Showing posts with label Umberto Eco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Umberto Eco. Show all posts


The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Part 2 of 2 audio only

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Part 2 of 2

Finest Music Drama
9.36K subscribers

4,078 views  Apr 23, 2022  #RadioDrama #AudioDrama
Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Part 2 of 2
Three monks have died, and William of Baskerville has so far failed to find the killer. The feared papal inquisitor, Bernard Gui , takes over the investigation and declares that the abbey has been infected by witchcraft.

Umberto Eco's murder mystery, dramatised by Chris Dolan.

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Part 1 of 2 audio only

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Part 1 of 2

Finest Music Drama
9.36K subscribers






31,262 views  Apr 23, 2022  #RadioDrama #AudioDrama
Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco Part 1 of 2
Umberto Eco's enigmatic murder mystery chart: seven fateful days in the life of a medieval abbey in Italy. As monks from all over Europe gather to resolve the Dower struggle between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor, a young monk is found dead. The Abbot fears either murder or witchcraft and asks William of Baskerville to investigate. 

Dramatised by Chris Dolan. 
Other parts played by members of the cast 
Producer/Director Bruce Young


0:34the name of the rose by umberto echo dramatized by chris
0:39dolan in two parts part one i was 17 years old at the time
0:46and my life was about to change forever i was moved by the desire for truth
0:54and by the suspicion that until now it was not what i was told why are you
0:59following me because you're interesting it's not a good reason for following anyone
1:05i'm afraid i must continue my journey alone my friend remember when you leave this earth you
1:11can take nothing you have received but only what you have given
1:16the world is like a great book you must learn to read it correctly
1:22there is only one way to battle against ignorance and hatred use knowledge to better the human race i
1:29have never regretted my decision for i learned from my master much that
1:34was wise and good and true when at last reported company he
1:40presented me with his eyeglasses i was still young he said but someday
1:45they would serve me well and in fact i am wearing them now on my nose as i write these lines
1:53then he embraced me fondly like a father and sent me on my way
1:59i never saw him again and know not what became of him but i pray always that god
2:04received his soul and forgave the many little vanities to which he was driven by his intellectual
2:10pride and yet now that i am an old
2:16old man i must confess that of all the faces that appear to me out of the past the
2:23one i see most clearly is that of the girl whom i have never ceased to dream
2:29these many long years she was the only earthly love of my life
2:37yet i never knew nor ever learned
2:42her name [Music]
2:48in the beginning was the word and the word was with god
2:54and the word was god in this age we see through a glass darkly
3:00the truth can only be seen in fragments in shadows all we can do is interpret those
3:07faithful signals even when they seem obscure to us and bent on evil
3:16omnipotent god
3:22can't you hear me i'm guilty of monstrous things
3:27vile pleasures of the body greed to know things that you have kept hidden from us
3:34i'm already damned forgive me my brothers
3:41i am beyond the savior's mercy [Music]
4:15almost there radzo where was i yes
4:20john for nearly 20 years now a beloved father pope john the 22nd heretical corrupt
4:28beast that is has reigned in avignon three years since he dared excommunicate
4:33louis the holy roman emperor himself why power attack
4:39power john wants it all for himself and all the money jews and canality he can
4:44muster and we've traveled all this way for a meeting that will try to keep up as
4:50intellectually and physically i'm three times your age boy now john has chosen the question of
4:56poverty for his next battlefield with louis he condemns my order of franciscans
5:02devoted as we are to the simple people sharing their and christ's poverty
5:08the rogue tries to link us with heretics with heretics yes come on
5:14if you benedictines practice more discipline you might be able to walk and think at the same time
5:21now we are here to seek a truce to secure the safe passage of my franciscan father michael of cecena to meet with
5:29the best you'll pop himself in avignon yes god protect us
5:34wait for me master having reached the end of my poor sinner's life i had so of milk commit to
5:43paper now a record of the wondrous and terrible events of my youth
5:49in the year of our lord 1327 i was appointed scribe and disciple to the
5:55learned franciscan brother william of baskerville now the important conclave between the
6:00warring factions of the church uh meeting which i did not then fully understand
6:06took place high in the apennine mountains in a monastery of my order
6:12our destination this abbey is rightly famous
6:19oh just look a quadrangular construction a heptagonal tower
6:26an admirable concorde of holy numbers four gospels the seven gifts of the holy ghost
6:34this abbott likes a great display oh but the book sides of
6:39the books we'll find in there that dark impregnable abbey prompted no
6:45feelings of wonder in my young mind rather fear and trepidation
6:51but both my fears and williams hopes were to be fulfilled within a week
6:57a mere seven days that determined my whole life
7:05we have three days ago before the pope's envoy and his negation arrive three days to rest and enjoy your
7:11benedictine hospitality williams heights surpassed that of a normal man and he was so thin that he
7:19seemed still taller he had the expression of a man constantly on the lookout
7:25he was already old having seen perhaps 50 springs but his tireless body moved with an
7:31agility i myself a boy lacked along the journey
7:37i'd come to understand that william was moved solely by a desire for the truth
7:42and suspected that the truth was not what was appearing to him at any given moment
7:50william of baskerville at last a great joy it is to set foot in such a
7:55celebrated abbey father abbott but i thought we'd arrived early you have
8:01indeed forgive me but i have need of your powers for a matter other than the conclave i'll
8:07explain presently brothers water for our guests a benedictine tradition to wash the
8:13hands and feet of all our guests the boy as well
8:20your skills as ecclesiastical mediator brother william are sorely needed for the confrontation to take place here
8:27but it's your experience as inquisitor that i must call on first i am no longer in that profession i know
8:34i know but you were once in many cases i hear you decided be
8:39accused before he was innocent sadly in these dark days i see the hand
8:45and the constant presence of the evil ones even an inquisitor can be impelled
8:50by the devil come we'll talk inside [Music]
8:57shall i unload your travel sack master go ahead your arrival is timely william
9:05if ill own him in this abbey something has happened
9:11novice go to the kitchens remedio will give you bread and milk thank you
9:16master a young adult has been entrusted as my scribe by your own order and sworn to
9:22secrecy as if in confession i'm not as young as i was think about my
9:27memory if you insist
9:33we have here a catastrophe that requires the attention of an acute
9:39and prudent man such as you acute if you understand me
9:45in uncovering and prudent if necessary in covering i am at
9:51your service one of our younger brothers adelmo of otranto a master illuminator
9:58was found this morning at the bottom of the cliff below the edificium he was acquired during compline and did
10:05not reappear for matins he must have fallen during the night ah where have you buried
10:11please sit in the cemetery naturally so this is your problem if that unhappy
10:18youth god forbid committed suicide you would have found one of the windows open but they were all closed how did you
10:24know you told me now if a window had been open you would have thought adelma had thrown himself
10:30from it in which case you would not have buried him in consecrated ground therefore he must have been pushed
10:36either by human hand or diabolical force they had not told me enough about your
10:41talents so i must admit the possibility that another of my flock has stained himself
10:49with the sin of murder is there nothing else you have the power to say
10:55please brother william eternal the seal of confession you need
11:01me to uncover a secret concerning a delmo which you yourself cannot reveal
11:07may i question the mugs you may and move freely about the abbey i grant you that
11:12power but not the top floor of the edificium
11:17our library is not like others it is said to be the equal to the 36
11:23libraries of baghdad and so scholar monks come from all over the world to work in it our library is
11:29the salvation of ancient learning amen but why can't it not be visited
11:35the library was laid out on a plan which has remained obscure for centuries only the librarian receives the secret
11:43from the librarian who preceded him he communicates it to his assistant
11:48so that death will not take him by surprise the secret seals the lips of both men
11:55so how do we gain access to all these treasures the monks in the scriptorium may request certain volumes and not
12:01others so as not to pursue every foolish proud or diabolical curiosity there are books
12:06containing falsehoods the kabbalahs of the jews fables of pagan poets the lies of the
12:13infidels none but two people can enter the library myself
12:19and the brother librarian even if another wished the library will
12:25defend itself you might enter and never emerge hmm
12:33what was that at this time of year they slaughter pigs child
12:38this isn't the blood that concerns you
12:49what a fine garden are you the brother herbalist severinus of saint vennel you're
12:56interested in herbalism brother william i see the abbot has proclaimed their arrival
13:02the garden sings the mercy of the creator ah
13:08had you much occasion to talk with poor brother adelma no
13:14so you don't know if adelmo had visions visions like the ones some herbs induce
13:19for example i store dangerous herbs with great care adelmo spent his days in the scriptorium
13:25which i seldom visit he was closer to brothers jorge vanantius and naturally
13:31bearing her naturally the assistant librarian that's all i meant
13:37perhaps it's time i'd so for us to visit the scriptorium after dinner please
13:45you've been addicted to know how to cook a dinner ox meat chicken field the bread smells heavenly i'm so
13:52hungry i have never in my life been visited by
13:58the devil but i imagine he would have the very features of the creature who appeared
14:04before us that evening watch out for the draco that cometh to know your anima
14:09the monks head was hairless and not shaved but the result of some eczema
14:15the brow was so low that had he had hair it would have mingled with his eyebrows
14:22whether his gaze was innocent or maligned i couldn't say i never knew what language salvatore
14:28spoke all languages and none or one of his own making
14:34el diablo no why did you say penitentiary
14:40must do penitencia no have you had dealings with the followers of docino
14:48what did you ask him if he was a doctor the presence of heretics would
14:54uh complicate our meeting chinos followers are infamous for their feasting
15:00which is not to say that we can't enjoy our hosts hospitality eat at all before we visit a murdered man's place of work
15:1032. the scriptorium was suffused with the
15:15most beautiful light i've ever seen a desk with quills knives for sharpening
15:22ink horns was situated under every huge window 40 desks for 40 months a truly perfect
15:29number plus one for the librarian himself who if i'm not mistaken doesn't approve of
15:35visitors in his scriptorium good evening brothers i am malachi
15:42of christendom's greatest library i am brother william of baskerville
15:48there was something upsetting about malachi's appearance draped in his black habit and his hood
15:55unlowered these books on your desk they've been taken from the library for
16:01the scribes and illuminators to study they request them i fetch them
16:20italicus splendid works where's the library itself directly
16:26above azadzu these annotations they're your cataloging system
16:31three gradus four fifth imprimagra column the first number indicates the position
16:38of the book on the shelf which itself is denoted by the second number the final phrase
16:44designates the room of the library which only the librarian can decipher
16:49fascinating could i see the codices brother adelma was illuminating before his tragic
16:55demise his desk is at the north end of the scriptorium
17:03let me introduce some of our brothers financiers of salvamat translated of greek and arabic servant brother william
17:10berger my assistant librarian you are very welcome brothers and there benno of
17:16upsala jorge el bulgos ayamara of alessandria and this
17:21is adelmo's desk adelma was an illuminator working on marginalia nobody has touched his work
17:28the drawings in the salta adelma had been working on what a wonder
17:34a topsy-turvy world in which dogs flee the hair and deer hunt the lion
17:40zebra striped dragons monkeys with stags horns
17:46fish with birds wings and birds with fishtails
17:56the old man was as white as snow not only his skin but his blind eyes the
18:02man before you venerable in age and wisdom is jorge of bulgos as there is
18:07bad speech so there are bad images images that lie about creation perhaps
18:13god can be named only through the most distorted images i'm told that franciscans view merriment with
18:19indulgence our lord did not employ such foolish things christ never laughed
18:25nothing in his human nature forbade it the son of man could laugh but it is not written that he did so vulnerable jorge
18:33your virtue makes you unjust vanantius two days before adelma died we debated
18:38this very subject adelma to care that his art was directed to the glory of god
18:43i reminded him that the great aristotle i'm old financiers i don't remember i
18:48may have been excessively severe i must go we cannot remember every debate we have
18:54here an old man may forget brother beringer but i expect a sharper recollection from
19:00the young particularly when discussing such a dear friend of yours the antichrist is coming
19:06do not squander your last seven days with [Music]
19:22laughter before supper william decided to explore a little further
19:28and we came upon the smithy nicholas of morimondo the master glazier
19:33was setting colored glass and gems into a reliquary you must have much work here nicholas
19:40repairing so many abbey windows uh it's impossible now to find the colors of the old days the age of giants is past we
19:49are dwarfs but dwarfs who stand on the shoulders of giants sometimes we can see further on the
19:55horizon than they what can we do better than our learned ancients let me show
20:01you something i've heard tell of them
20:07a simple forked pin so constructed that it can stay on a man's nose
20:13two ovals of metal holding elements of glass they allow better vision than nature has
20:18endowed me many would speak of witchcraft
20:24our library here is defended by magic really a monk once entered the library after
20:31dark when he emerged he was half mad but how did he enter if the place is so
20:37staunchly guarded they say you can enter through the asarium over the bones of dead monks
20:46they keep watch this is your first night here
20:52look for the ghostly glow in the library i must go to vespers
20:58the first angel sounded the first trumpet and hail and fire fell mingled
21:04with blood what did he mean st john's apocalypse adelma's blood was mingled with snow and
21:10hail now if their suppers here are as good as their dinners
21:34excellent you know the more i think about it
21:40the more i'm convinced adelma killed himself why hmm
21:46well why would anyone kill him nominee
21:51dominique queen
21:57i think they're all keeping something quiet perhaps though they insinuate some strange
22:04relationship between adelmo and the assistant librarian berengar look
22:09ato malachi coming in through the side chapel
22:14another door exists to the library a secret passage through the osarium as nicholas said
22:26i was never to get much sleep in that abbey even when william was not leading me on
22:32nocturnal adventures or i was um pursuing shameful adventures of my own
22:39there were constant interruptions and prayers
22:46but dawn greeted us with an even ruder interruption
22:57the dawn sky was light and the snow lay thickly in front of the pigpens stood a great
23:03jar of pig's blood and out of it protruded two legs the monk's head thrusts downwards into the
23:10blood god save us pull him out of there me brother nicholas give her a hand
23:22clean his face the second trumpet and a third part of the sea became blood he died in a sea of blood you see
23:29something is a foot in this abbey who now
23:34benantius the greek scholar brother william i beseech you
23:40was vernantius present in choir during office no his stall was empty no one else was absent not that i noticed
23:47beringo was there he was brother severinas
23:53have you ever seen a drowned man many times but brother van anter's features aren't
24:00swollen then he was already dead when someone threw him into the jar who would have done that
24:07we're dealing with a twisted mind habit severinus take him to the boundary to be
24:12washed and examined i'll join you there father abbott please instruct the monks to return to the choir by the path they
24:18took before come hanzo [Applause]
24:26everything's covered in snow snow adzo is an admirable parchment on which men leave very legible writing
24:34now look between here in the church there has been a great bustle of monks
24:39what do you see over there what am i looking for vanantius didn't throw himself into the blood jar
24:45someone carried him there dead footprints
24:51one set only very faint [Applause] that's excellent
24:56some monk passed this way in the night and there's a line a trail from the jar so he must have come from
25:03the refactory to the edificium the library once again that's where fernandez died why the
25:10library put yourself in the murderer's place if you had killed him in the refectory why
25:15not leave him there if you killed him in the library the body would never have been discovered
25:21our murderer wants to deflect our attention
25:29no wounds no bruising on the head i feel faint
25:36do you have any poisons in your laboratory severinus aguilino from cafe
25:43this is asanako a mortal poison for anyone who swallows it
25:48here mumia very rare produced by the decomposition of
25:54mummified cadavers tried to think scientifically
25:59and you found no sign of any poison on the corpse many poisons leave no trace
26:04nothing has been removed recently no and the plants we were speaking of yesterday which of these can induce
26:11visions i would have to think
26:17provenantus who did this i would have to think
26:47they must be questioned right away why ours is a hard task the inquisitor must
26:53strike the weakest and to the moment of their greatest weakness brother beno a moment
27:01yes the argument in the library over books which ones
27:07i don't remember does it matter we're trying to understand what has
27:12happened amongst men who live among books with books from books yet the
27:18library seems to house texts that are kept secret from you venantius mentioned the book about
27:23riddles and beringer said that if one sought carefully among the africans the answer to riddles could be found
27:30meaning what that african poets should be more widely read
27:36anyone who knows the library's catalogue will find many references to phoenix afrikay
27:42malachi became angry and sent berengar off to his tasks then what
27:48that evening i saw beringer and adelma in the cloister adelmo the first victim
27:54did you hear that conversation behringer had a mad passion for adelmo he proposed
28:00a veil barter knowledge in exchange for more temporal favors
28:05have you never been tempted father to do something shameful to get your hands on a book tell what you have
28:11to tell benno i saw them go off to the dormitory and
28:16they almost slipped into beringer's cell later adelma fled and ran straight to
28:22jorge to confess his sin no doubt then beringer followed him out to the cemetery
28:29and i wasn't the only one to witness all this who else i saw him in the shadows the second
28:35victim yes venantius
28:42oh my culpa mia maxima culpa
28:48brother beringa you were the last to see adelma alive me
28:54i saw him going off to bed like everyone else we know you saw him again
29:01i saw him already dead dead in the cemetery
29:06moving among the graves his face are corpses his eyes already held eternal punishment
29:14he said to me i am damned you see me returned from hell and to
29:21hell i must go back he said i believed my body a place of
29:27pleasure i sought to know more than others and now the fire blazes and burns me
29:35and then he said give me your hand my beautiful master
29:40he held out his hand and a drop of sweat fell on mine and burned my hand
29:48hail and fire the first trumpet and then he disappeared among the graves a ghost among ghosts
29:54the beautiful we now understand it too well beringa but master you're the same age
30:00had you taught him something no i don't know why he called me that
30:06father hear my confession no berengar do not seal my lips by opening yours
30:14it was a dark night how could you have seen adelma's face was pale
30:19perhaps i had a light no no he had a light go now confess your sins were the delmon
30:26to the lord i will again
30:31now many things become clear clear the ghost of adelma
30:38downward does not seem very ghostly to me as though these monks read too much and when they're excited they relive
30:44visions they've learned in books adelmo died of suicide
30:50baron kasturi tells us that after committing his crime against chastity adelma confessed in great
30:57agitation to the venerable jorge then he went to the cemetery and finally
31:02threw himself down the cliff from the library what about the burning sweat
31:08elmo was carrying a taper the drop in binninger's hand was wax but if adelma confessed
31:15we believe in a merciful god his confessor might not he frightened him to death
31:21and venantius knew all this too that's why he was killed
31:26milk we need milk adzo milk to feed the mind
31:36overhears a delmo and beringer secret about the library and goes in search on his own
31:46until someone stops him kills him barringer
31:51or malachi the guardian of the library secrets old jorge
31:57the venerable jorge seems to know everything about everyone he confessed the first victim
32:04how can a frail blind man kill a vigorous youth and put his body in a jar
32:11banner you there do not throw away food i give them to
32:17the poor feeling dear you call salvatore fartable
32:22i am a monk of sanctuary benedict
32:28i feel our case may be more complicated than we think and nothing will be clear until we have
32:34visited the library but the abbott forbade us to the abbot what's a mystery solved
32:46nicholas you said there was a rumor that monks could enter the library at night via the
32:51osarium the third altar in the chapel has a door to the dead monk's boons the
32:57one carved with a thousand skeletons where is the door the fourth skull on the right
33:02say if you press the eyes but you mustn't go there i made no mention that i would better
33:09reading john's apocalypse listen out for the third trumpet
33:15a third part of the creatures of the sea will die
33:34skulls the cemetery is directly above us
33:41the bones of the monks drop gradually through the earth and collect here
33:51now you can see why malachi is so grave now he comes through here twice daily
33:57truly he has nothing to laugh about up these
34:04steps there's someone ahead how did he get in
34:10this monastery must be littered with secret tunnels if there is someone up there let's hope
34:16he's as afraid of us as we are of him
34:22[Music] scriptorium
34:35there's a book missing there were two books here on vernantius's desk
34:40someone has taken the greek one a page is full of greek
34:50whoever you are beware miserably dominique give me my lenses
34:58oh it's too fine to read bring the light closer no no no that toss you fool don't wait
35:04wait wait hold the flame just close enough there
35:10do you see the words appear from nowhere it's bewitched i tricked with lemon
35:17juice i believe but they're not words runes hmm a series of necromantic signs
35:24some zodiacal alphabet what do they mean we'll study it later
35:32our man is there after him
35:40no one there was a fool that i had quick
35:47back to the desk i knew it
35:54he threw a book to distract us so he could take the page shame
36:00i've got it here [Laughter] you are a genius adjourned
36:08if i left my lenses now they're stolen i'll find him now he's gone
36:15however he was by some door we don't know how
36:21come now up to the mysterious library
36:29fifty years have passed yet still i see perfectly the strange world of that labyrinth
36:36the first room we entered had seven sides and a strong odor of stagnation
36:42four of the walls had an opening between huge laden bookcases
36:48above one passage there was a scroll
36:53yazoo christie you laid with the light
37:04this room's called aquas albus and beyond that
37:18each room had at least one sometimes three doors leading into more
37:23rooms quadrangular rooms each with one window
37:29arranged around a single windowless hectare room
37:34elementary we must be in the east tower okay remember this route title perhaps
37:42we can make a map but the builders of the library were shrewder than we thought
37:47the order of the rooms became more confused there were more scrolls on every door
37:53all verses from the apocalypse of saint john what was the name of the first room
38:01apocalypse's yazoo christie let's try and find it again
38:08a devil [Laughter]
38:13ingenious a mirror it's your own image adzo enlarged and distorted
38:19lord jesus would this be the visions monks have had here perhaps
38:26to judge by the angles of the walls i'd say within the pentagon of another tower
38:32there's a light through there give me yours go see
38:40it's not a lamp some kind of incense
38:46and an open book
38:53[Music] how do you feel this morning
38:58i don't know what happened you inhaled smoke of some
39:04vision-inducing herb the book there was a picture of a beast
39:10a dragon it came to life circled my head oh i've had nightmares all night
39:18look bruises on my legs i had to get you away from the smoke but
39:23i couldn't carry you all the way down the stairs you dragged me it's only a few bruises
39:29herbs and mirrors at least we've solved the mystery of the visions
39:34now without my lenses it'll be difficult to read finances code but i'll try you make a map of the library now that
39:40we've seen it its mathematics should be deducible perhaps to you that place is
39:46changing here comes the abbott william i've received the letter from avignon
39:52the pope's envoy will be bernard queen oh the scourge of the
39:58heretics why did john choose him to the pope the franciscan position on
40:05the poverty of christ is the same as the heretics he will try to taint us michael
40:10in particular with the stain of fanaticism a bit
40:16not now beno berengar has disappeared lord jesus protect us all
40:23find him man search everywhere you too novice master go ajo
40:32if by tomorrow we have not discovered the person guilty of two perhaps now three crimes
40:38i will be forced to turn control of this abbey over to bernard gui what is detaining your investigation uh
40:45but you know the truth is not to be found in two days especially with a little power you grant me
40:51may i enter the library i see no connection between the murders and the library
40:56and delma was an illuminator vernantius a translator beringer heaven protect him
41:02assistant librarian all the monks have something to do with the library as they have with the church why not investigate
41:09the church then two days brother william
41:20try this capsular the metal while it's warm can be molded around the shape of your nose
41:28well it fits very well but this glass won't do there's an emerald tinge to it
41:33i don't want parchments to appear like meadows pure translucence is difficult to achieve these days
41:41what do you know of brother salvatore's history before fighting asylum here mad
41:46salvatore he and the seller are remijo so i've heard wand of the world
41:52getting mixed up along the way with now do wells and thieves they're simple souls
41:57saint francis himself believed that the illiterate and the poor often speak with the mouth of the lord but they traveled
42:03with dulcineans it was a brother of yours the franciscan
42:08ubertino who persuaded the abbott to grant them sanctuary here this monastery truly is a microcosm of
42:14the world oh that glass looks brighter let's pray that i don't have to inspect
42:19the blood of beringer with blood no at the third trumpet death comes by
42:25water it's the best i can do
42:38every internal room has five doors
42:44and five rooms for each tower with so many looking for berengar
42:51my time was better spent trying to draw a map of the library i was keen to show william that i too
42:58could use my mind it seemed an impossible task at first but eventually the numbers began to fall
43:05into place and a shape formed on the page in front of me
43:14that's it it must be
43:2056 rooms four heptagonal 52 quadrilateral
43:2722 looking to the outside 16 interior
43:34seems to work having labored most of the day and after my exertions the night before
43:42i went in search of food before hoping to sleep
43:49the truth is indivisible it shines undiminished by our shame i have resolved to confess all that
43:56happened in those days said michael archangel protect me the truth is i will never forget a
44:02single detail of my sin of that evening
44:08who's that i cannot see you who disappeared into the gloom of the kitchens
44:14but i do remember perfectly the scent of heather myrtle and wild rosemary
44:19maturing into monastic beer spices that intoxicated my mind
44:26who are you blessed virgin assist me i had no experience then and god be thanked none
44:32since of creatures of that sex i cannot say what her age might have been but she was young and frightened
44:40clutching to her breast a package please don't be afraid i am a friend
44:47oh you are young [Music]
44:55her fingers grazed my cheek i felt in a kind of delirium unable to send sin in my heart
45:02could there truly be a difference between the ecstasy of the saints and my feelings at that moment
45:07she was black and comely like the virgin in the song of songs her eyes were clear
45:13as the pools of heshbon hard fare my love
45:18my lips are like a thread of scarlet thy neck is like the tower of david
45:25she rose before me like the dawn beautiful as the moon and as she did so she threw the package
45:31she held into a corner
45:41she undid the string that closed the simple tunic over her bosom slipped the dress from her body and stood before me
45:48as eve must have appeared to adam
45:58i found myself free of my novice's habit without no shame come to her and boner
46:06thou have ravished my heart my sister that simple village girl lavished
46:11indescribable sweetness upon
46:18anzo what sins have you been committing stealing from the kitchens
46:24worse much worse father confess me
46:31i have sinned the worst of all sins murder despair the sin of the flesh
46:38with a with a woman a woman here
46:43in the abbey her demon sent to befall me
46:48she appeared in the form of an angel a queen a peasant girl from the village
46:54their smears extraordinary
47:00against the commandment and your duty as a novice of course you must not do it again
47:06but it's not so monstrous that you attempted a monk to have at least once in his life experience of carnal passion may
47:13understand better the sinners he will later cancel make your confession he acquitted
47:20who was this who girl she eating
47:25there was a man but i didn't see who she had a parcel she threw it
47:32this a heart the heart of a man
47:38a sign of death and so what man could have such a swollen heart it's an ox
47:47so he was old and ugly how do you know the girl didn't go with
47:53him for love but for a pack of scraps a harlot a poor peasant girl probably the smaller brothers to feed
47:59now she found you young and handsome and gave you gratis what from others she demands
48:04awful the monk must have dealings with the village he must know how to get people in and
48:11out of the abbey salvatore um
48:17our remedy the seller both suspected dulcineans
48:25master what were you doing down here so early i couldn't sleep uh so i decided to make my own search
48:32for our missing brother berninger nicholas's apocalyptic interpretation demands that any new death would involve
48:38drowning there's water here in the kitchens and the balinery where i was headed next come along
48:45murder is not the crime committed here but surely the monks would have checked all the baths i watched them their
48:51search was hardly thorough
48:58not this one
49:07[Music] no here at joe
49:27there's no doubt face swollen belly taught he died by drowning yeah but was he
49:34drowned by another's hand severinus no signs of violence no bruising it's as if berninker had poured the
49:41water and lain in it of his own free will yesterday morning or before when ads when i was perhaps the last to
49:47see him i think brother berengar may have taken a book from us
49:53in the scriptorium yesterday morning you think he must have gone somewhere else after seeing us there was no sign of the book
49:59in the boundary no well not it severinus good beringus illness made him lose
50:05consciousness in the bath it's possible that's curious what the other day i
50:13observed that the fingers on vanentius's hands were blackened attached no importance to it but look
50:19bearing us too and some kind of stain i assumed venantius had handled links in
50:25the scriptorium or he had held something long and thin there are tracers and benign's left hand
50:32too thumb and forefinger there are many substances that leave traces of this sort gold dust
50:38adelma was an illuminator the first death of course i'm afraid i didn't examine the fingers on that occasion
50:46as i told you before many of these herbs compounded could be used for lethal beverages and ointments belladonna and
50:54hemlock you know a lot about poison severinus any that would leave a mark on the
50:59fingers i know what a herbalist needs to know i know none of these
51:04may i borrow your spatula of course the town's black too
51:10so beringer and presumably venantius grass something
51:15then ingested it a voluntary act but we mustn't dismiss any hypothesis severinus
51:23if someone who knows poisons as you do had broken in here but who well has anyone asked you questions
51:28about your herbs no wait years ago i was given a file by a
51:34brother who had traveled in distant lands he didn't know what it contained only that it was highly poisonous
51:42do you know its effects he told me that even the tiniest amount caused great weariness a slow paralysis and finally
51:48death where is it now i no longer have it there was a great storm 10 10 years ago
51:54it wrought havoc here everything broken scattered spilled i cleaned thoroughly especially when i
52:01realized that file was missing stolen i was surprised that the hurricane had caused quite so much damage whom did you
52:09tell about this deadly substance the other naturally to obtain his permission to keep it
52:14a few others in the scriptorium when i was trying to identify it who malachi
52:22i told beringa too welcome the location of consistent
52:29michael's here
52:41i watched my master from the cloisters greeting old friends from his order ubertino the hugh of newcastle and
52:49michael of tizena himself minister general of the franciscans the man whose mission was at the heart of the council
52:55of war with the pope's envoy if and when you do meet pope john
53:01remember michael never trust his oaths the man's unknown son of a cobbler
53:07christ was the son of a carpenter that's not the point john's a god if a priest commits carnal sin with a
53:13nun he wants him only to be absolved by paying 60 gold pieces a hundred if with a child or an animal
53:25we have a little time ago while my brothers ready themselves are bernard gui you tried the map
53:31and succeeded i think well your drawing skills
53:38could be improved however it seems a reasonably accurate depiction we'll find out on our next visit
53:44i too have been busy last night while you were otherwise engaged venantius is code
53:52my greek is rather scanty but i've deduced something from his cryptograms
53:58the terrible poison that gives purification you use humble persons base and ugly
54:05from the villages take pleasure from their defect they rape virgins and lie with
54:11a different truth the venerable figs
54:18the ravings of a madman they meant something to venantius and are connected to his death and possibly that of adelmo
54:24and beringer now venantius took the notes from some other book one he had stolen from the
54:30library's phoenix afrikay and from these ramblings will you be
54:35able to discover what book that is i have the feeling that i've heard or read some of these words before something
54:42there's been talk of in the last few days and i can't recall what its books speak of books they talk
54:48amongst themselves a bell that grave can only handle the
54:55arrival of signori i had no wish to meet the fearsome
55:02bernard at once and found myself drawn to the kitchens my flesh had forgotten the pleasure of
55:09the girl but my soul had not forgotten her face i saw her everywhere in the immense
55:16goodness of creation and i felt the world to be notable
55:27shut up salvatore was it you was a girl last night evil females
55:34they take any um who was with the damn you your remijo
55:42the inquisition has arrived salvatore time to speak the truth for me
55:48he enjoyed her kane and cambio for food you and ramit you
55:54you always dolcino together notice that name what is that
56:00black ghetto what are you doing with it
56:05a spell simple succeed make every farm want you no
56:12even fail pluck salvatori black cat's eyes out put them in shell
56:18of eggs a pet diablo be born in each shell when the woman see them
56:26she do every kind of love not her plenty of fun
56:34i find one more
56:48william you've not met father bernard i have long wanted to meet the man i
56:54thank for many important decisions in my life like abandoning the holy office of inquisitor
57:00there was a time abbot when william of baskerville was closer to me in fighting the forces of evil and he will be again
57:07but then i went over to as you might call it the other side i'm informed that we have not one
57:13but two vital missions to perform here so you brought our friend up today how could i not i want every entrance and
57:20exit to the abbey watch day and night so far you have been unsuccessful in
57:25discovering the culprits let us pray the lord will guide my hand more surely than he has yours william of
57:32baskerville and culprits you know already there's more than one the perciferous stink of the devil is
57:37everywhere in this abbey even a franciscan like you must smell it
57:43brother william
57:55in the name of the rose by umberto echo dramatized by chris dolan
58:01william of baskerville was played by david heyman old adso by andrew sax
58:07young adso nick underwood the abbot crawford logan
58:12nicholas sean scanlon jorge jim norton bernard gui christian rodska
58:19severinus brian pettifer malachi neil mckinnon
58:24salvatore mark mcdonnell beringer cara kelly
58:30benno john quilty adelmo john paul hurley and
58:36simon tate other parts were played by members of the cast the director was bruce young

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The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco Wikipedia

The Name of the Rose - Wikipedia

The Name of the Rose

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Name of the Rose
First edition cover (Italian)
AuthorUmberto Eco
Original titleIl nome della rosa
TranslatorWilliam Weaver
GenreHistorical mystery novel
PublisherBompiani (Italy)
Harcourt (US)
Publication date
Published in English
Media typePrint (hardcover)
853/.914 19
LC ClassPQ4865.C6 N613 1983

The Name of the Rose (ItalianIl nome della rosa [il ˈnoːme della ˈrɔːza]) is the 1980 debut novel by Italian author Umberto Eco. It is a historical murder mystery set in an Italian monastery in the year 1327, and an intellectual mystery combining semiotics in fiction, biblical analysis, medieval studies, and literary theory. It was translated into English by William Weaver in 1983.

The novel has sold over 50 million copies worldwide, becoming one of the best-selling books ever published.[1] It has received many international awards and accolades, such as the Strega Prize in 1981 and Prix Medicis Étranger in 1982, and was ranked 14th on Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century list.

Plot summary[edit]

In 1327, Franciscan friar William of Baskerville and Adso of Melk, a Benedictine novice travelling under his protection, arrive at a Benedictine monastery in Northern Italy to attend a theological disputation. This abbey is being used as neutral ground in a dispute between Pope John XXII and the Franciscans, over the question of apostolic poverty.

The monastery is disturbed by the death of Adelmo of Otranto, an illuminator revered for his illustrations. Adelmo was skilled at comical artwork, especially concerning religious matters. William is asked by the monastery's abbot, Abo of Fossanova, to investigate the death: During his enquiry he has a debate with one of the oldest monks in the abbey, Jorge of Burgos, about the theological meaning of laughter, which Jorge despises.

The next day, a scholar of Aristotle and translator of Greek and Arabic, Venantius of Salvemec, is found dead in a vat of pig's blood. Severinus of Sankt Wendel, the herbalist, tells William that Venantius's body had black stains on the tongue and fingers, which suggests poison. Benno of Uppsala, a rhetoric scholar, reveals to William that the librarian, Malachi of Hildesheim, and his assistant Berengar of Arundel, had a homosexual relationship, until Berengar seduced Adelmo, who committed suicide out of conflicting religious shame. The only other monks who knew about the indiscretions were Jorge and Venantius. In spite of Malachi prohibiting William and Adso from entering the labyrinthine library, they penetrate the labyrinth, discovering that there must be a hidden room, entitled the finis Africae after the presumed geographical edge of the world. They find a book on Venantius' desk along with some cryptic notes. Someone snatches the book, and they pursue to no avail.

By the day after, Berengar has gone missing, which puts pressure on William. William learns of how Salvatore of Montferrat, and Remigio of Voragine, two cellarer monks, had a history with the Dulcinian heretics. Adso returns to the library alone in the evening. When leaving the library through the kitchen, Adso is seduced by a peasant girl, with whom he has his first sexual experience. After confessing to William, Adso is absolved, although he still feels guilty.

On the fourth day, Berengar is found drowned in a bath, with his fingers and tongue bearing stains similar to those found on Venantius. Bernard Gui, a member of the Inquisition, arrives to search for the murderer via papal decree. Gui arrests the peasant girl Adso loved, as well as Salvatore, accusing them both of heresy and witchcraft after finding them with Salvatore's amateurish love-spell (eggs, a black cat, and a chicken).

During the theological disputation the next day, Severinus, after obtaining a "strange" book, is found dead in his laboratory (struck on the head by a heavy armillary sphere), prompting William and Adso to search for the book. They find it, but do not recognize it; instead it is taken by Benno, who then agrees to Malachi's request that he become Assistant Librarian. Remigio and Malachi are both witnesses of Severinus' death. Remigio is interrogated in a court setting by Gui, who is able to force him to reveal a heretical past, and then to falsely confess to the crimes of the Abbey under threat of torture. Remigio, Salvatore, and the peasant girl are taken away and assumed to be doomed. In response to the recent tragedies in the abbey, Jorge leads a sermon about the coming of the Antichrist.

Malachi, near death, returns to the early sermon on the sixth day, and his final words concern scorpions. Nicholas of Morimundo, the glazier, tells William that whoever is the librarian would then become the Abbot, and with new light, William goes to the library to search for evidence. The Abbot is distraught that William has not solved the crime, and that the Inquisition is undermining him, so he dismisses William. That night, William and Adso penetrate the library once more and enter the finis Africae by solving its etymological riddle by chance.

William and Adso discover Jorge waiting for them in the forbidden room. He confesses that he has been masterminding the Abbey for decades, and his last victim is the Abbot himself, who has been trapped to suffocate inside a second passage to the chamber. William asks Jorge for the second book of Aristotle's Poetics, which Jorge gladly offers. While flipping through the pages, which speak of the virtues of laughter, William deduces that Jorge – unable to destroy this last copy of the book – laced the pages with an unidentified plant-based poison stolen years before from Severinus's laboratory, assuming correctly that a reader would have to lick his fingers to turn them. Furthermore, William concludes that Venantius was translating the book as he succumbed to the poison. Berengar found him and, fearing exposure, disposed of the body in pig's blood before claiming the book and dying in the baths. Malachi was coaxed by Jorge to retrieve it from Severinus' storage, where Berengar had displaced it, so he killed Severinus, retrieved the book and died after investigating its contents. Jorge confirms William's deductions and justifies this unlikely course of actions as part of a divine plan.

The deaths correspond in order and symbolism with the Seven Trumpets, which call for objects falling from the sky (Adelmo's jump from a tower), pools of blood (Venantius), poison from water (Berengar), bashing of the stars (Severinus' head was crushed with a celestial orb), scorpions (which a delirious Malachi referred to), locusts and fire. This sequence, interpreted throughout the plot (to the verge of being accepted by William himself) as the deliberate work of a serial killer, was in fact the chance result of Jorge's scheme. He consumes the book's poisoned pages and uses Adso's lantern to start a fire, which kills him, burns down the library, and then spreads to destroy the abbey as a whole. Adso summons the monks in a futile attempt to extinguish the fire. As the fire spreads to the rest of the abbey, William laments his failure and there is a hint that he begins to lose his faith in God. Confused and defeated, William and Adso escape the abbey. Years later, Adso, now aged, returns to the ruins of the abbey and salvages any remaining book scraps and fragments from the fire, eventually creating a lesser library.


Primary characters
At the monastery

Major themes[edit]

Eco was a professor of semiotics, and employed techniques of metanarrative, partial fictionalization, and linguistic ambiguity to create a world enriched by layers of meaning. The solution to the central murder mystery hinges on the contents of Aristotle's book on Comedy, which has been lost. In spite of this, Eco speculates on the content and has the characters react to it. Through the motif of this lost and possibly suppressed book which might have aestheticized the farcical, the unheroic and the skeptical, Eco also makes an ironically slanted plea for tolerance and against dogmatic or self-sufficient metaphysical truthsan angle which reaches the surface in the final chapters.[2] In this regard, the conclusion mimics a novel of ideas, with William representing rationality, investigation, logical deduction, empiricism and also the beauty of the human minds, against Jorge's dogmatism, censoriousness, and pursuit of keeping, no matter the cost, the secrets of the library closed and hidden to the outside world, including the other monks of the Abbey.

The Name of the Rose has been described as a work of postmodernism.[3] The quote in the novel, "books always speak of other books, and every story tells a story that has already been told", refers to a postmodern idea that all texts perpetually refer to other texts, rather than external reality, while also harkening back to the medieval notion that citation and quotation of books was inherently necessary to write new stories. The novel ends with irony: as Eco explains in his Postscript to the Name of the Rose, "very little is discovered and the detective is defeated."[4] After unraveling the central mystery in part through coincidence and error, William of Baskerville concludes in fatigue that there "was no pattern." Thus Eco turns the modernist quest for finality, certainty and meaning on its head, leaving the nominal plot—that of a detective story—broken, the series of deaths following a chaotic pattern of multiple causes, accident, and arguably without inherent meaning.[3]

The aedificium's labyrinth[edit]

The mystery revolves around the abbey library, situated in a fortified tower—the aedificium. This structure has three floors—the ground floor contains the kitchen and refectory, the first floor a scriptorium, and the top floor is occupied by the library.[5] The two lower floors are open to all, while only the librarian may enter the last. A catalogue of books is kept in the scriptorium, where manuscripts are read and copied. A monk who wishes to read a book would send a request to the librarian, who, if he thought the request justified, would bring it to the scriptorium. Finally, the library is in the form of a labyrinth, whose secret only the librarian and the assistant librarian know.[6]

The aedificium has four towers at the four cardinal points, and the top floor of each has seven rooms on the outside, surrounding a central room. There are another eight rooms on the outer walls, and sixteen rooms in the centre of the maze. Thus, the library has a total of fifty-six rooms.[7] Each room has a scroll containing a verse from the Book of Revelation. The first letter of the verse is the letter corresponding to that room.[8] The letters of adjacent rooms, read together, give the name of a region (e.g. Hibernia in the West tower), and those rooms contain books from that region. The geographical regions are:

The aedificium's labyrinth
  • Fons Adae, 'The earthly paradise' contains Bibles and commentaries, East Tower
  • Acaia, Greece, Northeast
  • Iudaea, Judea, East
  • Aegyptus, Egypt, Southeast
  • Leones, 'South' contains books from Africa, South Tower
  • Yspania, Spain, Southwest outer
  • Roma, Italy, Southwest inner
  • Hibernia, Ireland, West Tower
  • Gallia, France, Northwest
  • Germania, Germany, North
  • Anglia, England, North Tower

Two rooms have no lettering – the easternmost room, which has an altar, and the central room on the south tower, the so-called finis Africae, which contains the most heavily guarded books, and can only be entered through a secret door. The entrance to the library is in the central room of the east tower, which is connected to the scriptorium by a staircase.[9]


Much attention has been paid to the mystery of what the book's title refers to. In fact, Eco has stated that his intention was to find a "totally neutral title".[4] In one version of the story, when he had finished writing the novel, Eco hurriedly suggested some ten names for it and asked a few of his friends to choose one. They chose The Name of the Rose.[10] In another version of the story, Eco had wanted the neutral title Adso of Melk, but that was vetoed by his publisher, and then the title The Name of the Rose "came to me virtually by chance." In the Postscript to the Name of the Rose, Eco claims to have chosen the title "because the rose is a symbolic figure so rich in meanings that by now it hardly has any meaning left".[4]

The book's last line, "Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus" translates as: "the rose of old remains only in its name; we possess naked names." The general sense, as Eco pointed out,[11] was that from the beauty of the past, now disappeared, we hold only the name. In this novel, the lost "rose" could be seen as Aristotle's book on comedy (now forever lost[citation needed]), the exquisite library now destroyed, or the beautiful peasant girl now dead.

This text has also been translated as "Yesterday's rose stands only in name, we hold only empty names." This line is a verse by twelfth century monk Bernard of Cluny (also known as Bernard of Morlaix). Medieval manuscripts of this line are not in agreement: Eco quotes one Medieval variant verbatim,[12] but Eco was not aware at the time of the text more commonly printed in modern editions, in which the reference is to Rome (Roma), not to a rose (rosa).[13] The alternative text, with its context, runs: Nunc ubi Regulus aut ubi Romulus aut ubi Remus? / Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus. This translates as "Where now is Regulus, or Romulus, or Remus? / Primordial Rome abides only in its name; we hold only naked names."[14]

The title may also be an allusion to the nominalist position in the problem of universals, taken by William of Ockham. According to nominalism, universals are bare names: there is not a universal rose, only a bunch of particular flowers that we artificially singled out by naming them "roses".[citation needed]

A further possible inspiration for the title may be a poem by the Mexican poet and mystic Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651–1695):

Rosa que al prado, encarnada,
te ostentas presuntuosa
de grana y carmín bañada:
campa lozana y gustosa;
pero no, que siendo hermosa
también serás desdichada.

This poem appears in Eco's Postscript to the Name of the Rose, and is translated into English in "Note 1" of that book as:

Red rose growing in the meadow,
bravely you vaunt thyself
in crimson and carmine bathed:
displayed in rich and growing state.
But no: as precious as thou may seem,
Not happy soon thou shall be.[4]


To other works[edit]

The name of the central character, William of Baskerville, alludes both to the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes (compare The Hound of the Baskervilles – also, Adso's description of William in the beginning of the book resembles, almost word for word, Dr. Watson's description of Sherlock Holmes when he first makes his acquaintance in A Study in Scarlet) and to William of Ockham (see the next section). The name of the narrator, his apprentice Adso of Melk, is among other things a pun on Simplicio from Galileo Galilei's Dialogue; Adso deriving from "ad Simplicio" ("to Simplicio"). Adso's putative place of origin, Melk, is the site of a famous medieval library, at Melk Abbey. Further, his name echoes the narrator of the Sherlock Holmes stories, Watson (omitting the first and last letters, with "t" and "d" being phonetically similar).[15]

The blind librarian Jorge of Burgos is a nod to Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges, a major influence on Eco. Borges was blind during his later years and was also director of Argentina's national library; his short story "The Library of Babel" is an inspiration for the secret library in Eco's book.[16] Another of Borges's stories, "The Secret Miracle", features a blind librarian. In addition, a number of other themes drawn from various of Borges's works are used throughout The Name of the Roselabyrinths, mirrors, sects, and obscure manuscripts and books.

The ending also owes a debt to Borges' short story "Death and the Compass", in which a detective proposes a theory for the behaviour of a murderer. The murderer learns of the theory and uses it to trap the detective. In The Name of the Rose, the librarian Jorge uses William's belief that the murders are based on the Revelation to John to misdirect William, though in Eco's tale, the detective succeeds in solving the crime.

The "poisoned page" motif may have been inspired by Alexandre Dumas' novel La Reine Margot (1845). It was also used in the film Il giovedì (1963) by Italian director Dino Risi.[17] A similar story is associated with the Chinese erotic novel Jin Ping Mei, translated as The Golden Lotus or The Plum in the Golden Vase.

Eco seems also to have been aware of Rudyard Kipling's short story "The Eye of Allah", which touches on many of the same themes, like optics, manuscript illumination, music, medicine, priestly authority and the Church's attitude to scientific discovery and independent thought, and which also includes a character named John of Burgos.

Eco was also inspired by the 19th century Italian novelist Alessandro Manzoni, citing The Betrothed as an example of the specific type of historical novel he purposed to create, in which some of the characters may be made up, but their motivations and actions remain authentic to the period and render history more comprehensible.[18]

Throughout the book, there are Latin quotes, authentic and apocryphal. There are also discussions of the philosophy of Aristotle and of a variety of millenarist heresies, especially those associated with the fraticelli. Numerous other philosophers are referenced throughout the book, often anachronistically, including Wittgenstein.

To actual history and geography[edit]

Saint Michael's Abbey, in the Susa ValleyPiedmont, in northwest Italy; reportedly an inspiration for the book

William of Ockham, who lived during the time at which the novel is set, first put forward the principle known as Ockham's Razor, often summarized as the dictum that one should always accept as most likely the simplest explanation that accounts for all the facts (a method used by William of Baskerville in the novel).

The book describes monastic life in the 14th century. The action takes place at a Benedictine abbey during the controversy surrounding the doctrines about absolute poverty of Christ and apostolic poverty between branches of Franciscans and Dominicans; (see renewed controversy on the question of poverty). The setting was inspired by monumental Saint Michael's Abbey in Susa ValleyPiedmont and visited by Umberto Eco.[19][20]

The Spirituals abhor wealth, bordering on the Apostolics or Dulcinian heresy. The book highlights this tension that existed within Christianity during the medieval era: the Spirituals, one faction within the Franciscan order, demanded that the Church should abandon all wealth, and some heretical sects began killing the well-to-do, 

while the majority of the Franciscans and the clergy took to a broader interpretation of the gospel. 

Also in the background is the conflict between Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV and Pope John XXII, with the Emperor supporting the Spirituals and the Pope condemning them, as proxies in a larger power struggle at the time over authorities claimed by both the Church and Empire.[21] The novel takes place during the Avignon Papacy and in his Prologue, Adso mentions the election of anti-king Frederick of Austria by Avignon supporters as a rival claimant to Emperor Louis thirteen years before the story begins.[22] Adso's "Last Page" epilogue describes the Emperor's appointment of Nicholas V as anti-Pope in Rome shortly after Louis IV abandoned reconciliation with John XXII (a decision Adso connects with the disastrous events of the novel's theological conference).[23]

A number of the characters, such as Bernard GuiUbertino of Casale and the Minorite Michael of Cesena, are historical figures, though Eco's characterization of them is not always historically accurate. His portrayal of Gui in particular has been widely criticized by historians as an exaggerated caricature; Edward Peters has stated that the character is "rather more sinister and notorious ... than [Gui] ever was historically", and he and others have argued that the character is actually based on the grotesque portrayals of inquisitors and Catholic prelates more broadly in eighteenth and nineteenth-century Gothic literature, such as Matthew Gregory Lewis's The Monk (1796).[24][25] Additionally, part of the novel's dialogue is derived from Gui's inquisitor's manual, the Practica Inquisitionis Heretice Pravitatis. In the inquisition scene, the character of Gui asks the cellarer Remigius, "What do you believe?", to which Remigius replies, "What do you believe, my Lord?" Gui responds, "I believe in all that the Creed teaches," and Remigius tells him, "So I believe, my Lord." Bernard then points out that Remigius is not claiming to believe in the Creed, but to believe that he, Gui, believes in the Creed; this is a paraphrased example from Gui's inquisitor's manual, used to warn inquisitors of the manipulative tendencies of heretics.[26]

Adso's description of the portal of the monastery is recognizably that of the portal of the church at Moissac, France.[27] Dante Alighieri and his Comedy are mentioned once in passing. There is also a quick reference to a famous "Umberto of Bologna" – Umberto Eco himself.


Dramatic works[edit]


Graphic novels[edit]


  • Spanish video game adaptation was released in 1987 under the title La Abadía del Crimen (The Abbey of Crime).
  • Nomen Rosae (1988),[30] a Spanish ZX Spectrum maze video game developed by Cocasoft and published by MicroHobby. It only depicts the abbey's library of the novel.[31]
  • Il Noma della Rosa [sic] (1993) is a Slovak ZX Spectrum adventure video game developed by Orion Software and published by Perpetum.[32]
  • Mystery of the Abbey is a board game inspired by the novel, designed by Bruno Faidutti and Serge Laget.
  • Ravensburger published an eponymous board game in 2008, designed by Stefan Feld, based on the events of the book.[33]
  • Murder in the Abbey (2008), an adventure video game loosely based upon the novel, was developed by Alcachofa Soft and published by DreamCatcher Interactive.
  • La Abadía del Crimen Extensum (The Abbey of Crime Extensum), a free remake of La Abadía del Crimen written in Java, was released on Steam in 2016 with English-, French-, Italian-, and Spanish-language versions. This remake greatly enhances the gameplay of the original, while also expanding the story and the cast of characters, borrowing elements from the movie and book. The game is dedicated to Umberto Eco, who died in 2016, and Paco Menéndez, the programmer of the original game.[34]
  • The novel and original film provided inspiration for aspects of Thief: The Dark Project, and a full mission in its expansion Thief Gold, specifically, monastic orders and the design of the aedificium. Additionally, in the games' level editor DromEd, the intentionally ugly default texture was given the name "Jorge".
  • The 2022 game Pentiment, which also involves a murder-mystery set in and around a medieval monastery, draws heavily from the novel,[35] as confirmed by director Josh Sawyer and cited in the end-game credits.[36]


  • Dutch multi-instrumentalist Arjen Anthony Lucassen released the song "The Abbey of Synn" on his album Actual Fantasy (1996). Lyrics are direct references to the story.
  • The Swedish metal band Falconer released the song "Heresy in Disguise" in 2001, part of their Falconer album. The song is based on the novel.
  • The British metal band Iron Maiden released the song "Sign of the Cross" in 1995, part of their X Factor album. The song refers to the novel.
  • The British rock band Ten released the album The Name of the Rose (1996), whose eponymous track is loosely based around some of the philosophical concepts of the novel.
  • Romanian composer Șerban Nichifor released the poem Il nome della rosa for cello and piano 4 hands (1989). The poem is based on the novel.[37]



Some historical errors present are most likely part of the literary artifice, whose contextualization is documented in the pages of the book preceding the Prologue, in which the author states that the manuscript on which the current Italian translation was later carried out contained interpolations due to different authors from the Middle Ages to the Modern era.[40] Eco also personally reported some errors and anachronisms present in various editions of the novel until the revision of 2011:

  • The novel mentions bell peppers, first in a recipe ("sheep meat with raw pepper sauce"), then in a dream of Adso, but it is an "impossible dish". These peppers were in fact imported from the Americas over a century and a half after the time in which the novel takes place. The same error is repeated later when Adso dreams of a reworking of the Coena Cypriani, in which among the different foods that guests bring to the table appear, in fact, also the peppers.[41]
  • During the seventh day-night, Jorge tells Guglielmo that Francis of Assisi "imitated with a piece of wood the movements of the player violin", an instrument that did not exist before the 16th century.[41]
  • At one point in the novel Adso claims to have done something in "a few seconds" when that time measure was not yet used in the Middle Ages.[41]

Moreover, still present in the Note before the Prologue, in which Eco tries to place the liturgical and canonical hours:

If it is assumed, as logical, that Eco referred to the local mean time, the estimate of the beginning of the hour before dawn and the beginning of Vespers (sunset), so those in the final lines ("dawn and sunset around 7.30 and 4.40 in the afternoon"), giving a duration from dawn to noon equal to or less than that from noon to dusk, is the opposite of what happens at the end of November (it is an incorrect application of the Equation of time).

See also[edit]
