Showing posts with label Great Courses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Courses. Show all posts


Great World Religions: Hinduism | The Great Courses

Great World Religions: Hinduism | The Great Courses

Terms we associate with Hinduism—"Hinduism," "religion," and "India"—are all Western labels, terms that for most of history did not accurately reflect the thinking of those who practice this ancient faith. In fact, one of the primary themes of Professor Mark W. Muesse's lectures is the difficulty of studying Hinduism without imposing Western perceptions on it.
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In Hinduism you will find a religion that is perhaps the most diverse of all. It worships more gods and goddesses than any other, and it rejects the notion that there is only one path to the divine.

A Window into All Religions

These lectures provide a window into the roots of, perhaps, all religions. You will explore over the course of Hinduism's 5,000-year journey:
  • The Indus Valley civilization
  • The sizable variety of Hindu gods and goddess
  • The sacred writings in the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, and Upanishads
  • Ritual purity rites
  • The Aryan language of Sanskrit, whose roots can be seen in English words such as "divine," "video," and "ignite."
The story of Hinduism is the story of very non-Western traditions—arranged marriages and the caste system—that have survived and thrived for thousands of years; and of a wealth of gods, terms, and practices—karma, Krishna, yoga, guru—that have found a home in Western lives and language.
The course also explains that Hinduism rejects the notion that there is only one path to the divine, and at its best, it honors all seekers of truth.

Understand the Oldest Religion

Hinduism is the world's oldest living religious tradition, with roots deep in the early cultures of India. These ancient cultures, the most important of which were the Indus Valley civilization and the Aryan society, combined to create a highly diverse family of religions and philosophies.
The series moves chronologically through the history of Hinduism, from its earliest precursors through its classical manifestations to its responses to modernity. Along the way, Dr. Muesse discusses salient aspects of Hindu life and places them in historical and theological context.
The journey begins with an examination of the early cultures that most significantly shaped the development of Hinduism.
  • Dr. Muesse makes a brief visit to the indigenous culture of northern India, the Indus Valley civilization, before introducing the migration of the Aryans from Central Asia.
  • Hinduism received from the Aryans its most sacred and authoritative scripture, the Veda, which is explored in detail.
  • After the Vedic period, classical Hinduism formed many of its basic ideas and practices, including the notions of transmigration of the soul, reincarnation, and karma. Major social arrangements were established in Hindu culture.
  • The classic phase strongly influences the present day. Social stratification and gender relations greatly affect the nature of spiritual life for all Hindus. Professor Muesse discusses the caste system, and the different life patterns for men and women.

The Way of Action, ye Way of Wisdom, the Way of Devotion

Hinduism is religiously and philosophically diverse. It affirms the multiplicity of the divine and acknowledges that there are multiple paths to divine reality. Dr. Muesse outlines:
  • The Way of Action, the spiritual discipline pursued by most Hindus, aims to improve an individual's future lives through meritorious deeds, according to the Hindu belief in reincarnation. The lectures look at several examples of such action, including ritual, festival, and pilgrimage.
  • The Way of Wisdom is a much less-traversed pathway to salvation because it is so demanding and rigorous. Gaining wisdom means to understand the unity of the soul and ultimate reality, and to live one's life accordingly.
  • The Way of Devotion, or bhakti, is oriented toward faith in a deity of personal choice. It is a widely chosen road to god among Hindus. Your introduction to bhakti practice comes through one of the most important and beloved Hindu texts, the Bhagavad Gita, a wondrous story of a warrior's dilemma and the counsel of the god Krishna. It has been a treasure trove of spiritual enrichment for Hindus for centuries.
Dr. Muesse also explores the functions of images in Hindu worship and how Hinduism can be both monotheistic and polytheistic. You learn about devotion to the Goddess and her many manifestations in the Hindu pantheon, and investigate some of the theory and practice of Tantra, a yogic discipline associated with the Goddess.

Hinduism Today

Modern Hinduism faces challenges from Islam and from Western culture. Theological differences between Hinduism and Islam have generated tense relationships between Hindus and Muslims, frequently erupting into outright violence.
Dr. Muesse describes the British Raj and the Indian independence movement led by Gandhi, includes examples of Hindu missions to the West, and discusses the tensions between Hinduism and modernity.
The many paths of Hinduism involve very different conceptions of divine reality, and Dr. Muesse explains how such divergent views coexist within the Hindu tradition.
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Religions of the Axial Age | The Great Courses

Religions of the Axial Age | The Great Courses

What could the beliefs and traditions of a Zoroastrian, a person of Jewish faith, a Buddhist, a follower of Confucius, or a Christian have in common? How do religions evolve over time?
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This course offers a rare opportunity to relate your own spiritual questions to a variety of ancient quests for meaning and transcendence. In Religions of the Axial Age, Professor Mark W. Muesse shows you the historical conditions in which the world religions arose, while letting you see how they answered shared metaphysical and human dilemmas. He helps you think about specific traditions while pondering the common processes of religious development.
Not content to study religion merely from books, Professor Muesse has also observed and participated in these traditions in their native contexts, especially in South Asia. Thus his approach to the study of religion is not solely academic or historical but also reflects a deep respect for religious experience as it is felt and lived.
You will explore fascinating aspects of several major world religions at the time of their birth. Although Professor Muesse emphasizes the early religious traditions of Iran, South Asia, and China, he also shows how these compare, contrast, and contribute to contemporary Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
What Is the Axial Age?
Professor Muesse offers striking insights as he draws you closer to the period between 800 to 200 B.C.E., an era with notable parallels to our own. Using a term first coined by the German philosopher Karl Jaspers and recently popularized by the religious scholar Karen Armstrong, Professor Muesse calls this period the Axial Age because of its pivotal nature.
Through sacred texts, modern scholarship, and thoughts arising from his own personal experiences, Professor Muesse reveals what it meant to be a conscious, morally responsible individual in the Axial Age. For example, Confucius wanted to help politicians and civil servants do a better job of governing their countries; Buddha hoped to show men and women how to break free of suffering. You'll also examine the rise of Zoroastrianism in Persia (now Iran); Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism on the Indian subcontinent; and Confucianism and Daoism in China.
Zoroaster, Prophet of Personal Accountability
Was the Iranian prophet Zoroaster the first to conceive of the concepts of heaven and hell? Professor Muesse explains Zoroaster's vision of a blissful afterlife for those who sided with good, but a hellish afterlife for those who chose evil. Zoroaster may not have offered the first statement of an afterlife, but he may have been the first to hinge the eternal destiny of an individual to his or her worldly behavior. Moreover, for Zoroaster, humanity—and history itself—move in a direct, linear path toward a cosmic conclusion in which good ultimately triumphs, evil is annihilated, and paradise is established on Earth.
Zoroaster, who is also known as Zarathustra, taught that humans are responsible for the moral choices they make in a world where good and evil are locked in struggle. Zoroaster's apocalyptic vision may have been coupled with a bodily resurrection of the dead, in which those who had gone to heaven return again to Earth to continue life in physical form. If this were Zoroaster's belief, he would have been among the first—if not the first—to imagine such a fate.
The Wisdom of Ancient India
We're not the first people to ask the question, Is this all life has to offer? Professor Muesse shows us the longstanding centrality of this question in his extended exploration of the major religions of ancient India—Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism—during their formative stages.
Our journey first takes us to the indigenous Indus Valley civilization, a culture focused on agriculture, goddess worship, and fertility, and its encounter with tribal nomads called Aryans, believed by most scholars to be from Central Asia No one is certain how this encounter took place, but the fusion of cultures and beliefs profoundly altered Indian religion and provided the basis for the Hindu family of religions.
Eventually, as urbanization increased and some orders of society became wealthier, men and women began to wonder whether life had something more to offer. They questioned the emphasis on ritual and expressed concerns about the authority of the priests. The Upanishads, composed by a counter-cultural movement of mystics and ascetics, address questions of life, death, and the meaning of both. This concern with the fundamental meaning of life marks the rise of classical Hinduism and coincides with the Axial Age's beginnings in India.
A central element in the evolution of Hinduism was the widespread acceptance of the concept of samsara, the belief that individual beings undergo a series of births, deaths, and rebirths governed by the moral principle known as karma. In fact, virtually every school of philosophy or sect of religion that arises in India's history—including Buddhism and Jainism—takes samsara as the fundamental problem of existence, and each in its own way seeks to address it. This new religious concern reflects and shapes India's entrance into the Axial period.
Next, Professor Muesse takes you to northeastern India in the 6th and 5th centuries B.C.E., when many spiritual seekers had given up the comforts of home to seek enlightenment. They lived as hermits or apprenticed themselves to spiritual guides. Meditating and practicing ascetic disciplines, they sought a deep, internal understanding of reality's ultimate nature. You'll grasp the significance of the Buddha's life and thought as it emerged during this period. The Buddha advocated a strict if moderate regimen to break those habits perpetuating the illusion of selfhood and encouraging people to deny the world's impermanence. Learn about the Buddha's eightfold path to nirvana, a path that emphasizes the importance of acting ethically, developing virtue, and restraining both body and mind through the practice of meditation.
Like the Buddha, Mahavira, a founder of Jainism, achieved a visionary enlightenment after withdrawing from the luxury and temptations of the world. While he confronted similar issues, his own teachings gave innovative interpretations to the idea of the soul and karma. Jainism emphasizes the principle of ahimsa (doing no harm) and offers special practices for attaining personal liberation.
China and the Paths of Virtue and Nature
Our next stop is China, where we learn about Confucius and the mysteries of Daoism. Professor Muesse takes us inside China's earliest (pre-Axial Age) spiritual practices to give a context for the life and thought of Confucius—as well as Laozi, who was probably a fictional character invented by the philosophers of Daoism. Muesse explains that although Daoism arose in opposition to the ideas of Confucius, both systems of thinking can simultaneously coexist in the Chinese mind along with the ancient beliefs and rituals of Chinese folk religion and the later, imported wisdom of Buddha.
Confucianism and Daoism both draw a connection between public and private (state and family) harmony and governance. Confucius and his early followers, however, saw the cultivation of virtue as a cultural, human activity emphasizing study and ritual. The early Daoists aligned the self with a larger, ultimately harmonious natural order. They advocated accepting change as inherent to the way of nature. Eventually, Confucianism and Daoism were institutionalized and the philosophies of the founders went through considerable reinterpretation.
Professor Muesse's final lecture offers reflections on a central question of the course: What does the study of the Axial Age teach us about religion as a phenomenon in our lives?


The Great Courses - The Science Of Mindfulness [MP3]

 The Great Courses - The Science Of Mindfulness [MP3]

TTC - The Great Courses - The Science Of Mindfulness [MP3]

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TTC - The Great Courses - The Science Of Mindfulness [MP3] (Size: 780.79 MB)

  01_Why Mindfulness Matters.mp3 31.13 MB

  02_Our Troublesome Brains.mp3 28.48 MB

  03_Informal, Formal, and Intensive Practices.mp3 28.18 MB

  04_Who Am I - The Perils of Self.mp3 28.37 MB

  05_Mindfulness or Psychotherapy.mp3 29.47 MB

  06_Attention and Empathy in Relationships.mp3 29.36 MB

  07_The Science of Compassion and Self-Compassion.mp3 28.42 MB

  08_Tailoring Practices to Fit Changing Needs.mp3 29.41 MB

  09_Modifying Our Brain Function and Structure.mp3 28.74 MB

  10_Solitude - An Antidote to Loneliness.mp3 28.62 MB

  11_Connecting with Children and Adolescents.mp3 27.03 MB

  12_Seeing Sadness and Depression in a New Light.mp3 29.39 MB

  13_Befriending Fear, Worry, and Anxiety.mp3 28.87 MB

  14_Transforming Chronic Pain.mp3 29.12 MB

  15_Placebos, Illness, and the Power of Belief.mp3 28.47 MB

  16_Interrupting Addiction and Troublesome Habits.mp3 30.23 MB

  17_Overcoming Traumas Large and Small.mp3 29.6 MB

  18_Groundbreaking Mindfulness Programs.mp3 27.15 MB

  19_The Neurobiology of Self-Preoccupation.mp3 28.26 MB

  20_Growing Up Is Not Easy - Facing Impermanence.mp3 26.99 MB

  21_Toward a Science of Wisdom.mp3 28.27 MB

  22_The Promise of Enlightenment.mp3 29.2 MB

  23_Mindful Ethics as a Path to Freedom.mp3 28.86 MB

  24_The New Science of Happiness.mp3 36.17 MB

  25_Bonus Meditation - Breath Awareness Practice.mp3 25.79 MB

  26_Bonus Meditation - Loving-Kindness Practice.mp3 20.2 MB

  27_Bonus Meditation - Mountain Meditation.mp3 7.1 MB

  28_Bonus Meditation - Breathing Together.mp3 19.33 MB

  29_Bonus Meditation - Stepping into Fear.mp3 10.54 MB

  Cover.jpg 38.96 KB

  Torrent downloaded from 48 bytes



The Great Courses No.9303: The Science Of Mindfulness: A Research-Based Path To Well-Being

29 lectures | 29 minutes each | Year Released: 2014

MPEG-3 | 128 Kbps, 44.1 KHz, 2 channels | English | 780 Mb

Synopsis: Have you ever noticed that trying to calm down before a high-stakes event often just produces more agitation? That trying to change troublesome habits can seem difficult or impossible? Or that real fulfillment and well-being can be elusive, despite living a successful life?

A surprising number of such difficulties stem from an inherited propensity of the human brain—our automatic, hardwired tendency to seek pleasure and to anticipate and avoid pain. Modern science demonstrates that this mental hardwiring, traceable to the survival needs of our earliest ancestors, is at the root of many of the psychological and behavioral problems that we face today.


01.Why Mindfulness Matters

02.Our Troublesome Brains

03.Informal, Formal, and Intensive Practices

04.Who Am I - The Perils of Self

05.Mindfulness or Psychotherapy

06.Attention and Empathy in Relationships

07.The Science of Compassion and Self-Compassion

08.Tailoring Practices to Fit Changing Needs

09.Modifying Our Brain Function and Structure

10.Solitude - An Antidote to Loneliness

11.Connecting with Children and Adolescents

12.Seeing Sadness and Depression in a New Light

13.Befriending Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

14.Transforming Chronic Pain

15.Placebos, Illness, and the Power of Belief

16.Interrupting Addiction and Troublesome Habits

17.Overcoming Traumas Large and Small

18.Groundbreaking Mindfulness Programs

19.The Neurobiology of Self-Preoccupation

20.Growing Up Is Not Easy - Facing Impermanence

21.Toward a Science of Wisdom

22.The Promise of Enlightenment

23.Mindful Ethics as a Path to Freedom

24.The New Science of Happiness

25.Bonus Meditation - Breath Awareness Practice

26.Bonus Meditation - Loving-Kindness Practice

27.Bonus Meditation - Mountain Meditation

28.Bonus Meditation - Breathing Together

29.Bonus Meditation - Stepping into Fear

Thanks to BT1080HD, original uploader