Showing posts with label Contemplative Practices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contemplative Practices. Show all posts


Contemplative Practices in Action 0 Content

 0] Contents

Foreword by Huston Smith vii

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xi

Chapter 1 Introduction: Contemplative Practices in Action Thomas G. Plante, Adi Raz, and Doug Oman


Chapter 2 Similarity in Diversity? Four Shared Functions of Integrative Contemplative Practice Systems 7  Doug Oman

Chapter 3 Managing Stress Mindfully 17 Hooria Jazaieri and Shauna L. Shapiro

Chapter 4 Translating Spiritual Ideals into Daily LifeThe Eight-Point Program of Passage Meditation 35 Tim Flinders, Doug Oman, Carol Flinders, and Diane Dreher

Chapter 5 Centering Prayer: A Method of Christian Meditation for Our Time 60 Jane K. Ferguson

Chapter 6 Mantram Repetition: A “Portable Contemplative Practice” for Modern Times 78 Jill E. Bormann


Chapter 7 “The Eternal Is with Me, I Shall Not Fear”: Jewish Contemplative Practices and Well-Being 103 Zari Weiss and David Levy

Chapter 8 A Comprehensive Contemplative Approach from the Islamic Tradition 122 Aisha Hamdan

Chapter 9 The Path of Yoga 143 T. Anne Richards

Chapter 10 Zen and the Transformation of Emotional and Physical Stress into Well-Being 159 Sarita Tamayo-Moraga and Darlene Cohen Roshi


Chapter 11 The Impact of Meditation Practices in the Daily Life of Silicon Valley Leaders 183 Andre L. Delbecq

Chapter 12 “Shaking the Blues Away”: Energizing Spiritual Practices for the Treatment of Chronic Pain 205 Amy B. Wachholtz and Michelle J. Pearce

Chapter 13 A Pilgrimage from Suffering to Solidarity: Walking the Path of Contemplative Practices 225 Gerdenio Manuel, SJ, and Martha E. Stortz

Chapter 14 Contemplative Practices in Action: Now What? 243 Thomas G. Plante and Adi Raz

Index 247

About the Editor and Contributors 257



If I ask myself why it is I who has been asked to write the Foreword to this important book, I suspect that it is because it is in line with my own book, The World’s Religions, which is, like this one, ecumenically inclusive. In its 14 chapters, Contemplative Practices in Action introduces a broad array of contemplative practices drawn from Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. No faith or religion is accorded privileged status above others.

However, towering above the virtue (which I consider it to be) of ecumenism, is this book’s persuasive conviction that the world’s reli- gions house inexhaustible resources for transforming and augmenting the human spirit, a conviction with which I concur.

There is another and somewhat more personal connection, however, which has to do with the fact that the Eight-Point Program of Passage Meditation developed by the late Eknath Easwaran figures importantly in several chapters of Contemplative Practices in Action. Easwaran was a professor of English from Kerala, in South India, who came to this country on a Fulbright fellowship in 1959  and became  a widely read and deeply respected teacher of meditation who lived out his days in an ashram in Northern  California.  I  had  the  privilege  of  meeting him more than once and held him in high regard.

On several occasions, friends drove me to Easwaran’s ashram to participate in the evening gatherings of the community that sprang up around him. After supper, residents would join their teacher to lis- ten to his short homilies, ask questions about their spiritual practice, or simply sit quietly in the community’s soothing, collective peace. Those evenings made me think of Mahatma Gandhi’s ashram, where, after their simple suppers, villagers would gather around their leader for brief prayer meetings. Gandhi always made sure those services included prayers and scriptural readings from all the great religious traditions, and so did Easwaran.

That is half of the story, and the book in hand tells the other half. Contemplative evenings with a great spiritual teacher are not ends in themselves. It would not be amiss to think of them as times when com- municants recharge their batteries for the next day’s work. The title of this book, Contemplative Practices in Action, splices the two halves together. Like Gandhi, like the Buddha, like all great spiritual teach- ers, Easwaran had no use for beliefs unless they generated actions. Doing, not saying, is what counts.

Welcome to this book, which ought not to leave any serious reader unchanged.

Huston Smith Berkeley, California

January 2010


Goodreads Reviews:

Apr 08, 2012Jill rated it really liked it

Picked this up in the recommended book section of the library. An excellent exploratory book for anyone as new to comparative religion as I am. And this book is helpful because it gives you action points, ways of practicing mindfulness, for example, instead of just barking religious dogma at you. I imagine this would be a useful book to have around if you're looking to change your life in a positive way. Suggestion: I found it best to skip around to chapters that grabbed my attention rather than reading it beginning to end.

"According to Buddhist psychology, suffering comes from our wanting things to be different from what they really are, whether that is wishing for another job, for more money, for a different appearance, or even to be happier...Though we are presenting mindfulness meditation here as a means of stress management, it is important to note that in Buddhism, the intention of mindfulness training is not for "stress management" but to achieve complete liberation from suffering and compassion for all beings."

On Observing the Breath: "Some find it helpful to set an intention before beginning this sitting exercise by silently speaking something that resonates for them in the moment. "May I be nonjudgmental," or "May I be gentle with myself" are examples of such intentions."

Mindful Eating: "First, simply observe how you eat, without changing anything about it. Do you eat with someone? Do you eat standing up or sitting down? Perhaps while doing something else? where do you eat--on a couch, in bed, at a table, in front of the computer? How much do you eat? How long does it take you to eat? How do you feel before and after you eat? How do you determine what to eat?"

Mindful Eating: "As a mindful eating exercise, try sitting down to a meal and pausing before you begin eating. Set an intention for this meal, for example, "May this food nourish me"; "My I be present for this meal"; "May I appreciate all that was involved in providing this meal". And it goes on to explain how to observe your eating, how you feel during and after, paying close attention to your body.

"Recent surveys show that as many as one-third of Americans place themselves in the category of "spiritual, but not religious," rejecting traditional organized religion as the sole means of furthering their spiritual growth."

Source: Rumi


"Everything you see has its roots.

In the unseen world.

The forms may change,

Yet the essence remains the same.

Every wondrous sight will vanish,

Every sweet word will fade.

But do not be disheartened,

The source they come from is eternal."


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Apr 22, 2011Gloria rated it really liked it

Shelves: for-the-spirit

I can see this book being used as a textbook for a class on spiritual practices. It is rather dry like a textbook, but is also quite thorough in presenting viewpoints and practices among all the major faiths. Not particularly inspiring, but certainly educational. Lots of resources included.

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Mila Gamaiunova

Aug 11, 2018Mila Gamaiunova rated it it was amazing

The book makes an introduction of different types of contemplative practices rooted in various traditions.

Contemplative Practices in Action 2] Similarity in Diversity? Four Shared Functions of Integrative Contemplative Practice Systems

 2] Similarity in Diversity? Four Shared Functions of Integrative Contemplative Practice Systems

Doug Oman

The reader of this volume, impressed by the rich descriptions of many diverse systems of spiritual practice, may start to wonder, “What are the shared themes? What patterns emerge amidst this inspiring profu- sion of perspectives?” In this chapter, I sketch one possible answer— one way of characterizing shared themes and functions that appear in many different systems of practice. Along the way, I propose using the term integrated contemplative practice to describe systems of practice that meet a certain functional threshold.

Four common elements or themes can be found, I suggest, in most of the practice systems described in the next eight chapters. These commonalities exist even though some chapters describe com- prehensive and clearly defined systems, whereas others present instruc- tively selected highlights from venerable traditions. More specifically, the next four chapters in Part One examine well-defined systems of interrelated practices that are challenging, but can be undertaken by individuals in their entirety. Three systems partly or wholly tran- scend individual faith traditions (e.g., Mindfulness, Passage Medita- tion, Mantram), whereas the fourth (Christian-derived Centering Prayer) arose within a particular faith tradition. In contrast, all four chapters in Part Two explore venerable schools (yoga, Zen) or major traditions ( Judaism, Islam)1 that constitute storehouses of wisdom


8 Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health

accumulated over many centuries. Each of these schools or tradi- tions, viewed in its entirety, has accumulated a richer repertoire of techniques than any one individual can fully implement.

One shared function of many spiritual practice systems was described in the 1980s by Daniel Goleman. He surveyed more than a dozen methods of meditation, both East and West, and reported that “the need for the meditator to retrain [his or her] attention ... is the single invariant  ingredient  in  the  recipe  ... of  every  meditation  system” (p. 107).2 Indeed, it seems quite likely that almost all of the practices dis- cussed in this book, when undertaken regularly over time, will affect— and may sometimes transform—how people habitually deploy their attention. But can we identify any specific and concrete forms of resem- blance between traditions?

Several concrete resemblances can indeed be identified. Recently, my colleagues and I at the Spirituality and Health Institute (SHI) observed several elements in common between two paradigmatic sys- tems of practice.3,4 More specifically, we found four distinct functions that were each accomplished, in slightly different ways, by these two integrated contemplative practice systems: Passage Meditation (PM) (Flinders et al., this volume) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) (Jazaieri and Shapiro, this volume).

Both PM and MBSR, we noted, require setting aside time—substantial

time—approximately half an hour daily—for undertaking a powerful attention-training activity. For this purpose, PM and MBSR each use a form of sitting meditation. Similarly, PM and MBSR each recommend specific mental centering/stabilizing practices to be used throughout the day to stabilize and balance the mind in conditions of stress or boredom (PM uses mantram repetition, and MBSR uses informal mindfulness practices). These analogous elements do not perform functions that are fully identical matches—rather, to borrow a phrase from positive psychology, these analogous elements, and the precise functions they perform, may be said to share a “coherent resemblance” (p. 35).5

Table 2.1 shows that with few exceptions, variants of these four elements are prevalent not only in PM and MBSR, but in each set of contemplative practices covered in the next eight chapters. These four shared elements, or features, are as follows:

1. Set-aside time—time that is set aside regularly, usually daily, for a disciplined activity or exercise that has a comparatively


Similarity in Diversity? 9

powerful effect on training attention.2 Variants of sitting medi- tation are commonly used. Some systems in this book also use prescribed postures (e.g., yoga, Islam). Such attention training can support optimal performance in all spheres of life, since “attention is the first and often most effective line of defense in nearly every sphere of self-control” (p. 1172).6 Most attention training fosters concentration, and “powerful concentration amplifies the effectiveness of any kind of activity” (p. 168).2 The attention-training functions of meditation are supported by recent neuroimaging evidence.7

2. Virtues and character strengths—qualities of character and behavior, such as compassion, forgiveness, or fearlessness. In many sys- tems, such qualities are to be cultivated throughout the day by making appropriate choices in thoughts, words, and actions. Typically, the recommended qualities involve subsets of six cross-culturally prevalent classes of virtues recently identified by positive psychologists—wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence.5

3. Practices for centering/stabilizing that are usable throughout the day— such as during occasions of stress, anxiety, or unstructured time. Examples include returning the mind to the breath (MBSR), or returning the mind to repeating a mantram or holy name.8,9 Here, the contemporary word “center” (small c) is used to designate recovery of a sense of inner strength and balance. (This contrasts with the term “Centering Prayer,” which designates a specific sys- tem of Christian-derived practices,10 described elsewhere in this volume by Ferguson.)

4. Spiritual models—attending to individuals whose behavior reflects desired spiritual qualities—provide a unique resource for spiri- tual growth. Spiritual and religious educators have long viewed spirituality as primarily “caught, not taught” (p. 149),11 since so much of human learning is social. Spiritual and religious tradi- tions, and many of the practice systems described in this book, transmit words of revered or instructive spiritual models, such as Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad, or various sages and saints.12 Attending to spiritual models’ words and actions can motivate sustained practice, and guide or inspire implementation of other spiritual practices (e.g., #1–#3).


Table 2.1. Presence and Naming of Features by Contemplative Practice Type

1 2 3 4


Practice System


Set-Aside (/Dedicated) Attention Training


Virtuous/Mindful Attitudes


Centering Practice Usable Throughout Day


Spiritual Models/ Exemplarsa



Integrated Contemplative Practice Systems (Part One)


Mindfulness (/Vipassana)b


Sitting meditation (on breath)


Mindfulness attitudes Informal practices Poetry



Passage Meditationb Sitting meditation

(on a passage)


Put others first;

+ additional


Mantram repetition Passages; reading



Centering Prayer Sitting meditation

(with sacred word)


Implicit;c silence, solitude, service


Prayers: active; welcoming




Mantramd Focus; slow Mantram repetition

Contemplative Traditions (Part Two)


Judaism Sabbath;e prayer; meditation


Implicit;c peace, calm, equanimity


Repeat verse (liturgy/ scripture)


Implicit;c teachers/ Rebbesf



Islam Five daily prayers Many (justice, gentleness, etc.)


Dhikr (remembrance); supplication


The Prophet/aha¯dı¯th




Yoga Asanas +meditation Yamas (truth, nonviolence, etc.)


Lineage of teacher



Zen Sitting meditation (Zazen) Brahma Viharas (compassion, etc.)

Others Combinations or Systems—Yours, Your Client’s, or Your Student’s



Mindfulness; letting go


Teaching stories; teacher




Note: For a fuller explanation of each practice system, see corresponding chapter in this volume; lists of practices contained in each cell may be incomplete. aThe final column describes learning from traditional or prominent models, but most systems also encourage spiritual fellowship to foster learning from positive models in the local community.

bMindfulness and Passage Meditation are the two paradigms used to develop the four categories.

c“Implicit” practice categories are typically enacted when an individual engages in traditional observance, especially communal worship. For example, Jewish and Christian services in synagogues and churches often include scripture readings about virtuous conduct and spiritual models such as Moses or Jesus. dMantram/holy name repetition as presented by Bormann lacks the full set of four elements that comprise an integral contemplative practice system, but it is extracted from such a system (Passage Meditation).

eThe Sabbath cycle is weekly (not daily).

fSee Silberman25 on Rebbes as spiritual models.


Figure 2.1 shows how these four elements of practice can work together in concert to foster spiritual growth and related outcomes. In every system, these elements are intended for integration into one’s daily and weekly routines of life,13 through which they may gradually transform “character, conduct and consciousness” (p. 37).14 As tools for retraining attention, they reinforce each other. They address multiple needs and opportunities that arise in the ordinary rhythms and textures of daily living. Like a well-designed course of instruction or a healthy physical exercise routine, they provide for periods of heightened intensity and immersion (#1, set-aside time), application of skills in diverse contexts (#2 character strengths and #3 centering/ stabilizing), and overall guidance and inspiration (#4 spiritual models). The model in Figure 2.1 suggests that these four elements function synergistically, by reinforcing each other. Like the nutritional contri- butions of complementary food groups,15 these four types of practice together may generate greater benefits than obtainable separately from individual practices. Of course, the model in Figure 2.1 is far from complete in representing all of the psychological and spiritual processes that operate in real time. Other factors include an

Figure 2.1. Elements Function Dynamically in Concert.


individual’s need for a valid and coherent worldview,16 and the influ- ence of spiritual fellowship.11,17 For this reason, forms of “spiritual shopping” (p. 126)18 that are blind, that incoherently mix and match incompatible elements from discordant practice traditions, will rarely be optimal. Spiritual benefits, one might hypothesize, are maximized when the elements interface and cohere harmoniously with each other, like pieces of a well-constructed musical instrument, or threads in a well-crafted tapestry. How to best evaluate the coherence of a set of prac- tices is, of course, a perennially controversial and important issue— and one that cannot be resolved here.

Practical applications flow from recognizing the synergistic interre- lation of elements in these four categories. For example, an individual could use the four categories as a checklist to review the complete- ness of his or her own practice, from the standpoint of the model in Figure 2.1. More broadly, the four elements might function as a checklist for a psychotherapist to help a client in reviewing his or her practice, or for an educator to lead students in reviewing or aug- menting their own practices. To distinguish it from something less complete, my SHI colleagues and I propose that a system of practices that encompasses elements from all four categories should be desig- nated an integral contemplative practice system.

In the practice systems examined in this book, centering activities (#3) are perhaps most commonly missing, or underemphasized in real-world implementations. A useful resource to redress this neglect is offered by Bormann’s chapter (this volume). She highlights mantram/holy name repetition, a cross-culturally common practice that produces centering. When sought, variations of mantram repetition can be found in many faith traditions and practice systems, including several described in this volume.

For individuals who are interested or engaged in some form of spiri- tual practice—about 80 percent of U.S. adults, according to a recent national survey (p. 79)19—the following questions may prove practically beneficial:

1. Do I currently draw spiritual support, strength, and reinforcement through engaging in practices in each of the four categories listed earlier? That is, do I enjoy the spiritual support of an integral contemplative practice?

2. If not, can I expand my practice in ways that are personally appropriate and consistent with my tradition and beliefs?


3. How can I extend my practice in a way that is most harmonious and complementary to my existing practices?

Such questions may also be relevant to the growing roster of for-profit and nonprofit organizations seeking to systematically integrate spir- ituality into the workplace20,21 (see also Delbecq, this volume, whose executive seminars have addressed all four elements).

Even beyond its relevance to spiritual practice, of course, many ben- efits can flow from identifying commonalities across faith traditions. Recognizing similarities may facilitate intercultural understanding, foster improved communication between human service professionals and diverse clients, and contribute to better education and health care. This chapter has described similarities in daily spiritual practices. Similarities also exist at other levels, ranging from the institutional22 to the philosophical.23 Comparatively few earlier writers, such as Walsh24 and Easwaran,14 have examined similarities in practices. Yet daily practice is at the core of applying spirituality to address real- world problems. Our analyses suggest that diverse faith traditions have recommended similarly integrated systems of contemplative practice. I encourage readers to consider how these four categories may apply to their own practices, and that of their clients, students, fellow congregants, and organizations, as well as to the practice sys- tems described in the next eight chapters in this book.


1. Hamdan (this volume) describes practices from Islamic Sunni tradi- tion; also within Islam is Shia tradition, as well as Islam’s mystical side, Sufism, a phenomenon “so broad [and with] appearance so protean that nobody can venture to describe it fully” (p. 3), according to Schimmel, A. (1975). Mystical dimensions of Islam. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

2. Goleman, D. (1988). The meditative mind: The varieties of meditative experience. New York: Tarcher.

3. Oman, D., Shapiro, S. L., Thoresen, C. E., Plante, T. G., & Flinders, T. (2008). Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of American College Health, 56, 569–578.

4. Oman, D., Shapiro, S. L., Thoresen, C. E., Flinders, T., Driskill, J. D., & Plante, T. G. (2007). Learning from spiritual models and meditation: A ran- domized evaluation of a college course. Pastoral Psychology, 55, 473–493.


5. Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. Washington, DC, and New York: American Psychological Association and Oxford University Press. “To say that particular virtues ... converge ... is not to argue that all their features line up perfectly, but rather that they have a coherent resemblance to one another, sharing more features than not” (p. 35).

6. Baumeister, R. F., & Exline, J. J. (1999). Virtue, personality, and social relations: Self-control as the moral muscle. Journal of Personality, 67, 1165–1194.

7. Lutz, A., Slagter, H. A., Rawlings, N. B., Francis, A. D., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Mental training enhances attentional stability: Neural and behavioral evidence. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 13418–13427.

8. Oman, D., & Driskill, J. D. (2003). Holy name repetition as a spiritual exercise and therapeutic technique. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 22, 5–19.

9. Baesler, E. J. (2001). The prayer of the holy name in Eastern and Western spiritual traditions: A theoretical, cross-cultural, and intercultural prayer dialogue. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 38, 196–216.

10. The term “Centering Prayer” was adopted in the 1970s by three Trappist monks to describe a system of practices they had codified; and one of its earliest published uses was in Pennington, M. B. (1980). Centering prayer. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

11. Oman, D., & Thoresen, C. E. (2003). Spiritual modeling: A key to spiritual and religious growth? International Journal for the Psychology of Reli- gion, 13, 149–165.

12. Oman, D., & Thoresen, C. E. (2007). How does one learn to be spiri- tual? The neglected role of spiritual modeling in health. In T. G. Plante &

C. E. Thoresen (Eds.), Spirit, science and health: How the spiritual mind fuels physical wellness (pp. 39–54). Westport, CT: Praeger.

13. Fiese, B. H., Tomcho, T. J., Douglas, M., Josephs, K., Poltrock, S., & Baker, T. (2002). A review of 50 years of research on naturally occurring fam- ily routines and rituals: Cause for celebration? Journal of Family Psychology, 16, 381–390.

14. Easwaran, E. (1978/2008). Passage meditation: Bringing the deep wisdom of the heart into daily life. Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press (full text: http://www

15. Robertson, L., Flinders, C., & Ruppenthal, B. (1986). The new laurel’s kitchen: A handbook for vegetarian cookery & nutrition. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press.

16. Antonovsky, A. (1987). Unraveling the mystery of health: How people manage stress and stay well. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

17. Oman, D., Thoresen, C. E., Park, C. L., Shaver, P. R., Hood, R. W., & Plante, T. G. (2009). How does one become spiritual? The Spiritual Modeling Inventory of Life Environments (SMILE). Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12, 427–456.


18. Wuthnow, R. (2005). America and the challenges of religious diversity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

19. Gallup, G., & Lindsay, D. M. (1999). Surveying the religious landscape: Trends in U.S. beliefs. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse.

20. Giacalone, R. A., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2003). Handbook of workplace spirituality and organizational performance. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

21. Duerr, M. (2004). The contemplative organization. Journal of Organi- zational Change Management, 17, 43–61.

22. Smart, N. (1996). Dimensions of the sacred: An anatomy of the world’s beliefs. Berkeley: University of California Press.

23. Smith, H. (1976/1992). Forgotten truth: The common vision of the world’s religions. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

24. Walsh, R. N. (1999). Essential spirituality: The 7 central practices to awaken heart and mind. New York: Wiley.

25. Silberman, I. (2003). Spiritual role modeling: The teaching of meaning systems. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 13, 175–195.



Contemplative Practices in Action 1] Introduction: Contemplative Practices in Action

 1] Introduction: Contemplative Practices in Action

Thomas G. Plante, Adi Raz, and Doug Oman

Several decades ago in his book The Meditative Mind,1 Daniel Goleman reviewed more than a dozen major Eastern and Western methods of contemplative practice, ranging from Christian hesychasm and Jewish Kaballah to  Transcendental  Meditation  and  Tibetan  Buddhism. He reported that two major approaches or strategies to meditation were incorporated: One recurrent approach was concentration, that is, focused attention on a single object, such as the breath, a mantram, or a prayer. The other recurrent approach was mindfulness (the detached observation of one’s thinking process). Sometimes concentration and mindfulness were used separately, and sometimes they were combined in various ways. Goleman argued that both mindfulness and concentra- tive meditation have been directed to a single objective, the retraining of attention, a skill that he believed “amplifies the effectiveness of any kind of activity” (p. 168). Goleman also reported that “the need for the meditator to retrain his attention, whether through concentration or mindfulness, is the single invariant ingredient in the recipe for altering consciousness of every meditation system” (p. 107). Nearly a century earlier, William James, one of the founders of modern psychology, had argued that “the faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will.    An education which should improve this faculty would be

the education par excellence” (p. 424).2


2 Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health

In modern health promotion, psychotherapy, and other human service interventions, these contemplative practices have largely been taken out of their religious and spiritual contexts and then secularized and repackaged.3,4 For example, the health and mental health care community has incorporated mindfulness meditation in recent years with numerous books, workshops, conferences, and trainings being offered. Yoga studios can be found in many strip malls, and meditation workshops are offered by human resource departments in many diverse companies.5

The currently popular mindfulness meditation approach stems from Zen Buddhism and Hindu yogic practices, and it is a common miscon- ception that only by borrowing from these Eastern traditions can one secure any benefits from contemplative practices. Many Christians and Jews, for example, who identify and engage with their religious tradi- tion, are often not aware of the long history of contemplative practices within their own faith tradition. As many in our culture have become more familiar and comfortable with the Eastern contemplative prac- tices, the Western practices have been largely ignored, even though they also often offer contemplative approaches that can provide effective stress management, well-being, and healing.6,7

All of the major religious and spiritual traditions have developed specific principles and techniques to help their members assimilate con- templative perspectives and behaviors aimed at fostering a fuller experi- ence of wisdom, wholeness, and enlightenment.1,7,8 Research studies have reported many physical and mental health benefits from regular contemplative practices, as well as confirming their stress management functions.4,5,9,10 Benson,11 for example, has documented that meditation helps to promote a “relaxation response.” He argues that when medita- tion is associated with one’s religious or spiritual convictions, it further enhances relaxation, leading to greater psychological and physical health benefits. Recent well-controlled research studies have further supported Benson’s arguments, reporting advantages for spiritually based medita- tion over otherwise nearly identical secular forms of meditation.12,13

There are a number of books available on contemplative practices. However, almost all focus on one particular religious or spiritual tradi- tion and most are practice oriented without solid research grounding. Usually, they highlight the Eastern traditions and overlook the Western ones. This is especially true among books that target the health and mental health care communities.6,7

The purpose of this book is to examine contemplative practices from a wide variety of both Eastern and Western religious and


Introduction: Contemplative Practices in Action 3

spiritual traditions and to examine their commonalities and unique approaches to improved well-being, health, healing, wholeness, and stress management. Chapters are written by experts in their fields, most of whom are affiliated with the Spirituality and Health Institute at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California. Each chapter will discuss the state-of-the-art science, practice, and general applications of contemplative practices in the professional workplace, educational settings, pastoral care, and medical, psychological, or other health care environments. This book hopes to be inclusive in coverage of contemplative practices, and integrate science and practice in a bal- anced manner and from a variety of Eastern and Western sources.

This book will discuss several different contemplative approaches to stress management and achieving well-being. Some chapters highlight approaches from Western traditions while others highlight contempla- tive approaches from Eastern traditions. Others are integrative of both Western and Eastern traditions. Some are more closely connected to religious traditions and practices while others are not. Several chapters will highlight application to business and health care as well.

Oman (Chapter 2) has pointed out that four similar functions are performed in diverse ways by elements within many of the contempla- tive systems discussed in this book. Most approaches involve setting aside time for practices that reshape and train attention; most also include elements for centering oneself throughout the day, cultivating personal character strengths, and drawing inspiration and guidance from spiritual exemplars. Oman suggests using the phrase “integrated contemplative practice system” for systems of practice that encompass all four of these elements that are highlighted in this volume.

Sadly, it is impossible to include a discussion of every contemplative practice and practice system in one book. We cannot do justice to the numerous practice systems or isolated spiritual techniques that are not represented here. For example, the role of the rosary in the Roman Catholic tradition, shamanism, and the role of chanting in Hindu Bhakti traditions are just some of the many contemplative practices that are not presented here. Rather than presenting an exhaustive review of the contemplative practices among the various religious and spiritual traditions, our hope is to provide a helpful selection by leading figures in their respective fields to assist with stress manage- ment, healing, wholeness, and well-being. The contributors met for an all-day conference with university and health care community members during October 2009. This allowed all of the authors to lis- ten to and consult with each other as well as with diverse professionals


4 Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health

in the local San Francisco Bay Area professional community in order to hopefully create a more thoughtful, seamless, and comprehensive book project. We hope that our efforts will encourage the reader to have a better understanding and appreciation of contemplative practices in action.


1. Goleman, D. (1988). The meditative mind: The variety of meditative experience. Los Angeles: Tarcher.

2. James, W. (1890/1923). The principles of psychology. New York: Henry Holt.

3. Kabat-Zinn, J. (1990). Full catastrophe living. New York: Delacorte Press.

4. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2003). Mindfulness-based interventions in context: Past, present, and future. Clinical Psychology: Research and Practice, 10, 144–156.

5. Walsh, R., & Shapiro, S. L. (2006). The meeting of meditative disci- plines and Western psychology: A mutually enriching dialogue. American Psychologist, 61, 227–239.

6. Plante, T. G. (2008). What do the spiritual and religious traditions offer the practicing psychologist? Pastoral Psychology, 56, 429–444.

7. Plante, T. G. (2009). Spiritual practices in psychotherapy: Thirteen tools for enhancing psychological health. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

8. Walsh, R. (1999). Essential spirituality: The seven central practices. New York: Wiley.

9. Borman, J. E., Gifford, A. L., Shively, M., Smith, T. L., Redwine, L., Kelly, A., et al. (2006). Effects of spiritual mantram repetition on HIV out- comes: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29, 359–376.

10. Brown, K. W., Ryan, R. M., & Cresswell, J. D. (2007). Mindfulness: Theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological Inquiry, 18, 211–237.

11. Benson, H. (1996). Timeless healing. New York: Scribner.

12. Wachholtz, A. B., & Pargament, K. I. (2005). Is spirituality a critical ingredient of meditation? Comparing the effects of spiritual meditation, sec- ular meditation, and relaxation on spiritual, psychological, cardiac, and pain outcomes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28, 369–384.

13. Wachholtz, A. B., & Pargament, K. I. (2008). Migraines and meditation: Does spirituality matter? Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31, 351–366.





Part One, “Integrated Contemplative Practice Systems,” focuses on systems of practice from both East and West that are well defined and sufficiently limited in scope that they can be undertaken in their entirety by a single individual. First, Oman’s short introductory chap- ter offers a conceptual analysis and overview, unique in this volume, that describes four shared elements that are present in many of these practice systems. His chapter includes a table that shows the specific names used to describe these elements in each of the additional chap- ters in this section, as well as the names used in chapters in Part Two (“Contemplative Traditions”).

Each of the remaining four chapters in this part examines a single contemplative practice system. Attention is directed in turn at Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction ( Jazaieri and Shapiro), Passage Meditation (Flinders, Oman, Flinders, and Dreher), Centering Prayer (Ferguson), and repetition of a mantram or holy name (Bormann). Most of these practices can be undertaken within any major faith tra- dition, although Centering Prayer is essentially Christian. Bormann’s mantram/holy name repetition practices were extracted from the Passage Meditation system by its developer, and contain only two of


6 Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health

the four elements described by Oman. But as Bormann points out, the mantram/holy name is noteworthy for its portability, power, and uni- versality. It highlights powerful but oft-forgotten practices that can be found within each major faith tradition, and which can complement these traditions’ better-known elements.




Seeking union with Spirit, Fiona Gardner, Backhouse Lecture 2020

Seeking union with Spirit: 

Gardner, Fiona

 Seeking union with Spirit: Experiences of spiritual journeys 

(James Backhouse Lectures Book 2020)

by Fiona Gardner (Author)

Although originally daunted at being asked to present the 2020 James Backhouse Lecture to Australian Friends, Fiona Gardner came to find that the opportunity encouraged her to reflect more deeply on her own journey and what might usefully be shared with others. 

For over twenty years, Fiona has participated in facilitating the Meeting for Learning (a year-long program for spiritual nurture, designed to explore Spirit and Quaker ways), and lives with her partner in a small intentional community that has been a place of spiritual nurture and learning. 

She has worked as a social worker for many years and now as a university teacher, particularly in fostering critical reflection and spirituality for social workers and critical spirituality for pastoral care workers. 

A continuing challenge in her spiritual life has been how to integrate her spiritual being in all of these aspects of her life.“Why seek to live life in union with Spirit?

 Such a life, in my experience and that of many others, is a fuller, richer, meaning filled and deeper life, connected to that which is eternal. It means moving from what is often called the ‘divided life’, beyond opposing forces to a place of wholeness, to integrating all of who we are in all that we do.

 To do this means holding together these opposites.” 

Fiona Gardner came to the Religious Society of Friends in her mid-thirties, convinced by the depth and power of silent worship, the warmth and welcome of Quaker community and social commitment. She is part of a small worshipping group in rural Victoria and has been fortunate to be a Meeting for Learning facilitator since its beginning in 1996. She seeks to integrate Quaker ways into all aspects of her life.

51 pages


Seeking union with spirit: 
Experiences of spiritual journeys
Fiona Gardner


About the author vii
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction 1
Lecture outline 4
Part 1: Experiencing the spiritual journey 5
1. Reflection and spiritual experience 5
2. Understanding the influence of history and social context 9
3. Darkness and light 11
4. Love and truth 13
5. Holding the inner/contemplative with community/social action 16

Part 2: What helps with living life in union with spirit? 19
1. The power of silence 21
2. Place, space and the physical relationship to spirit 25
3. Qualities 28
4. Recognising gifts and using them 30
5. Active discernment 32
6. Being intentional: connecting with spirit 35
Endnotes 41


About the author

Fiona Gardner came to the Religious Society of Friends in her mid-thirties, convinced by the depth and power of silent worship, the warmth and welcome of Quaker community and social commitment. She is part of a small worshipping group in rural Victoria and has been fortunate to be a Meeting for Learning facilitator since its beginning in 1996. She seeks to integrate Quaker ways into all aspects of her life.

want to thank the countless people who have contributed to my own spiritual development over many years. There are too many to name. I particularly thank those who have facilitated, participated in, contributed to and supported Meeting for Learning. 
I do want to specifically acknowledge Drew Lawson, who has been my constant companion on this journey, and who has faithfully read numerous versions of this lecture, made supportive comments as well as challenged my discernment, provided nourishment and checked facts! 
Robin Sinclair also commented helpfully and, in particular, prompted my thoughts about clarity and layout. Several past participants of Meeting for Learning agreed to share their experiences here, for which I am grateful. 
I have greatly appreciated being held in the light by Meeting for Learning facilitators as well as by the Backhouse Lecture Committee members and Friends around the country.


Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health: Plante Ph.D., Thomas G.

Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health: Plante Ph.D., Thomas G.: 9780313382567: Books

Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health 
Illustrated Edition
by Thomas G. Plante Ph.D. (Editor)
4.8 out of 5 stars    7 ratings
AUD 53.34
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Contemplative practices, from meditation to Zen, are growing in popularity as methods to inspire physical and mental health. 
Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health offers readers an introduction to these practices and the ways they can be used in the service of well being, wisdom, healing, and stress reduction.

Bringing together various traditions from the East and West, this thought-provoking work summarizes the history of each practice, highlights classic and emerging research proving its power, and details how each practice is performed. Expert authors offer step-by-step approaches to practice methods including 
  • the 8-Point Program of Passage Meditation, 
  • Centering Prayer, 
  • mindful stress management, 
  • mantram meditation, 
  • energizing meditation, 
  • yoga, and 
  • Zen. 

Beneficial practices from Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, and Islamic religions are also featured. Vignettes illustrate each of the practices, while the contributors explain how and why they are effective in facing challenges as varied as the loss of a partner or child, job loss, chronic pain or disease, or psychological disorders.

Editorial Reviews
"Recommended. Lower-level undergraduates and above; general readers."


"Overall, I highly recommend this book to practitioners and researchers alike. Practitioners will appreciate the details with which the practices are discussed, while researchers will benefit from the endnotes and the brief discussions of the current state of research for each system. This book is also well-written, cohesively integrated, and a rich source of wisdom for those interested in the intersection of contemplative practices and the fostering of personal well-being."

Practical Matters

"Thomas Plante, a psychologist who is deeply invested in exploring these issues as the director of the Spirituality and Health Institute of Santa Clara University, has gathered together a noteworthy group of contributors to this volume. . . . This book serves as a useful introduction to a range of practices and contemplative traditions for both practitioners and researchers. 

Even those familiar with selected contemplative traditions should find distinctive perspectives and valuable material. . . . 
It begins to address a notable gap in the contemporary literature on both meditation and spirituality and does so in ways that should be valuable for practitioners or researchers in the area of cancer care, despite that not being an explicit focus of the volume. . . . 
an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to better understand how the historic traditions of contemplative practice, in the service of cultivating personal growth and well-being."


"In a time full of sensory and information overload, this is a welcome book."


"In an overall assessment it is a wonderful book, and is capable of transforming the life of the reader in making life more meaningful, purposeful and joyful, and herein lies the real worth of the book."

Journal of Psychosocial Research


"This is a rare if not precious jewel in the universe of books on spirituality: Rare in focusing on specific spiritual practices with a scientific perspective and precious in offering practices from many religious traditions, all linked in some way to health and well-being. In the 20th century, western cultures in effect abandoned the traditional link of spiritual practices with overall health for a restrictive biomedical model of disease. In doing so the role of positive emotions (e.g., love, faith, hope) in health was greatly hampered. These emotions are proving to be the lifeblood of spirituality. Scratch a spiritual practice and you'll find a positive emotion or two.

Significantly , this book also makes the point that spirituality and religion are not the same thing: spirituality is not theology. The book also dovetails with an expanding view of human experience and consciousness as seen through the lens of neuroscience, ethology and psychology. This book's most significant overall point may be that regular spiritual practices can make substantial differences in how we think, feel and act, especially when we make decisions influencing our relationship with the Divine around and within."

Carl E. Thoresen, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Education, Psychology and Psychiatry/Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University

About the Author
Thomas G. Plante, PhD, ABPP, is professor of psychology and director of the Spirituality and Health Institute at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, and adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA.
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Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Praeger; Illustrated edition (July 15, 2010)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 261 pages

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Customer reviews
4.8 out of 5 stars
4.8 out of 5

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Shawne Mitchell
4.0 out of 5 stars Four Stars
Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2016
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Using this as one of the required text book for the course I teach: Mystical Traditions and Contemplative Practices.
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Ann F


Foreword by Huston Smith vii
Preface ix Acknowledgments xi

Chapter 1 Introduction: Contemplative Practices in Action 1
Thomas G. Plante, Adi Raz, and Doug Oman


Chapter 2 Similarity in Diversity? Four Shared Functionsof Integrative Contemplative Practice Systems 7
Doug Oman

Chapter 3 Managing Stress Mindfully 17
Hooria Jazaieri and Shauna L. Shapiro

Chapter 4 Translating Spiritual Ideals into Daily Life: The Eight-Point Program of Passage Meditation 35
Tim Flinders, Doug Oman, Carol Flinders,and Diane Dreher
Chapter 5 Centering Prayer: A Method of Christian Meditation for Our Time 60
Jane K. Ferguson

Chapter 6 Mantram Repetition: A “Portable ContemplativePractice” for Modern Times 78
Jill E. Bormann


Chapter 7 “The Eternal Is with Me, I Shall Not Fear”: 
JewishContemplative Practices and Well-Being 103
Zari Weiss and David Levy

Chapter 8 A Comprehensive Contemplative Approach from the Islamic Tradition 122
Aisha Hamdan

Chapter 9 The Path of Yoga 143
T. Anne Richards
Chapter 10 Zen and the Transformation of Emotionaland Physical Stress into Well-Being 159
Sarita Tamayo-Moraga and Darlene Cohen Roshi

Chapter 11 The Impact of Meditation Practicesin the Daily Life of Silicon Valley Leaders 183
Andre L. Delbecq
Chapter 12 “Shaking the Blues Away”: Energizing SpiritualPractices for the Treatment of Chronic Pain 205
Amy B. Wachholtz and Michelle J. Pearce
Chapter 13 A Pilgrimage from Suffering to Solidarity: Walking the Path of Contemplative Practices 225
Gerdenio Manuel, SJ, and Martha E. Stortz
Chapter 14 Contemplative Practices in Action: Now What? 243
Thomas G. Plante and Adi Raz
Index 247 
About the Editor and Contributors 25