
Quaker Theology Group : “What I would say about the Taliban is that they are an outlier in the Muslim world | Facebook

 (2) Quaker Theology Group : “What I would say about the Taliban is that they are an outlier in the Muslim world | Facebook

Jim Fussell shared a link.


“What I would say about the Taliban is that they are an outlier in the Muslim world.
The old Taliban had been formed in seminaries of the Deoband school of Islam. I think of Deobandis as sort of like Haredim or ultra-Orthodox among Jews. The school developed in British colonial India and was a way for Indian Muslims to assert their identities against British Christian rule and the Hindu majority. It is a sectarian movement and the vast majority of Indian Muslims rejected it. Its seminaries in northern Pakistan attracted Saudi funding, and so some seminaries mixed Deobandi teachings with some ideas from the hard line, rigid Saudi Wahhabi movement.

But the Taliban were also the result of the chaos and violence of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Many were orphans. They were misogynists, knowing few women. They were militant in a country of then 16 million where a million had died and three million had been wounded and 7 million displaced.

Mainstream Sunni Muslims in Egypt (population 100 million) or Turkey (pop. 82 million) do not agree with most Taliban practices and beliefs. In fact, 
almost no one outside Afghanistan shares many beliefs or practices with the Taliban. They are an Afghan (and to some extent northern Pakistan) phenomenon, and even most Afghans and Pukhtun Pakistanis don’t share their views.”


Taliban "Islam" versus the Islam of the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - British academic Abdul-Azim Ahmed of Cardiff University, an expert on mosques in the UK, complained …


Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – British academic Abdul-Azim Ahmed of Cardiff University, an expert on mosques in the UK, complained on Twitter that he was invited onto television to debate whether the Taliban represent Islam:

I sympathize with his despondency that the European and North American press can still ask a stupid question like that in 2021. Muslims are nearly 1/4 of humanity and, as you might imagine, their practice of Islam varies widely. To say the least.

I addressed a similar question regarding ISIL in Nation essay, How Islamic is the Islamic State?

All you have to do is think about the manifestations of Christianity. You have your Kentucky snake handlers and your QAnon militants, some of whom carried guns at the Capitol insurrection. Then you have your mainstream Presbyterians and Congregationalists. You have your Order of the Solar Temple cult inside Catholicism. And then you have mainstream American Roman Catholicism. And we haven’t even gone into Evangelicalism in Brazil or all the different ways Christianity is practiced in sub-Saharan Africa. There, you have millions of ordinary Catholics and Protestants but also the virulent Christian terrorist organization, the Lord’s Resistance Army. If we go back in time, you have your Protestant Peasants War in the early 1500s in Germany. You get the picture.

In my view, the Taliban resemble the Ku Klux Klan. New York Times journalist David Sanger complained when I said that, saying that the Taliban took over a whole country and the KKK is a fringe. But I’d just like to point out that the KKK had enormous influence in the Democratic Party in the 1920s and that it took over the state of Indiana for a while in the 1920s, having the governor, a majority of the state assembly, and 250,000 cadre members. And today’s KKK was an important constituency for Trumpism and influential on the former guy’s policies.

Likewise, there are all kinds of Muslims. Here’s a picture I snapped in Tunis in late spring, 2012. It has two Muslim women in it. One is a traffic cop. The other is standing in the background. There isn’t a veil of any sort in sight.

The Tunisian constitution, passed by a constituent assembly in 2014 that was dominated by the pro-Islam Renaissance (al-Nahda) Party, specifies the equality of women and men. The US constitution does not have such a provision, in part because the Equal Rights Amendment was successfully opposed by the U.S. Christian Right.

What I would say about the Taliban is that they are an outlier in the Muslim world. The old Taliban had been formed in seminaries of the Deoband school of Islam. I think of Deobandis as sort of like Haredim or ultra-Orthodox among Jews. The school developed in British colonial India and was a way for Indian Muslims to assert their identities against British Christian rule and the Hindu majority. It is a sectarian movement and the vast majority of Indian Muslims rejected it. Its seminaries in northern Pakistan attracted Saudi funding, and so some seminaries mixed Deobandi teachings with some ideas from the hard line, rigid Saudi Wahhabi movement. But the Taliban were also the result of the chaos and violence of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Many were orphans. They were misogynists, knowing few women. They were militant in a country of then 16 million where a million had died and three million had been wounded and 7 million displaced.

Mainstream Sunni Muslims in Egypt (population 100 million) or Turkey (pop. 82 million) do not agree with most Taliban practices and beliefs. In fact, almost no one outside Afghanistan shares many beliefs or practices with the Taliban. They are an Afghan (and to some extent northern Pakistan) phenomenon, and even most Afghans and Pukhtun Pakistanis don’t share their views.

Here is a picture I took in May, 2010, of Egyptian undergraduates getting ready for a pop music concert. Young men and women socially mixed. Most of the young women had head coverings, but they jumped up and down and danced during the concert, so that wasn’t a sign of being puritanical. None of this behavior would be allowed by the Taliban, who believe in strict gender segregation, what some critics call gender apartheid, and at least the old Taliban would not have allowed women university students.

Well, you might ask, sure, there are lots of liberal Muslims nowadays, but are the Taliban closer to the Muslims scripture, the Qur’an?

No. Just, no.

I wrote a book about the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur’an, which has become a midlist book and has been warmly welcomed by many Muslims around the world (it has been translated and published in Arabic, Persian, Bahasa Indonesian and Serbo-Croation, and an Albanian edition is in the works).

Here are some Qur’an quotes that the Taliban routinely ignore:

Stories 28:52-54 says of believers,

“They will be given their reward twice over inasmuch as they patiently endured, and repel evil with good deeds and shared the provisions we gave them. And when they hear abusive talk, they turn away from it and say, ‘to us our deeds and to you yours; peace be upon you– we do not seek out the unruly.'”

That is, the Qur’an urges a kind of turning the other cheek in the face of mere harassment, and urges returning evil deeds with good ones, and wishing peace and well-being (salam) on all. The Qur’an does permit warfare in self-defense if a community is militarily attacked, but sees that as a last resort. The first option recommended is to try to win the enemy over with kindness.

This sentiment is repeated:

Distinguished 41:34.

“Good and evil are not equal. Repel the latter with the highest good, and behold, your enemy will become a devoted patron.”

The Taliban are sectarian, hyper-Sunni and have massacred Shiites. Yet the Qur’an discouraged sectarianism in the community

The Family of Imran 3:103:

“Hold fast, all of you, to the cord of God, and do not divide into factions. Remember God’s favor to you, inasmuch as you were enemies, but he united your hearts–so that by his blessing you became siblings. You were on the brink of a pit of fire, and he delivered you from it. In this way does God make clear his signs to you, so that you might be guided.”

The Family of Imran 3:105:

“Do not be like those who divided into sects and disputed, after clear verses came to them, for severe torment awaits them.”

The Qur’an only allows defensive war, but the Taliban took Afghanistan by aggressive war, twice.

The Cow 2:190 says, “Fight in the path of God those who enter into combat against you, but do not transgress. God does not love transgressors.

The Taliban have contempt for women and for some ethnic groups, like the Hazara Shiites, and persecute them. The Qur’an in contrast says that men have something to learn from women, and each people has something to learn from other peoples:

The Chambers 49:13 says, “People, we have created you male and female and made you nations and tribes so that you may come to know one another. The noblest of you in the sight of God is the most pious of you. God is knowing and aware.”

I could go on but you get the picture. Are the Taliban a kind of Muslim? Sure. Are they true to basic Qur’anic values? No. They have substituted later oral traditions for the Qur’an and have interpreted the latter in a militant way born of anti-colonial sentiment.


Jim Fussell


For about four decades from 1933 to 1973, Afghanistan was a stable, tolerant society under a monarch respected by all the country’s various religious and ethnic groups.
Civil war came from outside military interference, not from within.

Mohammed Zahir Shah - WikipediaMohammed Zahir Shah - Wikipedia

Mark L Grantham

In my eyes, I see the same sort of behavior in the Pentacostal and Evangelical sects. Unfortunately, many people seem to equate the Taliban with Islam. I lived in Syria for 4 years, I was around the world of Islam, and the world of Christianity. These 2 worlds coexisted beautifully.

Shawn Lazar

Mark L Grantham Yes, my old neighborhood was razed, and the majority of my neighbors beheaded or enslaved by the local Victory Life Pentecostal Church.

Shawn Lazar

Mark L Grantham Yes, just the same. Like I said with the murder and beheading and rape and slavery and whatnot. I try to avoid Pentecostals at all cost, for fear of my life.

Andres Portilla Garcia

Muy interesante.

Sharon Smith

Since you are not Muslim, I think you're not qualified to compare the various sects of Islam, without bias.

Belinda Smith

Sharon Smith I agree to an extent, even if you are Muslim it really depends on your amount of understanding. Just like the different sects of Christianity there is that in Islam as well. So they’re will always be an amount of biases. Nevertheless, we can still learn and understand one another the most truest aspect’s of a certain type of Faith traditions within each of these sects.

Maggie Meehan

Sharon Smith, having just finished a long comparison of Christian and Muslim relations from the beginning of Islam to the end of the 20th century, written by a Pakistani who identifies as humanist, I am glad to see your caution about bias. However I think this history is helpful.

Sharon Smith

Maggie Meehan please do not misunderstand. I said nothing to dissuade you from learning and trying to understand. My issue is with your Christocentic proclivity for biased judgement.

Maggie Meehan

My christocentric proclivity? I would certainly like examples of that!

Norlyn R Dimmitt

Sharon Smith, I'm a White Male, and the two primary subtexts of my life work are #GenderEquity and #RacialEquity. I can never entirely escape my blinders/bias, but I presume to know a lot about racism and patriarchy, from decades of attending to those systems of oppression.
I'm curious if you believe that women are capable of critiquing patriarchy, since it involves making proclamations about men from a women-centric "bias".
As a Christian who is deeply "Christo-centric", I'm also curious about how that translates to bias. Bias loses all purchase if we equate it with any frame of reference, since nobody operates outside a frame.
Isn't the right question whether or not a frame of reference is oppressive or liberating?
And if my "Christo-centrism" is liberating, while the Taliban's distortion of the Quran is oppressive, what does it mean to check my "bias"?
Do you believe that some frames of reference are morally superior to other frames?

Compassionate Citizens FoundationCompassionate Citizens Foundation

Sharon Smith

Maggie Meehan Not necessarily talking about you, personally. I don't know you well enough.

Norlyn R Dimmitt You're using the wrong analogy, here. Women can criticize Patriarchy because we are victimized by it. The issue is "power", who has it, who abuses it and who wields it against whom, NOT gender or race.
And, as an Indigenous Black woman, you will never know as much as I do about racism or patriarchy than I do, no matter how much you study. My knowledge comes from both study and lived experience, which you can never know as a White Christian male in a world dominated by white supremacy.
Stop trippin.

Maggie Meehan

Sharon Smith; thank you for the clarification. It certainly was a surprise.

Sharon Smith

Maggie Meehan Don't get it twisted. Even if I don't know you well, I know you are Wyte and have therefore been indoctrinated to uphold whyte supremacy culture.

Norlyn R Dimmitt

Sharon Smith, I don't know if she was in fact indoctrinared, or when Maggie Meehan recognized and rejected indoctrination in white supremacy. Neither do you.
I know that I was indoctrinated, by my fundamentalist father, and I rejected it at age 11, 49 years ago.
I don't claim to be perfectly enlightened about racism and patriarchy.
But you seem to be painting every white person with the same brush, and seem more interested in criticising allies than collaborating with them.
How does this further the cause of #GenderEquity or #RacialEquity?

Compassionate Citizens FoundationCompassionate Citizens Foundation

Sharon Smith

Norlyn R Dimmitt You are doing a great job demonstrating why you are not my ally. …
See more

Norlyn R Dimmitt

Sharon Smith and you are demonstrating the art of alientaing actual allies. I've dedicated 26 years of my life to #GenderEquity and #RacialEquity, and am appreciated by many of the leaders in both of those causes, including civil rights leader Bobby Austin. So the problem is not me. I experience you as a bully (whether that is your intent or not), and I pray that you some day recognize that bullying is not restricted to white males. You do not have a monopoly on truth, and you do not win allies by deliberately offending them.

Belinda Smith

Norlyn R Dimmitt I haven’t followed the whole line of posts in this thread. However, I think the issue is that you are coming of as someone who is more knowledgeable than a person with lived experience. So, I am going to say that you might want to rethink your approach. Sharon’s lived experience definitely needs to be part of your understanding of what it means to be an ally. Trust me when I say, I’ve made this mistake myself. Sometimes, we should just sit back and listen to understand.

Norlyn R Dimmitt

Sharon Smith nobody can speak of any individual's viewpoint (other than their own) without bias and misunderstanding, never mind a group's shared beliefs. This does not invalidate the attempt to understand one another, which includes expressing what we believe about one another. I'm not sure that I understand the point of your critique. www.CompassionateCitizens.us

Compassionate Citizens FoundationCompassionate Citizens Foundation

Maggie Meehan

I am delighted to see this review and to learn of this book. The comparison between the broad subcultures of Islam and Christianity is essential for understanding the Taliban.
Sharing, thank you.

Scholars Corner. Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires –online discussion with Dr Juan Cole,

Scholars Corner. Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires – 2.12.2020

Join us for another Scholar’s Corner online event. In this session, Dr Mehmet Ozalp will be having an online discussion with Dr Juan Cole, the author of the new book "MUHAMMAD: PROPHET OF PEACE AMID THE CLASH OF EMPIRES", what prompted him to write this book and also a critical discussion on the main ideas and contents of his book.

Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires: Cole, Juan: Amazon.com: Books

Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires: Cole, Juan: 9781568587837: Amazon.com: Books

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Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires Hardcover – Illustrated, October 9, 2018
by Juan Cole (Author)
4.7 out of 5 stars 120 ratings

In the midst of the dramatic seventh-century war between two empires, Muhammad was a spiritual seeker in search of community and sanctuary.

Many observers stereotype Islam and its scripture as inherently extreme or violent-a narrative that has overshadowed the truth of its roots. In this masterfully told account, preeminent Middle East expert Juan Cole takes us back to Islam's-and the Prophet Muhammad's-origin story.

Cole shows how Muhammad came of age in an era of unparalleled violence. The eastern Roman Empire and the Sasanian Empire of Iran fought savagely throughout the Near East and Asia Minor. Muhammad's profound distress at the carnage of his times led him to envision an alternative movement, one firmly grounded in peace. The religion Muhammad founded, Islam, spread widely during his lifetime, relying on soft power instead of military might, and sought armistices even when militarily attacked. Cole sheds light on this forgotten history, reminding us that in the Qur'an, the legacy of that spiritual message endures.

A vibrant history that brings to life the fascinating and complex world of the Prophet, Muhammad is the story of how peace is the rule and not the exception for one of the world's most practiced religions.

Editorial Reviews

"Cutting-edge....Muhammad is not just eruditely informative, but also ambitiously revisionist....a more uplifting image of the Prophet Muhammad, waiting to be discovered not just by non-Muslims, but also many Muslims themselves."―New York Times Book Review

"A captivating biography of Muhammad that captures the centrality of peace in his prophetic revelation and in the faith community he established. A brilliant and original book destined to challenge many Western preconceptions about Islam."―Eugene Rogan, author of TheArabs: A History

"Juan Cole's Muhammad comes at precisely the right time. During a moment where Islam has been positioned as an enhanced threat to America and the West, Cole provides a historical account that trenchantly takes down the mis-narrative that the Prophet Muhammad was, above all, war-mongering and wed to violence. This is more than historical work, but writing that equips readers with the knowledge to navigate our turbulent present."―Khaled A. Beydoun, professorof law and author American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise ofFear

"Juan Cole's Muhammad draws deeply on the text of the Qur'an and on a vast selection of the best modern scholarship to make a convincing case for Muhammad as apostle of tolerance and peace. Cole shows how this original message of peace, consistently articulated in the Qur'an, was distorted by later Islamic tradition and denied by more than a thousand years of European polemic against Islam. Filled with astute observations at every turn."―Fred M. Donner, professorof near eastern history, University of Chicago

"A groundbreaking book, written in an accessible and engaging style, that should be read by scholars, students, policymakers, religious leaders, and media commentators alike. Cole's thoroughly original and firmly-rooted scholarship challenges long established Western narratives of Islam as a religion of violence, war and intolerance. A brilliant reconstruction of early Islamic history."―John L. Esposito,university professor and professor of religion & international affairs,Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

"An essential read in a turbulent, dangerous time."―TheHistorical Novels Review

"A riveting new history."―AlterNet
About the Author
Juan Cole is a professor of history at the University of Michigan. A revered public intellectual, he is the author and creator of the award-winning blog Informed Comment, which averages 4.5 million page views a year. He is the author of Napoleon's Egypt, Engaging the Muslim World, and The New Arabs and has appeared on numerous television programs including the PBS Newshour, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, ABC's Nightline, and The Colbert Report. He lives in Ann Arbor, MI.

Product details

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bold Type Books; Illustrated edition (October 9, 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages

Customer Reviews:
4.7 out of 5 stars 120 ratings


Nadejda Marinova

5.0 out of 5 stars A brilliant book with in-depth historical contextReviewed in the United States on November 5, 2018
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Beautifully written, "Muhammad, Prophet of Peace" is a brilliant and compelling work. The central focus of the book is on the teachings of Muhammad and the Qur’an, as well as on Muhammad’s life. The book is based most extensively on the text of the Qur’an, as a primary source, as well as an array of other sources, mostly in Arabic, English, French and German. 
Among the sources are references to the work of Roman historians, to St. Augustine, to medieval and modern-day scholars of Islam. The subject matter of the book is at the intersection of religion and history.

One of the characteristics of the book that appeals most is not only its exceptional intellectual analysis, but also its very accessible writing. The book has the erudition of an academic treatise but reads like an interesting narrative. Professor Cole makes a compelling case that what Muhammad preached was peace. The work is situated within the geo-political context of the 6th and 7th century Middle East, and the competition between the Eastern Roman Empire and Sasanian Persia, initially led by Khosrow II.

The comparisons and contrasts with other religions are among the fascinating aspects of the book. The central focus is on Muhammad’s teachings, with extensive references to Christianity and Judaism.

Professor Cole’s study is equitable to all religions discussed. In an in-depth final part, he addresses the fact that the message of peace preached by Muhammad has been misappropriated in subsequent times and used to justify offensive warfare. Muhammad’s key teachings included “the prohibitions on coercion of conscience and on aggressive warfare.” The final part of the book addresses in depth the subsequent misappropriation at times, after Muhammad’s lifetime, of his teachings. Professor Cole analyzes both the “how” and “why” aspects of this issue, from the standpoint of theology and history. He also discusses other religions, originating in the Middle East and South Asia, whose peaceful message was, at times, subsequently misappropriated.

The book explores what the Qur’an says about peace and war. Battle, according to the Qur’an, is a legitimate response to aggression, which the book indicates is similar to what St. Augustine stated about defensive warfare. 
Professor Cole also writes about passages that give insight into the Qur’an’s theory of social peace (from The Pilgrimage chapter in the Qur’an). According to this chapter of the Qur’an, when one people launches aggression, others must restrain them, in an effort to establish collective security (p. 148). Professor Cole explains the evolution of years of Roman discourse (especially 300s-400s CE) on breaches of peace. It is fascinating to find out how it had changed from when the Roman Empire had been pagan (at the time of Cicero) to when it adopted Christianity as the new religion.

The book analyzes the Constitution of Medina in the early 620s, which was part of forging a social contract among the clans of Medina and delineating community relations. The constitution offers a vision of a non-doctrinal, religiously multicultural society based on communal loyalty, granting of security, and mechanisms for settling torts, which establishes obligations of non-belligerence in the city of the Prophet.

The book’s readable and scholarly account of Muhammad’s message and the events which took place in the Middle East in the 6th and 7th century is compelling. Professor Cole critically examines sources, some of which, for example those alluding to war between Byzantium and clans in Arabia, are anachronistic (p. 182). He explains that this conflict occurred after the death of Muhammad, not during his lifetime. At times the book cites Christian theologians, such as St. Augustine as rendering an accurate analysis. At other times, Professor Cole points out that, as in the case of Bishop Sophronios, the latter’s statements are unsubstantiated by historical record. The book references at certain points biographers of Muhammad- but considers those in light of the Qur’an, and the rich array of historical and theological sources available.

Very interesting in terms of geo-political context is that the later Roman Empire, under Herakleios, still had republican remnants, with the Senate as an important consultative body. This model, according to the book, which differed from the absolute monarchy of Khosrow II of Iran, may have been important for Muhammad’s views on the Roman Empire. Those views would have also been influenced by the Arab preference for the consultation between clan chiefs over centralized power (p. 134).

Among the discussion of the rich array of events is a comprehensive explanation of the dynamics between Mecca and Medina, and of the Treaty of Hudaibiya (reconstructed from historical sources). There is also an account of Muhammad’s trips to Damascus and his interactions with other faiths; as well as his views on the Roman empire. The narrative of “Muhammad, Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires” has been written within the theological context of the teachings of Muhammad, and it draws parallels and contrasts with Christianity and Judaism. The narrative closely follows the life of the Prophet. Geopolitically, the events in the book are based within the context of the power struggle between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sasanian Iranian Empire. The appendix contains the multiple verses on peace from the Qur’an that are relevant to the book.

Overall, “Muhammad, Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires” is a brilliant book, which gives the reader fascinating insight into a complex era. It is written beautifully and contains compelling, expert analysis.

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S. Hart

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent, particularly for the lay reader. A strong counter to anti-Muslim bigotry and hatred.Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2018
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This most recent book by Professor Juan Cole is thoroughly enjoyable, excellently researched, and well-written. I came at this book already familiar with, and deeply respectful of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Yes, the Prophet Muhammad was a peace-maker...and he was a warrior.

The Prophet Muhammad lived in 7th century Arabia, where the society and culture differed vastly from today's. It never ceases to amaze me that some (even some Amazon reviewers) judge Muhammad and his then followers by the standards of today. If one reads the 'Five Books of Moses', take notice of the extreme violence described. A distant time. I see little criticism of the 'Five Books of Moses' coming from those who are critical of the Prophet Muhammad. Nor do I see any abhorrence of Christian violence, or for that matter, violence committed in the name of any other religion.

To me, Professor Cole's main point is Muhammad's peace-making and peaceful activities need to be highlighted, particularly now when there is such vitriol and prejudice directed at the Muslim community, and willful ignorance practiced about Islam.

And, Juan Cole's colorfully descriptive writing style made this book eminently readable. It put me in 7th century Arabia, riding along with Muhammad and his followers. Excellent job, Professor Cole.

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Jason Park

4.0 out of 5 stars An illuminating and balanced exploration of the life of Muhammad and his original teachingsReviewed in the United States on October 9, 2018

In his new release, Juan Cole tackles the life and times of Muhammad and the founding of Islam. His argument, expertly made throughout the book, is that Muhammad promoted peace when Arabia was in the midst of war. The Roman Empire (in the form of what we now call the Byzantine Empire) and the Sasanian Empire were in constant battle, and the Arabs were pressured to align with one or the other. Muhammad, in contrast, taught the principles of peace he saw in the Bible and other sources in order to shape his new religion.

This is both enlightening and important in our current context, as Islam is seen as a religion predicated on violence and conquest. Cole breaks down these preconceived notions throughout the book. Muhammad did not promote anything resembling sharia law. The clashes that are mentioned during Muhammad’s life were defensive struggles. His “conquest” of Mecca was more akin to Martin Luther King’s “March on Washington” than an attack. Jihad, when the word is used in the Qu’ran, always refers to internal struggle rather than a “holy war”. The examples continue, and Cole spaces them remarkably to keep the focus on his main argument. It is interesting to see the ways that Islam has changed since Muhammad, and Cole spends the conclusion of Muhammad detailing these changes as compared to Muhammad’s teachings. As a historical argument, it is highly compelling.

As an evangelical Christian, I found Cole’s treatment of both Islam and Christianity extraordinarily fair to both religions.
From my knowledge of both Muhammad’s teachings and the history of Islam since then, he approaches the topics without partiality and using historical documentation responsibly to make his points. He also is very upfront on the similarities between Muhammad’s teachings, Judaism, and Christianity. Muhammad often paraphrases parts of the Talmud or the Bible, and Cole points out a plethora of examples.

Pluralism and inclusivism also provide major themes in Muhammad, as Cole defines each and uses those definitions to investigate how Muhammad thought and taught of those from other religions. Pluralism is the belief that multiple religions provide equally valid paths to God. Inclusivism is the belief that all religions provide some truth, but certain religions provide more complete truth than others. His analysis of Muhammad’s religion on these grounds is enthralling:
The Qur’an embraces pluralism on the level of salvation but inclusivism at the level of theology. It allows that members of other faith communities can reach heaven. At the same time, it sees the older religions as somewhat corrupted by ideas and practices introduced over time that departed from the pure, exemplary faith of Abraham, and it does not hesitate to reproach them for these lapses. Still, God will forgive everything but outright polytheism.

This nuance to Muhammad’s beliefs about salvation and theology were so interesting to me because of the way it compares to Christianity. Christianity is inherently exclusive. Although Cole does not compare Islam and Christianity outright on those grounds, he makes clear that even as there are many similarities between Muhammad’s teachings and those of Jesus, there are irreparable differences. Here is the quote that stood out to me:
The Qur’an goes so far as to present peace activism and beneficence as the vehicle of redemption from the fall, rather than, as in Christian theology, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

That is the divergence. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is everything to true Christians, including our redemption from Adam’s sin. If Jesus is not the Son of God but only born of a virgin, a teaching put forward by Muhammad to begin his religion, that changes everything and will never be reconcilable.

For those interested in Islam, world history, or a comparison of three major world religions as of the 7th century, I would encourage you to pick up Juan Cole’s Muhammad. The details and thinking contained within are highly illuminating and thought-provoking.

I received this book as an eARC courtesy of Nation Books and NetGalley, but my opinions are my own.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent 

Comprehensive book and concise by a Historian and Middle east expertReviewed in the United Kingdom on April 26, 2019
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This is an excellent book, Juan Cole as an Historian provides evidence consistently from the Quran that Muhammad was peaceful, and that all wars were waged in self-defence. More over he also proves that the Quran respects Jews and Christians.
These are just two of the many examples Juan Cole gives which are right below

Surah The Cow verse 2:190 says “fight in the path of God those who enter into combat against you, but do not commit aggression. God does not love aggressors.”

Surah The Cow Verse 2:62 Proclaims, Those who believed, and the Jews, ,and the Christians, and the Sabians, and whoever has believed in God and the Last Day and performed good works, they shall have their reward with their lord.

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Hans-Peter Muller
4.0 out of 5 stars Peace in the Qur'anReviewed in Germany on December 31, 2018
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Juan Cole, Professor of History at Michigan University in Ann Arbor, has suggested interesting theories about the overall peaceful intent of the Qur’an. In times of intensified Islamophobia not only in the US his revision of certain key surahs in the context of geopolitical events in the 7th century are most welcome.
That the new faith should be spread by the sword, or through holy war, cannot be found in the Qur’an. Cole’s comprehensible approach is that he carefully re-reads the scripture but considers the prophet’s biography, al-Sira al-Nabawiyya, which had been formulated long after the unprecedented triumph of Islam and far-reaching conquests under the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs, as unreliable hagiography. Later Muslims had to paint the picture of an illiterate Prophet who was not even aware of the scriptures of the two other monotheistic religions in order to protect him from being accused of plagiarism. In contrast, Cole is right when he characterizes Muhammad, wealthy business woman Khadija’s husband, as highly skilled and educated international tradesman who frequently traveled with his caravans to the economic and cultural centers of Palestine and the Levant. Muhammad had heard, with horror, of Jerusalem’s fall to the Sasanian general Sharbaraz in 614, just after surah ar-Rum had been revealed. Numerous neologisms in the Qur’an prove that Muhammad mastered Aramaic as well as possibly Greek. He was well aware of then popular stories like the Alexander Romance as well as the tale of the Seven Sleepers. Both stories are referred to in surah 18 (al-Kahf).
Cole interestingly interprets the conflict between Mecca and Medina as sort of a proxy war of the two main adversaries in the first half of the 7th century, the Byzantine and Sasanian Empires. It becomes clear that Mecca (Sasanian sphere of influence) was the aggressor while Muhammad was able to capture Mecca in 630 without any bloodshed.
The unholy blending of what can be found in the Qur’an and highly unreliable ahadith (the traditions of the Prophet) and sira in later centuries has done lots of damage to the religion of Islam. Umayyad and Abbasid violent conquests and civil wars may remind us of another Islamic tradition, the Shi’a. The members of the Prophet’s family, the descendants of his cousin Ali and daughter Fatimah, had been subject for centuries of persecution. The Shi’a Imams had always claimed to be the rightous spiritual (and political) successors of the Prophet, having access to and being able to interpret the divine law. They were decidedly pious and defensive and all were martyred by Umayyad or Abbasid usurpers. Cole does not entertain this interesting aspect of an entirely peaceful Islam in his book.
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Muhammad Irfan Hameed
5.0 out of 5 stars Well researched and very well explainedReviewed in Canada on December 14, 2020
Verified Purchase

At first i did not like the book because i thought it was giving too much attention to the political situation of the arabia and the world. I felt like i was with a tour guide touring the area.
I even thought of returning the book but decided to read it.
But after first chapter it became interesting and focused more on the topic and justified the title.
I am glad i finsihed it.

Very well researched and enlightening book.
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박길수 천도교를 신앙하는 사람은 서로를 '동덕(同德)'이라고 부릅니다.

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2tSspSonsorehdhm  · 
[개벽통문-191] 1. 천도교를 신앙하는 사람은 서로를 '동덕(同德)'이라고 부릅니다. 기독교인들이 서로를 '형제님! 자매님!'이라고 부르는 것과 같은 용법입니다. 
2. 기독교인들이 모두가 '하나님의 자녀'라는 의미로 서로를 '형제, 자매'라고 부른다면, 천도교인들이 서로를 동덕이라고 부르는 뜻은  '한 한울님의 은덕(恩德)으로 이 세상에 생겨난 동포[同胞]라는 마음이며, 또 그런 의미에서 한울님의 은혜에 보답하기[同事] 위하여 정성과 공경과 믿음을 다하는 사람이라는 뜻이며, 또 내가 받은 덕을 이 세상에 펴나가는[布德]일을 함께하는 동지(同志)라는 연대의 의지'가 담겨 있습니다. 
3. 형제자매든, 동덕이든 '하나의 종교'를 공유하는 사람들은 '하나의 이야기[神話]'와 하나의 언어[敎理], 하나의 역사[천지창조~현재]를 공유하는 사람들이라는 점에서 '민족(民族)'과도 흡사한 공동체입니다. 그런데 사실, 교리나 교사도 이야기라고 말할 수 있습니다. 이런 점에서 보면, 하나의 종교를 신앙하는 무리는 하나의 이야기를 공유하는 집단이라고 말할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 보면, 오늘의 한국 기독교는 '한국 기독교'라는 이름보다 "한국의 '기독교들'"이라고 부르는 편이 훨씬 더 정확하고, 편안합니다. 기독교인들[주로 목사들]이 하는 이야기를 들어보면, 도무저 저들이 '같은 이야기를 공유하는 사람들'이라고 부르기 어렵기 때문입니다. 이것은 이미 장로파, 감리파 등으로 교파를 달리는 경우를 말하기보다, 전국의 모든 '교회'들('담임목사'가 존재하는 것을 단위로 하는)이 각각의 기독교라고 말하는 편이 더 올바른 현실인식이라는 점입니다. 이를 '바른 기독교인'과 '잘못된 기독교인'이라고 말하는 사람도 있을 수 있으나, 그보다 '여러 기독교'라고 말하는 편이 더 간편하고, 속편할 수 있다는 말입니다.
4. 그나마 천도교는 아직은 교인들의 신앙행태에서 '공유하는 이야기'가 차지하는 비중이 상대적으로 높은 편이 아닌가 합니다. 그런데, 점점 그 비중이 줄어들고, 그 강도가 약화되는 걸 느낍니다. [당연히 이야기는 '코로나19' 사태가 터지기 훨씬 이전부터 진행된 일을 토대로 이야기하는 것입니다.] 그런 점에서 보면, 천도교도 점점 '천도교들'이라고 말하는 편이 더 나은 국면으로 나아가고 있다고 말할 수 있습니다. [기독교는 각 교파, 심지어 교파 내에서도 '개별 교회' 단위가 중요하다면, 천도교는 천주교처럼 '단일한 조직체계'로 구성되어 있습니다.] 
5. 그런데, 이 문제, 다시 말해 '공유하는 이야기'의 상실 문제는 기독교나 천도교, 그리고 종교계만의 문제가 아닌 것이 이 시대의 이야기입니다. 분단을 둘러싼 오랜 갈등은 이야기를 공유하는 족속으로서의 민족의식을 오랫동안 희석시켜 왔으며 이는 지금도 가속화하는 중이고, '세대차'라는 것은 인류 역사 이래 언제나 있었던 문제이지만, 오늘날 세대간 소통의 단절은 지금까지의 역사 이래로 그 어느 때보다 심각해 보이며, 남녀[남혐-여혀] 사이의 극단적 대립도 마찬가지입니다. '말이 통하지 않는다'고 말할 수 있는 상황, 하나의 말을 두고 생각하는 바가 다르다는 것이 현재 벌어지는 현상의 근본 문제입니다. 이것은 달리 말하면, 그동안 '우리'라고 부르던 집단이 공유하는 '공통의 이야기'가 사라지고, 훨씬 더 파편화되고 소규모화된 "우리'들'"의 집합이 되어 버린 것입니다. 그 우리'들'이 서로의 각각의 '우리'로 주로 모이는(?) 곳은 '인터넷' 공간입니다. 그리고, 그 '우리'들'이 서로(다른 '우리')를 확인하는 곳도 주로 '인터넷'입니다. 
6. 요즘 '메타버스'가 새로운 관심어로 등장하고 있지만, 우리는 이미 오래전(십여년 전?)부터 '가상공간'을 위주로 살아가고 있는지도 모릅니다. 우리가 세상 소식을 주로 인터넷의 포털 사이트 뉴스나, 혹은 각 세대별로 특화된 SNS(내가 미처 다 알지도 못하는) 등을 통해서 습득하게 되면서, 서로(우리'들')의 존재를 점점 멀게 느끼고, 이질적으로 느끼며, 심지어 적대적으로 느끼게 되는 경향이 가속화하고 있는 것입니다. [5, 6의 문제는 오늘 읽은 유상근 님의 글을 통해 계발받았습니다.] 하나의 '우리'는 그 안에서도 다시 수많은 소집단으로 분화하고, 결국 남는 것은 '나(개인)'과 '거대 포털'입니다. 자본이 노동자를 파편화시켜 지배력을 강화하듯이, 오늘날은 포털이 이야기를 파편화하여 개인을 지배하기에 이른 것입니다. 메트릭스 영화에서, 인간은 거대한 컴퓨터에 에너지를 공급하는 에너지원으로 전락한 장면을 보여줍니다. 지금의 우리는 바로 그 시대를 살고 있는 셈입니다. 
7. 요즘 제가 하는 일 중의 하나는 "개벽라키비움-동학천도교사전연구회" 사업의 하나로, 천도교 신앙을 오랫동안 해 온 분의, 평생에 걸친 일상적인 신앙생활 '이야기를 듣는 일'입니다. 그것은 '인명사전'의 일이기도 하고, '편년사'의 일이기도 합니다. 그 이야기들을 들으면서, 이야기야말로 '우리를 우리이게 하는 근본 힘'이라는 생각을 더 깊이 하게 되었습니다. 이렇게 살아가는 것도 한 인생이며, 이렇게 이야기를 공유하는 것이, '동덕'을 회복하는 것이며, 천도교를 믿는 것, 천도교를 하는 것의 출발점, 혹은 도착점이라는 생각을 하게 됩니다. 다시 꿈꾸는 것은, 우리가 어떻게 '공유할 수 있는 이야기'를 찾아내고/만들고, 그것을 '공유하는 세상/사회'를 맞이할 수 있을까입니다. 그 이야기를, 찾을 수는 있을까요? 세상에서 무엇 하나 내세울 만한 '업적'을 이룬 적이 없는 사람의 입장에서, '삶'은 이렇게 이야기 속에서 흘러갈 때, 평온하다는 걸, 깨닫는 아침입니다. 
#이야기 #개벽라키비움 #동학천도교사전연구회

First Impressions: Life With a Blix Packa Genie E-Cargo Bike

First Impressions: Life With a Blix Packa Genie E-Cargo Bike

First Impressions: Life With a Blix Packa Genie E-Cargo Bike
Spoiler: It does not disappoint.
Sami Grover
Fact checked by
Haley Mast
on August 23, 2021 12:00PM EDT

Blix Packa Genie.

Sami Grover

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When I first wrote about my life with a Blix Aveny e-bike, I spent almost as much time talking about the basket on the front, the luggage rack on the back, and the in-built lights that literally never run out of charge as I did the very capable electric motor. And that was for good reason. While the presence of electric assist is a huge, ahem, boost—especially in car-centric traffic—I am also a big believer in bikes that are built for practical, day-to-day jobs.

I was excited, then, when Blix reached out to see if I’d review the Blix Packa Genie—a beast of a cargo bike that we previewed a few weeks back. Before I get into my experiences with this monster, here are some highlighted features:

Hydraulic disc brakes
A 750-watt hub motor
The option of twin batteries offering up to 80 miles per charge with the dual battery system, totaling 1,228 watt-hours
A huge (optional) front basket, which is stem mounted for added stability
A “longtail” rear luggage rack
Improved frame design, included added trailer mounts and dual water bottle holders.
A price of $1,999 for the twin battery version

It’s an impressive package, at a relatively affordable price compared to the competition. So I don’t mind admitting I was slightly apprehensive when I went to pick it up.

Sami Grover

My first impression, however, is that it does not disappoint. Not only was the ride home surprisingly breezy for such a large and long bike, but the few trips I’ve taken so far—including hauling more than 30 pounds of ice to compensate for a broken refrigerator, and later picking up a case of beer to commiserate about that very same refrigerator—have shown it to be an incredibly practical machine for significant load hauling.
To be fair, it’s important to note I have not had much firsthand experience with e-cargo bikes—so this review should be considered more of an account of what it’s like to ride this type of bike, rather than a detailed account of how it stacks up against the competition.

But within that frame of reference, I am more convinced than I ever was before that e-cargo bikes really could eat cars. Ironically enough, I am also beginning to understand why many folks really like owning a pickup truck—because this feels like a scaled-down version of that experience. Unnecessary as it is for many around-town tasks, there is something to be said for having the capacity to just dump stuff into your vehicle and go, without having to plan ahead or strategize about hauling capacity.

Sami Grover

According to the Blix website, the Packa Genie will carry up to 200 pounds of cargo—presumably more if you add a trailer—and I find that decidedly easy to believe. With the powerful motor and extended range, I have had zero concerns about power so far, and also zero concerns about riding on maximum boost when I wanted to get that ice home fast.

So far, the odometer is showing barely over 10 miles since I picked this up from the store. But then the battery indicator is showing a 62% charge—which is not at all bad given it was showing 64% when I first hopped on the saddle.

Now these are early days yet. I plan on testing this beast out with both longer hauls and heavier loads before I reluctantly give it back.

For now, however, it’s fair to say that I’m a fan.