths – liberation without attachment; liberation through knowledge of the Self and the Absolute Ground of all being with which it is identical; and the liberation through intense devotion to the personal God or the divine incarnation. 148
“Holy indifference” is the path that leads through the forgetting of self to the discovery of the Self. 155

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would be seen as it is, infinite.” –William Blake 189
* The aim of revolution is to make the future radically different from and better than the past. But some time-obsessed philosophers are primarily concerned with the past, not the future, and their politics are entirely a matter of preserving or restoring the status quo and getting back to the good old days. But the retrospective time worshipers have one thing in common with the revolutionary devotees of the bigger and better future; they are prepared to use unlimited violence to achieve their ends. 193
Every violence is, over and above everything else, a sacrilegious rebellion against the divine order. 194

* For what is probably the majority of those who profess the great historical religions, it signifies and has always signified a happy posthumous condition of indefinite personal survival, conceived of as a reward for good behavior and correct belief and a compensation for the miseries inseparable from life in a body. But for those who, within the various religious traditions, have accepted the Perennial Philosophy as a theory and have done with best to live it out in practice, “heaven” is something else. They aspire to be delivered out of separate selfhood in time and into eternity as realized in the unitive knowledge of the divine Ground. Since the Ground can and ought to be unitively known in the present life (whose ultimate end and purpose is nothing but this knowledge), “heaven” is not an exclusively posthumous condition. 202

Rest of review / all quotes (future self, you’re welcome)- https://1drv.ms/w/s!AkaMFERCFHxIgegKd...
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Jim Puskas
Feb 22, 2021Jim Puskas rated it it was amazing
Shelves: religion, philosophy

Referring to Huxley as a "bold thinker" would be a gross understatement. While ostensibly just a survey of the world’s great religious movements and the writings of a wide selection of mystics, Huxley takes his argument a great deal further, proceeding to proclaim that a unifying “perennial” truth lies at the heart of all “higher” religions. In so doing, he endeavors to define the very nature and purpose of existence; one could scarcely address any topic more fundamental than that!
I am, of course not at all the sort of reader this book is aimed at; as an avowed agnostic, I’m about as mystical as yesterday’s laundry. So this was a very steep hill for me to climb; I struggled with not only the basic premise of his argument but also the syntax and vocabulary employed express it. The fact that I stuck with it to the end (often shaking my head in bemusement) says much about the quality of Huxley’s work.
Fortunately, Huxley was considerate enough to have offered an introduction to soften the blow, so to speak. Nevertheless, the subtitle to Chapter1 “That art thou” let me know from the outset that I was in for a major challenge; and it doesn’t get any easier. I often found myself re-reading a paragraph half a dozen times, breaking off to look up references, leafing back to previous sections — and at times simply putting the book aside to think through what it was that I thought I had just read.
Does he succeed in convincing me of his general premise? In some small degree, yes. He has a valid point, that all religions boil down to a basic search for the devine. Which would imply that all those thinkers, agreeing on one basic idea, cannot all be completely wrong. But that thesis breaks down the moment one attempts to assign any particularity to that most fundamental notion: the differences among beliefs are so vast that one is inclined to conclude that in fact NONE of them are correct. Dogma, structure and practice get in the way of common sense. In the end, every religion on earth defies logic and demands that its teachings be accepted on faith, or not at all.
Through the first two chapters, when he is setting forth his basic concept and supporting argument for perennialism, he can be quite compelling, even in passages that tax one’s attention span and tolerance for abstruse concepts. That said, I found that as he moved on to peripheral issues such as sanctity, self-knowledge, etc. he became increasingly preachy. His arguments concerning the nature of truth are especially disappointing, relying on quotes from various sages having questionable degrees of relevance; I was hoping he would tie his conclusions back to the matter of objective reality but the chapter just fizzled out.
Huxley regains momentum when he tackles the contentious issue of grace in the context of free will — most tellingly where he quotes St. Bernard: ”Grace is necessary to salvation, free will equally so — but grace in order to give salvation, free will in order to receive it.” His chapter on “Time and Eternity” is also a mind-bendingly compelling discussion.
And even though I find myself in sharp disagreement with much of what Huxley has to say about religious belief, I wanted to stand up and cheer when I came to the chapter titled “Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum” (To such heights of evil has religion been able to drive men) concluding with a devastating condemnation of the travesty of religious infighting that Sebastiano Castellio addressed to the Duke of Wurtemburg at the height of the Reformation. Including that chapter was indeed a courageous decision, boldly putting his entire thesis at risk by exposing religion’s dirty linen. Huxley was no piker, he chose to face the issues head on.
Huxley was one very smart dude, perhaps one of the most brilliant thinkers of the 20th century. I therefore recommend the book to anyone seeking an intellectual (and perhaps spiritual) challenge. I’m likely to revisit this book many time in the future. So, despite my refusal to accept Huxley’s views, five stars for presenting a powerful, thought-provoking thesis.
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Feb 22, 2010Aelia rated it it was ok
Shelves: non-fiction
Written in 1945, the book is an anthology of the Perennial Philosophy and contains vast examples as extracts from scriptures and/or other type of writings from various religious: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc.

The central idea of the perennial philosophy is that there exists Divine Truth, Divine Reality which is one and universal, and that different religions are different ways to express that one Truth. However as Huxley writes this one Divine Reality cannot be directly and immediately apprehended except by those whom we generally give the name of 'saint' or 'prophet', 'sage' or 'enlightened one' and the only way is to study, reflect and comprehend their experience, works and writings.

"If one is not oneself a sage or saint, the best thing one can do, in the field of metaphysics, is to study the works of those who were, and who, because they had modified their merely human mode of being, were capable of a more than merely human kind and amount of knowledge" - writes Huxley in the introduction.

[[알라딘: 영원의 철학 - 모든 위대한 가르침의 핵심 올더스 헉슬리

알라딘: 영원의 철학

<영원의 철학 - 모든 위대한 가르침의 핵심>   
올더스 헉슬리 (지은이),조옥경 (옮긴이),오강남 (해제)
김영사 2014-07-14
원제 : The Perennial Philosophy

시대를 초월한 영성의 고전. 동서고금 420여개의 보석 같은 인용문을 통해 ‘영원의 철학’을 다채롭게 소개하고 있는 이 책은 1945년 출간 이후 끊임없이 언급되고 재인용되었으며, 21세기에도 그 깊이와 가치를 인정받고 있다.

올더스 헉슬리의 방대한 독서량과 탁월한 안목은 27개 주제 속에 배치한 멋진 인용문들을 통해 절묘하게 드러나며, 해설에서 묻어나는 사유와 체험의 깊이는 《멋진 신세계》의 천재 작가로만 알고 있던 독자들에게 새로운 지적 자극과 충격을 안겨준다. 인용문만 따로 골라 읽어도 시간가는 줄 모를 정도로 흥미로운 인문학적 보고이자 탁월한 종교·명상서이기도 하다.



해제_ ‘영원의 철학’으로 세계 종교의 심층을 보다


01 그대가 그것이다
여기에 그분 말고 누가 있겠나

02 근본바탕의 성질
이름 없는 것에서 하늘과 땅이 생겼다

03 성격, 거룩함, 신성한 화신
동일시를 통해, 은총을 통해

04 세상 속의 신
그러나 특정한 조건을 충족시켜야 하리라

05 최고의 사랑
모든 오류는 사랑의 부족에서 생긴다

06 고행, 비집착, 올바른 생계
일상의 삶에서 일어나는 일들을 수용하기

07 진리
아무것도 씌어 있지 않은 두루마리가 진짜 경전이다

08 종교와 기질
체질과 기질에 따라 그 길은 다를 수 있다

09 자기이해
어리석은 자들은 스스로 깨어있다고 여긴다

10 은총과 자유의지
그대가 거절하지 않는다면 결코 버림받지 않는다

11 선과 악
악마를 보지 못했다면, 그대의 자아를 보라

12 시간과 영원
어떻게 시간적 상태가 비시간적 상태와 공존할 수 있을까

13 구원, 해방, 깨달음
자기 목숨을 살리려는 사람은 그것을 잃어야 한다

14 불멸과 존속
어디로도 가지 않고, 어디에서도 오지 않는 자

15 침묵
갈망과 혐오의 목소리를 고요하게 잠재우는 일

16 기도
제 안에서 당신 스스로에게 기도하소서

17 고통
돌아오라, 영원한 실재의 온전함으로

18 믿음
믿음은 극락으로 이끌지만, 다르마는 니르바나로 이끈다

19 신은 조롱받지 않는다
자신을 속이지 마십시오

20 종교로 인해 짓는 죄
가장 근본적인 속박의 원인은 잘못된 믿음과 무지

21 우상숭배
진리와 정의가 새로운 우상이 될 때

22 감정에 호소하기
정서와 느낌의 우상숭배는 대가를 치른다

23 기적
영혼과 신 사이에 드리워진 방해물

24 의식, 상징, 성찬식
영원으로 통하는 문인가, 속박의 도구인가

25 영적 훈련
새로운 질병을 유발할 수도 있는 약의 사용법

26 끈기와 규칙성
이제 충분하다고 생각하면 모든 것을 잃는다

27 묵상, 행위, 사회적 유용성
무엇이 이 세상을 지탱하는가

옮긴이의 글



P. 23 모든 인간의 최종 목표는 자신이 실제 누구인가를 발견하는 일이다.

P. 76 근본바탕에 대한 직접적인 앎은 합일union을 통하지 않고서는 얻을 수 없으며, 합일은 오직 ‘그것’으로부터 ‘당신’을 분리하고 있는 장벽인 이기적인 에고를 소멸함으로써만 달성될 수 있다.

P. 136 자아가 소멸되었다는 생각은 파나fana(선禪의 무심無心)에 있는 사람에게 일어나는데 이는 허물이다. 최고의 상태는 소멸도 사라진 것이다. 아트만-브라흐만이라는 내적 정점에는 황홀경이라는 ‘소멸로부터의 소멸’이 있다. 더 포괄적인 소멸로부터의 또 다른 소멸은 내적 정점에뿐만 아니라 세상 속에, 세상을 통해, 신에 대한 충만하면서도 깨어있는 일상의 앎 속에 존재한다. 

P. 140 지금 그대가 하고 있는 일을 하고, 지금 그대가 고통받고 있는 것을 아파하라. 이 모든 것을 신성하게 행하라. 그대의 가슴hearts 이외에 변해야 할 것은 아무것도 없다. 신의 질서에 따라 우리에게 일어나는 것을 기꺼이 하는 데에 신성함이 있다. - 드 코사드

이것은 《신심명》에서 간택함을 꺼리고 망령된 견해를 쉬며, 꿈이 사라지고 진리가 스스로 명백하도록 눈을 뜨면서, 지극한 도道를 따르는 것과 똑같다.  접기

P. 150 사랑은 확실하다. 거기에는 오류가 없다.
왜냐하면 모든 오류는 사랑의 부족에서 생기기 때문이다. - 윌리엄 로

P. 244 그대의 영리함을 팔아서 당혹감을 사들여라.
영리함은 의견일 뿐이지만, 당혹감은 통찰이다. - 잘랄루딘 루미

P. 44 지금까지 인식하지 못했던 우리 안에 이미 존재하는 선을 인식하고, 우리의 영원한 근본바탕으로 돌아가서 비록 알고 있지는 못했지만 우리가 항상 존재했던 곳에 머물러있음으로써, 구원받고 해방되며 깨달음을 얻게 된다. - hyo



40년 가까이 애장하며 필요할 때마다 참고하고 인용하는 책이다. 캐나다에서 대학 상급반 교과서와 주요 참고도서로 활용할 정도다. 우리의 삶을 의미 있게 해주는 종교의 심층을 접할 수 있도록 도와주는 책이 이번에 김영사를 통해서 한국어로 나오게 되어 기쁘기 그지없다. 신학적 제국주의를 충격적으로 일깨워준 책. 올더스 헉슬리의 수많은 작품 중 가장 중요한 저작이라 단언하고 싶다.
- 오강남 (종교학자, 캐나다 리자이나 대학교 명예교수) 

봉우리는 하나뿐이되 거기에 이르는 길은 무수히 많다는 사실을 이 책만큼 잘 보여주는 책도 없으리라. 루미, 장자, 에크하르트, 십자가의 성 요한 등 동서고금의 신비주의자가 남긴 침묵의 언어가 한데 모여 있다. 종교에 대해서 논하는 것처럼 보이겠지만, 사실은 삶과 예술과 진리를 하나의 봉우리로 이끄는 단 하나의 방법, 즉 자기 무지에 대한 인식과 한없는 겸손과 무조건적인 복종을 불쏘시개로 자아를 불태우는 기술을 설명하고 있다. 종교와 인종을 넘어서, 원하는 이들에게는 모두 그 불씨를 나눠준다는 데에 이 책의 미덕이 있다. - 김연수 (소설가) 

“세상에 꼭 필요한 책, 마스터피스!”
- 뉴욕 타임스 
“세계의 위대한 종교들, 그 신비주의 사상가들로부터 헉슬리가 이끌어낸 종교 사상의 핵심적 통합.”
- 워싱턴 포스트 
“이 책은 문화·종교·영성에 대한 이해를 완전히 혁명적으로 바꿔놓았다.
출발점이 어디이건 진리를 이해하려는 모든 사람에게 결정적인 도움을 제공한다.” - 가디언 

“이 책은 다른 모든 작품들의 위대한 디딤돌이자 개별 탐구를 위한 좋은 출발점을 제시한다. 매우 포괄적인 추천 도서 목록을 포함한다.” - 아마존 리뷰 

“이 책을 사라. 읽고 또 읽으라.
장담하지만, 후회하지 않을 것이다. 아홉 번째 읽고 있지만 여전히 이 책을 사랑한다.” - 아마존 리뷰 
“시간을 초월한 고전.” - 허핑턴 포스트 

 - 조선일보 북스 2014년 8월 2일자 '책 속 한

저자 및 역자소개
올더스 헉슬리 (Aldous Huxley) (지은이) 
광범위한 지식뿐 아니라 뛰어나고도 예리한 지성과 우아한 문체에 때로는 오만하고 냉소적인 유머 감각으로 유명한 그는 1894년 7월 26일 서리 지방 고달밍에서 토머스 헉슬리의 셋째 아들로 태어나, 이튼과 옥스퍼드의 밸리올 대학에서 교육을 받았다. 소설가로서 더 널리 알려지기는 했으나 수필, 전기, 희곡, 시 등 많은 작품을 남겼다. 1921년에는 『크롬 옐로(Crome Yellow)』를 발표해서 당대의 가장 재치 있고 이지적인 작가라는 평을 들으며 위치를 굳혔다. 『멋진 신세계』는 1932년에 발표한 작품으로, 모든 인간의 존엄성을 상실한 미래 과학 문명의 세계를 신랄하게 풍자하고 있다. 열여덟 살 때 완전히 실명했다가 차차 시력을 회복한 경험을 바탕으로 1936년 『가자에서 눈이 멀어(Eyeless in Gaza)』를 발표했다. 이는 헉슬리의 ‘후기파’ 성향을 지닌 첫 소설로서, 그의 작품 세계에서 분기점 노릇을 한다. 1958년에는 『멋진 신세계』의 예언적 주제들을 심도 있게 검토한 미래 문명사회 비판론인 『다시 찾아본 멋진 신세계』를 발표했다. 활동 후반기에는 힌두 철학과 신비주의에 깊이 끌렸으며 이 경향이 작품들에 반영되었다. 그는 미국에 정착해서 살다가 1963년 11월 22일 캘리포니아에서 사망했다. 주요 작품으로는 『어릿광대의 춤(Antic Hay)』, 『연애대위법(Point Counter Point)』, 『불멸의 철학(The Perennial Philosophy)』, 『루덩의 악마(The Devils of Loudun)』, 『지각의 문(The Doors of Perception)』, 『섬(Island)』 등이 있다. 접기
최근작 : <멋진 신세계>,<멋진 신세계>,<소담 고전 명작 시리즈 세트 - 전5권> … 총 864종 (모두보기)
조옥경 (옮긴이) 
고려대학교 대학원에서 심리학 박사학위를 받았으며, 인도 뿌나대학교에서 요가심리학을 수학했다. 인도 아엥가센터와 미국 히말라야연구소에서 요가 수련을 했고, 현재 서울불교대학원대학교 심신통합치유학과 교수이자 한국요가학회 회장이다. 역서로 《통합심리학》(학지사, 2008) 《마음챙김을 위한 요가》(학지사, 2009, 공역) 《웰니스를 위한 비니요가》(학지사, 2011) 《영원의 철학》(김영사, 2014) 《요가를 통한 심리치료》(학지사, 2015, 공역) 《켄 윌버의 신》(김영사, 2016, 공역) 등이 있다. 의식의 변용과 확장을 위해 요가 수행을 기반으로 한 몸-마음-영성의 통합적 건강 및 성장 패러다임을 연구하고, 지도하며, 임상적으로 적용하는 데 관심을 기울이고 있다. 접기
최근작 : <요가심신테라피>,<불교와 심리>,<바디워크 테라피> … 총 20종 (모두보기)
오강남 (해제) 
현재 캐나다 리자이나 대학교(University of Regina) 비교종교학 명예교수로 재직 중이며, 북미와 한국을 오가며 집필과 강연을 하고 있다. 서울대학교 종교학과 및 동 대학원을 졸업하고, 캐나다 맥매스터(McMaster) 대학교에서 “화엄華嚴 법계연기法界緣起 사상에 관한 연구”로 종교학 박사학위(Ph.D.)를 받았다. 그동안 북미 여러 대학과 서울대, 서강대 등에서 객원교수, 북미한인종교학회 회장, 미국종교학회(AAR) 한국종교분과 공동의장을 역임했다. 대표적인 저서로는 노장사상을 풀이한 “도덕경” “장자”, 종교의 이해와 분석을 담은 “예수는 없다” “세계종교 둘러보기” “불교, 이웃종교로 읽다”, “종교 너머, 아하!”(공저)가 있으며, 인생과 종교에서의 깨달음을 담은 “아하! 오강남 교수가 속담에서 건진 작은 깨달음”, “오강남의 그리스도교 이야기”, 최근 “나를 찾아가는 십우도 여행”을 펴냈다. 번역서로서는 “종교다원주의와 세계종교”, “살아계신 붓다, 살아계신 그리스도”, “귀향”, “예언자”, “예수 하버드에 오다”, “예수의 기도”, “마지막 강의” 등이 있다. 접기
최근작 : <코로나 이후 예배 설교 미래 리포트>,<매거진 G 1호 나란 무엇인가?>,<나를 찾아가는 십우도 여행> … 총 64종 (모두보기)
인터뷰 : 예수는 없지만 예수는 있다 - 2002.12.03


출판사 제공 책소개

“《멋진 신세계》의 올더스 헉슬리가 이끌어낸
모든 위대한 종교의 공통 핵심!”
시대를 초월한 영성의 고전, 종교의 패러다임을 바꾼 기념비적 저서가 부활하다!

봉우리는 하나뿐이되 거기에 이르는 길은 무수히 많다는 사실을 이 책만큼 잘 보여주는 책도 없으리라. 루미, 장자, 에크하르트, 십자가의 성 요한 등 동서고금의 신비주의자가 남긴 침묵의 언어가 한데 모여 있다. 종교에 대해서 논하는 것처럼 보이겠지만, 사실은 삶과 예술과 진리를 하나의 봉우리로 이끄는 단 하나의 방법, 즉 자기 무지에 대한 인식과 한없는 겸손과 무조건적인 복종을 불쏘시개로 자아를 불태우는 기술을 설명하고 있다. 종교와 인종을 넘어서, 원하는 이들에게는 모두 그 불씨를 나눠준다는 데에 이 책의 미덕이 있다. _김연수 (소설가)

‘영원의 철학’이란 ‘모든 위대한 종교의 본질적이고 공통된 핵심 진리’로서, 세계 대부분의 종교적 전통들이 공유하고 있는 세계관·인간관·윤리관을 말한다. 고도로 발달된 종교 및 철학에서는 오래전부터 이와 같은 개념을 발견할 수 있는데, ‘영원의 철학philosophia perennis’이라는 표현 자체는 16세기 이탈리아 구약성경학자 아고스티노 스테우코Agostino Steuco가 자신의 저서 《Deperenni philosophia》(1540)에서 처음으로 언급하였다. 라이프니츠가 ‘역사를 초월해서 전승되는 형이상학적 근본진리’라는 의미로 본격적으로 사용했으며, 19세기 초월주의자들 사이에서 널리 퍼지기 시작했고, 20세기에 와서 올더스 헉슬리의 이 책 《영원의 철학The Perennial Philosophy》에 의해 대중들에게 널리 알려지면서 드디어 하나의 고유명사처럼 자리 잡게 되었다. 올더스 헉슬리는 엄청난 양의 종교적 가르침들을 낱낱이 검토하고, 문학·역사·철학·심리학·과학·예술 등 인류의 다양한 정신적 유산에서 진리의 조각들을 모아, 그 바탕에 면면히 흐르는 공통된 핵심을 발견하여 빛나는 모자이크를 보여주었다. 바로 그 올더스 헉슬리의 혁명적 영성 고전 《영원의 철학The Perennial Philosophy》이 국내 최초로 김영사에서 완역되어 출간되었다. 

이 책은 변치 않는 불멸의 가치를 찾는 이들에게 전설처럼 언급되어왔다.
동서고금 420여개의 보석 같은 인용문을 통해 ‘영원의 철학’을 다채롭게 소개하고 있는 이 책은 1945년 출간 이후 끊임없이 언급되고 재인용되었으며, 

현대에 와서는 동서양의 종교와 심리학을 독창적으로 통합시킨 유명한 사상가 켄 윌버Ken Wilber가 ‘세계의 위대한 영적 스승·철학자·사색가들이 채택한 보편적인 세계관’으로 이를 즐겨 언급하고 통합사상의 기본 전제로 삼으면서 21세기에도 그 깊이와 가치를 인정받고 있다.

올더스 헉슬리의 방대한 독서량과 탁월한 안목은 27개 주제 속에 배치한 멋진 인용문들을 통해 절묘하게 드러나며, 해설에서 묻어나는 사유와 체험의 깊이는 《멋진 신세계Brave New World》의 천재 작가로만 알고 있던 독자들에게 새로운 지적 자극과 충격을 안겨준다. 인용문만 따로 골라 읽어도 시간가는 줄 모를 정도로 흥미로운 인문학적 보고이자 탁월한 종교·명상서이기도 하다. 국내에 최초로 소개되기도 하는 귀중한 ‘지혜의 가르침’들은 지금 보아도 여전히 신선한 감동과 통찰을 던져주어, 출간된 지 70년이 다 된 이 책이 왜 여전히 아마존닷컴의 장기 베스트셀러로 사랑받고 있는지를 짐작하게 한다. 감성적이고 가벼운 힐링 서적이 아니라 진정 변치 않는 무언가에 목마른 독자들이라면 결코 실망하지 않을 것이다.

지성을 넘어 영성을 추구한 20세기의 천재 작가, 올더스 헉슬리

《멋진 신세계Brave New World》의 저자로 널리 알려진 헉슬리는 1894년 영국에서 태어나 1963년 미국에서 사망한 작가·시인·사상가이다. 그는 과학·의학·예술·문학 분야에서 걸출한 인재들을 배출하여 브리태니커 백과사전에도 등재된 유명한 ‘헉슬리 가문’에서 태어나, 어려서부터 풍성한 지적 자극과 창의적 재능의 격려를 받으며 성장하였다. 다윈의 자연도태설을 옹호하고 종교적 전통에 강하게 반발하며 ‘불가지론agnosticism’이라는 용어를 최초로 만들어 주장한 저명한 생물학자 토머스 헨리 헉슬리가 그의 조부였고, 명문 차터하우스학교 부교장이자 전기 작가인 레너드 헉슬리가 그의 아버지였으며, 유네스코 초대 사무총장으로 과학의 대중화에 앞장섰던 현대 진화론의 대가 줄리언 헉슬리는 그의 형, 노벨생리의학상을 받은 앤드루 헉슬리는 그의 동생이었다. 외가 쪽은 문학 및 종교에 뛰어난 자질을 가지고 있었다. 영국에 교육개혁을 일으킨 교육자이자 종교인인 토머스 아놀드가 그의 외증조부였고, 어머니는 옥스퍼드에서 영문학을 전공했으며, 저명한 명상 시인이자 문예비평가인 매튜 아놀드는 그의 외삼촌, 사회와 종교문제를 대담한 소설로 그려낸 험프리 워드 부인은 그의 이모였다.

20세기 중반 영국에서 가장 영향력 있는 문인으로 평가되는 헉슬리는 시·희극·소설·수필·비평 등 문학의 여러 장르를 섭렵했을 뿐 아니라 철학자, 신비가, 사회현상에 대한 예언가로서 활발한 활동을 펼쳤다. 초기 작품들 속에서 그는 날카로운 지성과 비평을 통해 사회비평가로서의 모습을 갖추지만, 후기에는 철학적 신비주의와 초심리학 등에 관심을 가지면서 종교적이고 영적인 주제에 몰입하게 된다. 동서양 신비주의에 대한 관심은 1937년 미국으로 이주한 후 더욱 깊어져, 말년에는 주로 캘리포니아에 거주하면서 지두 크리슈나무르티, 스와미 프라바바난다 등 쟁쟁한 영성가들과 깊이 교류하며 전쟁·정치·경제·윤리·교육·종교·기술 등의 현실적 문제를 궁극의 실재와 조화시키려 애썼다. 평화운동에 적극 동참하면서도 궁극적 의식체험을 위해 명상과 요가 외에 스스로 환각제까지 투여했던 탐구의 내용은 《인식의 문》《천국과 지옥》으로 발표되어 화제를 낳는다. 1963년 11월 22일 존 F. 케네디 대통령이 암살당한 날 69세의 나이로 세상을 떠난 그는 동양의 신비주의와 통합적인 삶의 예술, 서양의 과학기술과 합리적인 방법론이 서로 조화를 이룰 때 현대문명의 위기를 넘어설 수 있다고 역설했다.

동서양 위대한 종교의 공통적인 핵심을 밝힌다!

이 책은 헉슬리 스스로도 서두에서 언급했듯이 ‘영원의 철학 선집(대표적 작품을 뽑아 엮은 책)’이다. 현학적이고 관념적인 철학서가 아니라, 스스로 거듭나고 깨달음으로써 ‘궁극의 실재Reality’를 직접 통찰하여 자질을 갖춘, 진실로 ‘성인 같은 남녀들’이 여러 시대와 장소에 걸쳐 토로한 구절들에 헉슬리의 해설을 덧붙인 지혜의 모음집이다. 모든 존재의 근거인 신성한 실재는, 사고와 언어로는 접근할 수 없는 체험을 통한 ‘직접적인 영적 앎’의 영역이다. 

헉슬리는 이 점을 드러내기 위해 불교·힌두교·도교와 그리스도교·이슬람교 신비주의 등의 여러 경전을 면밀하게 탐구한 후, 해박한 지식을 바탕으로 이들을 비교·분석하면서 본질적인 공통점을 찾아 종합했다. 인용문으로 가려 뽑은 글들만 420여 개에 이르고 있다.

가톨릭 신비주의자 마이스터 에크하르트와 윌리엄 로의 글을 가장 많이 인용하고 있으며, 십자가의 성 요한, 잘랄루딘 루미, 성 프랑수와 드 살도 자주 인용하였다. 프로테스탄트(개신교)의 뎅크와 프랑크, 퀘이커교를 창시한 조지 폭스의 글뿐만 아니라 셰익스피어·톨스토이·워즈워스 같은 문학 대가들의 글도 심심찮게 등장한다. 동양의 현자 중에서는 장자와 노자의 글을 자주 인용하였고, 인도의 유명한 경전 《우파니샤드》와 《바가바드기타》도 인용 횟수가 적지 않다. 다양한 불교 경전도 인용하고 있는데, 달마가 혜가에게 전했다는 《능가경》이 가장 많고, 그밖에 《육조단경》《전심법요》《신심명》 등 선禪의 정수를 보여주는 내용들과 함께 《대승기신론》《청정도론》《능엄경》《법구경》《금강경》 등 웬만큼 불교를 안다고 하는 동양인들도 혀를 내두를 정도로 대승과 소승, 교종과 선종의 핵심을 골고루 아우르고 있다.

이런 인용문들은 국내에 처음 소개되는 희귀한 자료도 많을 뿐 아니라 그 폭과 깊이, 자료 선정의 안목, 해당 주제와 절묘하게 맞아 떨어지는 복합적 구성 등을 통해 오랜 세월이 흐른 지금에도 지적·영적으로 의외의 놀라움을 계속 안겨준다. 이처럼 동서양 영적 천재들의 다종다양한 목소리를 총결집시킨 헉슬리의 방대한 독서량과 사유의 지평, 그리고 해설에서 묻어나오는 체험의 깊이는 그의 천재성이 주는 경이감과 함께 의식이 고양되는 즐거움을 선사한다.

어떻게 그 길을 찾을 수 있을까?
: 서로 다른 조각들이 하나의 그림으로 맞춰지는 순간의 짜릿한 전율!

신은 어디에 있는가? 진리를 어떻게 깨달을 수 있을까? 어떤 이는 초월적인 바깥에서 구하고, 또 어떤 이는 자신의 마음속을 살피며, 어떤 이는 곧장 자신이 바로 절대자이고 진리라고 말한다. 대부분의 종교가 오랜 탐구와 모험 끝에 내미는 이러한 고민에 대한 결론을 헉슬리는 책의 서두에서부터 곧장 제시하며 시작한다.

“그대가 그것이다” “모든 것에서 하나만을 보라” 신은 우리 안에도 저 밖에도 계신다. 영혼 속에도, 영혼을 통해서도 절대적 실재Reality로 가는 길이 있다. 세상 속에서, 세상을 통해서도 절대적 실상으로 향하는 길이 있다. 다른 것을 배제하고 이들 중 어느 한 길을 따름으로써만 최종 목적지에 도달할 수 있는지는 의심스럽다. (p.111)

하지만 이것을 받아들이고 실천하는 방법은 쉽지 않다. 아니, 대관절 이게 타당하기나 한 사실일까? 그 까닭과 논리, 전후과정과 방법론들이 이 책의 다른 페이지들을 다채롭게 채우고 있다. 사랑과 진리의 관계, 자신을 이해한다는 말의 의미, 자유의지와 은총, 자아, 선과 악, 시간과 영원, 구원과 해방, 믿음과 지식, 침묵과 기도, 우상숭배, 영적 훈련과 기적의 가치 등 묵직한 주제뿐만이 아니라, 

이러한 내용들이 현대의 심리학이나 과학?정치적 현실과 만나는 지점 등 세부 주제를 통해 ‘신성한 실재’의 특성을 다양한 측면에서 들여다본다. 
수많은 인용문과 함께 제시되는 이러한 내용들이 바로 ‘영원의 철학’이라는 한마디로 표현하기 어려운 거대한 체계를 모자이크처럼 아름답게 구성한다.

이 책이 보여주는 놀라움은 이런 탐구와 인용들이 단순히 ‘좋은 말’에 그치거나 일반 명상서적들이 전하는 피상적 수준에 그치지 않는다는 사실이다. 1장의 제목이자 그리스도교?불교?힌두교의 성인들이 모두 언급한 “그대가 그것이다”라는 유명한 표현 하나만 보더라도, 헉슬리는 그러한 통찰이나 진리 그 자체가 다시 하나의 ‘우상’이 될 때 빚어지는 위험성과 그 다음 단계, 그것의 사회적 파급효과까지 언제나 몇 발짝 더 들어감으로써 우리 인식의 지평을 다각도로 넓혀준다.

니르바나(열반)와 삼사라(윤회)가 하나라는 것은 우주의 본성에 관한 사실이다. 그러나 영성이 매우 진보한 영혼만이 이 사실을 충분히 깨닫거나 직접적으로 경험할 수 있다. 평범하고 친절하지만 신을 믿지 않는 사람들이 이런 진리를 풍문으로 받아들이고 실행한다면 재앙을 초래할 것이다. 반율법주의의 온갖 어두운 이야기들은 사람들이 모든 것은 신이고 신은 모든 것이라는, 순전히 지적이면서 깨달음이 없는 이론을 실제로 적용할 때 어떤 일이 일어나는지 우리에게 경고하고 있다. (p.131~132)

사람에 따라 저마다 그 길이 다른 까닭은?
: 행위의 길, 앎의 길, 헌신의 길을 통해 이르는 곳

본성이 본성에 의해 스스로를 초월하는 방법을 발견할 때까지 우리는 길을 잃고 있는 셈이다. (p.267)

왜 어떤 이는 믿음을 우선시하고, 어떤 이는 분석적인 설명을 좋아하며, 다른 이는 윤리적 실천을 중요시하는 것일까? 어느 시대에서나 사람들은 자신의 방식이 옳다고 여기며 서로를 설득하고 강요하려 애쓴다. 다시 불거지고 있는 이스라엘-팔레스타인 분쟁뿐만 아니라 대규모 인종 학살, 여성 학대, 전쟁과 살인, 폭력의 배후에는 서로 ‘다름’을 존중하지 못하고 또 그 속의 ‘같음’을 이해하지 못하는 가치체계가 자리 잡고 있음을 알 수 있다. 올더스 헉슬리는 과학적 연구와 종교적 지혜라는 서로 다른 접근을 통해 이런 문제가 발생하게 되는 공통된 이유를 흥미롭게 짚어낸다. 내배엽-중배엽-외배엽이라는 각자의 생리적 기질(체질)이 어떻게 다르며 삶의 방식에 어떤 영향을 끼치는지, 그리고 이것이 고대 종교가 발견한 헌신의 길, 행위의 길, 앎의 길과 어떤 연관성을 가지는지를 다양한 사례를 통해 설명하고 있다.

역사의 과정에서는 불완전한 종교들 중 어느 것인가를 너무 진지하게 받아들여서, 모든 종교의 궁극적 목적을 향한 수단으로서가 아니라 이들을 그 자체로 훌륭하고 진실한 것으로 받아들였던 때가 종종 있었다. 그런 오류는 때로 끔찍한 영향을 끼쳤다. (중략) 쉘던이 지적했듯이 격렬한 개종은 대개 중배엽의 정도가 높은 성격의 사람에게만 한정되는 현상이다. 이런 사람들은 매우 외향적이어서 마음의 낮은 수준에서 무슨 일이 일어나는지 전혀 의식하지 못한다. 어떤 이유에서든 그들이 자신의 주의를 내면으로 돌리면, 그 결과로 생기는 자신에 대한 앎은 그 생소함과 낯섦으로 인해 계시의 힘과 질로서 스스로를 드러낸다. 그러므로 회개metanoia, 혹은 마음의 변화는 갑작스러우면서도 감동으로 넘친다. (중략) 이런 종류의 정서적 격변에 자연스럽게 끌리는 사람에게 구원을 개종에 의존하게 만드는 교리는 만족감을 주지만, 영적 성장에는 매우 치명적이다. (p.266~267)

종교적 문제에서 시작하지만 이는 결국 자기 수행과 진리탐구의 방법론으로 이어지며, 현대에도 이어지고 있는 전쟁과 폭력의 역사까지 종합하여 짚어내는 설명은 체질론의 옮고 그름을 떠나 세상을 바라보는 새로운 관점을 제시한다.

고통과 욕망으로 넘치는 이 세상의 의미는 무엇일까?
: 돌아오라, 영원한 실재의 온전함으로

우리는 모두 행복을 추구한다. 그러나 저마다의 욕망을 충족시키는 과정에서 삶은 오히려 고통으로 가득하게 된다. 위대한 성인들은 저 멀리 천국이 아니라 바로 이 세상에 신이 계시고, 세상 자체가 바로 신이라고까지 하건만, 우리의 삶은 왜 이렇게 고통스러운 것일까? 그리스도교는 이에 대한 설명으로 ‘원죄’와 ‘타락’을 이야기했는데, 헉슬리가 ‘영원의 철학’을 통해 밝히는 그 본질은 ‘개체화된 존재에 대한 열망’이다.

신성은 고통을 느끼지 않는다. 왜냐하면 완전함과 통합unity이 있는 곳에는 고통이 있을 수 없기 때문이다. (중략) 창조의 목적은, 모든 살아있는 존재들이 고통이라는 결과를 낳는 현혹적인 분리에로의 충동과 분리감에서 벗어나, 결합하는 앎unitive knowledge을 통해 영원한 실재의 온전함으로 돌아가는 것이다. (p.383)

모든 인간의 최종 목표는 그 사실을 스스로 발견하고 자신이 실제 누구인가를 발견하는 일이다. (p.23)

그렇다면 우리가 지금 이 삶에서 할 수 있는 일이란 무엇일까? 무언가를 다시 믿어야 하나? 금욕? 기도? 봉사? 무심? 열정? 아니면 또 다른 배움일까? 이런 물음에 대한 대답은 삶이 그러하듯 이 책 속에서도 늘 의외의 인물을 통해 다양한 경로로 제시된다. 동서양의 수많은 문학 작품과 시/소설/희곡/아포리즘이 저마다의 방식으로 무언가를 노래하고 있다.

지금 그대가 하고 있는 일을 하고, 지금 그대가 고통받고 있는 것을 아파하라. 이 모든 것을 신성하게 행하라. 그대의 가슴hearts 이외에 변해야 할 것은 아무것도 없다. 신의 질서에 따라 우리에게 일어나는 것을 기꺼이 하는 데에 신성함이 있다. _드 코사드 (p.122)

"자아가 소멸되었다는 생각은 파나fana(선禪의 무심無心)에 있는 사람에게 일어나는데 이는 허물이다. 최고의 상태는 소멸도 사라진 것이다." 아트만-브라흐만이라는 내적 정점에는 황홀경이라는 ‘소멸로부터의 소멸’이 있다. 더 포괄적인 소멸로부터의 또 다른 소멸은 내적 정점에뿐만 아니라 세상 속에, 세상을 통해, 신에 대한 충만하면서도 깨어있는 일상의 앎 속에 존재한다. (p.136~137)

종교란 본래 당대 최고의 지적 성찰과 고민을 담고 있던 것이다. 그래서 이를 일러 '으뜸가는 가르침宗敎'이라고 했던가. 이 책은 그러한 종교의 가장 핵심적이고 본질적인 공통 원리를 언급하면서도 ‘종교’ 그 자체가 아니라 ‘지금’의 나 자신과 ‘여기’의 내 삶으로 행복하게 돌아오는 방법, 그 가장 오래된 지혜를 깊이 있게 이야기한다.

진정한 깨달음과 영적 통합을 추구하는 이들에게 나침반이 되어줄 책!

1945년에 영어로 출판된 책이 약 70년 만에 한국에서 번역 출판된 데는 그 나름의 의미가 있다. 

21세기 새로운 천년을 맞아, 이성과 합리성이 시대정신을 주도하던 근대, 비이성적이고 불합리한 것을 억압하는 형식적 합리성의 지배를 피하려는 탈근대적 시도를 넘어 새로운 통합의 시대가 열리고 있다. 객관적·이성적 사유를 기반으로 과학이 발달하고 기술·산업의 발전을 향유하고 있는 밝은 그림과는 대조적으로, 삶의 상품화, 질적 차이의 평준화, 생명세계의 파편화, 천박한 유물론이라는 어두운 그림자를 경험한 인류는 지성을 넘어 영성이라는 보편적 가치를 향한 갈망이 점차 커져가고 있다. 그동안 종교의 영역으로 치부해왔던 ‘영성’이라는 주제는 2000년대에 들어와 의료계를 통해 정신건강에 미치는 긍정적인 효과들이 꾸준히 보고되면서 그 의미와 가치에 대한 관심이 폭발적으로 증가하였다. 또한 최근 대중들 사이에서 동양고전에 대한 관심이 부활하고 있는 점을 보아도 삶의 의미와 가치를 찾으려는 도덕적·윤리적 욕구가 증가하고 있음을 알 수 있으며, 이는 곧 우리 모두가 근본에서 하나임을 보여주는 ‘영성’이라는 궁극의 도덕과 직접 관련된다고 할 수 있을 것이다.

이러한 시대적 흐름을 고려할 때, 동서양 영적 천재들의 다양한 목소리를 종합하여 고대부터 내려오는 인류 보편의 진리가 존재함을 보여준 《영원의 철학》은 오히려 21세기에 반드시 읽을 필요가 있는 기본서이다. 특히 인터넷의 발달로 ‘지구촌’으로서의 세계를 생생하게 실감할 수 있는 정보화 시대에 동서양의 통합을 지향한다는 점에서도, 동서고금의 수준 높은 지혜를 한 자리에서 볼 수 있다는 것은 보다 높은 의식의 지평을 여는 단초가 될 것이다. 접기


평점분포    9.0

구매자 (4)
전체 (8)
소설가가 쓴 책이라는 것이 무색할 정도로 철학의 중요한 요점들을 잘 정리했다.  구매
도사림 2014-12-16 공감 (4) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
영원을 다시 깊이 생각할 수 있도록 깊은 영성을 주셔서 감사드려요!  구매
장미꽃이슬 2014-12-02 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
영감을 주는 책!!!
머리속의 지식이 아닌 영혼을 살찌게하는 책!!!
아무나 읽을 수 없는.....  구매
불가사리 2014-12-08 공감 (2) 댓글 (0)
Thanks to
동서고금 420여개의 보석 같은 인용문을 통해 영원의 철학을 다채롭게 소개하고 있는 인용문만 따로 골라 읽어도 시간가는 줄 모를 정도로 흥미로운 인문학적 보고이자 탁월한 종교,명상서.  구매
다비치 2014-08-31 공감 (0) 댓글 (0)

드디어 만나보는 올더스 헉슬리의 후기 대표작...

 2차 대전이 서서히 끝나가던 1945년.
 '멋진 신세계'에서 현대 문명이 가열차게 추구하고 있는 물질주의가 가져오는 건 결국 인간 소외와 공허 밖에는 없다고 말했던 올더스 헉슬리는 한 권의 책을 발표합니다. 그것이 바로 '영원의 철학'이죠. 이 책이 일으킨 파장이 엄청났었던 걸로 기억합니다. 우리가 흔히 '뉴에이지'라고 알고 있는 것들도 다 이 올더스 헉슬리의 '영원의 철학'에서 태어난 아이들이죠.

 원제는 'The Perennial Philosophy'. 책의 첫머리부터 올더스 헉슬리는 라이프니츠가 한 말이었음을 밝히고 있습니다만 사실 이 용어는 중세 때부터 있었습니다. 최초로 그 말을 쓴 것은 'Agostino Steuco'라고 합니다. 이탈리아인으로 주로 구약을 연구하던 학자였는데 당시 마르실리오 피치노가 주도하고 있던 신플라톤주의를 그는 '영원의 철학'이라고 불렀다는 군요. 피치노는 당대 신학의 주류를 이루고 있었던 '아리스토텔레스주의'에 강한 반감을 갖고 있었습니다. '아리스토텔레스주의'가 신앙을 약화시키고 있다고까지 생각했죠. 그래서 그는 플라톤에게로 기울었습니다. 플라톤의 사상을 이길 수 있는 건 오직 그리스도 사상 밖에는 없다고도 말했습니다. 그는 플라톤 철학을 '경건의 철학'이라고 불렀습니다. 바로 그 플라톤 철학을 자신이 신봉하는 그리스도 신학과 합치고자 했죠. Steuco는 '경건의 철학'이라는 말을 살짝 바꾸어 '영원의 철학'으로 부른 것입니다. 네, 실은 조금 경멸의 의미였죠. 그건 신학이 아니라 철학에 불과할 뿐이라고 말하고 있으니까요.

 어쨌든 '영원의 철학'은 그렇게 생겨났습니다.
 피치노는 플라톤의 실재주의를 경유해 무엇보다 영혼의 불멸성을 강조했습니다. 그 불멸하는 인간의 영혼을 중심으로 우주를 새롭게 구성했습니다. 플라톤처럼 가상인 우리의 현실과 이데아인 참 세계로 나누고 그것은 바로 인간의 영혼을 통해 결합된다고 보았습니다. 그렇게 인간 영혼의 목표는 초월적 존재이자 '이데아'인 신과의 합일을 향해 나아가는 것이라 보았죠. 이것은 후일 우리가 'perennialism'이라고 부르는 것이 됩니다. 영속주의 혹은 항존주의라고도 부르는 것이죠. 다년생 식물을 뜻하는 'perennia'의 뜻처럼 영원히 결코 변하지 않는, 절대적인 가치가 있다고 믿는 것을 그렇게 부릅니다. 종교적 입장을 투영하자면 그 가치는 물론 신이 되겠죠. 피치노가 말했던 '신과의 합일'이 종교로서의 'perennialism'이 지향하는 것이기도 합니다. 하지만 그 길이 하나밖에 없다고 생각하지는 않습니다. 피치노처럼 기독교만이 유일의 통로라고 여기지 않는 것이죠. 'perennialism'의 근본 목적은 신과의 합일을 지향하는 동,서양의 모든 종교와 철학을 아우르는 것입니다. 그 모든 이론과 방법들을 하나도 허투르 보지 않고 다 의미가 있다고 여깁니다. 그리고 거기 보편적으로 존재하는 것들을 골라내 진정한 신과의 합일로 나아가는 통로(흔히 '비전의 핵심'이라 이르는 것)들을 찾아내는 것. 바로 이것이'perennialism'입니다. 이 'perennialism'은 하나의 여파에서 태어났습니다. 그 최초의 거대한 파문을 일으킨 것이 바로  올더스 헉슬리의 '영원의 철학'입니다.

 올더스 헉슬리는 '멋진 신세계'에서 이미 물질문명만으로는 한계가 있음을 지적했습니다.
 당연히 물질문명은 참된 정신에 의해 인도되어지지 않으면 안됩니다. 더구나 바깥은 참된 정신으로 인도되지 않은 물질문명이 어떠한 비극을 초래하는가를 보여주기라도 하듯 세계 제2차 대전이 한창이었습니다. 올더스 헉슬리에게 절박감은 더욱 커졌을 것입니다. 36년에 나온 '가자에서 눈이 멀어'는 헉슬리의 그러한 심리를 잘 나타내 주고 있죠.  그는 위안으로서든, 구원으로서든 삶의 진정한 의미를 찾고자 했습니다. 그러나 기존의 기독교는 그에게 그걸 가져다 줄 수 없었습니다. 왜 그러했던가? 그 이유를 그는 이 책의 336페이지에서 이렇게 말하고 있습니다.

 종교와 형이상학에 관해 집필하는 대부분의 유럽 및 미국의 저자들은 유대인, 그리스인, 지중해 연안 지역과 서구 유럽 사람들만이 이 주제에 관해 생각해본 것처럼 쓰고 있다. 완전히 자의적이면서 고의적인 무지가 20세기에 와서야 이렇게 드러난 것은 어리석을 뿐만 아니라 불명예스럽기까지 하다. 게다가 사회적으로 위험하기까지 하다. 다른 형태의 제국주의와 마찬가지로 신학적 제국주의는 영원한 세계 평화의 위협이 되고 있다.(p. 336)

 '멋진 신세계'와 '가자에서 눈이 멀어'에서 이미 파시즘에 대한 공포와 환멸을 드러내고 있는 그입니다.
 그런 그에게 오로지 하나의 진리만 있다고 주장하며 다른 모든 것을 배척하는 서양의 신학은 결코 받아들일 수 없는 것이었습니다. 나치는 자신들의 전쟁을 '제2의 십자군'이라 부르기도 했습니다. 그러므로 다른 길이 필요했습니다. 하나가 아닌 다양한 길이. 모든 경계를 초월하고 동시에 아우르는 길이. 그 보편을 향한 대화. 그리하여 그는 '영원의 철학'을 썼습니다. 그냥 책이 아니라 쓴다는 것이 동시에 자기 구원의 노력이기도 한 책을. '영원의 철학'은 그런 책입니다.

 모두 27장으로 되어 있는데 그건 올더스 헉슬리가 찾아낸 모든 종교가 보편적으로 가지고 있는 요소가 27가지라는 뜻도 됩니다. 그는 이 책에서 그 요소 하나를 각기 한 장씩 할애하여 설명하고 있는 것이죠. 그래서인지 내용은 정말 광범위합니다. 불교, 도교, 유교를 비롯하여 동,서양의 종교들이 거의 다 인용되고 있으니까요. 정말 읽다보면 어떻게 이걸 다 혼자의 힘으로 찾아내고 더구나 체계적으로 정리까지 했는지, 거기 투영된 신학적 제국주의를 벗어나고자 하는 올더스 헉슬리의 집념이 무서울 정도입니다. '과연, 듣던대로 대단하구나!' 느낄 수 밖에 없더군요. 아니나 다를까, 종교학자로 명망있는 오강남 교수는 이 책에 대해 단적으로 이렇게 말하더군요. 
'비교종교학을 전공한 나는 그가 쓴 수많은 책 중에 단연 이 '영원의 철학'이 가장 중요한 저작이라 단언하고 싶다.'

 저도 동의합니다. 물론 여파도 컸었지만 여기 들어간 그의 노고만으로도 그렇다고 인정해주고 싶어요. 내용도 그리 쉬운 편은 아니고 번역이 다소 불친절하여 읽는 속도가 좀 더딜 수 있을 것 같군요. 하지만 두 번, 세 번 읽고 곱씹으면 이해못할 부분은 없습니다. 또한 의외로 올더스 헉슬리 스스로 자신이 개진하고자 하는 '영원의 철학'을 꽤나 체계적으로 다져놓고 있기도 합니다. 개념정리, 구분과 계층화가 잘 되어 있다는 것이죠. 제가 그랬듯이 따로 노트를 준비하여 정리해가며 읽는 것도 이 책을 소화하기 위한 좋은 방법이 아닐까 싶습니다.

 말년에 올더스 헉슬리는 신비주의로 더욱 기울었습니다. 죽을 때는 아내가 두 번이나 LSD를 놓아 되도록 그가 바라는 상태에서 세상과 작별하도록 하기도 했었죠. 이처럼 그 역시 '뻐꾸기 둥지 위로 날아간 새'의 작가 켄 키지만큼이나 환각제가 깨달음을 위한 새로운 통로가 되어줄 것이라 믿었습니다. 그것을 위해 그는 '인식의 문'이란 책을 썼는데 짐 모리슨은 거기에 감명을 받아 나중에 자신이 조직한 락밴드의 이름을 'DOORS'라 짓기도 했습니다. 소설만큼이나 올더스 헉슬리의 종교나 신비주의에 관한 책들도 영향을 많이 미쳤는데 거기에 관한 책들은 볼 수 없어 아쉬웠습니다. 그랬는데 이렇게 만나게 되었네요. 그것도 그 시기 가장 대표작이라고 할 수 있는 '영원의 철학'을. 덕분에 그동안 가지고 있었던 헉슬리 후기 모습에 대한 궁금증을 제대로 풀 수 있었습니다. 아울러 다른 많은 종교에 대해서도 이해가 풍부해진 듯 합니다. 특히 종교에 대해서라면 그것에 대한 시각을 근본부터 다시 되짚어 보게된 것 같습니다. 종교를 보다 폭넓은 시야로 이해하고 싶다면 분명 좋은 동반자가 되어주지 않을까 생각합니다.
- 접기
에일로이 2014-08-07 공감(8) 댓글(0)
모든 종교가 가지고 있는 보편적인 진리

모든 종교는 비슷한 진리를 품고 있다고는 하지만, 정작 그 모든 종교들을 하나의 고리로 엮는 일은 결코 쉽지 않다. 한 평생을 종교 하나만 연구하는 학자들도 많은데, 동서양의 종교를 망라하는 작업은 생각만 해도 막막하다. 그런데 이미 몇십년 전에 이 일을 해낸 사람이 있다. '멋진 신세계'로 잘 알려진 올더스 헉슬리가 바로 그 인물이다. 모든 종교들에서 공통적으로 다루고 있는 주제들을 뽑아낸 뒤에 각 종교마다 해당 이념에 대해서 어떻게 서술하고 있는지 종합해놓은 책이 바로 이 책이다. 비교적 쉽게 쓰여있다고는 하나, 솔직히 말하면 이 책은 결코 쉽지 않다. 원래 개념도 어려울뿐더러 원문이 어떻게 되어있는지는 모르겠지만 여기에 쓰여있는 단어들도 상당히 까다롭다. 종교에 대해서 깊이 생각해보지 않은 독자에게는 조금 벅찬 책이다. 그래도 시간을 가지고 찬찬히 읽다보면 삶에 대한 깊은 통찰을 볼 수 있다.

사람들이 종교를 믿는 이유는 무엇보다 마음의 평화와 안정을 얻기 위해서이다. 세상에 아무것도 지지할 것이 없다고 여겨질 때 종교만은 나를 배신하지 않을 것이라는 믿음이 있기 때문에 대부분의 사람들이 종교에 의지힌다. 그런데 평화를 위한 종교가 서로 다른 종교를 믿는 사람들 간에 분쟁의 원인이 되기도 한다. 분명 각 종교의 지도자는 사랑과 이해를 가르쳤을텐데, 그 종교를 따르는 사람들이 전쟁을 일으킨다. 이 사람들에게 서로가 다르다고 등돌리기 전에 이 책을 한 번 읽어보라고 권하고 싶다. 종교가 다르다고 해서 이념이 다른 것이 아니라, 비슷한 주제를 다루고 있지만 약간 그 표현 방식이 다를 뿐이다. 이렇게 여러 종교를 통합적으로 보면 각 종교가 가진 한계도 보이고 장점도 보인다. 그럼으로서 자신의 삶에 대한 이해의 폭을 더 넓힐 수 있다.

종교를 깊이 탐구할수록 나 자신에 대해 좀 더 알게된다. 외부 환경을 보고 이런저런 말을 하기는 쉽지만, 정작 나의 내면을 바라보는 일은 쉽지 않다. 비교적 쉽게 번역을 했다고는 하나, 여전히 어려운 주제를 다루고 있는 이 책을 읽으면서 내 자신에 대해 좀 더 곰곰히 생각해보는 계기가 되었다. 어떤 절대적인 진리를 찾기보다 결국은 나를 위해서 종교를 믿는다. 하나의 종교에만 치우치지 말고 좀 더 다양하게 믿음의 폭을 넓혀보는 것도 상당히 의미있는 일이 될 것이다. 현대 사회의 종교적 갈등을 보며 가장 안타까운 일은 자신의 왜곡된 생각을 뒷받침하기 위해 종교를 이용하는 일이다. 적어도 이 책을 읽고나면 종교에 대한 편협된 생각이 없어지지 않을까 기대해본다. 조금 어렵지만, 그래도 충분히 이 책은 읽을만한 가치가 있다. 종교의 보편적인 진리에 대해 관심이 많은 독자들에게 적극 이 책을 추천한다. 

- 접기
파란하늘 2014-08-03 공감(4) 댓글(0)
헉슬리의 보편적 진리 새창으로 보기
冊 이야기 2014-164

『영원의 철학』 올더스 헉슬리 / 김영사

1. "아. 이 멋진 인간들이여! 이 얼마나 아름다운 인간들인가! 오, 멋진 신세계여..." 올더스 헉슬리를 생각하면 자동으로 떠오르는 것이 《멋진 신세계》이다. 흔히 조지 오웰의 《1984년》과 함께 거론되는 디스토피아 소설이다.

2. 많은 이야기 중 책에 대한 이야기가 생각난다. 오웰이 그리는 디스토피아는 공포와 기만이 지배하는 세계이며, 헉슬리가 그리는 디스토피아는 욕망과 말초적인 자극이 지배하는 세계이다. 오웰이 책을 금지할 자들을 두려워했다면, 헉슬리는 아무도 책을 읽고 싶어 하지 않기 때문에 굳이 책을 금지할 필요조차 없어질 것을 두려워했다.

3. 책에 대한 관점만 보면 올더스 헉슬리가 이겼다. 최근 인터넷에 오른 글들 중에 머니투데이의 [新대한민국 리포트] '책 안 읽는 사회'를 보면 올더스 헉슬리가 백번 옳다. "문학소녀? 찌질하잖아요. 쌤도 문제 하나 더 풀라던데요". "진지 빨지 말고 책 치워라~". '무식한 대한민국'이라는 제목의 기사 중간 중간 눈에 띄는 이러한 문구들은 대한민국이라는 배가 제대로 가고 있는가 돌아보게 만든다. 우리 아이들이 이 나라를 과연 어떻게 운전해갈지 큰 걱정이다.

4. 책의 제목인 ‘영원의 철학’에 무게감이 실려 있다. 영원히 풀어가야 할 철학이냐? 영원을 향한 철학이냐? 헉슬리는 ‘영원의 철학(Philosophia perennis)’이 근대 독일의 수학자이며 철학자이자 뉴턴과 별개로 무한소 미적분을 창시한 독일 근세 철학의 원조 고트프리트 빌헬름 라이프니츠가 최초로 사용한 용어라고 한다.

5. 그러나 옮긴이 조옥경 교수는 ‘영원의 철학’이라는 말이 처음 등장한 것은 그보다 훨씬 이전에 이탈리아 구약성경학자 아고스티노 스테우코가 자신의 저서 《Deperenni philosophia》(1540)에서 처음 사용한 용어라고 한다. 라이프니츠가 이 용어를 ‘역사를 초월해서 전승되는 형이상학적 근본진리’라는 의미로 본격적으로 사용했다.

6. 영원의 철학에 따르면, 기독교 · 불교 · 유교 · 도교 · 이슬람교 · 유대교 · 힌두교 등 세계의 종교는 영원의 철학이 제안하는 보편적인 진리가 각 시대와 문화권에 따라 다르게 해석되고 적용된 결과로 나타난 모습니다. 이 보편적인 진리의 핵심은 다음과 같다.

 7. 첫째, 물질 · 생명 · 정신권의 근본바탕에는 신성한 실재가 존재하며, 모든 현상은 그러한 실재를 떠나서는 존재할 수 없다. 둘째, 신성한 실재는 분석적 사고를 통해서는 포착할 수 없으며, 더 높은 차원의 직관적 통찰을 통해서만 가능하다. 셋째, 인간은 현상적 자아와 영원한 참자아라는 이중성을 지니며, 참자아는 신성한 실재와 근본적으로 동일하다. 넷째, 인간 삶의 궁극적인 목표는 이러한 실재와 경험적으로 합일하는 데 있다.

8. 헉슬리는 ‘그대가 그것이다’, ‘세상 속의 신’, ‘최고의 사랑’, ‘진리’, ‘종교와 기질’, ‘선과 악’, ‘시간과 영원’, ‘침묵’, ‘기도’, ‘믿음’, ‘우상숭배’, ‘기적’, ‘영적 훈련’ 등을 포함한 27개의 화두를 갖고 생각을 풀어나가고 있다. 400여 인용문엔 각 종교의 경전 외에 노자, 장자, 에크하르트, 십자가의 성 요한, 카뮈, 사르트르 등 많은 인물들이 등장한다.

9. 다소 종교적인 면에 치중된 감이 크지만, 요즈음처럼 신앙인은 없고 종교인만 있는 현실을 직시해볼 때 종교를 갖고 있건 아니건 읽어볼 만한 책이다. 간혹 종교에 대한 불신감만 충만한 사람들은 하나님도 안 믿고, 부처님도 안 믿고 ‘나는 나를 믿는다’고 한다. 그럼 그 ‘나’는 제대로 알고 있는가? 종교는 우선 믿고 알아가는 방법도 있다. 그 후에 맛을 보는 경우도 있다. “너희는 여호와의 선하심을 맛보아 알지어다 그에게 피하는 자는 복이 있도다.” (시편 34:8) 단지 그 맛에만 길들여져서 다른 맛은 모두 배척하는 지나침은 자제해야 할 일이다. 아울러 ‘나’를 제대로 알고 ‘나’를 믿는 계기도 되리라 믿는다. 그 ‘나’를 제대로 알고 나면 ‘나’를 믿게 될지 어떨지에 대해선 말을 아끼고 싶다.

- 접기
쎄인트saint 2014-08-05 공감(3) 댓글(0)
[영원의 철학] 읽어보고 싶다 와 읽을 수 있다는 다르다. 

이 책을 선택한 것은 지적 허영이라고 해야 할까? 김영사 서포터즈 선택 도서 중 하나였던 영원의 철학. 책에 대한 소개를 읽고 덜컥 신청하였다. 쉽지 않아 보였으나 그래도 읽을만 하겠지 라는 막연한 기대를 했다. 사실 ‘철학’ 이라는 글자가 붙으면 괜히 읽어보고 마음이 생기는데 이번에도 그랬다.

그런 기대와 생각이 완전히 잘못되었다. 이 책은 내 ‘수준’에 맞지 않는 책이라는 것을 깨달았다. 아니, 아직 내가 이 책을 읽을 정도의 넓이와 깊이가 갖춰지지 않은 것이겠지. 따라서 지금 쓰고 있는 이 글은 ‘서평’이라 말하기에는 매우 부끄럽고 단순한 ‘후감’ 아라 할 수 있겠다.

영원의 철학. 이 책이 세상에 나오는지는 70년이 되었다. 그리고 국내에 완역이 된 것은 이번이 처음이다. 아마 김영사 같은 국내의 큰 출판사였기에 이런 책이 나올 수 있지 않을까 싶다. 솔직히 영원의 철학이 당장 불타나게 팔릴 책은 아니기 때문이다. 아마, 이제 우리나라에도 제대로 된 영원의 철학의 번역본이 있어야 되지 않을까 라는 생각으로 출판사에서 낸 것이라고 믿고 싶다. (아! 그런데 지금 글을 쓰다 보니 매년 꾸준한 수요가 있을 것이라는 생각이 든다. 어디서? 대학수업의 부교재로 쓰이지 않을까?)


영원의 철학은 세계 종교의 ‘공통적 요소’ 27가지를 일목요연하게 정리한 것이라고 한다. 내용적인 측면에서 내가 뭐라고 말할 수 있는 부분들이 없다. 내가 그 수준이 되지 않으니까. 그럼에도 군데군데 마음에 드는 구절과 저자의 주장이 있으니 적어보고자 한다. 가장 마음에 와 닿고 배움에도 아래와 같은 자세가 매우 필요하다. 특히나 종교를 가지고 있다면 더욱더 아래의 가르침을 새겨 두어야 할 것이다.

자기 종파의 영광을 높일 목적으로 자신의 종파에 전적으로 집착함으로써 자신의 종파만을 공경하고 다른 종파를 비방하는 사람은 사실상 그런 행위로 인해 자신의 종파에게 심각한 해악을 끼치고 있다. 그러므로 화합하는 것, 더 정확히 말해서 다른 사람들이 받아들이는 경건함의 법칙에 기꺼이 귀를 기울이는 것이 훌륭하다. - 아소카의 칙령

신의 아이들은 매우 사랑스럽고 매우 별나고, 매우 친절하지만 매우 편협하다. - 사두 선다 싱

백 년 전에는 산스크리티어‧팔리어‧중국어가 유럽에 거의 알려져 있지 않았다. 유럽 학자들의 무지가 그들의 편협주의를 충분히 설명해 주고 있다. 어느 정도 적절한 번역이 풍성해진 오늘날에는 그럴 이유가 전혀 없으며 변명의 여지 또한 없다. 그럼에도 불굴하구 종교와 형이상학에 관해 집필하는 대부분의 유럽 및 미국의 저자들은 유대인, 그리스인, 지중해 연안 지역과 서구 유럽 사람들만이 이 주제에 관해 생각해 본 것처럼 쓰고 있다. 완전히 자의적이면서 고의적인 무지가 20세기에 와서야 이렇게 드러난 것은 어리석을 뿐만 아니라 불명예스럽기까지 하다. 게다가 사회적으로 위험하기까지 하다. 다른 형태의 제국주의와 마찬가지로 신학적 제국주의는 영원한 세계 평화에 위협이 되고 있다. 

다음으로 흥미로웠던 부분은 <종교와 기질 : 체질과 기질에 따라 그 길은 다를 수 있다> 이었다. 영적인 삶을 추구하는 것에도 사람들의 차이에 따라 각자 맞는 길이 있다는 것이다. 참으로 맞는 말이며 종교에서도 가르치는 것인데 우리는 그것들을 제대로 실천하고 있는가? 우리는 옳다고 생각하는 것에 한 가지 길만을 고집하는 경우가 있다. 타인에게도 한 방법만을 강요함으로써 문제가 되는 경우가 있다. 차이를 인정하고 다양한 길을 인정하는 것은 이미 예로부터 가르치고 있는 것이다.

‘영원의 철학’은 옛 방식으로 읽어야 하지 않을까 하는 생각이 든다. 여러 번 소리 내어 읽어 머리에 꽉 차 들어가게끔 말이다. 그래야 여기의 글들이 마음을 통해 울려지지 않을까 싶다. 나 같은 사람보다는 독실한 신앙생활을 하는 사람들에게 많은 깨달음을 줄 수 있을 책이라 생각된다.

쉽게 읽고 끝낼 것이 아니라 두고두고 곰곰이 씹어볼 책이다.

- 접기
fogperson 2014-08-10 공감(3) 댓글(0)
영원의 철학 새창으로 보기
[북리뷰] 영원의 철학

한마디로 미추어버릴 것 같은 책. 올더스 헉슬리의 이름을 여러 번 되내이면서 정말 헉소리가 나는 책이었다. 페북스터디로 <개념 뿌리들>을 하고 있는데 그 책만큼이나 어려운 책이었다. 그래서 난 서평을 못하겠다!!! 헉슬리의 생각을 간파할 수도 없고, 헉슬리의 이야기를 요약하기도 어렵다. 그저 난 이제 한 번 이 책을 읽었을 뿐이다. 감히 어찌 이 책을 논할 수 있을까.

내가 할 수 있는 한계 내에서 하자면, 몇 몇 chapter를 소개하는 정도이지 싶다.

헉슬리는 최고의 사랑이란 chpater에서 사랑을 love가 아닌 charity라고 했다. Charity는 자비나 관용, 자애, 너그러움 등을 의미한다. 즉, charity는 더 이상 최고이자 가장 신성한 형태의 사랑의 뜻으로 사용되지 않고 있다. 왜 love와 charity를 굳이 구분하나 싶기도 할 것 같다. 영적 삶을 사는 스승들은 낮은 형태의 사랑일 때 love를 사용했으며, 최고의 사랑일 때 charity를 사용했다고 한다. 용어에 정확히 구분을 하는 것은 그 사람의 말을 정확히 이해하기 위해서 꼭 필요한 과정이다. 볼펜 가져와 했는데 붓 가져가면 쓰겠나?

최고의 사랑은 사심이 없고, 보상을 바라지 않으며, 그 선함에 대해 어떤 악을 돌려받아도 줄어들지 않는다고 한다. (이런 최고의 사랑이 있을까 싶지만) 또한 낮은 형태의 사랑과는 달리 정서(emotion)이 아니라는 점이다. 의지의 행위로 시작해서 순수하게 영적인 자각, 그 대상의 본질과 결합하는 사랑-앎으로 완성된다고 한다. (아마 낮은 형태의 사랑은 이끌림의 사랑이 아닐까 싶다. 남녀간의 사랑은 앎으로 완성되는 것이 아니니까)

결론적으로 최고의 사랑은 사심 없음, 고요함 그리고 겸손이다. 그러면서 현대는 냉혹함(lovenessless)에 근거하고 있다고 한다. 대자연에 대한 자비가 부족하여 자연을 파괴한다고 하였다. 여기서보면 lovenessless라고 했다. 낮은 단계의 사랑이 없다는 것이다. 낮은 단계의 사랑은 높은 단계의 사랑 charity로 가는 과정인데 현대 사회는 love가 없다는 것이 헉슬리의 생각이라고 추론했다.

헉슬리는 사유에 대해서 그리 찬성하는 편은 아니라는 생각을 받았다. 사유하면 집착이 되기에 아마도 그러지 않을까? 하는 개인적인 생각을 또 해본다.

여기까지가 최고의 사랑 charity라는 한 chapter의 내용을 나만의 방식으로 요약해 본 것이다. 27개의 chapter 중 겨우 하나의 chapter를 요약하는데 이 정도 걸렸으니 아마도 이 책은 올해까지 읽으면 다행이다 싶을 것 같다.

종교의 이야기를 떠나 헉슬리의 책은 생각의 깊이를 더해주는 책이라 생각한다. 분석하지 않고 나만의 느낌으로 받아들이더라도 나를 한 단계 올려줄 “입맛 까칠한” 책임은 분명한 것 같다.

- 접기
슈퍼맨 2014-08-06 공감(3) 댓글(0)
[책의 향기]진정한 깨달음을 위한 420개 나침반

진정한 깨달음을 위한 420개 나침반
서정보기자  2014-08-02 

◇영원의 철학/올더스 헉슬리 지음·조옥경 옮김 /528쪽/김영사 (2014)

올더스 헉슬리(1894∼1963·사진)를 미래의 디스토피아를 그린 소설 ‘멋진 신세계’의 작가로만 기억하는 많은 사람들에게 이 책은 뜻밖으로 여겨진다. 1944년 출간된 책이 70년이 지나서야 한국어로 완역돼 선보인다는 것 역시 뜻밖이다.

이 책은 사회비평가였던 그가 1937년 미국에 건너온 뒤 크리슈나무르티, 프라바바난다 등 유명한 영성가들과 교류를 나누며 궁극의 실재와 영성을 탐구한 결과다.

영원의 철학은 ‘모든 종교의 본질적이고 공통된 핵심 진리’를 뜻한다. 헉슬리는 이를 신과 결합하는 삶이고 인간의 최종 목적이라고 지칭한다. 알쏭달쏭한 이 결론에 대해 독자가 동의하는지는 별개다. 눈길을 끄는 것은 그가 이 책에서 영성과 관련한 27개의 주제를 정하고 기독교는 물론 이슬람교 불교 도교 힌두교 등 수많은 종교의 주요 저작에서 420개의 인용문을 뽑은 점이다. 적어도 ‘영성’과 관련해 인류 역사 속에서 축적돼온 방대한 가르침의 진수를 한 권에 축약 정리한 것만 해도 대단하게 느껴진다.

이 책에서 다루는 궁극의 실재, 신, 영혼(soul) 영(spirit) 자아(self) 등의 개념에 대해 한마디로 저자의 생각은 이렇다고 정의를 내리긴 쉽지 않다.

그러나 헉슬리는 난조를위한 몇 가지 전제 조건을 명확히했다. 신이 준 것에 대한 한없는 겸손, 자신의 무지에 대한 인식, 탐구의 길은 오직 하나가 아니라 다양하다는 것이다. 또한 "영원한 철학 '과는 반대로, 시간 속에서 미래의 유토피아를 꿈꾸는'시간의 철학 '은 종교와 이념의 이름으로 엄청난 폭력과 배척의 원인이라는 점도 분명히했다. 

책을 추리 소설을 읽는 것 처럼 단번에 읽지 않는다는 것을 희망한다. 조금씩 음미 다시 씹어 습기 찬다 과정을 통해 자신의 영성을 기르도록 읽고 진행 좋겠다. 27의 주제를 1 일 1 개씩 읽으면 딱 속도이다. 그리고 영혼이 갈증을 기억할 때마다 꺼내 읽으면 좋겠다.



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Robert Barclay - Wikipedia

Robert Barclay
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Robert Barclay

2nd List of colonial governors of New Jersey
In office
September 1682 – 3 October 1690
Deputy Thomas Rudyard, Gawen Lawrie, Lord Neill Campbell, Andrew Hamilton
Preceded by Philip Carteret
Succeeded by Edmund Andros (Dominion of New England)
Personal details
Born 23 December 1648
Gordonstoun, Moray
Died 3 October 1690 (aged 41)
Ury House, Kincardineshire
Nationality Scottish
Spouse(s) Christian Molleson
Children Robert, Patience, Catherine, Jane, Christian, David, John
Alma mater Scots College, Paris
Occupation Writer, Apologist, Politician

Robert Barclay (23 December 1648 – 3 October 1690) was a Scottish Quaker, one of the most eminent writers belonging to the Religious Society of Friends and a member of the Clan Barclay. He was also governor of the East Jersey colony in North America through most of the 1680s, although he himself never resided in the colony.

1.1Early life and education
1.2Joining the Society of Friends
1.3Political influence
2Governor of East New Jersey
3Later life
6See also
7.2Other sources
8Further reading
9External links

Biography[edit source]

Early life and education[edit source]

Barclay was born at Gordonstoun in Moray, Scotland. His father David Barclay, first laird of Ury, had served under Gustavus Adolphus, and pursued a somewhat tortuous course through the troubles of the Civil Wars.[1][2] His mother was Katherine Gordon (1620–1663), the daughter of Sir Robert Gordon, 1st Baronet of Gordonstoun. He was the eldest of five children.

Robert was sent to finish his education at the Scots College, Paris, of which his uncle[3] was Rector, and made such progress in study as to gain the admiration of his teachers, specially of his uncle, who offered to make him his heir if he would remain in France, and join the Roman Catholic Church.

Joining the Society of Friends[edit source]

In 1667, however, he followed the example of his father, and joined the recently formed Religious Society of Friends[1] after returning to Scotland. Soon afterwards he began to write in defence of the movement, by publishing in 1670 Truth cleared of Calumnies, and a Catechism and Confession of Faith (1673). In 1670 he had married another Quaker, Christian Mollison (c.1651–1722), daughter of Gilbert Mollison of Aberdeen. They had seven children: three sons (Robert, David and John) and four daughters (Patience, Catherine, Christian and Jean).[4][5]

The essential view which Barclay maintained was that all people can be illuminated by the Inward Light of Christ "which is the author of the Scriptures and will lead them into all truth". His works have often been reprinted. He was an ardent theological student, a man of warm feelings and considerable mental powers, and he soon came prominently forward as the leading apologist of the new doctrine, winning his spurs in a controversy with one William Mitchell. The publication of fifteen Theses Theologiae (1676) led to a public discussion in Aberdeen, each side claiming a victory. The most prominent of the Theses was that bearing on immediate revelation, in which the superiority of the Inward Light of Christ to reason or scripture is sharply stated.[1] He was noted as a strong supporter of George Fox in the controversies that beset Quakers in the 1670s. His greatest work, An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, was published in Latin at Amsterdam in 1676, and was an elaborate statement of the grounds for holding certain fundamental positions laid down in the Theses. It was translated by its author into English in 1678, and is claimed to be "one of the most impressive theological writings of the century".[1][6]

The Apology, however, failed to arrest the persecution to which the Quakers were exposed, and Barclay himself, on returning from Europe, where he travelled extensively (once with William Penn and George Fox), and had several interviews with Elisabeth, Princess Palatine, was several times thrown into prison, but soon regained his liberty, and was in the enjoyment of Court favour.

Political influence[edit source]

In later years he had much influence with James II, who as Duke of York had given New Jersey to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton. After Carteret's death his half (East Jersey) was sold in 1682 to twelve people, eleven of whom were members of the Society of Friends. One of the eleven Quaker proprietors was William Penn, and after expanding to include a larger number of proprietors, the group elected Barclay to be the governor. He is said to have visited James with a view to making terms of accommodation with William of Orange, whose arrival was then imminent.[1]

Governor of East New Jersey[edit source]

Barclay was an absentee governor, never having set foot in the colony. he governed through a series of deputy governors, who oversaw day-to-day operations of Barclay's government.

Englishman Thomas Rudyard, a London lawyer, was the first to serve as deputy under Robert Barclay, having been appointed on 16 September 1682. Rudyard was the de facto governor. It was during Rudyard's tenure that the four counties of Bergen, Essex, Middlesex and Monmouth were established.[7]

Rudyard and Surveyor General Samuel Groom soon had a policy disagreement on the granting of land. Groom believed in adhering to the Concession and Agreement of John Lord Berkekey and Sir George Carteret, which stated that one seventh part of all land allotments was to be reserved to the Lords Proprietors. Rudyard disagreed with this policy and he and the Council appointed Philip Wells as Deputy Surveyor, thereby circumventing Groom's authority. The Proprietors in England disapproved of Rudyard and Wells' actions, voiding all grants not surveyed by Groom. Rudyard and the Council replied that they would continue granting land as they had been doing, as the majority of Proprietors were not living in East Jersey. The Proprietors then, on 27 July 1683, appointed Gawen Lawrie Deputy Governor, replacing Rudyard.[8] Rudyard remained in office as Secretary and Register until 1685.[9]

Thomas Rudyard's land dealings resurfaced when, on 28 February 1684/5, he received a grant of 1,038 acres (420 ha) on Raritan Bay in Monmouth County. This resulted in Governor Barclay and the Proprietors issuing instructions to Deputy Governor Lawrie on the laying out of land. Section 7 directly addressed the questionable activity of Rudyard and Lawrie himself in their taking up of land.[10] On 5 November 1685 Rudyard sold the land in question to his son in law, Samuel Winder, who on 17 June 1686 sold to Andrew Bowne.

During Gawen Lawrie's tenure the Proprietors in England drafted a new constitution for East New Jersey, the Fundamental Constitutions for the Province of East New Jersey.[11] This document, drafted in 1683, was intended to supersede the Concession and Agreement of 1665. Lawrie introduced the new constitution in Council on 12 April 1686; the Council voted "that the same Did not agree with the (constitution) of these American parts--", but nonetheless sent it to the General Assembly for reading.[12] On 16 April, in response to Lawrie's inquiry as to the Assembly's action on the constitution, the lower house reported "That they apprehended the same Did not agree with the (constitution) of this province and that they understood that the same were noe wise bindeing Except past into a Lawe by the Generall Assembly--".[13] With both houses concurring, the Fundamental Constitutions was defeated, and the Concession and Agreement would remain the East Jersey constitution until the surrender to The Crown in 1702.

The Proprietors in England were concerned about the Lawrie's secretive dealings and they instructed the East New Jersey Board of Proprietors to investigate the state of affairs, including an audit of the finances. In March 1686 the Proprietors appointed Andrew Hamilton to oversee the investigation.

In September 1686 the decision was made to remove Lawrie from office, and on 5 October Lord Neill Campbell presented his commission from Gov. Barclay as deputy governor to the East New Jersey Provincial Council, who confirmed and recognized the appointment. Lawrie was then commissioned a member of the council.

Campbell, a Scotsman like Barclay, only served briefly; having urgent business in Britain, he nominated Councillor Andrew Hamilton as his replacement as Deputy Governor on 10 December 1686; the next day Lawrie was the only councillor to register a protest and vote against confirming Hamilton.[14] Neill Campbell returned to Scotland and is not known to have returned to the New World. Lord Neill Campbell died in April 1692.

Andrew Hamilton was Barclay's final deputy governor. Originally a merchant in Edinburgh, he was sent to East Jersey to act as an agent to recruit men to settle there.

After Sir Edmund Andros took control over the Jerseys as part of the Dominion of New England, Hamilton sailed back to England to consult with the Proprietors. On the voyage, he was captured by the French, delaying his journey to London until May 1690.

Later life[edit source]

Robert Barclay's later years were spent at his estate of Ury, where he died.

Descendants[edit source]

Robert Barclay had a son, known as David Barclay of Cheapside (1682–1769), who became a wealthy merchant in the City of London. David married Priscilla Freame, daughter of the banker John Freame, and they had a son known as David Barclay of Youngsbury (1729–1809).[15][16] His legacy was as one of the founders of the present-day Barclays Bank, a century ahead of its formation under that name, and in the brewing industry; he also manumitted an estate of slaves in Jamaica.

A more distant descendant is Priscilla Wakefield, née Priscilla Bell (1751–1832). She was an English Quaker, educational and feminist economics writer, and philanthropist. Her mother was Barclay's granddaughter.[17]

Works[edit source]
1670: Truth cleared of Calumnies, wherein a book, entitled, A Dialogue between a Quaker and a Stable Christian, (printed at Aberdeen, and, upon good ground, judged to be writ by William Mitchel, a preacher near by it, or at least that he had a chief hand in it,) is examined, and the disingenuity of the Author, in his representing the Quakers, is discovered; here is also their case truly stated, cleared, demonstrated, and the Objections of their opposers answered according to truth, scripture, and right reason; to which are subjoined, Queries to the Inhabitants of Aberdeen, which might also be of use to such as are of the same mind with them elsewhere in the world.
1671: William Mitchell unmasked, or the Staggering instability of the pretended Stable Christian discovered; his omissions observed, and weakness unvailed, &c.
1672: Seasonable warning and serious exhortation to, and expostulation with, the inhabitants of Aberdeen, concerning this present dispensation and day of God’s living visitation towards them.
1673: A Catechism and Confession of Faith, approved of, and agreed to by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them, which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers, yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, &c.
1674: The Anarchy of the Ranters and other Libertines, &c.
1675: Theses Theologicae (trans. "Theological Theses")
1676: Theologiae vere Christianae Apologia (trans. "An apology for a really Christian Theology")

1676: An Apology for the true Christian Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the people called, in scorn, Quakers; being a full Explanation and Vindication of their Principles and Doctrines, by many Arguments deduced from Scripture and right reason, and the testimonies of famous Authors, both ancient and modern, with a full Answer to the strongest Objections usually made against them; presented to the King; written and published, in Latin, for the information of Strangers, by Robert Barclay; and now put into our own Language, for the benefit of his Countrymen.
1676: Quakerism Confirmed; being an answer to a pamphlet by the Aberdeen Students, entitled Quakerism Canvassed, written in conjunction with George Keith
1677: An Epistle of Love and Friendly Advice to the Ambassadors of the several Princes of Europe met at Nimeguen, to consult the peace of Christendom so far as they are concerned. Written in Latin, but published also in English for the benefit of his countrymen
1677: Treatise on Universal Love
1679: Apology for the true Christian Divinity Vindicated

1679: Vindication of his Anarchy of the Ranters
1686: The Possibility and Necessity of the Inward and Immediate Revelation of the Spirit of God, towards the foundation and ground of true Faith, proved in a Letter written in Latin to a person of Quality in Holland, and now also put into English
1686: A true and Faithful Account of the most material Passages of a Dispute between some Students of Divinity (so called), of the University of Aberdeen, and the People called Quakers, held in Aberdeen, in Scotland, in Alexander Harper his close, (or yard), before some hundred of Witnesses, upon the 14th day of the second month, called April, 1675, there being John Lesley, Alexander Sherreff, and Paul Gellie, Master of Arts, opponents; and defendants, upon the Quakers' part, Robert Barclay and George Keith: Preses for moderating the meeting, chosen by them, Andrew Thomson, Advocate; and by the Quakers, Alexander Skein, sometime a Magistrate of the City: published for preventing misreports, by Alexander Skein, John Skein Alexander Harper, Thomas Merser, and John Cowie. To which is added, Robert Barclay’s Offer to the Preachers of Aberdeen, renewed and reinforced.
1692: Works (folio)

See also[edit source]
List of colonial governors of New Jersey

References[edit source]
Notes[edit source]

  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Barclay, Robert". Encyclopædia Britannica. 3 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 394–395.
  2. ^ Barclay, R. (1812). Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie; for Upwards of Seven Hundred Years: With Memoirs of Colonel David Barclay, and His Son Robert Barclay-also Letters that Passed Between Him, the Duke of York ... and Other Distinguished Characters. J. Herbert. p. 26.
  3. ^ His uncle was Robert Barclay (1611/12–1682), see ODNB article by Brian M. Halloran, 'Barclay, Robert (1611/12–1682)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [1], accessed 3 December 2007.
  4. ^ Christian Barclay: see ODNB article by Gordon DesBrisay, 'Barclay, Robert, of Ury (1648–1690)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [2], accessed 3 December 2007. and - for children: P. G. M. Dickson, 'Barclay, David (1682–1769)’, rev., Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 accessed 10 Aug 2008
  5. ^ Through his son David, Robert Barclay was the 4x great grandfather of the artist Robert Polhill Bevan
  6. ^ "one of the most impressive theological writings of the century and often marked by the eloquence of lofty moral convictions'." said by Leslie Stephen, according to The age of Dryden by Richard Garnett, on Googlebooks p226.
  7. ^ Peter O. Wacker, Land and People; Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1975; p.305
  8. ^ Peter O. Wacker, Land and People; Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1975; p.307
  9. ^ New Jersey Colonial Documents, Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. I; Daily Advertiser Publishing House, Newark, New Jersey, 1880. p. 376
  10. ^ The Grants, Concessions and Original Constitutions of the Province of New Jersey, Aaron Leaming and Jacob Spicer; W. Bradford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1758. pp. 207-213
  11. ^ The Grants, Concessions and Original Constitutions of the Province of New Jersey, Aaron Leaming and Jacob Spicer; W. Bradford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1758. pp. 153 et seq.
  12. ^ Journal of the Governor and Council Vol. I (1682-1714), Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. XIII; The John L. Murphy Publishing Co., Printers, Trenton, New Jersey, 1890. p. 151
  13. ^ Journal of the Governor and Council Vol. I (1682-1714), Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. XIII; The John L. Murphy Publishing Co., Printers, Trenton, New Jersey, 1890. p. 158
  14. ^ Journal of the Governor and Council Vol. I (1682-1714), Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. XIII; The John L. Murphy Publishing Co., Printers, Trenton, New Jersey, 1890. p. 172
  15. ^ Adam Kuper (30 October 2009). Incest & Influence: The Private Life of Bourgeois England. Harvard University Press. p. 114. ISBN 978-0-674-03589-8. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  16. ^ Dickson, P. G. M. "Barclay, David (1682–1769)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/37149. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  17. ^ Ann B. Shteir, ‘Wakefield , Priscilla (1750–1832)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, accessed 24 October 2008.

Further reading[edit source]
Chambers, Robert; Thomson, Thomas Napier (1857). "Barclay, Robert" . A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. 1. Glasgow: Blackie and Son. pp. 149–157 – via Wikisource.

Cousin, John William (1910), "Barclay, Robert", A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, London: J. M. Dent & Sons – via Wikisource
"Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)" . Dictionary of National Biography. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.
External links[edit source]
Wikisource has original works written by or about:
Robert Barclay

An Apology For the True Christian Divinity by Robert Barclay
Government offices
Preceded by
Philip Carteret Governor of East Jersey
1682–1688 Succeeded by
Edmund Andros


Governors of East New Jersey

Authority control

1648 births
1690 deaths
Colonial governors of New Jersey
Converts to Quakerism
Lay theologians
People from Moray
Quaker theologians
Quaker writers
Scottish Quakers
Scottish Christian theologians
17th-century Scottish writers
University of Paris alumni
17th-century Quakers
17th-century Protestant theologians
Clan Barclay
Governors of East New Jersey
Quaker universalists
17th-century Christian universalists
Scottish Christian universalists
Kingdom of Scotland expatriates in France
Kingdom of Scotland emigrants to the Thirteen Colonies