Showing posts with label Huston Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huston Smith. Show all posts


Buddhism: A Concise Introduction : Smith, Huston, Novak, Philip:

Buddhism: A Concise Introduction : Smith, Huston, Novak, Philip: Books

Buddhism: A Concise Introduction Paperback – 14 December 2004
by Huston Smith (Author), Philip Novak (Author)
4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 141 ratings

A concise and up-to-date guide to the history, teachings, and practice of Buddhism by two luminaries in the field of world religions.


"A valuable primer on Buddhism East and West, old and new." -- David Loy, author of A Buddhist History of the West

"Stellar...outstanding....Highly recommended." -- Library Journal

"Those seeking to dip a toe into Buddhism will find this an inviting pond." -- Dallas Morning News

"A useful primer for those new to the study of Buddhism." -- Indianapolis Star

"This book is an impressive and accessible overview of the core teachings [of Buddhism]. -- Inquiring Mind Magazine


From other countries

4.0 out of 5 stars It's too short!
Reviewed in the United States on 1 December 2003
I have read a number of books about Buddhism, and this is the best of its kind. However, to avoid disappointment, it is very important to understand what its "kind" is!
This is NOT -- as the subtitle and the cover art could misleadingly suggest -- a user-friendly introduction to Buddhist practice. It is not a hand-holding tour of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold way, with beginning training in meditation. If you buy it expecting such things, you may well write another negative review.
The authors are academics specializing in the history of religion (see Smith's other books, which are widely respected), and they are both Buddhist practitioners. In this book they combine these traits to write a deep, sympathetic account of Buddhism as a religion: what its main tenets are -- how it is practiced -- how it fractured historically into different strands. They write analytically and comparitively, but they also write with understanding and sympathy. They treat Buddhism as a living religion to be practiced by modern people - not as an anthropological artifact, the way some non-Buddhist authors do.
Smith and Novak are particularly good at describing, sympathetically and in depth, the philosophical roots of the different practices in each strand. The chapters that compare the differing values of the Mahayana and Theravada strains, and then show their fundamental unity, is worth the book's price. They also tease out the key differences between the four types of Tibetan Buddhism, and explain the sources and values of other schools as different as Goenka and Pure Land.
They are also good at showing and how Western practices were formed by the sheer happenstance of which individuals happened to first import Buddhist thought, and which Eastern school they happened to stumble upon for their initial training.
Finally, they do a good job of showing how Western, and especially American, Buddhism is in many ways a different beast from any Eastern form, and still evolving.
The main problem with the book, aside from its slightly-misleading title, is that it is too short. For some reason, the authors felt they had to restrict the length. At several points they apologize for giving only a "summary" of some important point (like: Buddhism in Europe). And several key concepts are only sketched in the end-notes, when they deserve to be written out in full and integrated into the book. I'm only giving 4 of 5 stars because of this compression.
75 people found this helpful
Mars Burnside
4.0 out of 5 stars Good overview dealing with different branches of Buddhism
Reviewed in the United States on 22 June 2014
The book talks about the fundamental beliefs of Buddhism and then goes into details on the various types of Buddhism. Helpful for anyone who wants to understand this non-theistic religion. Many people in the world find that it provides the answers they need in their lives. A Burmese (Myanmar) man I went to church with many years ago once told me that he was from one of the minority groups in Burma and that his people were animists. He said that it was not so hard to convert his people to Christianity because they were animists and didn't have a good religion. He said the Buddhists in his country would not become Christians because they already had a good religion. This book helped me to better understand that religion. I was dismayed though, after reading that one of the things the Buddha was pacifism, to read in the news that Buddhists in Myanmar were attacking foreign aid groups because they were perceived as favoring a Muslim minority group. But then I'm a Christian and I have to confess that although many refer to Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace, there have been an awful lot of wars fought in the name of Christ. We all ahve a hard time living up to the precepts of our various religions.
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Best introduction to Buddhism I've ever read.
Reviewed in the United States on 19 February 2013
I've studied Buddhdhamma for over twenty years now, training in Pali in grad school with James Gair at Cornell. So I've read my fair share of primers on Buddhism, the Tipitika, the 8-fold path, etc.

Put simply: this one is the best basic introduction to Buddhist thinking and practice and history I've found. And to my mind, the thing that makes this volume so singularly valuable is how clearly and thoroughly and *accurately* it portrays Theravada.

Most information in the United States about Buddhism up until the early 1990s basically gave the impression that Buddhism was all about Tibetan and Zen practice. No thought or scholarship -- or little *accurate* thought of scholarship -- was given to the older (and to my mind the most helpful and realistic) means of practice: Theravada.

And one of the co-authors of this book, Huston Smith, contributed markedly, earlier in his career, to this oversight. Smith's earlier introduction to Buddhism misrepresented, and effectively ignored, Theravada thought and practice. But Philip Novak, Smith's former student and now his co-author, makes up for this and really sets the record -- and Smith -- straight.

This and Harvey Aronson's _Love and Sympathy in Theravada Buddhism_ are the two best introductions to what I consider to be the most effective and precise method of Buddhist practice and theory: Theravada.
8 people found this helpful
Kindle Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Profound and enjoyable too
Reviewed in the United States on 22 May 2018
This work of fine scholarship is not only readable but delightful. The authors’ introduction to Zen is hilarious, and right on target. “Like stepping through Alice’s looking glass… everything seems quite… charmingly mad… a world of bewildering dialogs, obscure conundrums, stunning paradoxes, flagrant contradictions, and abrupt non-sequiturs, all carried off in the most urbane, cheerful, and innocent style…”
I learned a great deal from this book, particularly about Buddha’s life, and about the early teachers of Buddhism in America.
Its discussion of whether Buddhism is a religion seemed strained, valuable mainly to justify why professors of religious studies would write about Buddhism. After all, Zen teachers say the scriptures are mainly valuable for wiping one’s ass. Utter that at your peril re Christian, Muslim, or Jewish scripture! If it’s a religion, it’s one of such a different sort that, well, who cares?
Otherwise, Buddhism: A Concise Introduction is a wonderful reminder of the awesome beauty of Buddhism.
– Fred Phillips, author of The Conscious Manager: Zen for Decision Makers.
3 people found this helpful
S. T. Munro
4.0 out of 5 stars A excellent place to start
Reviewed in Canada on 6 May 2012
For those with little or no understanding of Buddhism, this would be an excellent place to start. If you feel you're already quite knowledgable, this book would be helpful when you want to explain key concepts to a friend without using jargon or obscure references.

There's the historical overview plus details about the separate, but connected strands of Buddhism. Buddhism's appeal over the last 2,500 years becomes easier to understand for those unfamiliar with it.

I like to dip into the book from time to time as a way to refresh some of the basics when I think I'm getting too caught up in the minute details.
Mark R. Seiler
5.0 out of 5 stars An Excellent, Understandable Intro to Buddhism
Reviewed in the United States on 26 May 2003
Of the dozens of Buddhist books I've purchased, this book provides the clearest, most understandable introduction to Buddhism. It gives a succinct historical background, complete with context (religions that were prominent where Buddism's roots sprouted). It then lays out the foundations of Buddhism (4 noble truths, eightfold path, etc.).
The authors do a great job explaining some of Buddhism's complex terms (dependent arising, nen-self, etc.), and do not confuse matters by relying to heavily on Sanskrit or Pali terminology.
Although the description of the various branches of Buddhism was a bit short, it did lay out the fundamental thoughts of each branch, and compare/contrast with the others.
The authors detail meditation types(vipassana, samantha) and how the different branches use meditation differently.
Finally, there is a summary of how Buddhism migrated to the western world, and how it is practiced today.
An excellent book, I would highly recommend it.
26 people found this helpful
L. Stone
5.0 out of 5 stars amazingly concise
Reviewed in the United States on 1 January 2014
Before completing this introduction, I was not certain that I could finish any book describing the history of any world religion or belief. It is scholarly yet very readable. I had just completed listening to Jack Kornfield's Buddhism for Beginners which piqued my interest in a history of the Buddha's thoughts translated through 2500 years of encounter with human "thoughts" and fears and neediness.This book provided me the overview I sought and has given me a basis for further exploration down a path of wisdom and compassion first experienced as a child in the words and lives of Jesus and Francis of Assisi.
5 people found this helpful
Philip G. Chapman
3.0 out of 5 stars Much more complex than a “Concise Introduction”.
Reviewed in the United States on 4 May 2018
I could easily tell right away that this author knows his stuff. This is not an easy read for a neophyte to the subject looking for broad strokes of understanding however. I tried really hard, but got bogged down in Indian names for various concepts...and those concepts kept right on coming with myriad subtleties and nuances. Alas, I did not finish the book. I felt a little misled by the subtitle.
2 people found this helpful
Client Kindle
5.0 out of 5 stars Very good book. A good concise overview of the history ...
Reviewed in Canada on 19 April 2016
Very good book. A good concise overview of the history of Buddhism. Explores the main braches (Theravada, Mahayana, Zen, and Tibetan). Also, an interesting look at how Buddhism developed in the West.

A very good read.
5.0 out of 5 stars So glad I bought this book!
Reviewed in the United States on 26 March 2018
This is the most enlightening of the books that I have read; my reading is not expansive, but I have been researching and reading for about a year. Not an academic tome. Really great for those new to Buddhism.

From other countries

Alfred Keep
4.0 out of 5 stars Well written!
Reviewed in Canada on 15 September 2016
Excellent book, well written. It gave me some more knowledge about a Buddhist lifestyle.
5.0 out of 5 stars Easy to read, full of information
Reviewed in the United States on 10 October 2018
I did have to get this books for a class but it will tell you in depth most of what you could ever need to know about Buddhism and it is easy and captivating to read.
4.0 out of 5 stars Now I understand more
Reviewed in the United States on 11 July 2013
I wondered how different sects of Buddhism evolved and how they are different. This book explained and answered my questions. Easy to read as well as understand. I'm glad I purchased the book. I bought it used for fraction of the new book's price.
One person found this helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Before you buy this, make sure that you know what you're getting into.
Reviewed in the United States on 31 May 2016
This book has 2 sections. The first is simply theBuddhism chapter from Smith's "World's Religions." The second is a discussion of Buddhism in the modern West by Novak. If you're not interested in the subject of part two, get Smith's "WR," whose description of Buddhism and all the other major religions has been the best in print for over 50 years.
20 people found this helpful
Will Jerom
4.0 out of 5 stars Good summary for new students
Reviewed in the United States on 2 August 2006
For those new to Buddhism, Huston Smith and Philip Novak have made a very readable presentation. This book would be recommended for introductory college level, or for those curious about the basics of Buddhist thought. Brevity is its strength for those seeking a fairly comprehensive overview, but also its weakness for scholars looking for more depth.
5 people found this helpful
Michael Baranowski
5.0 out of 5 stars The Best Introduction to Buddhism I've Come Across
Reviewed in the United States on 15 June 2003
I've read dozens and dozens of books on Buddhism, but the clarity with which Smith and Novak explain basic principles, distinctions between sects, and the development of Buddhism in America makes Buddhism: A Concise Introduction very special. It's definitely the first book I'd recommend to anyone interested in learning about Buddhism (supplanting Steve Hagen's Buddhism Plain and Simple, a great book itself, but in a different way). Best of all, this book helped me understand which type of Buddhist practice made the most sense for me.
29 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Stunning
Reviewed in the United States on 5 March 2018
I have been studying Buddhism for many years and have found by reading this book the most understandable explanation of pure land Buddhism that i have experienced in all my years.
David Burnett Graham
4.0 out of 5 stars Four Stars
Reviewed in the United States on 23 July 2017
great overview of BUDDHISM
5.0 out of 5 stars Interesting and thorough look at Buddhism. It was a ...
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 6 March 2017
Interesting and thorough look at Buddhism. It was a required book on a course. I will definitely read it again.
4.0 out of 5 stars Nice and clear
Reviewed in the United States on 11 December 2016
Good book to understand Buddhism

1. The Man Who Woke Up 
2. The Silent Sage 
3. The Rebel Saint 
4. The Four Noble Truths 
5. The Eightfold Path 
6. Other Core Buddhist Concepts: Nirvana, Anatta, the Three Marks of Existence, Dependent Arising, and Emptiness 
7. Theravada and Mahayana: 
The Great Divide 
8. Vipassana: 
The Theravadin Way of Insight 
9. Zen Buddhism: 
The Secret of the Flower 
10. Tibetan Buddhism: 
The Diamond Thunderbolt 
11. The Image of the Crossing 
12. The Confluence of Buddhism and Hinduism in India 
13. The New Migration 
14. America the Buddha Full 
15. Adaptations: The New Buddhism 
16. America Starts Meditating I: The Ways of Zen 
17. America Starts Meditating II: Tibetan Buddhism in Exile 
18. America Starts Meditating III: The Vipassana Movement